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Why Should'nt The Mature Farang

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It is a story about a beautiful young woman who traveled "out west" with her young, handsome and vigorous husband. He was killed on their first day after arriving at their "dream land", when he fell off his horse and hit his head.

She was in intense grief to the point that she didn't even want to attend the funeral arranged by nearby settlers.

As she was bent over her dead husbands grave in the rain, an older, widower approached her and proposed that since she had no means to get through the winter on her own and wagon trains were not due to go back east until spring, she should marry him and help him raise his daughter until her departure back east in the spring.

Love a good comedy myself.

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It is a story about a beautiful young woman who traveled "out west" with her young, handsome and vigorous husband. He was killed on their first day after arriving at their "dream land", when he fell off his horse and hit his head.

She was in intense grief to the point that she didn't even want to attend the funeral arranged by nearby settlers.

As she was bent over her dead husbands grave in the rain, an older, widower approached her and proposed that since she had no means to get through the winter on her own and wagon trains were not due to go back east until spring, she should marry him and help him raise his daughter until her departure back east in the spring.

Love a good comedy myself.

You buy them books, send them to school, and what do they do? They eat the teacher.

Some people just don't get it, do they ProThaiExpat?


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Live and let live. Let the old fella's get on with it.

Always brings a smile to my face when I see the old guy walking along with his young thai girl. We will all get old one day, thats for sure. But should they stay at home in a sexless marrage to Elsie or Valerie who is starting to smell of piss and forget things? Or should they go to LOS and enjoy thier later years.

Why does Peter Stringfellow get called a playboy sugar daddy, and others get called dirty old men? Need I answer?

If Peter Stringfellow went bankrupt, he would have to come here as well, because he couldn't get what he's used to in the UK.

So come on old boys. Tell the missus you're off somewhere hot for a few weeks. Say its good weather for your joints. :o

So I was having a cup of tea this morning, with two lumps. Her and her fukcing mother!!!

Roy Chubby Brown

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So I was having a cup of tea this morning, with two lumps. Her and her fukcing mother!!!

Roy Chubby Brown

And the doctor said to Chubby I don't like the look of your wife,Chubby said You <deleted> don't what about me? I have to live with her.

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So I was having a cup of tea this morning, with two lumps. Her and her fukcing mother!!!

Roy Chubby Brown

And the doctor said to Chubby I don't like the look of your wife,Chubby said You <deleted> don't what about me? I have to live with her.

Thanks for that one Maerim. An oldie but a goodie :o

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So I'm a dirty old man, and so what ? As long as the girl doesn't mind it's fine, I'm 66 years of age and have to admit that my holiday sweethearts are half that age, but if they don't mind its ok.

If anybody has a problem with it I would think they would be jealous.

When I turn 66 I am going to change my name to the pattya pimp, because I will lay back and let the ypung girls do all the work.

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On the subject of Thai wives and I am a bit of an expert here.

I said to my better half would you still love me if I had no money?

Bless her heart she said of course she would still love me as much as ever and she would miss having me around as well.


Thanks Maerim, I needed that after reading the nauseous Hallmark Channel guff.

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Never mind the mature Farang what about the mature Thai with a darling in tow?

We have just come back from the supermarket where we or more to the point me saw a Thai man, real Rolex couple of rings that would be considered knuckle dusters in the U.K. about 60 years of age with a woman whom I would say would be about absolutely gorgeous.

So me,nudge nudge wink wink says to the missus thats a mia noi, so she says?

Now if the Thai's don't give a toss about Thai men having a bit on the side why should they worry about a Farang with one?

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Perhaps they like to keep them for themselves, just like the other good things they have going?

Dunno about that but I felt like saying to him.

"Oi pal give us a go of that when you have finished"

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Perhaps they like to keep them for themselves, just like the other good things they have going?

Dunno about that but I felt like saying to him.

"Oi pal give us a go of that when you have finished"

And meanwhile, his "Mia Neung" is down in Pratunam trying to buy some young boy to go home with her for companionship.

...I love Thailand... :o

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I think anyone's love/sexual life is nobody else's business. However, there are some extreme cases when 70 year old's walk hand in hand with 18 year old's. Sometimes, honestly..they don't even look 18 years old. Come on, even if you're paying, you're still using her and you know it. An 18 year old doesn't have the same life experience as a 70 year old. Not saying if you don't go with her, she wouldn't go with someone else, but thats just my opinion on it.

Does it make me laugh if i see a 70 year old walking down the street holding hands with an 18 year old? A little, but you see it quite often. Does it make me laugh when he tells me that she truly loves him and isn't with him for the money? Yes, it does. And more than one guy told me so.

Face it, if you're 70 years old, no 18 year old will be with you for anything other than money. Maybe in a rare case of 1 in 100,000,000 cases and if she has a strange syndrome. Its nature, its completely normal. I don't care if you pay her, that's your business, but many people believe its love ...you're wrong.

What about me when i'm 70? You won't see me walk down from Nana Plaza with an 18 year old in my arm. But thats just me.

Don't attack me, i'm just being plain honest here.

(and i hope my post made sense, i'm still on medication from the surgery ...i may show some weird signs :o )

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What about me when i'm 70? You won't see me walk down from Nana Plaza with an 18 year old in my arm. But thats just me.

I see you prefer the mature type about twenty two?

Remember you are as old as the woman you feel.

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I meant:

- If you're 70 and your g/f is 18 and you're paying her for her "company", its your business ..but don't think people will not chuckle if they see you. Of course, you may not care about that, more power to you.

- If you're 70 and your g/f is 18 and you believe its true love ...no comment. That's just something that amazes me how many guys fall for. Come on, with 70 you should have some life experience and know that its just not real.

70 and 40? 70 and 50? I know several couples that live happily, no problem. But realize that even with 70 and 50, that is already a huge age difference of twenty years. Meaning she was 10 when you were 30. Now imagine 70 and 20 ..she was 10 when you were 60. Come on..

No offense to any of you who are in that age range, but i just hope you realize its not love, but money.

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I believe they know, but don't wanna know. What could they do without money? Not everybody is as cute as rainman, even more handsome in the new foto! Lucky ########!

Sounds like you want a date? :o

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No offense to any of you who are in that age range, but i just hope you realize its not love, but money.

I'm not in that age range but,so what?

I have asked my friends in the U.K. if ever they see me with a grey poplin cap on my head wearing a grey car coat and grey shoes with velcro fasteners in a supermarket.

With a grey woman who looked like my grandmother when she was alive looking at tins of tuna salad seeing if we can afford it or not to do me a big big favour.

Shoot me.

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Make sure you acquire Thai citizenship and join the Muslim separatist movement before you return to the Uk. You will be eligible for all the free handouts, a few months down the line you may invite your wife and mia noi to join you, as well.

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- If you're 70 and your g/f is 18 and you're paying her for her "company", its your business ..but don't think people will not chuckle if they see you. Of course, you may not care about that, more power to you.

Such a disparity in age is hardly ever seen in Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei.

Does it mean Thai girls are the only Asians that love older men? And Pillipinas too.

What makes people chuckle at such a sight is that the oldie (or fat-beer gut-bald farang) is riding on the girl's poverty and all sorts of disadvantages and handycaps his young companion might have.

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You may have an educated guess as to what people think of you from the looks you'll get.

Who cares what people think?

I see older Thai men with young 'mia noi's" nobody seems to give them a second glance.

I would rather be with a young woman than an old one who looks like dessicated parchment,but thats just me, no accounting for taste,and as to what dessicated parchment tastes like I don't want to find out thanks.

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Thai girl don't love older men, they love the money, and we old timers love the company of a sweet young Thai girl, that's a fact of life :o

That's what people giving you looks want to say - a dirty old man with a prostitute.

Why does not he conceal it somehow? Why in public?

Young girls love money? True, but prostitutes <deleted>&suck to get it.

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You may have an educated guess as to what people think of you from the looks you'll get.

Who cares what people think?

I see older Thai men with young 'mia noi's" nobody seems to give them a second glance.

I would rather be with a young woman than an old one who looks like dessicated parchment,but thats just me, no accounting for taste,and as to what dessicated parchment tastes like I don't want to find out thanks.

well there are supposed to be 1000s (25,000?)of mia nois in Bangkok being supported

by wealthy and presumably older Thai gents .

And there are also well healed farangs who are also collecting mianois in bangkok.

There are even farangs of limited means who are collection trophy mia nois in bangkok.

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I do not think it is always economic. I think it may often start out as economic, but women love fathers, women love confident men.

I lived in Japan for 14 years. My wife, bless her heart, insisted I have lovers, because she just did not want as much sex after she had children.

Most of my lovers were college aged girls a few in their mid to late twenties. NONE of them was poor. A few had fathers who were presidents of companies, or managers. All were college educated. I was on average twice their age.

Now I am handsome. I have a nice body. I have a slightly larger than statical average for a white male probe (for the internal massage of ...). I was certainly fairly prosperous in Japan, but could never compete with Japanese business men who had expense accounts and far deeper pockets than I did.

I am charming, but more importantly I am knowledgeable. I am an attentive lover. I hold doors, hold chairs, help a woman on with her coat ad\nd I am affectionate.

Most asian men are lacking in the skills of being romantically charming.

So when you see some young girl with an older guy, if he is renting her for a week or month while there on vacation, yes I could agree it is economic, but if they have been together for a year or two, I think you may find in many cases that line of pure economic relationship gets blurred. Older western men are very romantic and appreciate a young woman's beauty, but we also appreciate her charm and allow her to develop her brains.

Do not think this love and affection these young women are given by older men does not go unnoticed, nor is not a coin of great value.

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Now I am handsome. I have a nice body. I have a slightly larger than statical average for a white male probe (for the internal massage of ...). I was certainly fairly prosperous in Japan, but could never compete with Japanese business men who had expense accounts and far deeper pockets than I did.

You forgot modest as well,but hard luck you are not as handsome as me though.

Why do you think I am called the human tripod?

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