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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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41 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

Not all Brexiteers are racists, but all RACISTS are Brexiteers, which box are you most comfortable with?

I find it rather disturbing that some Brexiteers don't realise that they are wholeheartedly aligning with the hard right.

I find it even more disturbing that the Labour Party have aligned with the hard-rightwing leadership of the Brexit campaign and the racism and xenophobia that is deeply embedded in the Brexit campaign.

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3 hours ago, aright said:

My poll was introduced not to back up a claim but to show Remainers the issue (another referendum) is not as black and white as they think. You can however interpret what I said in any way you wish, as I do yours.

 - one could also claim that the CU position now has the support of 65% since it meets their requirements.


I am sure that many are suffering from battle fatigue and shell shock. Sturdier folk will carry on!

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44 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

Not all Brexiteers are racists, but all RACISTS are Brexiteers, which box are you most comfortable with?

I find it rather disturbing that some Brexiteers don't realise that they are wholeheartedly aligning with the hard right.

Thais, Japanese and Chinese people are Brexiteers?

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Just now, Justfine said:

What nonsense.

If you have evidence that Farage, Johnson, Fox and Rees-Mogg are not hard-rightwingers lets be having it. 


The xenophia and racism embedded in the Brexit campaign are a matter of public record.


So let's e having your considered arguments....

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10 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Sounds like a quality organ 


"They have criticised laws targeted at paedophiles as counterproductive to rehabilitation and conducive to mob violence.[9] Spikedalso regularly critiques risk societypolitical correctness, and environmentalism. As regards the latter, a particular Spiked target has been what they see as "exaggerated" and "hysterical" interpretations of the scientific consensus on global warming, and what they argue are double-standards advocated by more advanced Western nations for self-serving reasons.[10]"


I'll run out and subscribe! 


Not exactly a Hammond Organ now is it? ?

It's a libertarian contrarian point of view which in view of Drivel of The Daily Mail and ideologically driven Guardian meabs Spiked is a breath of fresh air. It gives space to those women who do not identify as being victims. It gives space to gays who dont believe in Identitarian politics. It's a breath of fresh air. Please subscribe: you might learn something. 

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Just now, The manic said:

It's a libertarian contrarian point of view which in view of Drivel of The Daily Mail and ideologically driven Guardian meabs Spiked is a breath of fresh air. It gives space to those women who do not identify as being victims. It gives space to gays who dont believe in Identitarian politics. It's a breath of fresh air. Please subscribe: you might learn something. 

It has argued for laws punishing pedophiles to be removed.


What else is there to know?

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3 hours ago, aright said:

Firstly This from Wikipedia itself.

Wikipedia editors know that the site should not be used as a primary source for research.

Many schools and universities do not accept Wikipedia as a source, except most of them do not want any encyclopedias used - they want primary sources instead.

Firstly I can accept much of what Wiki says although I find it too formulaic, but when I try to conjoin it with independent??? opinions and my own anecdotal opinions/experience I can find no cadence.

If Wikipedia is as good as some people think it could rule the world.

Secondly a simple question.

What is so frightening about standing on our own two feet, politically and socially, in a developing world, trading with whom we like? What are you afraid of?

An answer to this question might help me make your journey to Damascus easier. 



Fair enough. It was laziness on my part. I need a new nib for my quill.


It does illustrate the toing and froing though.


My view is that whereas there is certainly a democratic deficit it can be fixed


Mind you, we have the House of Lords! A chamber that I rather admire (except the bishops). But that is MUCH more undemocratic than anything in the EU! Agreed?

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2 hours ago, Johnnyondaspot said:

You'll get what you deserve.  Oh, how far you've fallen, Britain

Spot on newby


Thats exactly my feeling


How has this come about? Who to blame? Education? Inequality? Bad business management? Mad pursuit of share holder value? I'm ? 

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26 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I find it even more disturbing that the Labour Party have aligned with the hard-rightwing leadership of the Brexit campaign and the racism and xenophobia that is deeply embedded in the Brexit campaign.

That, sir, is a great point!


I'm disenfranchised, me!

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4 minutes ago, nauseus said:

I find it rather disturbing that you actually might think think that what you are saying is true.

I've yet to see a TVF member who supports remain have their posts deleted on the grounds of racism.


I have frequently seen TVF members who support Brexit have their posts deleted for racist comments.


You may wish to continue with your denial, but don't expect others to buy into it. 

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26 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I find it even more disturbing that the Labour Party have aligned with the hard-rightwing leadership of the Brexit campaign and the racism and xenophobia that is deeply embedded in the Brexit campaign.

Such gash. The majority of the Labour MPs are remainers. Both main parties are correctly wary of the referendum vote.

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I think you are saying we should support the EU for what it could and should be rather than what it is and does. One of the greatest mistakes in politics is to judge something by its intentions rather than its outcomes.
For over 40 years Britain has urged the EU to accept fundamental reform. Our failure to convince them resulted in a Referendum which voted to leave the EU. We accepted the EU wanted a different path.
Edit I forgot Mr Macron.....I am not as comfortable with him as you seem to be. Either way whatever his vision is it will only be realised on German terms.
Please do not forget that Macron/Mr Smooth is/was a favourite son of Goldman Sachs I believe..he appeared from nowhere re French politics..surprise surprise.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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25 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

If you have evidence that Farage, Johnson, Fox and Rees-Mogg are not hard-rightwingers lets be having it. 


The xenophia and racism embedded in the Brexit campaign are a matter of public record.


So let's e having your considered arguments....

This 'hard' adjective has been used more and more since the referendum but only for the convenience of remain  propaganda. What is hard right about about any of them. Really? 

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22 minutes ago, The manic said:

No Nazi affiliation.  Not members of The KKK. Not BM members. All have denounced racism. If you are looking for racism monitor the judophobic Labour party led by The terrorist loving Corbyn.

That was the original point and why I feel disenfranchised ?

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11 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I've yet to see a TVF member who supports remain have their posts deleted on the grounds of racism.


I have frequently seen TVF members who support Brexit have their posts deleted for racist comments.


You may wish to continue with your denial, but don't expect others to buy into it. 

I haven't seen any posts deleted for that reason and if they were how can you show who they belonged to?


Chomper is starting to sound more and more like the absent Simoh.

Maybe he's out for soccer practise??    :post-4641-1156694572:

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