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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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2 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Prove that then TB.


We know who bankrolled the movement.  Jeremy Hosking the private equity banker, Robert Mercer the hedge fund banker, Crispin Odey the hedge fund banker, Arron Banks the Isle of Mann banker, Peter Hargreaves the investment banker and Robert Edmiston the auto finance banker, all of UKIP's largest donors were from the financial sector.

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5 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Prove that then TB.

Not exactly something a lowly pleb like me has the wearwithal for, if it could be easily proved there would have been prosecutions by now, and the referendum result called into question. But there are many unexplained things and many others have the same suspicions.









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14 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


We know who bankrolled the movement.  Jeremy Hosking the private equity banker, Robert Mercer the hedge fund banker, Crispin Odey the hedge fund banker, Arron Banks the Isle of Mann banker, Peter Hargreaves the investment banker and Robert Edmiston the auto finance banker, all of UKIP's largest donors were from the financial sector.

You did not mention UKIP before but these individuals are free to support who they want and they supported different leave organizations (not UKIP). The big global banks support the EU (due to their own interests too, of course). 

Edited by nauseus
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16 minutes ago, nauseus said:

You did not mention UKIP before but these individuals are free to support who they want and they supported different leave organizations (not UKIP). The big global banks support the EU (due to their own interests too, of course). 


Some of them other campaigns and some of them UKIP, together they financed the Brexit campaign, I respect their freedom, what on earth did you think that had to do with it?  You just asked for proof that a bunch of bankers organised and financed Brexit, now you are saying, up to them, that's really great input, well done.

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23 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


He was a trader at Crédit Lyonnais, which was a bank, Farage was a banker, got it yet?


He quit commodity trading (not banking) years before the referendum.  And his net worth is estimated at around £2.5m.  Not an amount to be sniffed at, but hardly in the global banker elite bracket!

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On 28/2/2561 at 7:32 AM, Get Real said:

That´s what happens when people voting do not know what they vote for at all.


Excellent point, IMHO this reinforces the idea of national debates on TV with a credible moderator, with time limits and with audience and phone-in participation. And before the debate starts a 5 minute recorded presentation by each party to specifically state and explain their manifesto, in detail.


I would love to see this in Thailand but the reality is that so many parties don't really have a clear manifesto, some don't have a manifesto at all. 




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4 minutes ago, scorecard said:


Excellent point, IMHO this reinforces the idea of national debates on TV with a credible moderator, with time limits and with audience and phone-in participation. And before the debate starts a 5 minute recorded presentation by each party to specifically state and explain their manifesto, in detail.


I would love to see this in Thailand but the reality is that so many parties don't really have a clear manifesto, some don't have a manifesto at all. 




Do you mean like the debates that got Donald Trump elected?

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23 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

He quit commodity trading (not banking) years before the referendum.  And his net worth is estimated at around £2.5m.  Not an amount to be sniffed at, but hardly in the global banker elite bracket!

What have the global banker elite got to do with it?  Nothing to do with anything I have said.

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1 hour ago, tebee said:

No it was organized by a subset of bankers who hope to make money out of it. It will cause chaos and in turbulent times there is money to be made. Bigger the disaster, the more opportunity. It's not you and I who will make money, we will suffer, but some people make sure they do.   

What a load of arbitrage!

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32 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Jeremy Hosking - hedge fund portfolio manager - not a banker

Robert Mercer - computer scientist and CEO of a hedge fund - not a banker

Crispin Odey - Hedge fund manager - not a banker

Arron Banks - not a banker

Robert Edmiston - motor trade entrepreneur - not a banker


So again, who are these bankers who caused Brexit? Or do you just call all rich people bankers?






They all either worked in or own financial institutes, they are not strictly speaking bankers as their institutes don't take deposits but in every other way they are the same, the link is not wealth it is making financial transactions or investments, aka banking.


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3 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


They all either worked in or own financial institutes, they are not strictly speaking bankers as their institutes don't take deposits but in every other way they are the same, the link is not wealth it is making financial transactions or investments, aka banking.


I expect that the banks, which provide services, would rather have stability and consistency, so that their customers can invest in their own businesses and take out mortgages on their own homes, whereas the speculators might prefer to fish in more troubled waters

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7 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

I expect that the banks, which provide services, would rather have stability and consistency, so that their customers can invest in their own businesses and take out mortgages on their own homes, whereas the speculators might prefer to fish in more troubled waters


Absolutely, the banks don't want Brexit.

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1 hour ago, StreetCowboy said:

I expect that the banks, which provide services, would rather have stability and consistency, so that their customers can invest in their own businesses and take out mortgages on their own homes, whereas the speculators might prefer to fish in more troubled waters

LOL, obviously not around when the biggest financial crash ever was caused by the banks investing in highly insecure and dangerous funds and obviously not around now trying to obtain a mortgage...somewhere else maybe ? Ask a young 20 something how they are getting on with their mortgage application...LOL

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In the last year, in a lot of areas of the UK, house prices have risen more than their owners have earned, so if you take that as a benchmark then Brexit isn't doing those of us whom own houses in the UK any damage at all. It will be interesting to see what happens when we actually leave, however for those of you who don't own a bolt-hole in UK you may find it better to stay in your glass houses and throw stones, because if it gets too hot for you in Thailand, at the rate it is going, you will be just another statistic like those in Spain, who now can't afford to move back....tick-tock

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3 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


He was a trader at Crédit Lyonnais, which was a bank, Farage was a banker, got it yet?


You just said he was a trader which is true. Banks have brokerage departments which require traders, not bankers.


Traders are not bankers. There is a big difference. Hope you understand that now.


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3 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


They all either worked in or own financial institutes, they are not strictly speaking bankers as their institutes don't take deposits but in every other way they are the same, the link is not wealth it is making financial transactions or investments, aka banking.


Right turn Clyde. 

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"The government’s preferred Brexit scenario would leave the UK public finances £615m per week worse off than staying in the EU, according to new analysis.

That would mean the country has the equivalent of almost £1bn per week less to spend on public services than the £350m positive benefit that the Leave campaign claimed would result from leaving the EU".



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41 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

The government’s preferred Brexit scenario would leave the UK public finances £615m per week worse off than staying in the EU, according to new analysis.

So says another newspaper......LOL.....if only everything we read in the news was true.....alas

But even if this was true, its because the politicians can take anything and screw it up.........spectacularly !!

Why politicians are even allowed to negotiate these things is unbelievable.

Just get on do what they were meant to do and leave !!!

In any negotiating it is always best to do so from a position of strength and not weakness. Whilst they dally and dither they only weaken our position. Deal from a position of strength, just leave and say okay, here we are a free agent with 4% of the total global import market, who wants our business and what are you going to offer.....simple

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3 hours ago, Megasin1 said:

So says another newspaper......LOL.....if only everything we read in the news was true.....alas

But even if this was true, its because the politicians can take anything and screw it up.........spectacularly !!

Why politicians are even allowed to negotiate these things is unbelievable.

Just get on do what they were meant to do and leave !!!

In any negotiating it is always best to do so from a position of strength and not weakness. Whilst they dally and dither they only weaken our position. Deal from a position of strength, just leave and say okay, here we are a free agent with 4% of the total global import market, who wants our business and what are you going to offer.....simple

How old are you sixteen!

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3 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Sorry, but that article is just the usual Indy anti-brexit twaddle. It contains no useful info whatsoever. Could you provide the source material, so that we can look at the models this academic is using for his guesstimates?

Why of course I can, it's right here next to my desk, I'll just dig through everything for the appropriate folder, I'll get it all scanned and sent on to you by PM, it shouldn't take long at all, only about a thousand furking years or so!


I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me there for a minute but I'm better now. Anyway, regarding your question: actually no I don't have the supportive information the academic used to compile his views, I know I'm remiss for not having this and that anyone who posts any article from any national newspaper should always have such things to hand, I am remiss in this respect and will self-flagellate to make amends. Perhaps you can take some solace in the fact the author is a Professor of Economics at Kings College London and the think tank is independent and well regarded. I realise that none of those things will prevent the article and its finding from being, "usual Indy anti-brexit twaddle", (what a cute name that is) but hey, the broadsheets just don't play ball any more by labelling articles the way you would expect, I looked for one indexed as Pro-Brexit-Poo but I simply couldn't find one.

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