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Planning Your Funeral

Jet Gorgon

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Thinking about doing the will, arrangements, etc. (No, I am not suicidal.) I like Thai funerals. Kind of a party and get-together where all the villagers can wear their jewellery and take a few hours off work, eat and chill. Not many tears shed for the deceased that had a full life, which I really like. Cremation is OK, I just don't like the refridgerated coffins with the fairy lights.

Have you all planned your departures? Just want to get some ideas about how to plan my final party for anyone that wants to attend. It's not morbid, just sensible.

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I like Thai funerals.

Seems a bit of a strange comment, but ok I'll go along with it.

What music would you like played, you know generally and specifically which tune would you like as the coffin goes into the cremator?

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What music would you like played, you know generally and specifically which tune would you like as the coffin goes into the cremator?

Seasons in the Sun. No question about it, I've known that'll be my funeral song since I was 17.

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No plans, the family will take care of all that after I am dead :o

Besides, funerals here run to a type, and I am perfectly happy to go with the flow. Who cares about fairy lights? You'll be dead, if it makes the family happy then what does it matter?

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Too morbid to begin the day with, don't you think? Anyway, I think that the main plan should be on leaving everything clarified for the ones who remain other than that shouldn't be that important. There is an old romanian saying, it says that you only take your suit and your shoes with you and maybe your favourite accesory...guess nobody knows if those would be very useful either... :o

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I like Thai funerals.

Seems a bit of a strange comment, but ok I'll go along with it.

What music would you like played, you know generally and specifically which tune would you like as the coffin goes into the cremator?

Unless it's a funeral for a child, it's a party. Reason to get together and take time off work. A wake in the outdoors with food, stray dogs, monks, people chatting...

I went to one Thai friend's funeral. He was an artist, party pal, mega friend. Got the call in Singapore and went to the airport to catch the Samui flight still dressed in my biz suit. Ran into a rasta aquaintance dressed as such also going home for the funeral. We partied together, exec and rasta bear, and talked about our friend all the way home with the airline folks feeding us beer without asking. Got to the temple and it was a life resurrection party. That's what I want. No crying.

Music? I'll send you the tape Robski and you can DJ, if that's OK with you. Music for how ever many days people want to party.

Just make sure the wheels don't squeak when they roll the box to the burning bin. I think one's ghost can still wince.

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Mmmmmm...... I think you have a very unique take on funerals.

Hey, besides taxes and vet fees, it's the only thing in life I know is inevitable. At least I can arrange my own farewell ceremony, unlike taxes and vet fees. I'm gonna add Hallelulah to the song list for all the pretend-to-love Jet people. Don't forget Bob Marley now. Did you know he died cause he hit his big toe playing soccer and it got infected and like a dumb bloke he didn't go to the doctor and then it got infected and then the poison spread through his body and then he died.

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Mmmmmm...... I think you have a very unique take on funerals.

Hey, besides taxes and vet fees, it's the only thing in life I know is inevitable. At least I can arrange my own farewell ceremony, unlike taxes and vet fees. I'm gonna add Hallelulah to the song list for all the pretend-to-love Jet people. Don't forget Bob Marley now. Did you know he died cause he hit his big toe playing soccer and it got infected and like a dumb bloke he didn't go to the doctor and then it got infected and then the poison spread through his body and then he died.

That's not entirely correct Miss Jet ... Bobby boy did hurt his toe playing football (the correct term :D ) however, the toe became ulcerated and subsequently discovered that he developed melanoma on the said toe which in time spread to other parts of his body and ultimately led to his demise.

A minor point but a point nethertheless :D

Robski would be a crap DJ anyway .. he only plays Abba ... :o

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You know you're over the 500 now, this is the sort of 'interesting subject' thing that they could do with in 'the other place'. :o

Oh, "the other place", where's that?

I am over 500 but when TV asks your age for your profile, the earliest year you can put is 1908. I'm kind of confused, a statement which will open me to many deleterious comments, I am sure.

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That's not entirely correct Miss Jet ... Bobby boy did hurt his toe playing football (the correct term :D ) however, the toe became ulcerated and subsequently discovered that he developed melanoma on the said toe which in time spread to other parts of his body and ultimately led to his demise.

A minor point but a point nethertheless :D

Robski would be a crap DJ anyway .. he only plays Abba ... :o

Oh. My data were incorrect. Well, he died anyway from big toe infection playing "football" aka soccer.

Abba anything is not allowed at my funeral. Robski will follow the rules.

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Will written since my early 20's and updated every other year it seems, with minor details for the funeral. Any temple will do, although most of our family choose to get crispy then powdery at Wat Rachanadharram over on Mahatchai; some go at Thepsirin, other's at Theplila and then scattered in the sea off the coast of Rayong (no special reason, it's just convenient and one branch of the family runs a couple of salvage boats out of there, so it's cheap).


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How about Jet by Wings? We could give it a remix, change the lyrics and 'da riddim' maybe a bit of a Calypso stylee or even Salsa.

Jet! I Can Almost Remember Their Funny sad Faces

That Time You Told Me That

You Were Going To Be Marrying dying Soon.

And Jet, I Thought The Only

Lonely Place Was On The Moon.

Jet! Jet!

Waddaya think? :o

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How about Jet by Wings? We could give it a remix, change the lyrics and 'da riddim' maybe a bit of a Calypso stylee or even Salsa.

Jet! I Can Almost Remember Their Funny sad Faces

That Time You Told Me That

You Were Going To Be Marrying dying Soon.

And Jet, I Thought The Only

Lonely Place Was On The Moon.

Jet! Jet!

Waddaya think? :o

That's not Dancing Queen. I don't like covers. Put my name in a few more places and I might reconsider.

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when i kick the bucket i want everybody to party on like there is no tomorrow and i'll pay for the shandies.

i like thai funerals as they got a good handle on death and go for the party side of things.

the secret is to have a great life when your living and then one never worries about dying. :D

anyway jet,

give me a call when you kick will you, and i'll be down there for the p-iss up.

cheers :D

actually dave will come as well, and we will throw on a few towers of brown frothy ale for your last horay. :D

i gonna make sure i dont stub my toe as thats <deleted> dangerous mate. :o

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In the interests of economy I told my wife sometime ago that if I suddenly croaked she shouldn't bother with a funeral unless I had already taken out life insurance as the cost of booze etc would be a waste of money.

Just put me on a stack of firewood in her fields and scatter the ashes as fertiliser.

I remember a sad case a few years ago when a young traveller died of a suspected drug overdose in Vangviang in Laos, the British government asked his distraught mother if she wanted the body flown home, when she found out the cost she asked them to cremate him there and just send back some personal items.

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Bloody oath .. any excuse for a piss up ... and we're not scared of ghosts :D

:o You boys are scared of me in real life. Imagine my ethereal qualities. :D

you just make sure you give us your address jet, before you kick off.

if we miss the knees up because you aint given us the address you are in deep <deleted> mate. :D :D

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Thinking about doing the will, arrangements, etc. (No, I am not suicidal.) I like Thai funerals. Kind of a party and get-together where all the villagers can wear their jewellery and take a few hours off work, eat and chill. Not many tears shed for the deceased that had a full life, which I really like. Cremation is OK, I just don't like the refridgerated coffins with the fairy lights.

Have you all planned your departures? Just want to get some ideas about how to plan my final party for anyone that wants to attend. It's not morbid, just sensible.

Planing my Funeral

Christ there are some sick people on this forum :o

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Bloody oath .. any excuse for a piss up ... and we're not scared of ghosts :D

:o You boys are scared of me in real life. Imagine my ethereal qualities. :D

you just make sure you give us your address jet, before you kick off.

if we miss the knees up because you aint given us the address you are in deep <deleted> mate. :D :D

You just wanna come for the free vodka and bbq burgers and Abba and estate giveaways. Well, as my Somerset little bro, you will get a better selection than just the Mikasa china set, but...Gimme a more reasonable plea for my current address besides our family temple in Greece.

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Bloody oath .. any excuse for a piss up ... and we're not scared of ghosts :D

:o You boys are scared of me in real life. Imagine my ethereal qualities. :D

you just make sure you give us your address jet, before you kick off.

if we miss the knees up because you aint given us the address you are in deep <deleted> mate. :D :D

That's correct Terry ... and if we miss the piss up I will personally write your obituary ... 'she was a very mouse like, timid creature that was xenophobic and listened to Abba' ... Ha ! So there, just be a good girl and make sure you send the invites .... :bah:

Edited by davidjtayler
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Christ there are some sick people on this forum :o

No, just folks looking for advice. The one thing we definitely have in common is we are all going to die. Planning one's own exit is not morbid to me. I just want to know which vodka and videos to order so everyone really enjoys the bbq.

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