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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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Just now, transam said:

You quoted "Manned by Asians"....So tell me, if an Asian guy has passed all the criteria to get a position in any UK gov job why in your opinion is that a problem...?

I said S Asian, i.e. from the subcontinent. However, we both recognise that as a euphemism?


IMHO, there is nothing wrong with profiling. I would not employ Muslim people for security jobs in airports or ports in the U.K. or any other country. I would do it discretely though. You know it makes sense.


Frankly I would apply same to minicab licensing. 


I did say I was a bigot!

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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I said S Asian, i.e. from the subcontinent. However, we both recognise that as a euphemism?


IMHO, there is nothing wrong with profiling. I would not employ Muslim people for security jobs in airports or ports in the U.K. or any other country. I would do it discretely though. You know it makes sense.


Frankly I would apply same to minicab licensing. 


I did say I was a bigot!

Readers know where you are coming from.....bored.gif.a2cc4ef1eb7031c8c610012c05a5ef39.gif

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7 minutes ago, transam said:

You quoted "Manned by Asians"....So tell me, if an Asian guy has passed all the criteria to get a position in any UK gov job why in your opinion is that a problem...?

See my post. On BALANCE a Muslim represents a heightened risk and an unnecessary one at a UK airport 


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38 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I said S Asian, i.e. from the subcontinent. However, we both recognise that as a euphemism?


IMHO, there is nothing wrong with profiling. I would not employ Muslim people for security jobs in airports or ports in the U.K. or any other country. I would do it discretely though. You know it makes sense.


Frankly I would apply same to minicab licensing. 


I did say I was a bigot!

sounds reasonable to me, but I would expect the same criteria to be applied for white supremacists and other neo-nazi groups

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5 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

sounds reasonable to me, but I would expect the same criteria to be applied for white supremacists and other neo-nazi groups

Interesting but who is going to decide which groups are excluded?

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11 hours ago, nontabury said:

You forgot to mention the BRITISH fishing industry suffered the highest number of redundancies. on our entry to the EEC.

As for investment, well that must be why the fishing industry, at two of our main fishing post was decimated.


It makes me ashamed of my fellow countrymen, who are prepared to see, in fact some would say rejoice, at the thought of our own people losing their jobs, just so selfish remainers may have the opportunity of working in the E.U.


This is the current comment from the NFFO, who may be reasonably expected to have a good handle on the national situation:



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Just a random thought, and a slight tangent...




I see that the EU has recalled it's ambassador to Russia in the wake of the poisoning...



Why TF does the EU need an ambassador when individual member  countries have their own ambassador looking after their citizens interests ?



Smacks of overkill.....................or jobs for the boys.

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1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

Obviously not a judge that Trump has picked.

Doesn't that statement set your exclusion parameters. How are we going to be more inclusive?

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3 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:

Regardless of the dross TV programs,  EU migrants make us money, that is a fact, we know how much they take and how much they contribute, and their contribution outweighs the loss, so removing them may pander to your desires based on your TV program. but it is bad for our economy.

Immigration was not my biggest concern, but I have to disagree with your 'fact'. The various studies you rely on can never take everything into account.  For example, how do you calculate the cost of the immigrants' kids taking school places and using school resources, or their use of NHS resources?


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8 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


The industry has evolved, the boats are bigger, it has happened right across the EU, the numbers of employees and the size of fleet have declined at a similar rate in all countries in the EU.  Yes, some ports have really suffered, it is true, but others have boomed, that is also true, and the industry as a whole is making the highest profit it has ever made.  

And my questioning whether the UK will remain the highest profiting fishing industry in the EU post Brexit is not rejoice, it is me concerned for their jobs, something that you blindly assume will increase with Brexit.  You could feel ashamed that you are willing to put others jobs on the line for a selfish notion of independence from Europe.

You are so wrongly informed on the state of the British fishing industry, the average size of the British fishing boats has declined since we joined the EEC, allthough you could be correct in regards to E.u fishing boats, as they now have the opportunity to plunder British waters, but never mind, this only puts the jobs of British fishermen in jeopardy, something you seem to be very happy about.This leads me into questioning are you actually British.

When,if ever you do become better informed regarding the British fishing industry, you will realise, that to a man, that they are 100% for Brexit.




Edited by nontabury
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3 hours ago, transam said:

You are replying with dodges...One step at a time, seal the borders, then the UK  can move on....:stoner:


No one in the government is talking about sealing the borders, they are all talking about keeping entry for EU citizens as visa free, the main reason being any visa agreement will be reciprocal and they do not want to need to apply for a visa to visit their homes in Europe.

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2 hours ago, Jip99 said:



Yes...... the comment was about those who are permanently "living here"....... not border running...which for a multiple entry visa means being married.


Border running with a marriage visa avoids the need to have any money in the bank, I knew what you were talking about and I also know what I am talking about.


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5 hours ago, oilinki said:

Are those people EU citizens? If they are not, how is this not UK's own internal problem caused by UK politicians?


Which are the companies hiring these people without paying taxes? Are those also owned by the 'lost' people in the UK?


I'd prefer you'd deal with your own internal issues, without blaming EU for your own failures.



Perhaps he was referring to the likes of the large Romanian cable stealing industry. Sorry cannot supply you with the name of their company, as they are all self employed, mostly working in the hours of darkness.

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58 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

Apparently, everyone's either prevaricating or deflecting today, must be something in the water.

Yes and don't forget sneering and being non constructive; its all part of some Remainer's lexicon.

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5 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Television is a business - more viewers means more advertising revenue. Who is going to watch a cop show that showed... well, nothing happening?  These shows are the live footage equivalent of the Jeremy Kyle show - sensationalist hype designed to stupify the brain and raise the heart rate, but bear little correlation to the true picture.


That people base their frames of reference upon manipulated garbage like this is truly worrying, but explains much of the decline of the UK.

Yes, much better to take into account the opinions of Islington based Guradian reporters. Or for that matter, disgruntled SNP supporters living in outer Manila.

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25 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Immigration was not my biggest concern, but I have to disagree with your 'fact'. The various studies you rely on can never take everything into account.  For example, how do you calculate the cost of the immigrants' kids taking school places and using school resources, or their use of NHS resources?



They do calculate those things, why do you think they would not be able to?


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4 hours ago, tebee said:

There is also a goodly number of Non-EU migrants working for cash in hand and hiding from the authorities.

In spite of what some people think illegal migrants don't go and claim benefits - that would just get them expelled. They work in the black economy.     

Your joking.one example they can obtain school places, many times in preference to British children, where they then obtain 

free school meals, a benefit, under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum act 1999. Yes even for illegal Immigrants.

Their are many other examples, for which I cannot be arsxd to look up and quote, when I know you have a closed mind.

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47 minutes ago, nontabury said:

You are so wrongly informed on the state of the British fishing industry, the average size of the British fishing boats has declined since we joined the EEC, allthough you could be correct in regards to E.u fishing boats, as they now have the opportunity to plunder British waters, but never mind, this only puts the jobs of British fishermen in jeopardy, something you seem to be very happy about.This leads me into questioning are you actually British.

When,if ever you do become better informed regarding the British fishing industry, you will realise, that to a man, that they are 100% for Brexit.




In 1996 the average uk fishing boat was 26.3 tonnes.  In 2011 it was 31.3 tonnes.  Not sure where you're getting the idea that the average size has been decreasing but you are wrong, and if you bother to take a look at the charts you will see that the other countries have expanded in average size at a similar rate.  And of course the opportunity for other countries to fish our waters goes back way before the EU, some agreements have stood since the Middle Ages, and they are agreements that not about to be broken.  And as for plundering our fish, that would actually be saving our fish from extinction, they are actually quite strict regarding quotas, most people do not regard the quotas as a plunder.  And I am actually concerned for British fishermens jobs, hence why I brought up the Uk seeking to ban some of our fishermens practice while the EU overruled and protected them.  You should also take note of the fact that British fishermen make the highest profits in the Eu and are enjoying their highest ever profits the industry has seen before making assumptions of what Brexit will bring for them, as they are largely dependent on exports it Maynard well not go in their favour.  And I am British, just not taken by the week rhetoric surrounding Brexit and all the glories it will bring.  And no, they are not 100% anything, some are for and others against, I know, because I do actually know a number of fishermen.

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28 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Profit margins are not the issue here. By saying this you seem to suggest it’s better for the UK to have a tiny but profitable fishing industry versus having a huge flourishing fishing industry providing jobs for hundreds of thousands of people.

UK waters provide 80% of EU member states’ fish. It’s not hard to work out what that translates to if we regained control of our waters.


Nope, they are not only the country with the highest profit margin but also with the highest net profit in the EU.  Quite large assumptions you are basing your aguments on, you would be better served reading about the subject first.  And we will never see hundreds of thousands working in fishing, not unless Brexit knocks us back 200 years and we see people risking their lives in tiny clickers again, or unless we fish every species into extinction, which no body wants, everyone wants a modern and safe industry, which means less jobs because of bigger boats and everyone wants a sustainable industry that will continue for generations to come, so we need the quotas.

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