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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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25 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

I didn't personally go through such a stage, although a couple of my  friends did. While they signed on the ‘sausage roll’ and sat about all-day smoking Afghani black and Leb red, I went to work at fifteen years of age in a London wholesale fruit & vegetable market; it would not have been beneficial to take a sense of entitlement into such a working environment.


I like France and the French people and have many friends in different parts and still spend time there.


I have no problem with peaceful demonstrations, the right to demonstrate is a democratic cornerstone of any civilised society; however, what really bothers me about your comment is that you seem to think it is okay to set fire to and destroy other peoples property, as long as they are insured, oh, and that the carnage is caused by anti-capitalist thugs (demonstrators)  “The insurance will cover it” … did you really say that ??

I've not seen the damage done. I will look into it and revert. However a bit of physical damage is no big deal as long as nobody I seriously hurt


I have NEVER taken any kind of drugs except ethyl alcohol.


I left uni at 21.


I respect your overall stance. Let's keep the dialogue open!

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2 hours ago, tebee said:

Think I'm still an anarchist at heart - was in the Workers Revolutionary Party when I was at college!

I like the French attitude too - maybe that's why I live there half the year .

You might want to have your heart checked. The WRP were never, ever anarchists.

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On 5/1/2018 at 3:14 PM, Eloquent pilgrim said:

I haven't read the link (my drivel software filter does not allow me to access the Guardian) but from what you have written, this must be an appallingly pretentious article, class discrimination of the highest order.


It obviously implies, or states, from what you have said, that well educated people voted to remain and that anyone voting to leave was of  “low income and education levels’ ….. and without any sense of irony, you have underlined it and written it in red, how crass.


However, I was not aware that the electoral register, contained details of everybody's average educational attainment, median income and social class. I must update my details immediately, they only have my name, address, national insurance number and DOB. These details would of course be necessary as well as knowing exactly how each individual voted in the referendum to establish any verifiable demographic as to the education, income and social class of any voter.

Maybe they bought the info from InstaGoogFaceTwit...?

It is just statistics built on other statistics and defined by algorithms.



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23 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

You're missing the point.  The Irish border is a very special case, and can be resolved. There are already intelligence led border controls on the island of Ireland. Add to that some innovative technology (and the UK has some of the world's best innovators), and you get a sufficiently controlled border.

Or we agree a free trade and customs deal with the EU, which removes the need for tariffs and customs checks. Then you have the Trusted Trader scheme.


The point you missed is that the EU are being obstructive and inflexible on Ireland, and IMO this is to destabilise the Brexit process.


They should not be using such a sensitive issue to further their own ambitions.

So in your view the EU should agree to a plan that does not exist, as I said, brexiteers do not know what they want.


"Theresa May will go back to the drawing board to find a post-Brexit customs compromise to unify her cabinet, after ministers could not agree what approach to take."


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If we ever get to those stages - time is running out and we still have no idea what we want 


So, is this right? 23 months after referendum, 14 months after A50 triggered & 9 months after options first proposed in HMG position paper, the Cabinet is still discussing its negotiating position on the UK’s post-Brexit customs relationship with the EU? #tempusfugit



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24 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Yes, that's right.  The primary reason for all the delays has to be the highly powerful and richly funded campaign by the Remain supporting elite to overturn the result of the referendum. We now have the Lords doing their bit to further delay the process and further damage our negotiating position.


How can the UK side possibly move forward at pace with all that holding them back?




All that democratic process in the way, kind of ironic coming from a Brexiteer.


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13 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

The Lords are not democratically elected. Nor are Soros and all his rich influential cronies.


You don't really get it, Soros is free to fund campaigns, that is an essential part of democracy.  The Lords are not democratically elected, no, but they are a part of our democracy, they are also a part of the sovereignty that you voted to return.

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14 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:

Soros is free to fund campaigns, that is an essential part of democracy

I wouldn't call it an 'essential' part of democracy. I'd call it an unfortunate element within a democracy.

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1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

I wouldn't call it an 'essential' part of democracy. I'd call it an unfortunate element within a democracy.

If you can't buy votes, what's the point of money?  Next you'll be saying people can't sell  their blood, their organs, their children

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2 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

If you can't buy votes, what's the point of money?  Next you'll be saying people can't sell  their blood, their organs, their children



You do do have an interesting slant on life.

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2 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Yes, that's right.  The primary reason for all the delays has to be the highly powerful and richly funded campaign by the Remain supporting elite to overturn the result of the referendum. We now have the Lords doing their bit to further delay the process and further damage our negotiating position.


How can the UK side possibly move forward at pace with all that holding them back?


But wouldn't it have been a much better idea to decide what we wanted from Brexit before invoking article 50? Then we wouldn't be under the time pressure we are now. 

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2 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Do you believe that posting your comment in huge typeface will somehow add some form of credence to your views, or are you relying solely on the blue font to give you the ‘wow’ factor

It's copy and paste which ends up as rich text on this forum 

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