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Here's my result...AIS Fibre 200/50 in Bangkok.



Seeing your 2.4Mb speed results to London brings back memories.  From early Sep 17 until the morning of 16 Nov 17 my results to London were also 2.4Mb on my AIS Fibre 200Mb plan....I mean 2.4Mb over and over and over.  It was like  a speed ceiling that I break thru when testing to London.  Plus my speed to most international websites was only about two-thirds of its normal international speed (regardless of speedtester used), but other international sites were still much faster than testing to London.  No amount of complaining to AIS helped over those approx 6 weeks....then as mentioned, on the morning of 16 Nov my international speed returned to what it normally was like the almost 100Mb speed to London shown below.



2 minutes ago, Pib said:

Here's my result...AIS Fibre 200/50 in Bangkok.



Seeing your 2.4Mb speed results to London brings back memories.  From early Sep 17 until the morning of 16 Nov 17 my results to London were also 2.4Mb on my AIS Fibre 200Mb plan....I mean 2.4Mb over and over and over.  It was like  a speed ceiling that I break thru when testing to London.  Plus my speed to most international websites was only about two-thirds of its normal international speed (regardless of speedtester used), but other international sites were still much faster than testing to London.  No amount of complaining to AIS helped over those approx 6 weeks....then as mentioned, on the morning of 16 Nov my international speed returned to what it normally was like the almost 100Mb speed to London shown below.



Thanks for sharing, but do you also know how it was solved.


The technician from TOT also send me a speedtest taken at the TOT office this afternoon, it is still holiday so no load at the office.


And my speed on the 3BB VDSL 30/10 Mb package at the same time



No, AIS never did say how they fixed my international speed problem which plagued me and some others from early Sep 17 to the morning of 16 Nov 17. 


And more memory cells just remembered with I was still with on the True DOCSIS (cable) 15Mb plan before I switched to AIS Fibre in mid 2016 I routinely only got 2.4Mb to London on the True cable 15Mb when testing with testmy.net. 


Now if I tested with an OOKLA based tester like Speedtest.net which a multi thread testers I would get three times the speed.   When I switched to the AIS Fibre in mid 2016 initially on a 50Mb plan the testmy.net results to London were much, much better than True's speeds.   I really can't remember what I got on that AIS 50Mb plan because about 5 months later I upgraded to 100Mb....and then later on to 200Mb which I'm still on.  


So, the more I think about it, I think that 2.4Mb testmy.net result that I got over and over and over so many times it was burnt into my memory was mostly from my True DOCSIS days on a 15Mb plan and then I started seeing almost as low of results from early Sep 17 to the morning of 16 Nov 17 on AIS Fibre 200Mb.


It seems to me that testing to London can often result in low speed, even when using a OOKLA based tester.  I remember when I was getting low speed test results to London even using speedtest.net than if a tested to a nearby city close to London I would get much faster speed.   I just racked it up to the chokepoint being within the London metro area and not necessarily into the UK.   I also noticed that speeds to EU/UK are generally slower than to the US.


It probably boils down to how much international bandwidth Thai ISPs buy to different parts of the world....they don't have the same amount going in all directions/parts of the world.


Just ran a couple testmy.net tests and one Nperf.com test to London done at approx 6:30pm Thailand time...see below....little slower than approx an hour ago....but far, far above 2.4Mb









Some folks on TOT at getting great results to London, but most of these tests below are from an "office" computer signified by the "display-computer icon" between the UK flag and TH which means they may be testing from a high speed leased TOT fiber line....or maybe it's TOT tech support doing the testing....who knows.





23 minutes ago, Pib said:

It probably boils down to how much international bandwidth Thai ISPs buy to different parts of the world....they don't have the same amount going in all directions/parts of the world.

Not sure if I understand exactly what you try to tell me, but to me it is more a matter of allocation of their bandwidth.


Let me tell you my story.


In my location I have only the choice of 3BB and now very recently TOT.


I started a few years ago with 3BB ADSL 18/1.8 "inter" package, but my connection would be very unstable.


My UK speed would be around 6-7 Mbps, while my friend about 5 kilometer away on the same package would easily get 15Mbps.


They blamed it on the distance from the Dslam.


So I kept pushing them and after about a year they suggested VDSL, as that could carry longer distances.


So they installed VDSL 30/10 MB and gave me a used router that the technicians had laying in the car to test for 4 days.


Now that was an improvement. I would get speeds of in the range of 15 Mbps to all European destinations. I always ONLY test with testmy.net.


After 4 days I decided to take up their offer, went to their office, paid them and got my own new router.


The very next day my speeds dropped to 7-8 Mbps to UK and other EU dstinations, but what was more, my upload speed to 3BB server would be around 5Mbps only.


At one point somewhere around August last year I had 6 technicians, all the heads of their departments in different regions, in my house for a full day performing tests.


They managed using the Nperf test site to get a download speed to 3BB server of 150 Mbps, ..................................on my 30 Mb package over copper line.:laugh:


At the end of the day they couldn't give me an answer what the actual problem was, but they kept testing and researching.


They gave me a static IP, located somewhere in Khon Kaen 600 km from here, and this improved my international speeds as you can see from the test results I posted a few posts earlier.


But at the same time my local upload speeds dropped to only 3 Mbps, on my 10 Mbps package, and this going on for the past 7 months.


They never wanted to explain to me why I got that static IP, which in fact isn't a static IP.


I always see the very same IP, but at times the IP get banned with Craigslist, and you know that a CL banned IP you can not get unbanned.


But usually about a week later I can login again with CL, however speedtest or MY IP test still show the very same IP. So CL must see a different IP.


Few weeks ago 3BB  suggested to install a Fibre trial, on the condition that if they couldn't improve my international speed they would remove it again.


They installed the fibre and opened it completely. I got 1GB up and down locally, but only 9 - 10 Mbps down to UK.


They used their own laptops wire connected directly to the router, 9 - 10 Mbps down.................but almost 30 Mbps up .


Tried for hours, couldn't get it ever above 10 Mbps, while I would get better speeds on the 30Mb VDSL package.


So they removed the fibre again, and since have managed to get my local upload speed to 7Mbps.


I also run a service with customers all over Thailand, and my service requires a decent internet connection, as it involves streaming.


Whenever I get a complaint from a customer that he has problems because he can not connect, I have to ask only 1 question, and the answer will always be identical.


Do you have TOT as ISP by any chance, and the answer will be yes.


I know of several customers with TOT fibre that get test results below 3Mbps.


That is also the reason why i started this thread, and was surprised about the test results that were posted, as they all were much higher than what I needed.


I went to the Laem Chabang office, and they also managed between 25 and 29Mbps on a wired connection.


So I decided to take up their offer, because it cost me only 10 Baht in total for registration and installation, and the manager added and signed a clause in the contract that I could cancel at any time without having to pay any fee. Normally about 6990 Baht + VAT.


When they installed last week Thursday I would get about 10 Mbps, far from what they promised, but at least my local upload would be close to 50 Mbps which I also need.


From that day on it only deteriorated, to the point of what we have reached today.


I also discovered yesterday, as I have posted in another thread, that TOT block certain streams.


The log file shows that it connect to the destination IP address, then immediately disconnects.The same streams play without issues on my 3BB connection.






10 minutes ago, Pib said:

What you have went through is enough to make a madman go madder.    

Luckily I still have my 3BB VDSL, and the TOT story doesn't cost me a dime, other than 1 monthly subscription.


But I start to wonder if all the companies  actually have their main Fibre cable, or get all connected to the same main cable from CAT.


I live 15 km outside Pattaya, but about 1.5km from highway #36 which is a major route.


Could it be there is actually only 1 main cable along that route, and that the other ISP's get their feed from there, and that the international speed allocated for this area is below average?


The reason I question this is because 3BB could only show 9 - 10 Mbps on their fibre connection, and the initial TOT numbers when they installed Thursday were the same. I can't test now as they have asked me to turn off the router so they can run tests.


I have also tested another TOT Fibre 100/50 Mb customer 1 km down the road towards the highway, and he also got 9 - 10Mbps.


Is it a coincidence that everyone get the same speed in my street?



11 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

Luckily I still have my 3BB VDSL, and the TOT story doesn't cost me a dime, other than 1 monthly subscription.


But I start to wonder if all the companies  actually have their main Fibre cable, or get all connected to the same main cable from CAT.


I live 15 km outside Pattaya, but about 1.5km from highway #36 which is a major route.


Could it be there is actually only 1 main cable along that route, and that the other ISP's get their feed from there, and that the international speed allocated for this area is below average?


The reason I question this is because 3BB could only show 9 - 10 Mbps on their fibre connection, and the initial TOT numbers when they installed Thursday were the same. I can't test now as they have asked me to turn off the router so they can run tests.


I have also tested another TOT Fibre 100/50 Mb customer 1 km down the road towards the highway, and he also got 9 - 10Mbps.


Is it a coincidence that everyone get the same speed in my street?



I doubt TOT and 3BB are sharing main trunk lines, but I do know that ISPs have all kinds of ways to throttle bandwidth, both domestic and international bandwidth.   And I fully expect they can allot only a certain amount of international bandwidth to certain areas.


To make an assumption that the chokepoint should only be at the ISP's international gateway which should cause "all" of the ISP's customers to feel the same reduce international bandwidth is surely a bad assumption.  I'm not saying you made that assumption because you didn't, but I can see how many of us could easily think that way....I have thought that at times.    My own personal experience over the last 10 years with three different Thai ISPs has convinced me the area you live in can make a big difference bandwidth based on the ISP's network infrastructure in that area.




TOT came around the other day and installed a new modem and router.


Previously it was modem/router in one, but when they did a tracert to any website, the first hop to the router would always time out, so clearly something wrong with the device.


After they replaced the device speeds improved significantly, and getting now 22 -28 Mbps to UK on wired connections.


But now I have a new question.


On my PC, directly connected to the router and with 1Gb port on both pc and router, I will get 10 Mbps. That's it, always same speed.


Selecting large file manually I will also get 10 Mbps, but middle variance will be around 5% only, so excellent stability.


A local speed test will give me 100 Mbps without issue


On all Android devices anywhere in the house, all wired with some directly to the router and others through hub, I will get the 22 - 28 Mbps to UK but with a middle variance of +100%.


This is selecting 100 Mb file, in case of automatic download test it will be around 15 Mbps, with same middle variance.


Anyone can explain why on the PC I only get 10 Mbps



12 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:

Anyone can explain why on the PC I only get 10 Mbps

Maybe your lan  card or cable is bad   or the lan connection is set to  10Mbps  or it auto negotiated to 10Mbps

6 minutes ago, johng said:

Maybe your lan  card or cable is bad   or the lan connection is set to  10Mbps  or it auto negotiated to 10Mbps


Plenty of LAN cables to choose from, and tried a few.


If the LAN card was bad or set to negotiate 10Mbps, I assume I would also not get 100 Mbps on local speed test, but it would also be 10 Mbps.


I also think the only 5% middle variance on an international speed test gives a way something, as never seen such a stable long distance connection

1 hour ago, janclaes47 said:

On my PC, directly connected to the router and with 1Gb port on both pc and router, I will get 10 Mbps. That's it, always same speed.

Sorry you lost me  here    its always the same speed  but


1 hour ago, janclaes47 said:

A local speed test will give me 100 Mbps without issue


do you mean a speed test  with a file stored on your router to the "slow" PC

Just now, johng said:

Sorry you lost me  here    its always the same speed  but



do you mean a speed test  with a file stored on your router to the "slow" PC


The speed test to UK with Testmy.net is always 10 Mbps with only very little middle variance. Just did a test with 3% middle variance.


The same test on Android devices throughout the house reads mid twenties, but with a middle variance of about +100%


A speed test to a Thailand based server on my pc get 100 Mbps, same as my package is.




Just for comparison/crossfeed...my AIS Fibre 200Mb speed plan testmy.net results to UK below....about 20 minutes after your TOT Fiber results above.  My test file size was a lot larger since my speed to London was a lot faster.





13 minutes ago, Pib said:

Just for comparison/crossfeed...my AIS Fibre 200Mb speed plan testmy.net results to UK below....about 20 minutes after your TOT Fiber results above.  My test file size was a lot larger since my speed to London was a lot faster.







My 3BB VDSL 30/10 package right now with 75Mb file



On 20/04/2018 at 11:32 AM, janclaes47 said:

TOT came around the other day and installed a new modem and router.



But now I have a new question.


On my PC, directly connected to the router and with 1Gb port on both pc and router, I will get 10 Mbps. That's it, always same speed.


Selecting large file manually I will also get 10 Mbps, but middle variance will be around 5% only, so excellent stability.


A local speed test will give me 100 Mbps without issue


On all Android devices anywhere in the house, all wired with some directly to the router and others through hub, I will get the 22 - 28 Mbps to UK but with a middle variance of +100%.


This is selecting 100 Mb file, in case of automatic download test it will be around 15 Mbps, with same middle variance.


Anyone can explain why on the PC I only get 10 Mbps




Wanted to bump this up as i haven't got any answer yet.


To clarify, it is not only with TOT, but the exact same happens on 3BB.


On my PC the test result is about 50% of what i get on other PC's or Android devices throughout the house.


I have tried different browsers, with the same result.


PC is plugged in directly in the router with good quality LAN cable, but even then I have tried different cables as well.


It doesn't happen on the Singapore server where my speed max out at 32 Mbps on my 30 Mb 3BB package, nor does it with local speed tests, but of course there multi thread is used.




That one computer of yours seems to be a problem child for whatever reason. 


Give the DSLReports speedtester a try.  With this speed tester you can control the "number of threads" being used, from a single thread to multiple threads up to 32 threads although most test servers will only be resourced/configured to handle up to 4 to 6 threads which is usually more than enough to max out a connection.  


Just see if another speed tester where you can control the number of streams from 1 to multiple streams indicates if it a "number of streams".....or maybe testmy.net and you one computer just don't get along for some reason.


First go to below weblink



Before running the test select the "gear" icon to change some settings.  The menu shown below will open.  Since you have been testing to London on testmy.net, select the London server below---only check that London server.   


A little further down in the setting enter 1 in both the Number of Download and Upload Streams block.   Click Save.  Then go back and actually run the speed test...select the appropriate button such as Gigabit/Fiber, DSL, etc.   See what your speed result is.   Note the result.


Now, got back into the settings and change Number of Download Streams from 1 to 2....leave the number of upload streams at 1.   Click Save.  Run the speed test again.  You'll probably see you download speed "approximately" double from the 1 stream result.   


Like if you got 2Mb down with 1 stream, it will probably go up to around 4Mb.   I said 2Mb with a stream setting of 1 to London because when I did this on my AIS Fibre 200Mb I got approx a 2Mb result.  As I increased the number of streams it increased approx 2Mb for each additional stream...seems at the 4 or 5 streams setting the connection was maxed out....I was only getting around 10Mb to London at this point in time to London.


Repeat the process by using 3, 4, 5, etc., download streams.  Normally you download speed will increase up until you have hit 4 to 6 streams...probably 4 streams will max out the connection.    You can run a similar test for the "upload" speed, but initially just leave the upload streams set to "1" since you are more concerned about the download speed.


Note: just as FYI, when you leave the Number of Download/Upload Streams empty it defaults to using up to 6 streams in each although it will not say that.....or you might see a message after the test completed that 26 of 32 streams did not run since you were testing to only one server which only used 6 streams.  If you had tested to two servers with the default setting, a total of up to 12 streams would have been used, up to 6 streams to each server for a total of 12.  Test to three server locations and up to 18 streams would have been used, etc.


Yeap, that one computer just seems for whatever reason it and testmy.net don't get along for whatever reason in how they are communicating with each other specifically on packet error control.     And then add-in how each ISP (TOT and 3BB) have their networks setup to handle multiple streams like how large each stream can be is also probably a factor.





And just for crossfeed/comparison between using Testmy speed tester (single thread test) to their London server and DSLReports speed tester to their London server with a 1 thread setting, Testmy net gave me around 60Mb while DSLReports only around 2Mb.   Tests done around 10:45am/Sunday/today.


Huge speed difference.  Now what is causing that huge difference between the two testers when both are using a single thread?   Using my AIS Fibre 200Mb plan with both testers, using a single thread on both testers, testing to London with both, etc.  The only differences is the London test servers are different, two different speed testers testing in their own way, etc..   It can make you head hurt in trying to figure out the "why" in many cases when using different speed testers.



1 hour ago, Pib said:


First go to below weblink


This are my " remarkable" results.


TOT is Fibre 100/50 


3BB is VDSL 30/10


Main PC with TOT


Testmy net combined test 10.5/891kbps



1* 8.35/7.78

2* 5.91/19.23

3* 16.82/14.72

4* 11.22/18.47


With Dslreport the the speeds are VERY unstable. During any test the download will go from 25 to 4 to 40 to 6 to........................


Main PC with 3BB


testmy net combined  7.6/3.4



1* 2.63/1.24

2* 5.20/2.21

3* 7.87/1.61

4* 10.86/4.12

8* 15.82/5.58


Speed is stable, it reaches a certain point and there it stays.


Second PC on the network with TOT


testmy net 17.5/1



1* 5.65/56.3 ( this is no mistake)

2* 30.9/1.53

3* 21.22/1.89

4* 23.85/1.21


Speeds are again as unstable as on the main PC


with 3BB


testmy net 13.3/871kbps




1* 2.45/1.34

2* 55.52/2.92

3* 7.82/2.70

4* 10.75/4.20


Again the speed is stable, reaches the level and stay there. Again test max out with 8 connections around 16 Mbps.


Would like to hear your opinion on this, especially which of both connections i should consider to keep.







Well, based primarily on what I see in your testmy.net results in the testmy.net database since I "think" I've figured out which ones are your results where you have tested under your testmy.net ID and non-ID, it appears TOT generally gives you the best speed to London...but not that much better than 3BB.      And of course when testing to Singapore the TOT 100Mb plan blows away the 3BB 30Mb plan.   


But the decision on which one to keep should not be based purely on some speed test results.  Other things like stability, video streaming, up-time, your browsing experience, etc....etc.....etc.,  carry important weight also. 


I kinda think the area you live in has a lot of competition for international bandwidth....the amount of international bandwidth TOT and 3BB has allotted customers in your area just isn't enough....just lots of farangs living in your Chonburi area using international bandwidth...too many folks feeding on the international bandwidth trough for your area. 


Now "I kinda think" can be translated to "I'm guessing" based on the info you've provided in this thread and looking at your speed test results.    I know it's frustrating in not getting higher international speed especially when you see other TOT fiber customers getting significantly higher international speed, but most to them that reported in this thread seem to be in a different area of Thailand than where you are at.   Wish I could provide more concrete feedback.  



26 minutes ago, Pib said:

I kinda think the area you live in has a lot of competition for international bandwidth....the amount of international bandwidth TOT and 3BB has allotted customers in your area just isn't enough....just lots of farangs living in your Chonburi area using international bandwidth...too many folks feeding on the international bandwidth trough for your area.

I live 15 km outside Pattaya towards Bangkok, very close to highway 7, and there really are not many foreigners within a 10km radius.


28 minutes ago, Pib said:

And of course when testing to Singapore the TOT 100Mb plan blows away the 3BB 30Mb plan.   

That was earlier, I just ( around 9.30pm) ran a few tests with testmy net to Singapore - Tokyo - Germany - San Francisco and UK on TOT, with each server testing at least 3 times on different devices.


Uk came back at ~10 Mbps - Singapore ~4 -6 Mbps - San Francisco at 1.5 - 2 Mbps and the rest below 1 Mbps.


35 minutes ago, Pib said:

But the decision on which one to keep should not be based purely on some speed test results.  Other things like stability, video streaming, up-time, your browsing experience, etc....etc.....etc.,  carry important weight also. 


Yes the Dslreport tests show a serious instability with the TOT connection. with speeds during each test acting like a mad yo-yo.


I think I'm not gonna take any risks with the TOT, as it is clear it is not consistent, to say the least.

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