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Injured dog adopted in Bangkok bites people before dying of rabies


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On 3/24/2018 at 2:22 PM, chrisinth said:

Really surprised by this statement. Being a dog owner in Thailand for more than 10 years and have never had any of them vaccinated against rabies. Never been advised to vaccinate against rabies by the vet on any of my dogs despite all the bi-monthly cocktails they get.


Until today that is. I brought the Siberian and German shepherd down this morning and after their shots I was 160 baht out of pocket. Cheap at half the price if only for the peace of mind. This was in Phitsanulok by the way, outside any 'red' zones.

Until tomorrow the way things are going

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On 3/24/2018 at 3:15 PM, NoBrainer said:

Problem seems to be that there has been some less than effective vaccine making the rounds. Maybe just water, or some other inert solution, being sold as vaccine. TIT!

No sorry, all the iffy stuff has been removed and got rid off we have that on good authority

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On 3/24/2018 at 5:11 PM, ftpjtm said:

I didn't realize there is a human vaccination for rabies but I just looked it up and there is.


It can/should be administered immediately after a bite and requires boosters 3, 7 and 14 days after the bite. And it does seem that it's a very wise precaution because once the virus takes hold it is almost always fatal.

OK fairy snuff as old Louis Pasteur was just a bit before your time

I bet you drink milk straight from the udder dont you 

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On 3/24/2018 at 4:01 PM, ftpjtm said:

Euthanizing animals is frowned upon here due to objections related to Bhuddism.


But killing people through drunk and/or bad driving is OK. A trip to the temple and all forgiven.

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On 3/24/2018 at 4:21 PM, Colabamumbai said:

Useless vet could have done a rabies test.

Exactly. There would have been no need for even a test. If the dog died 3 days later the symptoms would have been obvious. A few years ago we had a dog die of rabies, fortunately it became lethargic rather aggressive, they do not all become 'mad dogs'. It was quite obvious to me what the problem was several days before the dog died and any vet would have recognised the symptoms at an earlier stage and immediately put the dog down. No vet is going to put themselves and their staff at risk from a stray dog.


I suspect a bit of journalistic licence in this story.

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6 hours ago, sandyf said:

Exactly. There would have been no need for even a test. If the dog died 3 days later the symptoms would have been obvious. A few years ago we had a dog die of rabies, fortunately it became lethargic rather aggressive, they do not all become 'mad dogs'. It was quite obvious to me what the problem was several days before the dog died and any vet would have recognised the symptoms at an earlier stage and immediately put the dog down. No vet is going to put themselves and their staff at risk from a stray dog.


I suspect a bit of journalistic licence in this story.

There is NO reliable way of testing a dog for rabies unless you cut its head off

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On 3/24/2018 at 1:22 PM, chrisinth said:

Really surprised by this statement. Being a dog owner in Thailand for more than 10 years and have never had any of them vaccinated against rabies. Never been advised to vaccinate against rabies by the vet on any of my dogs despite all the bi-monthly cocktails they get.


Until today that is. I brought the Siberian and German shepherd down this morning and after their shots I was 160 baht out of pocket. Cheap at half the price if only for the peace of mind. This was in Phitsanulok by the way, outside any 'red' zones.

Ooops. The above post is incorrect, let me just amend this. (I was informed myself about this yesterday!)


The first statement that my dogs have never been vaccinated is incorrect. All my dogs have received annual shots against rabies, the vaccine is included into the cocktail once a year, my current two are good until November. I was not aware of this. The shots they received the other day were the heartworm, etc that they were due on the 8th April, and not the rabies vaccine. The rabies vaccine does cost 80 baht (for larger dogs anyway) but the actual cost the other day was 340 baht for both dogs for their bi-monthy shots. The wife paid.


Sorry to mislead, but still surprised with the statement that it is illegal to not have the dogs vaccinated against rabies. Is this therefore true for all pets?

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