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Legalising Rape By Both Spouses


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I assume that, with all the concentration on stopping domestic violence, the law in Britain has been changed. It used to be that a woman could not charge her husband with rape.

Check whether this has been repealed before criticising the Thai proposal.

But really, the way to even things up would be to legalise the wife's right to chop off the offenders schmeckel and feed it to the ducks. It is a tradition already - why not legitimise it :D:D:D

Listen Mr Humphrey B Bear..Just for your edification Sir, Ducks Do Not Eat Schmeckles,

Snails and Slugs as a Certain un named OZ person pointed out, in a fit of anger..

The superstition that the Ducks would get the little Pecker was told to little Boys who wouldn't put their pants on.

The whole world has suffered from this misguided theory ever since..So I hope the record is straight now..

On the Other hand a Rabid Soi Dog going through a garbage where the dismembered member was thrown

Might be grateful for small mercies.. :o

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im curious to know what the law and penalty is on raping a girl in thailand?, and if the girl does get raped why doenst she say anything to the police or her family? i dont understand thai-culture. but i know thai police are corupt, is it because they already have so many go-go bars ?

What are you talking about???

There are a number of reasons why women may not report rape, fear of the attacker doing something further, a feeling of shame or that she may bring shame on her family, fear that she may not be believed, a wish to not go through a court case and have to relive the ordeal again.

<deleted> have gogo bars got to do with the discussion? Are you trying to say that gogo bars are a cause of rape?

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Women raping men ? what a joke.

It happens. :o

It does, indeed. Those parts of our bodies are designed to respond to touch, no matter who is doing the touching. There have been many instances of women feeling extreme guilt after being raped because they recall that their bodies responded physically to the experience even though their minds knew that what was happening was wrong.

Open your mind just a fraction of an inch. There's more to wanting to have sex than just getting it up.

Jokes about rape are never funny.


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I assume that, with all the concentration on stopping domestic violence, the law in Britain has been changed. It used to be that a woman could not charge her husband with rape.

Check whether this has been repealed before criticising the Thai proposal.

Rape within a marriage in the UK is definitely illegal now as per the following:

"Following R v R [1992] A.C. 599 and the removal of the word “unlawful” from the definition of rape it is clear that a husband may be prosecuted for raping his wife."

Copied from http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/section7/chapter_e.html

Technically a woman cannot rape a man under UK law, as it is defined as penetration with the penis. Since 2003 pentration of the mouth is classed as rape also.

Interestingly a woman can be convicted of raping another woman. There was a case a few years ago where a woman helped hold another woman down while she was raped. Under the law she was convicted of rape along with the other men.

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Rape within a marriage in the UK is definitely illegal now as per the following:

"Following R v R [1992] A.C. 599 and the removal of the word “unlawful” from the definition of rape it is clear that a husband may be prosecuted for raping his wife."

Copied from http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/section7/chapter_e.html

Technically a woman cannot rape a man under UK law, as it is defined as penetration with the penis. Since 2003 pentration of the mouth is classed as rape also.

Interestingly a woman can be convicted of raping another woman. There was a case a few years ago where a woman helped hold another woman down while she was raped. Under the law she was convicted of rape along with the other men.

To be safe in the UK you really need signed consent to partake in any sexual activities: "excuse me darling, can you sign this first".

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When do you think the police gets involved? Unless a complaint is made [by the wife of rape].

Apparently in most Western nations if a girl says "NO" a rape has been commited whether or not there is any physical harm. I mentioned there needs to be evidence (proof) of physical harm, not just the lady getting in a bad mood and reporting "rape".

Even evidence of physical harm could be complicated if the couple enjoy sado/masochistic sex.

Edited by tropo
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jbowman, for the first time since I've been on TV, I agree with you 100%. Thank you for making your posts. Tropo, what are you on? Anything that happens in the bedroom of a married couple is OK? Rape isn't a physically (or mentally) violent act? Rape is "forcible or fraudulent sexual intercourse". Nobody, man or woman, should have to endure rape, even if they are married to the rapist (yes, strong, but isn't that the word for one who rapes?). Most rape victims have to endure their horrific ordeal once; if you are married to your abuser, you have to endure it whenever pleases them. You think that's OK? Systematic abuse by someone who is supposed to love you? Constant degradation that you cannot escape from & have no legal recourse against, thanks to some idiot lawmaker?

And saying that "now the woman can legally rape the man", so we're equal is OK? Well, that's a huge consolation. I somehow can't imagine a woman who is being raped by her husband wanting to take her revenge in that way. I can't imagine her wanting to be anywhere near him. I can't believe in the 21st century there are still people who think like you, Tropo. :o

Edited by Jai Dee
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Rape within a marriage in the UK is definitely illegal now as per the following:

"Following R v R [1992] A.C. 599 and the removal of the word “unlawful” from the definition of rape it is clear that a husband may be prosecuted for raping his wife."

Copied from http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/section7/chapter_e.html

Technically a woman cannot rape a man under UK law, as it is defined as penetration with the penis. Since 2003 pentration of the mouth is classed as rape also.

Interestingly a woman can be convicted of raping another woman. There was a case a few years ago where a woman helped hold another woman down while she was raped. Under the law she was convicted of rape along with the other men.

To be safe in the UK you really need signed consent to partake in any sexual activities: "excuse me darling, can you sign this first".

It is definitely getting that way in the UK when it comes to pulling a women in a club in the UK. At the moment you need a reasonably held belief that the woman has consented. If she's very drunk, and it can be shown, then it can be deemed that she was in no fit state to give consent and the male can be convicted of rape.

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When do you think the police gets involved? Unless a complaint is made [by the wife of rape].

Apparently in most Western nations if a girl says "NO" a rape has been commited whether or not there is any physical harm. I mentioned there needs to be evidence (proof) of physical harm, not just the lady getting in a bad mood and reporting "rape".

Even evidence of physical harm could be complicated if the couple enjoy sado/masochistic sex.

Ah, so there we have the problem...you have no clue how the justice-system works.

Yes, anyone can file for rape..just for being in bad mood. But without any evidence a guilty-plea is very hard to aquire.

The same is true about most crimes...should they all be legalized too to avoid your horror-scenario?

Edited by TAWP
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When do you think the police gets involved? Unless a complaint is made [by the wife of rape].

Apparently in most Western nations if a girl says "NO" a rape has been commited whether or not there is any physical harm.

Rape is basically non-consensual sex. It says nothing about physical harm or force being used. In your definition above, the women says no, so is not giving consent, or has withdrawn consent. If you then have sex with her you are guilty of rape, regardless if there is no physical harm, that's all there is to it.

Do you seriously believe that that is wrong?

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for those on this thread who believe that marriage gives them the right to do whatever they want sexually to their partner (you know who you are)....IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP FROM YOUR DREAM.

These are not the Middle Ages and your marital partner is not your posession, regardless of how much sin sod you paid.

Forcing another to do anything against their will is a crime, morally if not criminally. A man who exerts his will against his wife through his physical strength is a coward.

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Including 'women raping men' is just plain assisinine. I'm sure there were more than a few chukles behind the walls of the ol' boys club when they added that wording - as a ruse to feign equality of the sexes.

Perhaps a massive walk-out of women government employees (plus male sympathizers) might get a message through to the geriatric mia-noi keepers who rule Bangkok. Rape is a despicable crime, whether or not it’s done by a man with a paper certificate signifying marriage. The drafters of the skewed legislation are institutionalizing (again) male ownership of women.

Similarly, there are young women being bought and owned by businesses, some of which are sex-oriented, others are not. Most of those family-run businesses which import (essentially enslave) girls from afar – are Chinese/Thai. In a similar vein, I personally know of two 16 year old girls from poor families, who are studying to be nurses aides. As part of their

work/study program, they were required to move from northernmost rural

Thailand to a Bangkok hospital called ‘The Senior’ for six months. They

don’t particularly mind working hard for 84 hours per week, but in

return, they’re given zero payment, and less than a prisoner’s food

allotment. Their first month they were given no food at all (had to

scrounge) and no lodging arrangement - and had to resort to sleeping in

janitor’s closets. If they got sexually abused in such vulnerable

surroundings, I didn’t hear about it - but then why would they want to

tell an elder (me)?

Yes, Thailand has a long way to go to being perceived as a fair society,

but it doesn’t help when the upper echelons of government institutionalize inequality – and don’t protect the vulnerable.

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When a woman or man says no, it means no. Doesn't matter the context.... And to pretend otherwise is dangerous thinking, that will probably land you in jail at some point. Then, try saying no to your 400 lb cellmate named "Tiny".....

dunno what you are on about,but a wife that says no can be legally raped by the husband here.

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When a woman or man says no, it means no. Doesn't matter the context.... And to pretend otherwise is dangerous thinking, that will probably land you in jail at some point. Then, try saying no to your 400 lb cellmate named "Tiny".....

dunno what you are on about,but a wife that says no can be legally raped by the husband here.

Just because it's legal doesn't make it right.

To illustrate how the world differs: Age of consent


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Bangkok Post of today 25.01.2007 : Draft law legalises rape by both spouses.

Any comments please

And at the risk of mega flame let me say, so it should be. The police have enough to do without getting involved with bedroom marital disputes.

Also, at the risk of mega flame, I have to say that I agree with this. I was actually thinking the same thing but just have not posted it yet.


You think an act of extreme violence should go unpunished, and the victim should have no rights because it happened in the bedroom and she is married to her attacker?

Edited by Jai Dee
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When a woman or man says no, it means no. Doesn't matter the context.... And to pretend otherwise is dangerous thinking, that will probably land you in jail at some point. Then, try saying no to your 400 lb cellmate named "Tiny".....

dunno what you are on about,but a wife that says no can be legally raped by the husband here.

Just because it's legal doesn't make it right.

Who said it was right?some people! :o

Same goes to you jbowman1993.

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Why don't you try explaining that to your wife, mother, or daughter.... I'm sure they will agree with you.

This statement has pissed me off.Why have you said this.What is wrong with you?I pointed out the current LAW.Kow Jai mai?What are you infering? :o

Can I suggest that you can tell 'anybody you like" that this is a Law of Thailand...I'm sure they will agree with you. :D

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im curious to know what the law and penalty is on raping a girl in thailand?, and if the girl does get raped why doenst she say anything to the police or her family? i dont understand thai-culture. but i know thai police are corupt, is it because they already have so many go-go bars ?

Dragon ...it is not only thai women, but is common in any country, including the west, that most incidents of rape are not reported by women. theres all sorts of social stigma that is associated with rape victims, then there is the psychological trauma of having to re-tell their story, fear of the perpetrator (in most cases of rape the perpetrator is known to the victim, being either family members or friends), and yes also the insensitivity of not only police, but also hospital/health service personnel when dealing with rape victims.

on the whole not an easy thing, but definitely women need to be supported and made to understand such incidents need to be reported. however, that is not enough, whats more crucial is those involved above ALSO need to be educated in how to deal sensitively with such incidents.

on the whole. a joint effort is needed to engage the community in the transformation process to enhance equality between women and men. It is important that leaders of societies recognise stopping violence against women as a policy priority, and that there be public education at the local, national as well as international level to change and remove the traditions of abuse and violence. Ofcourse, the education and awareness process is a long term solution. However, it is not enough, but needs to be supported with legal reforms and stricter law enforcement. I havent read the new proposed change, but I sure hope there is more to it, otherwise it would be very disappointing and a huge step back for women's rights protection!!!

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Why don't you try explaining that to your wife, mother, or daughter.... I'm sure they will agree with you.

This statement has pissed me off.Why have you said this.What is wrong with you?I pointed out the current LAW.Kow Jai mai?What are you infering? :o

Can I suggest that you can tell 'anybody you like" that this is a Law of Thailand...I'm sure they will agree with you. :D

nice bait, chuchok! :D Hook, line and sinker!

you love it.

Normally yep, :D but not when two clowns infer that I think rape is ok....

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