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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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7 hours ago, Jip99 said:



?.. made me smile, but the referendum result WAS the finishing line and the referendum was the race.


That race has been won.



If the stewards now want to arse about with the result, they will find that the punters will not take kindly to the Jockey Club doing anything other than honoring the result.

And what exactly are the punters going to do and more pertinently yourself - if we have a no Brexit situation down the line or one that doesn't satisfy your taking back control mantra - what will you do ? There is a lot of talk of insurrection being bandied around but I haven't seen anything of substance to date.

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11 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

And what exactly are the punters going to do and more pertinently yourself - if we have a no Brexit situation down the line or one that doesn't satisfy your taking back control mantra - what will you do ? There is a lot of talk of insurrection being bandied around but I haven't seen anything of substance to date.


If they did, it would go something like this for them.


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2 hours ago, nauseus said:

Small or large, these pensions and perks are relevant and people should know.


Evidently the smaller EU pensions are far greater than the UK state pittance!


40K v 8K  hmmm interesting enough??

And who do you blame for that?

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2 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

And what exactly are the punters going to do and more pertinently yourself - if we have a no Brexit situation down the line or one that doesn't satisfy your taking back control mantra - what will you do ? There is a lot of talk of insurrection being bandied around but I haven't seen anything of substance to date.

Early days yet. Let’s waite and see the final outcome.




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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


If they did, it would go something like this for them.


The same happened in Rotherham. The local Muslim community, “YES” the same ones involved in the sexual abuse of young vulnerable girls, also demonstrated at this groups appearance.

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5 hours ago, Grouse said:

You hard Brexiters don't really do humour do you? And that's strange because humour is one of the clear defining characteristics of the British. In future, I shall make it quite clear when a comment is intended to be humorous in the same way as I point out irony to our cousins.?

What deja poo! I've heard this crap from you before. :smile:

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5 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

And what exactly are the punters going to do and more pertinently yourself - if we have a no Brexit situation down the line or one that doesn't satisfy your taking back control mantra - what will you do ? There is a lot of talk of insurrection being bandied around but I haven't seen anything of substance to date.

It's time to double or quits.  Go back to the bookies and say "I backed the wrong horse, last time, but I know what I'm doing now"

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6 hours ago, nauseus said:

The basis of what the UK wanted was set out in the Lancaster House speech,


Obviously the EU are unwilling to negotiate anything that is mutually sensible.



The Lancaster house speech had no details, the UK is becoming more like Thailand every day, plenty of cosmetics but no substance. They don't have the infrastructure nor the trained staff nor have they gathered the highly skilled people needed for the standards institutions, food safety, medicines, flight safety standards, finance, etc for a hard brexit and the EU must know this, May isn't holding any cards. When the ports are blocked with ships that can't unload and mile long queues unfold at the too few border posts all the flag waving rah,rah,rah, will simmer down to a whisper.

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7 hours ago, nauseus said:

The basis of what the UK wanted was set out in the Lancaster House speech,


Obviously the EU are unwilling to negotiate anything that is mutually sensible.



The EU made an offer based on what TM said her  red lines were - the Canada deal. Unfortunately that kills the UK services industry and all  JIT manufacturing.


The EU is not going to offer the benefits of membership without the responsibilities, which is what the Brexieters said we would get before the referendum.


Mutually sensible from the UK point of view is not the same as mutually sensible from the EU one.

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3 hours ago, aright said:

What deja poo! I've heard this crap from you before. :smile:

"OK, let's have another vote then. I'll bet you my reputation that Brexit would lose ?"


Well you took that as a serious comment! You clearly did not see the ironic, self deprecating humour in my flippant comment did you!


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10 minutes ago, Grouse said:

"OK, let's have another vote then. I'll bet you my reputation that Brexit would lose ?"


Well you took that as a serious comment! You clearly did not see the ironic, self deprecating humour in my flippant comment did you!


The problem is grouse that you are so good at sarcasm, nobody knows when you are doing it.

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12 hours ago, aright said:

Our different picture is provided by hard data from election outcomes in Germany, France, Italy etc. 

Scotland has 37 SNP MPs and 19 shared amongst Tory, Labour and Lib Dem, therefore Scotland wants independence by almost 2 to 1?

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8 hours ago, nontabury said:

The same happened in Rotherham. The local Muslim community, “YES” the same ones involved in the sexual abuse of young vulnerable girls, also demonstrated at this groups appearance.


The same ones, what the same Muslims or just any old mosque in the same town?  Try sending some thugs to protest outside a church in Jimmy Saviles home town and see if they are welcomed instead of run out of town for being the bigots that they are.  

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10 hours ago, nauseus said:

I did not use that word. 


You said dick tatur, you are either calling me a dictator or a dick, which is it?  I have already reported you for calling me it, now really, its time you stopped squirming like a little girl and told me why you said it, you've been asked directly three times now, I have not been rude, yet you avoid the question, its time for you to man up, or have you not got that in you?

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3 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Scotland has 37 SNP MPs and 19 shared amongst Tory, Labour and Lib Dem, therefore Scotland wants independence by almost 2 to 1?

You really must listen to Any Questions from Dunoon! Great stuff!


Did you know that the Scottish Parliament do not have the power to ban fracking?


Also Dr Fox ?

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3 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Wrong again. The British people voted for what they wanted. Unfortunately as in Ireland,France and the Netherlands the elite are not willing to accept a democratic decision. And unfortunately they are supported in the UK by many remainers who are very selfish people, thinking of their own self interest and not of the country as a whole.




It doesn't matter so much about what you want as about what you are capable of.

Not enough staff, IT systems, infrastructure, or border posts to deal with the increase in customs post brexit.

Leaving the single market requires you to have recognized standards and institutions to mirror those of the EU, they don't exist,the institutions can be years in the making.

Where do the laws between the EU and UK vary so greatly ? Due to it's colonial past the UK has always been wide open for immigration. Many EU laws have been beneficial to the working people of the UK and to the environment ( environmental laws are to be watered down after brexit)

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3 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

I fully believe that the majority of Brexiters are doing what they think is for the best for the country. But the Brexiteers are not representative of the British people, else we would not be having this debate and we would all be walking happily towards Brexit.


Brexiteers may represent slightly more who voted - and yes, that is what counts - but so far there has been no major breakthrough in winning over half the country, who remain firmly opposed to it. Calling half the UK selfish and suggesting that they are betraying their country is not helpful.


You can shout 'we won - deal with it' as much as you like, but the fact remains that there are many unhappy Remainers out there, and the collective you have failed in the most dismal way possible to reassure them that the future is, indeed, rosy, and that you are not wilfully destroying the future for the entire country.


And this is what I think should seriously worry TM. No matter how things turn out - hard, soft or no Brexit - there are going to be huge swathes of very dissatisfied people clamouring to be heard. Language is important and everyone needs to be more responsible about how they contribute to the debate; the crap that the Daily Mail spouts about traitors is particularly troubling.

plus another 10 likes if possible

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4 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Scotland has 37 SNP MPs and 19 shared amongst Tory, Labour and Lib Dem, therefore Scotland wants independence by almost 2 to 1?

It appears I have a teaching disability and you have a learning disability.

What are you banging on about?:smile: 

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5 hours ago, Grouse said:

"OK, let's have another vote then. I'll bet you my reputation that Brexit would lose ?"


Well you took that as a serious comment! You clearly did not see the ironic, self deprecating humour in my flippant comment did you!


Any fool can criticise, condemn and complain-- and most fools do. :smile:

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