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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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5 minutes ago, nauseus said:

If you don't want to accept what I say that's OK. Bye.

Some people just don't like admitting when they are wrong.....


There is a world of difference between  forcing people to do something they don't want to do and permitting them to do something they do want to do.


I'm not disputing your statement that some fishermen still dump their by-catch, but the original premise was that all fishermen were forced to  do it by the EU.     

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3 minutes ago, tebee said:

Some people just don't like admitting when they are wrong.....


There is a world of difference between  forcing people to do something they don't want to do and permitting them to do something they do want to do.


I'm not disputing your statement that some fishermen still dump their by-catch, but the original premise was that all fishermen were forced to  do it by the EU.     

Your last point is wrong and you should admit that.

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15 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Which polls are those? The Ipsos Mori poll of last weekend had support for independence at 48%. That is as high as it as ever been.


"With the undecideds removed, the percentage backing independence rose to 48%. "

There are many that do not want to recognise the difference between support for independence and a reluctance to vote. Divisions are now starting to heal and many do not want to face another divisive debate. Just because people do not want to discuss the matter or do not vote for SNP does not rule out support for independence. It is highly likely the polls are reflecting the lower end in terms of numbers and it would appear that TM's advisers have also recognised that possibility.

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1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

shouldn't Farage get arrested for pollution? fly tipping? Not that the UK was ever bothered by pollution until the EU.


1 hour ago, nauseus said:

What about all the fish that are dumped daily due to idiotic EU policy? 


52 minutes ago, tebee said:

Yes, but the fishermen are doing it because they want to - it's not the EU forcing people to do anything.


28 minutes ago, nauseus said:

You said: but the original premise was that all fishermen were forced to  do it by the EU.     


I never said that.


16 minutes ago, nauseus said:

You're not an interpreter, are you?

Ah ! so your original post on this was from an environmental viewpoint and comparing Farage's dumping of fish as being as bad as the EU's policy of allowing bycach to be dumped . Sorry, I didn't realize you were so anti Farage's actions.

Much better the bycatch being returned to shore and processed into food for farmed fish or fertilizer, I agree

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On 28/2/2561 at 8:55 AM, JonnyF said:

I wouldn't wipe my ar$e with that rag "The Guardian". Instead of unbiased reporting of the news they just continue to peddle their Remain agenda with poorly written articles such as this one.


The sorriest case of poor losers that I can remember. Their lies of impending doom didn't work before the vote so they continue with some lame attempt at "I told you so" for years afterwards. I can imagine this idiot crying into their Latte over breakfast, blaming Brexit because their toast landed butter side down. You lost, suck it up and get behind the country and maybe just maybe, in 10 years when the EU is slowly collapsing and Britain is standing on it's own 2 feet, sovereignty intact, unelected Eurocrats long gone, you'll be big enough to admit you were wrong.




Great post sir.

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On 28/2/2561 at 11:39 AM, Baerboxer said:


You've said this before, and again I comment, this has nothing to do with UK pride. Only that of a portion of the Tory party, their grandees, and political allies who've been plotting to get the UK out of the EU for many years. They want a return to the "old values" they cherish where they decide everything and get richer. The don't give a monkey's chuff for the country, the electorate, the poor and anyone outside their elite class. 

Swallowing their pride and admitting it's a cock up with more than a possibility a majority now want to remain in the EU isn't on their agenda and never will be. This group aren't big on democracy.


This will become a good text book case study on how one old established small but very powerful group can connive and manipulate to control a massively bigger number of people for their own benefit and claim it's all democratic!

Remainers aren't big on democracy and should the decision be overturned you would probably have civil war and acts of terrorism against the perpetrators.

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23 minutes ago, Jerry780 said:

Remainers aren't big on democracy and should the decision be overturned you would probably have civil war and acts of terrorism against the perpetrators.

Yesterday's entente cordiale was somewhat short lived...

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1 hour ago, Jerry780 said:

We voted out that's what we want. You're foreign you wouldn't understand anything about sovereignty.

So, given that the UK is currently completely unprepared, and we have just over a year left to do 5-10 years work, you would rather we left anyway regardless of what that caranage the resulting chaos will cause to people's lives, jobs, British industry, the value of the pound, pensions and the government tax base? 

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1 hour ago, tebee said:





Ah ! so your original post on this was from an environmental viewpoint and comparing Farage's dumping of fish as being as bad as the EU's policy of allowing bycach to be dumped . Sorry, I didn't realize you were so anti Farage's actions.

Much better the bycatch being returned to shore and processed into food for farmed fish or fertilizer, I agree

This token dumping of fish was a demonstration against the CFP. It even wasn't supposed to be Farage's demo, which was more against the continuation of the present fishing regime until at least the end of 2020.  

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17 minutes ago, nauseus said:


“They must go on voting until they get it right.” Jose Manuel Grouse.

How does that differ from Nigel's statement, "In a 52-48 referendum, this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the remain camp win two-thirds to one-third, that's the end of it"?

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1 hour ago, tebee said:

So, given that the UK is currently completely unprepared, and we have just over a year left to do 5-10 years work, you would rather we left anyway regardless of what that caranage the resulting chaos will cause to people's lives, jobs, British industry, the value of the pound, pensions and the government tax base? 

On the economic front have you got responsible links to your predictions? The worlds sixth largest economy in goods and services is going to stop trading in a years time is it?



On the political front many of us rejected an elitist, unrepresentative system which is incapable  

refuses  to listen to the needs of the electorate as evidenced by the results of the recent European elections.

Project EU is more important than anything for the Brussels Cabal and presumably Remainers 

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