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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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38 minutes ago, Slip said:

Not sure which guy you are talking about, but yourmemory has failed you.  At no time have  50% of Brits voted for Brexit.

I think he means more than 50% of those British citizens eligible to vote, did in fact vote to exit this so called union. Unfortunately those empowered to negotiate on our behalf, are trying,some would say succeeding, in cancelling out the wishes of the people.



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49 minutes ago, Slip said:

Not sure which guy you are talking about, but yourmemory has failed you.  At no time have  50% of Brits voted for Brexit.

Several moaners just can't be bothered to read or they just plain can't read.

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3 minutes ago, nontabury said:

I think he means more than 50% of those British citizens eligible to vote, did in fact vote to exit this so called union. Unfortunately those empowered to negotiate on our behalf, are trying,some would say succeeding, in cancelling out the wishes of the people.



And British whales!

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2 minutes ago, nontabury said:

I think he means more than 50% of those British citizens eligible to vote, did in fact vote to exit this so called union. Unfortunately those empowered to negotiate on our behalf, are trying,some would say succeeding, in cancelling out the wishes of the people.



That too is incorrect.  Don't worry too much about it though.

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33 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Several moaners just can't be bothered to read or they just plain can't read.

What are you talking about? I made no reference to 'moaners' whatever you may mean.  Why are you quoting me to talk nonsense?  Please stop.

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On ‎01‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 8:37 AM, aright said:

" A poll last week showed 68 per cent of Britons want the referendum’s outcome to be acted upon; the non-appearance of the economic catastrophe Remainers confidently predicted helps explain why."


On ‎01‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 8:39 AM, simoh1490 said:

What poll, by whom, of how many people, you and your mum? May we have a link please.


On ‎01‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 8:46 AM, simoh1490 said:

No link, fake news. 

Always here to please.

I wouldn't want or expect an apology from you but I think you owe a man of Heffers stature one for accusing him of publishing fake news also for questioning the integrity of the DT




Do you agree that there should be a second referendum to give all voters an opportunity to reconsider their view on Brexit, or that the result of the 2016 referendum should be respected and the country needs to move on?



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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

I think he means more than 50% of those British citizens eligible to vote, did in fact vote to exit this so called union. Unfortunately those empowered to negotiate on our behalf, are trying,some would say succeeding, in cancelling out the wishes of the people.



Nope. Try again

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3 hours ago, Grouse said:

Nope. Try again

Another glass of the cheap stuff is in order I think.

Fact is, negotiating the split will take time. The UK fishing industry is now depleted and needs time, plus the financial sector deal is not done.

To quote the Frenchman: "Nothing is settled until everything is settled."

An extra 21 months under EU rule in a transition will give the UK the most important thing; time to get trade deals done.



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5 hours ago, nontabury said:

I think he means more than 50% of those British citizens eligible to vote, did in fact vote to exit this so called union. Unfortunately those empowered to negotiate on our behalf, are trying,some would say succeeding, in cancelling out the wishes of the people.



36-37% of the electorate voted for brexit.

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1 hour ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Another glass of the cheap stuff is in order I think.

Fact is, negotiating the split will take time. The UK fishing industry is now depleted and needs time, plus the financial sector deal is not done.

To quote the Frenchman: "Nothing is settled until everything is settled."

An extra 21 months under EU rule in a transition will give the UK the most important thing; time to get trade deals done.



And time for the UK to come to our senses and stop this Brexit idiocy!

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On 01/04/2018 at 7:15 AM, tebee said:


Brexit is a lie, even many Brexiters believe their own ideology in theory but not in detail. Brexit hasn’t unfolded as they expected, the whole thing stinks. This is true particularly of British politicians, civil servants, business leaders or even many Brexit-cheerleading journalists, they don't believe the official state ideology of Brexit. But to admit that lie publicly would be embarrassing and a loss of face, they just mouth the slogans.


Brexit has created a two-faced ruling class in London.  The populist policy of Brexit has made the populist claim come true: Britain’s elite lies. And this will worsen after Brexit,  Britain’s ruling class hasn’t prepared the population for pain from Brexit. Any hardship will further dent trust in government. The backlash could be either extreme nationalist or extreme left, while the ruling class whines: “But we never believed the silly idea to start with!


Ordinary working Brexit believers, they think nothing bad has happened, so the remainers are wrong, so Brexit is going to just fine. They just don’t understand why it is taking so long and why the NHS hasn’t had more money yet, but their belief is unshakable.


When the final deal comes out and truth can’t be ignored any longer, they will blame others. They are immune to arguments and logic (as are many remainers); this is a new religion.


The leaders of the Tory / UKIP far right are what they accuse remainers of being; traitors. And their foot soldiers, willing fools. Saying it achieves nothing. We need a better way of fighting back and exposing the hypocrisy, but I haven’t found it yet.




1 hour ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Complete and utter rubbish.....

You need some history lessons and a reality check on what the EU is actually about.

Remoaners and the Fear campaign told the country what they thought (and yourself) might happen.

Fact is they were wrong and so are you.


Fact is you don't know any more than he does, but you still preach 'remoan' and 'fear'.

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Good News!


Britain’s manufacturers increased growth in March, defying fears that the cold snap at the start of the month would hit output.

Factory production has increased for 20 consecutive months with healthy domestic and export demand driving growth, though there were

some weather-related delays in supplies caused by the so-called Beast from the East.

The purchasing managers’ index - an influential survey of businesses run by IHS Markit - edged up from 55.0 in February to 55.1 in March.


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Looks like brexit will be judged a failure as many businesses are already facing additional costs to maintain trade with the EU.


Theresa May’s Brexit deal must be judged a failure unless it secures “no additional costs” for businesses trading with the EU, a committee of MPs warns today.


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2 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Each to their own opinion.


Voters now say they would reject a referendum on leaving by 55 per cent to 27 per cent – a 28 per cent gap in favour of the EU.




I imagine that that you really really want to believe those percentages currently to the UK.

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1 minute ago, Jip99 said:



I imagine that that you really really want to believe those percentages currently to the UK.

What I really really want is for people to keep their posts in context, but not holding my breath.

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2 hours ago, nauseus said:

Thanks Bill.


To qualify, I'm sure that he meant more than 50% of British voters who could be arsed to vote, voted for Brexit.


This hair-picking is repetitive, boring and old. 

What's hair picking? Is it fun?

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1 hour ago, sandyf said:

Each to their own opinion.


Voters now say they would reject a referendum on leaving by 55 per cent to 27 per cent – a 28 per cent gap in favour of the EU.




The Danes may know what they want so do the Brits.

I am in LOS and have met a few. It seems their national drink is beer and their national weakness is another beer. 

From whatukthinks.org


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Field work dates: 26 March 2018 - 27 March 2018
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

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Results for: Do you agree that there should be a second referendum to give all voters an opportunity to reconsider their view on Brexit, or that the result of the 2016 referendum should be respected and the country needs to move on?
Fieldwork end date
27 March 2018
Poll by ComRes
There should be a second referendum to give all voters an opportunity to reconsider their view on Brexit 35%
The result of the 2016 Referendum should be respected and the country needs to move on 65%


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