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Ozzy dollar.


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Its 24.3 baht to the Oz dollar this morning,been worse but can't remember it falling below 23 and of course the Oz dollar was at parity with the US dollar a couple of years back and as high as 32 baht to the Thai baht. 17 years back when I arrived in Bangkok to work it was 26 baht to the $A


Financial gurus like to speculate in the media maybe they are currency traders as they rarely get it right.


The Thai baht follows the US dollar and with the current administration in the US anything could happen.


There is simply nothing us mere mortals can do, just adjust spending accordingly:sad:


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On 04/03/2018 at 11:08 PM, johnmcc6 said:

I mean in relation to the Thai baht.

Look at the 30 year history. Gives you an idea.


Not sure why you expect strangers on a forum to guarantee a currency for you. If they were experts they would be trading millionaires.

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3 hours ago, Justfine said:

Look at the 30 year history. Gives you an idea.


Not sure why you expect strangers on a forum to guarantee a currency for you. If they were experts they would be trading millionaires.

What a silly reply. Who asked for anything other than an opinion? Guarantee????

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2 hours ago, Lizard2010 said:

Its not our $

Its the This Government and their Baht

Until they change the value  of the Baht we are stuck with low 24 baht to the A$


Loss of face ? or according to Bangkok media export figures are up ?


Dont discount the massive increase in taxes related to alcohol & cigarettes,nice earner for the current regime.     Money also flooding into the country for real estate from China , Singapore etc.In our village most of the new houses being built right now are funded from these 2 countries

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2 hours ago, Sparkles said:

    Money also flooding into the country for real estate from China , Singapore etc.In our village most of the new houses being built right now are funded from these 2 countries

Very sadly your property will deappreciate accordingly

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