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Applicant for driving licence must show medical certificate


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I think there's a legitimate reason to require a medical check in this kind of situation... but.. as others note, if the certificate and underlying process isn't followed, then no real benefit is derived.

So... I'd do it like this, require the applicant go to and get their medical clearance from only a facility listed and approved by the DLT.

This way it's easier to monitor standards as only a limited number of clinics would be authorized to produce an accepted clearance better.

I recall the US Embassy works somewhat like this when an applicant for selected visa classes files an application. Only a limited number of hospitals are approved to conduct the screening

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What is there to show where everything also can be bought in Thailand. 

There's some measure of truth to that... and to a large degree will never be 100% controllable given the national scope of DL issuance.

I think of DLs were issued in one place and one place only nationally, then I think you'd have a fair chance to root this risk out..

But IMHO, by drastically reducing the number of people/entities who can legally issue them, I think that reduces the number of potential opportunities for such fraud to take place.

I'd also set, by statute, a maximum fee that can be levied for the certificate.

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Here is the rest of the article which, apparently not many have bothered to read.


'The medical certificate must comply with the standards of the Medical Council of Thailand that was set out in 2008 for all medical practitioners in the country and must be issued within one month before the submission of the application for driving lincence (sic).


The certificate will comprise two parts: the first part is for the applicants to self-certify their health with details of medical history, personal medical conditions and accident records along with records of medical operations if any.

The second part of the certificate applies to the physicians who must certify that the applicant is medically healthy and is physically fit to handle motorized vehicles, have no mental disorders, no record of addiction and not a chronic alcoholic'.




I do not recall having to go through all this when I got mine a couple of years ago.

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Medical certificates has always been required. I think now they will start tovrewuire for renewals.  Stupid law since an exam is never required you just pay 50 or 100 Baht.  The last time I got a medical certificate it was obtained by the motor vehicle inspection station no medical personal was present. 

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This has been the practice for years in Phuket and it better be less than 30 days old also or that witch at the DLT information desk will send you packing with the cuntiest of goodbyes..  I got one from the reception desk at the clinic near me last week for 100b.  I wonder what the doctor was doing.  zzzzzzzz

This was for a 5 year renewal mind you to all the naysayers.

OH and required ANOTHER "free" 300 baht bribe and two hour trip to Phuket Immigration for an address certification.

Edited by csabo
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4 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

Here is the rest of the article which, apparently not many have bothered to read.


'The medical certificate must comply with the standards of the Medical Council of Thailand that was set out in 2008 for all medical practitioners in the country and must be issued within one month before the submission of the application for driving lincence (sic).


The certificate will comprise two parts: the first part is for the applicants to self-certify their health with details of medical history, personal medical conditions and accident records along with records of medical operations if any.

The second part of the certificate applies to the physicians who must certify that the applicant is medically healthy and is physically fit to handle motorized vehicles, have no mental disorders, no record of addiction and not a chronic alcoholic'.




I do not recall having to go through all this when I got mine a couple of years ago.

It's a new type of medical certificate:




More information here: 


http://www.pattayacityexpatsclub.com/expats/docs/thai license Checklist.pdf

Edited by tropo
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13 minutes ago, Lingba said:

medical certificate???....you mean that piece of paper that you can buy for 50 baht at any clinic without actually seeing a doctor?

No, it's a new official medical certificate, not a piece of paper from a clinic. Check the link above.

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1 hour ago, Moonlover said:


The certificate will comprise two parts: the first part is for the applicants to self-certify their health with details of medical history, personal medical conditions and accident records along with records of medical operations if any.


I wonder if there are any details regarding how far back you might be expected to declare for part one? Also what depth might you be expected to go into regarding any of these points - operations, etc.


"accident records" Does that refer to car accident, rather than personal injury accident? I can't imagine why a car accident would be listed on a medical certificate.


Also, when self-certifying, I'd guess that must be only in Thai, not English?


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Can't complain about a medical note from a doctor. Why do they allow unqualified people to test peoples eyesight? What is wrong with getting an opticians note to prove your eyesight is fine for driving? It would be one sure fire way of stopping people driving with defective eyesight. Oh! wait

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4 hours ago, CGW said:

At one time they used to ask for medical certificate, the last license i got a couple of years ago they gave me back MC, said no need!

If they make common sense a requisite for a driving license there will be a lot of refusals!  :shock1:


In that case there would be very few Thai drivers with driving licenses. Oh! wait again

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1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

Can't complain about a medical note from a doctor. Why do they allow unqualified people to test peoples eyesight? What is wrong with getting an opticians note to prove your eyesight is fine for driving? It would be one sure fire way of stopping people driving with defective eyesight. Oh! wait

In the UK when taking your driving test, the examiner would point to a car parked nearby and ask you to read the registration number. IIRC wasn't it supposed to be 25 metres away?

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3 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Oh, sure... for 50 Baht pretty much any neighborhood clinic is going to declare anybody entirely physically and mentally fit. These certificates are not worth the paper they're printed on - and everyone knows it.


If real tests took place, half of the population would be unable to obtain a driving permit at all.

Only half????????

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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Renewed my 5 year driving license a few weeks ago and no medical certificate was required. The hour long safety video was though 

Did you have a nice sleep? Or maybe an hours texting.

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4 hours ago, shady86 said:

I thought this law has been ongoing all this while. Not mentioning how easily the certificates can be bought.

The last one I got which wasn't needed when I got there cost 50 Bt.

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1 hour ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

If Thailand changed their driving license test requirements to the same standards we use in the western world, the whole country would come to a stand still. 

No it wouldn't, what makes you think the police would actually start doing their job? Apart from tea money time.

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2 hours ago, Pattaya28 said:

Buy from  Pattaya Beach Rd Viagra vendor 100 Baht LOL

Fyi, Viagra patent expired. Thailand Pharmaceutical Company, now produces the generic. It's call Sidegra. 300baht for 4 pills. My pharmacy carries them. She said guarantee....:shock1:

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32 minutes ago, jonstarjon said:

Just another trough for the "not so hi so's" to get their poor added trotters into. I remember doing my work permit.. It was cheaper to bribe the official than bribe the doctor.

So you admit to bribing?? Terrible.

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