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Amazing gall from the Spuds considering their own performance last night. Pity that Harry didn't give a run out to the kids that you expected, eh Smokie?

What gall? We didn't lose, we under performed. But give some credit to Stevenage. They played well and deserved a draw. you might remember they knocked Newcastle out last season too.

Atleast Harry didn't scream on the touchline throwing water bottles around. He didn't make excuses, didn't slate the ref he just complimented them on there performance.

Its called sportsmanship.

I think complementing Stevenage's performance in a draw with Spurs is actually making an excuse.

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Amazing gall from the Spuds considering their own performance last night. Pity that Harry didn't give a run out to the kids that you expected, eh Smokie?

What gall? We didn't lose, we under performed. But give some credit to Stevenage. They played well and deserved a draw. you might remember they knocked Newcastle out last season too.

Atleast Harry didn't scream on the touchline throwing water bottles around. He didn't make excuses, didn't slate the ref he just complimented them on there performance.

Its called sportsmanship.

I think complementing Stevenage's performance in a draw with Spurs is actually making an excuse.

Its the FA cup. Its a massive game for them They are no mugs and the pitch at Stevenage is poor...i know, i've been there.

I see no reason to make excuses. On the contrary i'm pleased to still be in the competition. What is annoying is another fixture in what is already a busy month for us.

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Amazing gall from the Spuds considering their own performance last night. Pity that Harry didn't give a run out to the kids that you expected, eh Smokie?

What gall? We didn't lose, we under performed. But give some credit to Stevenage. They played well and deserved a draw. you might remember they knocked Newcastle out last season too.

Atleast Harry didn't scream on the touchline throwing water bottles around. He didn't make excuses, didn't slate the ref he just complimented them on there performance.

Its called sportsmanship.

I think complementing Stevenage's performance in a draw with Spurs is actually making an excuse.

Its the FA cup. Its a massive game for them They are no mugs and the pitch at Stevenage is poor...i know, i've been there.

I see no reason to make excuses. On the contrary i'm pleased to still be in the competition. What is annoying is another fixture in what is already a busy month for us.

Do you know Carmine you are beginning to sound like Harry.

...the pitch at Stevenage is poor... but I make no excuses.... I wish we had won but we didnt lose....and we are really busy next month...we gave up on the milk cup...and the Europa...but what with FA cup and the Premiership we are very busy...we will have to play at least once a week....

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Arsene from the Arsenal.com

on dealing with criticism…

We have to take the critics on board, stay together and face them. There is only one response in our job; stay united, fight and focus on the next game.

on the next steps…

At the moment it is best to let people talk, criticise, analyse and destroy and on our side it is important to show internal strength and resilience and come out with a strong performance in our next game.

and I say - bring on the next game!

of course its disappointing when we lose - sometime devastating. but end of the day, as a fan, my contribution is to remain optimistic. even if we cant win silverware, we just have to keep aiming for more wins. in every game, every tournament.

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Bit of desperation creeping into your voice there migsy. On the plus side its reported today he has £50m tio spend....


I have always thought that Henry bought Liverpool because he thought that Wenger was the most successful player in the sport. And that he knew something that about the sport that Wenger didnt.

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ahhhh but if you know me at all, you will not call it refreshing

if there is one thing Im known for being - that would that Im brutally honest wink.png

and of course I will always predict an Arsenal win too. ALWAYS

why do you think I never join the predictions game? laugh.png

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No class these Spuds Migsy, don't let em wind you up.

Last season they camped out on the Liverpool thread with their schadenfreude. This year they pick on Arsenal. One place above us in the PL table and you would think they had won every trophy already.

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I'm not pressured

Not at all

Just will have to bring out my shirt, be nervous about half an hour before kick off. (that's all). And then stop breathing every time your lot come close to our penalty area :lol:

(but just to add this is not specific to spurs. And is regardless of our position in the league :P )

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