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Shinawatra siblings ‘should be ashamed’, says Prayut


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8 minutes ago, ginjag said:

Lousy Governance is breaking the law also as it is going against the vow new governments are appointed to do.

"Lousy Governance" has never broken any laws. If it did then please provide a link to which laws they might be. Now, instigating a coup and disposing of basic human rights, granting yourself an amnesty etc etc etc IS against the law. It was actually against the previous constitution which supersedes any law.

The whole junta are traitors who should be tried and locked away for a very long time.

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1 minute ago, wvavin said:

Farting through the mouth again. What happened to the police that assisted Yingluck to escape? Prosecute him and then start talking.

Difficult to control the Police as they are riddled with Thaksin thinking---remember he was the Police  ???

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10 minutes ago, ginjag said:

Lousy Governance is breaking the law also as it is going against the vow new governments are appointed to do.

Being crap at your job is not illegal in any country that I know of. How can it be, given it is a subjective concept? Besides, if the voters decide that their governance is lousy, they can do something about it it.

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3 minutes ago, Becker said:

"Lousy Governance" has never broken any laws. If it did then please provide a link to which laws they might be. Now, instigating a coup and disposing of basic human rights, granting yourself an amnesty etc etc etc IS against the law. It was actually against the previous constitution which supersedes any law.

The whole junta are traitors who should be tried and locked away for a very long time.

Think about Yingluk and the overnight amnesty they tried to push through and while your on with it the rice--tablets and the supposed sales to China  not against the law  ??     engage  thinking

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6 hours ago, Get Real said:

No, it´s not. It´s a stabilator that removes unrest that are on it´s way or could turn into a civil war.

LOL! Are there still a few people buying into that tired old junta excuse? Amazing! Get real indeed....:coffee1:

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3 minutes ago, baboon said:

Being crap at your job is not illegal in any country that I know of. How can it be, given it is a subjective concept? Besides, if the voters decide that their governance is lousy, they can do something about it it.

They do here--but have no idea so we are back to the same CRAP as you say, every election,   Thai democratic elections are a freedom to vote for the next crap.  That is democracy.   Suppose Nth Korea is democracy.  because of a vote---paid for or not is democratic.  Thailand are not capable to vote in any good government as there is not one in sight

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8 minutes ago, ginjag said:

Difficult to control the Police as they are riddled with Thaksin thinking---remember he was the Police  ???

Would they be the same police that are enforcing junta edicts and prosecuting handbag defamers on the junta's behalf?

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2 minutes ago, ginjag said:

Think about Yingluk and the overnight amnesty they tried to push through and while your on with it the rice--tablets and the supposed sales to China  not against the law  ??     engage  thinking

OK, I'm thinking about the Shins' attempted amnesty.....and now I'm thinking about the Junta's actual amnesty. There, that's done. Clearly the latter was much, much worse - especially since it was done by an illegal government that can not be voted out of office.

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2 minutes ago, Becker said:

LOL! Are there still a few people buying into that tired old junta excuse? Amazing! Get real indeed....:coffee1:

So, that is a junta excuse. They had nothing to do with the chaos in the streets and boiling violence before they moved in and stopped it.
Guess it´s you that should get real, and not put yourself in such vurnarable positions regarding your comments.

What do you think would have happened if they not moved in? People just stopp fighting and became friends. Must be very fluffy up on your heavenly clouds.

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1 minute ago, ginjag said:

They do here--but have no idea so we are back to the same CRAP as you say, every election,   Thai democratic elections are a freedom to vote for the next crap.  That is democracy.   Suppose Nth Korea is democracy.  because of a vote---paid for or not is democratic.  Thailand are not capable to vote in any good government as there is not one in sight

And what you spectacularly fail to understand is that that is not an argument for junta rule.

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3 minutes ago, baboon said:

Try using paragraphs and people might actually read what you write. As it is, it just looks like anti Thaksin (and there is nothing wrong with that) white noise.

The reading then was un-important to you only the formation of paragraphs     555     in denial, side stepping the posters valid points as always.

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6 minutes ago, Becker said:

LOL! Are there still a few people buying into that tired old junta excuse? Amazing! Get real indeed....:coffee1:

No excuse reality,  not much more choice only to have snap elections for more civil unrest to follow for sure.   but you will deny that because elections are more important than civil war or unrest

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1 minute ago, ginjag said:

They do here--but have no idea so we are back to the same CRAP as you say, every election,   Thai democratic elections are a freedom to vote for the next crap.  That is democracy.   Suppose Nth Korea is democracy.  because of a vote---paid for or not is democratic.  Thailand are not capable to vote in any good government as there is not one in sight

Let's just stick to Thailand, eh?

Yes, it may well be the same old crap at every election for a good while to come. There are no quick fixes to a polarised society. But there can be no progress, no evolution if the army are just going to keep barging in every time politics is not going their way.

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1 minute ago, baboon said:

Let's just stick to Thailand, eh?

Yes, it may well be the same old crap at every election for a good while to come. There are no quick fixes to a polarised society. But there can be no progress, no evolution if the army are just going to keep barging in every time politics is not going their way.

Give me a solid case where a honest clean fought election here would happen....this Thai democracy does not exist.  Maybe if whoever is in charge informs the people here of the truth, then the people MAY vote with enough knowledge to have a good government.

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2 minutes ago, baboon said:

Will the minister overseeing the police be prosecuted for dereliction of duty, then?

Hope so,  but even the army cannot control this so called mafia --it is entrenched with deep roots.....Even the minister knows it is too much of a problem.  Look at the everyday life of the police--a money making franchise.

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4 minutes ago, ginjag said:

Give me a solid case where a honest clean fought election here would happen....this Thai democracy does not exist.  Maybe if whoever is in charge informs the people here of the truth, then the people MAY vote with enough knowledge to have a good government.

The 2011 election was judged as mainly free and fair.

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No little man, you should feel ashamed every minute, of every day, for holding your country back, pilfering like a despot ruler, and appointing the least talented people you can find. 


Just like the little man in the US, this guy deflects, and creates false narratives, that have nothing to do with reality. He is living in an alternate universe, and the country is paying the price for that.

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Just now, baboon said:

Becker, why waste your time. For the past four years we have had this 'Really? Well prove it' brigade ignoring any proof and simply moving on to post the same debunked assertions on the next thread. It's pointless. 

Pointless argue about The past and the present as NOTHING will change army out--elections in---same old story--over decades

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1 minute ago, ginjag said:

Give me a solid case where a honest clean fought election here would happen....this Thai democracy does not exist.  Maybe if whoever is in charge informs the people here of the truth, then the people MAY vote with enough knowledge to have a good government.

Are there any honest clean fought election by your definition anywhere in a democratic country that you can name? The converse is not a coup but more elections so people can gain knowledge to seek the truth and feel empowered to elect a better government. 

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