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Trump ousts McMaster, taps super-hawk Bolton as national security adviser


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3 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Tillerson: fired after speaking out strongly against Russia, and then replaced by Pompeo who falsely claimed that the intelligence agencies had concluded that Russian interference had not affected the election outcome (they had in fact made no conclusion one way or the other).


McMaster: fired after speaking out strongly against Russia, and then replaced by Bolton who has said on Fox that the Trump/Russia collusion allegations are all about democrats wanting “to prove that the Trump administration is illegitimate”


Comey: fired, by Trump’s own admission, “because of this Russia thing”


Also fired: McCabe, a potential witness who can corroborate Comey’s assertion that Trump May have tried to obstruct the Russia investigation.


Sure looks like a pattern.

What's your point,besides your moronic talking  points that result in a pattern 

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I would rather see the world go to war than keep ongoing the way it has been for the past few decades.

  Let Bolton go for it. 

  Maybe the world needs a  war to get it back on track with sensible thinkers not we can fix things with candles and warm fuzzy's..

 I would gladly let a bomb take me out if it meant there would be some sanity brought back to this world.

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4 hours ago, downtowneddie said:

I think that a lot of the fears voiced about Trump previously were exaggerated.  But this is genuinely scary. Compared to Bolton, Trump is relatively rational.

Matthew Kroenig, deputy director in the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security.

“With a national security team of Trump, Bolton, Pompeo, and Mattis, America will not have a credibility problem when it comes to threats to use military force.” 

PT has always said he inherited a mess.Regardless of what some say of his past political appeasing choices,one thing is for sure, intel that he and a select few only know about, has brought on these strategic appointees.


Edited by riclag
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Just what you need when leading up to a possible meeting between the Rocket man & the twittet twit - a neo-con nutter along the lines of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz et al. Are there any sensible people left now in Trump's gang of Nazis?


He hasn't drained the swamp - but swamped the WH with dregs.

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5 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Excellent move as McMaster was too much a "Globalist" 

Bolton will be a stronger figure. 

I agree.  The last thing Trump wants is a Globalist.  Bolton should fit perfectly into the swamp and absolutely confirms what a moron Trump really is.

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5 minutes ago, khunken said:

Just what you need when leading up to a possible meeting between the Rocket man & the twittet twit - a neo-con nutter along the lines of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz et al. Are there any sensible people left now in Trump's gang of Nazis?


He hasn't drained the swamp - but swamped the WH with dregs.

Another ridiculous  statement "Trump's gang of Nazis".People who think that Bolton and the administration are linked to Nazism are suffering from symptoms of TDS 

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It seems for the number of Fox "News" ("trump" regime propaganda network) "personalities" that "trump" has already poached (and no doubt more to come) that "trump" should be charged off fees!

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3 hours ago, selftaopath said:

I wonder if Tiny Don is recognized as the most hated man in the world yet?  I'd love to see that on a Time Magazine cover. I have long held he will reach that level of disdain. 


If not the most hated man in the world, at least the greatest buffoon to have ever lived? Perhaps one of the most ignorant men in history? One of the most illiterate? A man who has done so little with what which he has been given? The worst president in American history? Hopefully he will not be known as the man who started WWIII, once the even more ignorant Bolton came on board. 


Or perhaps just a man who could not satisfy his women? And as a result they all left him in the end. 



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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I don't think anyone has ever said that "trump" and his cronies are literal Nazis (except for Hungarian fascist Gorka now gone who arguably is really close) BUT it's a very sick thing indeed that American Nazis and their KKK style fellow travelers strongly feel they have an ideological friend in "trump." Both sides indeed. You can play games and act like that isn't real, but decent Americans see the truth.  

Real Americans think of  American values and what made America of the past and not this new world globalist  rubbish idiotic notion of the KKK,Nazis,communistic ,socialistic fascist,Russian hysteria  BS, that the liberals are spewing to bring down change from the last 40 years .

    Bolton is a hero, a patriotic American who has served before and will use his experience of diplomacy with  help from others in the administration , in maintaining and sustaining  America and American values.

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11 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

This is a terrifying bit of news.


The National Security Adviser is supposed to be a person of consensus who listens to the various security-focused departments in the government and melds it all into a joint view representing many. Bolton is very well-known as a person who only listens to himself.


In other words, Trump, who thinks he knows everything, will now be advised by another person who thinks he knows everything.


Scary, scary times...

" Scary, scary times... "





John Bolton on wanting to go to war with Iran –


" Time is terribly short, but a strike can still succeed. The inescapable conclusion is that Iran will not negotiate away its nuclear program. Nor will sanctions block its building a broad and deep weapons infrastructure.":sad:

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47 minutes ago, riclag said:

Real Americans think of  American values and what made America of the past and not this new world globalist  rubbish idiotic notion of the KKK,Nazis,communistic ,socialistic fascist,Russian hysteria  BS, that the liberals are spewing to bring down change from the last 40 years .

    Bolton is a hero, a patriotic American who has served before and will use his experience of diplomacy with  help from others in the administration , in maintaining and sustaining  America and American values.

The problem is only the old people know what really made America in the past and the only ones that care about the real America, The young one have been force fed what you describe  below.

and not this new world globalist  rubbish idiotic notion of the KKK,Nazis,communistic ,socialistic fascist,Russian hysteria  BS

  The young only know the garbage they were taught. So anarchy is all they will ever know unless some strong guys step up and do some hard work to bring America back to American standards.



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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, I know that Slate is a leftist source, so don't bother with that. It's an opinion piece but an interesting one. The real thing here is "trump" is now cornered both on Russia and on the flotsam and jetsam over several sex scandals. He knows his presidency is on the line. We know he has delusions of authoritarianism. What do such types do in history to preserve their power? Not hard to answer that -- START WARS!



OMG :sad:

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It doesn't look so hopeful any longer that there will be the historic meeting between Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump



Mr. Bolton has taken a hard line on North Korea, and he has expressed skepticism about South Korea’s role in arranging a meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un. Mr. Bolton recently said Mr. Trump should tell the North Korean leader that unless he quickly commits in talks to total denuclearization, Mr. Trump should try “something else” — hinting at a pre-emptive American military strike.



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49 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

So you think that the young shouldn't decide on their future or even are capable of thinking for themselves?   Those old people you refer to where the then "young people" who in the sixties revolutionised America.  At the time all the "old people" thought they were nuts and degenerates.


America belongs to the young people and it is morons like Trump that are trying to screw up their future prospects.  Fortunately there are enough good "old people" who can see that and hopefully together with the young, free America from this vile cancer Donald Trump.

No way did I intend to say the young cannot decide on their future . What i was saying they have been mislead and ill educated and will make bad choices as they have been doing and creat more anarchy in America.. They have a choice,what ever their choice is and will live with it that is reality. But there is still a chance that they can learn about what America was and maybe with some positive effort correct the damage done .

  The young ones you mention from the sixties were the ones to lead the way for the poor condition the country is in. They were nuts and degenerates. and America is paying the price for listening to them.and letting them have an influence 

Edited by lovelomsak
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