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Advice on flying with newborn farang baby


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5 minutes ago, Dazinoz said:

I was lucky taking my 17 month old son to Australia. Sat on my lap from Chiang Mai to Bangkok and not a word. Laid on the 2 empty seats beside me from Bangkok to Brisbane, again not a work or whimper. You could see both times coming into landing bothered his ears bit but no problems. In fact I heard the people behind me say a fair way into the flight say "oh there is an infant there". Only because they had seen him. And I did take the daytime flight just in case.


Thanks Raymond.

Just in case of what?

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On 4/2/2018 at 12:01 PM, Dazinoz said:

I was lucky taking my 17 month old son to Australia. Sat on my lap from Chiang Mai to Bangkok and not a word. Laid on the 2 empty seats beside me from Bangkok to Brisbane, again not a work or whimper. You could see both times coming into landing bothered his ears bit but no problems. In fact I heard the people behind me say a fair way into the flight say "oh there is an infant there". Only because they had seen him. And I did take the daytime flight just in case.


Thanks Raymond.

Taking a 17 month old on a plane is not a great difficulty. By then it will have developed certain habits and is capable of remaining quiet and sleeping for a lengthy period of time. It's taking newborns (less than 6 months old, sometimes up to 12 months) that can be a problem, for both the parents and fellow passengers alike, not to mention the risk of the baby catching a disease as has been mentioned on this thread already.

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