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Kl Visa Trip Report

Wizzard of Oz

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Glossary of terms:

"the nuts" - slang word meaning the absolute best possible hand in a particluar hand of poker

Ok, so I went to KL because the though of not being in CM was more than I could stand.

As soon as I got to KL I realised how much this place sux. It's truly the inverse of Chiang Mai. In CM, heaps of people smile, are happy, laid back, friendly. The place is reasonably clean, stuff is very cheap, and life in general is paradise. In KL, people are not friendly at all, never ever smile, are never happy, are too busy to enjoy their life. The place is filthy, stuff is cheaper than western society but twice te cost of CM. Oh, and if that wasn't enough, just to top it off, while phalang in CM are seen as rich, smart and exotic, phalang in KL are seen as rich idiots who are easily parted with thier money. Oh yea, and KL currently has massive amounts of rain to go with their horribly hot weather. I think while Chiang Mai is exactly like what I imagine heaven to be like, KL is what I imagine hel_l would be like. True suckage.

Anyway, I've had my 3 "visa on arrival" visits and KL had no issues at all giving me a tourist visa anyway. Seems the 90 days in 90 days out is only for visa on arrivals as far as I understand, but as you know, it can often be up to the guy at the desk with Thai's, so be nice and you probably have a better chance.

I headed to the embassy at :

Royal Thai Embassy, 206 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Tel : (03) 248-8005, 8222, 8350, 8420 Fax : (03) 248-6527

Just get the Putra LRT to Ampung Station and get a cab to the thai embassy which is about 500m away and will cost about 2.5 RM if you make sure it's a metered cab and not one that will ask you for 5RM

I got there on a Monday about 9:00 and it took from 9:30 to 10:30 to get through the queue. Not sure, but it may be less bad on other days. After that it was pretty simple ... fill out a form and pay 100RM (1000 baht - take ringits). You need your passport, a passport sized photo, and 100 RM. You need to apply between 9:30 and 11:30 I think it was ... and you pick it up tne next day.

Total cost was about 10k baht. 6.5 for the flight (maybe more exp cuz i booked it only 3 weeks before going), 500b for airport tax at cm airport (didn't have it at kl airport though), 1kb for the visa and another 2k in spending ... tho I stayed at a friends place for free, so might be another 1-2k otherwise.

Thank god I'm back in paradise :D

Thank god I'm not living in hel_l (KL) :o

Chiang Mai is THE NUTS.

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Glossary of terms:

"the nuts" - slang word meaning the absolute best possible hand in a particluar hand of poker

Ok, so I went to KL because the though of not being in CM was more than I could stand.

As soon as I got to KL I realised how much this place sux. It's truly the inverse of Chiang Mai. In CM, heaps of people smile, are happy, laid back, friendly. The place is reasonably clean, stuff is very cheap, and life in general is paradise. In KL, people are not friendly at all, never ever smile, are never happy, are too busy to enjoy their life. The place is filthy, stuff is cheaper than western society but twice te cost of CM. Oh, and if that wasn't enough, just to top it off, while phalang in CM are seen as rich, smart and exotic, phalang in KL are seen as rich idiots who are easily parted with thier money. Oh yea, and KL currently has massive amounts of rain to go with their horribly hot weather. I think while Chiang Mai is exactly like what I imagine heaven to be like, KL is what I imagine hel_l would be like. True suckage.

Anyway, I've had my 3 "visa on arrival" visits and KL had no issues at all giving me a tourist visa anyway. Seems the 90 days in 90 days out is only for visa on arrivals as far as I understand, but as you know, it can often be up to the guy at the desk with Thai's, so be nice and you probably have a better chance.

I headed to the embassy at :

Royal Thai Embassy, 206 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Tel : (03) 248-8005, 8222, 8350, 8420 Fax : (03) 248-6527

Just get the Putra LRT to Ampung Station and get a cab to the thai embassy which is about 500m away and will cost about 2.5 RM if you make sure it's a metered cab and not one that will ask you for 5RM

I got there on a Monday about 9:00 and it took from 9:30 to 10:30 to get through the queue. Not sure, but it may be less bad on other days. After that it was pretty simple ... fill out a form and pay 100RM (1000 baht - take ringits). You need your passport, a passport sized photo, and 100 RM. You need to apply between 9:30 and 11:30 I think it was ... and you pick it up tne next day.

Total cost was about 10k baht. 6.5 for the flight (maybe more exp cuz i booked it only 3 weeks before going), 500b for airport tax at cm airport (didn't have it at kl airport though), 1kb for the visa and another 2k in spending ... tho I stayed at a friends place for free, so might be another 1-2k otherwise.

Thank god I'm back in paradise :D

Thank god I'm not living in hel_l (KL) :o

Chiang Mai is THE NUTS.

I just did the same this tuesday. CM to KL. No problem for second Tourist visa in a row. In defense of KL though it does have nice things for the visitor.

Interesting shopping choices for western goods that are much more expensive in CM or just not available.

Much better food choices for nearly everything except Thai. Particulary the Chinese and Indian food, Mideastern are great. I would agree the people smile less than CM but its a big city and compared to BKK I think its fairly friendly. I have met lots of interesting people. Also they speak much better english there. I think maybe you need to loosen up a little and relax. The muslim people are reserved but I have found them to be very nice and friendly.

I am glad I live in CM but find visiting KL is not to be missed.

One big downer is that the alcohol prices are a quite a bit higher and its easy to get thirsty with all the great food.

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In defense of KL though it does have nice things for the visitor.

Interesting shopping choices for western goods that are much more expensive in CM or just not available.

Much better food choices for nearly everything except Thai. Particulary the Chinese and Indian food, Mideastern are great. I would agree the people smile less than CM but its a big city and compared to BKK I think its fairly friendly. I have met lots of interesting people. Also they speak much better english there. I think maybe you need to loosen up a little and relax. The muslim people are reserved but I have found them to be very nice and friendly.

I am glad I live in CM but find visiting KL is not to be missed.

One big downer is that the alcohol prices are a quite a bit higher and its easy to get thirsty with all the great food.

Meh ... shopping ... blah.

Better food choices?? Are you serious? All their non-malay, non-chinese food is awful wierd tasting immitation crud. Indian food there bores me to death though, it all tastes the same to me.

Definitely far less friendly than bkk from my limited bkk experience. But I did live in KL for 3 months and can say for certain that they are generally an unhappy, unfriendly bunch. And yea, English is standard there, but it in no way whatsoever makes up for the KL-ness of KL.

I have no issues with the muslims ... it's KL specific and other parts of Malaysia were ok to see.

"I am glad I live in CM but find visiting KL is definitely to be missed."

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Meh ... shopping ... blah.

Better food choices?? Are you serious? All their non-malay, non-chinese food is awful wierd tasting immitation crud. Indian food there bores me to death though, it all tastes the same to me.

Definitely far less friendly than bkk from my limited bkk experience. But I did live in KL for 3 months and can say for certain that they are generally an unhappy, unfriendly bunch. And yea, English is standard there, but it in no way whatsoever makes up for the KL-ness of KL.

I have no issues with the muslims ... it's KL specific and other parts of Malaysia were ok to see.

"I am glad I live in CM but find visiting KL is definitely to be missed."

I don't think you really gave it a chance. No problem. Maybe you just made up your mind and took your attitude with you. To say everyone is miserable there says something about your perception or lack of.

I guess your used to Thailand's version of chinese food but its not authentic like KL is. Go to Chengdu or Kumming and you will see what I mean. That's not to say there is not bad food there too but I have found much better Chinese food than CM. Definitely the Indian culture experience is kind of dirty feeling. I will tell you this. I would never move to India. Haha.. even if I like the food and variety after eating thai thai thai here in CM everyday.

The thing about KL is if you have some more money then you can have really good experiences. If you try to pay CM prices then not a lot of fun. Probably better for you to go to Ventiane because the trip is cheaper and culture closer to what your used to in CM.

I just go and have a good time and don't pretend I am moving there.

I just hope people visit there and enjoy the very diverse cultures.

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I guess your used to Thailand's version of chinese food but its not authentic like KL is. Go to Chengdu or Kumming and you will see what I mean. That's not to say there is not bad food there too but I have found much better Chinese food than CM. Definitely the Indian culture experience is kind of dirty feeling. I will tell you this. I would never move to India. Haha.. even if I like the food and variety after eating thai thai thai here in CM everyday.
In KL, people are not friendly at all, never ever smile, are never happy, are too busy to enjoy their life. The place is filthy, stuff is cheaper than western society but twice te cost of CM. Oh, and if that wasn't enough, just to top it off, while phalang in CM are seen as rich, smart and exotic, phalang in KL are seen as rich idiots who are easily parted with thier money.

I don't know where you or wizzard of oz comes from, but this whole thread seems to be as discriminatory as it gets.

Edited by tigerbeer
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In KL, people are not friendly at all, never ever smile, are never happy, are too busy to enjoy their life. The place is filthy, stuff is cheaper than western society but twice te cost of CM. Oh, and if that wasn't enough, just to top it off, while phalang in CM are seen as rich, smart and exotic, phalang in KL are seen as rich idiots who are easily parted with thier money.

I don't know where you or wizzard of oz comes from, but this whole thread seems to be as discriminatory as it gets.

Please explain yourself.

Your first quote was not by me.

The second quote you highlighted where I said that people in KL see whites as stupid rich people who are easily taken advantage of. This is completely true and if you actually met anyone who has lived in KL for a while (and I mean malay or chinese, not westerners) you would find that they know this far better than any westerner.

And if you are assuming I am racist against Muslims, you are reading something that was never written, as I mentioned that the rest of malaysia is fine in my second post before your response.

My username "oz" refers to the fact that I'm australian ... called an "aussie" ... pronounced "ozzie"

Please explain what the hel_l your b.s. "racism" remark was about.

Oh yea ... and thanks for soiling my thread with your nonsense.

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Oh, and if that wasn't enough, just to top it off, while phalang in CM are seen as rich, smart and exotic, phalang in KL are seen as rich idiots who are easily parted with thier money.

I can accept that you don't like Kuala Lumpur, but I see no reason for you to insult so profoundly the intelligence and views of the residents of Chiangmai.

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I dont see the point of this post, every neighbouring country around Thailand is to be enjoyed and

has so much to offer, if you have missed that its your loss

Moaning about the rain, would happily have a days down pour any day soon

You cant do a comparison chart as its not about prices, nothing special about Bangkok or phnom peng or otherplaces until you explore

Before you jump on your high horse, excuse me I mean rant, whats the point of this post, my mistake I mean whats the point of your


All very pointless

Edited by Remo
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Boy oh boy, some people really should stay on the porch.

I've been working here in KL for a year now and can say there are a lot of people on this thread talking fluent bolleaux.

Do us a favour will you? Next time you come to KL, if there is a next time, please deposit all your "Chiang Mai is the flowered heaven on Earth" prejudices as left luggage at CM airport.

Yes it is hot down here, probably due to it being latitude 3.09 degrees north and, again due to it's being in the tropics, it rains frequently :D . We realise you wilting CM flowers just can't stand the heat so why don't you go to Hanoi for your precious visa?

Yes there are scam artists in KL, but they are no threat to anyone with a little savvy and they don't get threatening unless again your a little CM weed. Don't tell me there are no scam artists in CM, the reason you can't see them is that they are filtered out by your rose tinted spectacles.

Yes, areas of KL are scruffy but so are areas of CM, BKK and many other parts of Thailand just take off those RTS's and you'll see it all. Or maybe you should lay off those big Bob Marley cigarettes for a while.

As for slagging the food off based on a flit in flit out visit, that just about takes the biscuit (pun intended). Granted some of the food is not necessarily of the best quality but there are some bluddy great restaurants about town representing a wide range of nationalities. But it's all a bit expensive for you english teacher paupers isn't it? :o

You reckong that KL people don't smile, well try wiping that CM superiority scowl off your face. I've found the Malaysians to be a very friendly bunch, okay the taxi drivers are a bit of a rabble but certainly no worse than BKK. I do admit that Chiang Mai taxi drivers are a pleasure to deal with but then they have to be so as not to upset the farangipani flowers. :D

We all have our favourite places on Earth but some (most?) of us are open minded enough to accept that all places cannot, nor should ever be, the same. We also recognise the good, the bad and the ugly in all places including our own little corner of Eden. :D

PS as for taking a taxi from Ampang Park to the Embassy all I can say is, unless you are handicapped, what a wimp, I'm surprised the taxi drivers accept that fare.

PPS if you are going to take a taxi make sure you come up the north side of Jalan Ampang or you could get taken on a great city tour.

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We realise you wilting CM flowers just can't stand the heat so why don't you go to Hanoi for your precious visa?

Don't tell me there are no scam artists in CM, the reason you can't see them is that they are filtered out by your rose tinted spectacles.

Yes, areas of KL are scruffy but so are areas of CM, BKK and many other parts of Thailand just take off those RTS's and you'll see it all. Or maybe you should lay off those big Bob Marley cigarettes for a while.

But it's all a bit expensive for you english teacher paupers isn't it? :o

well try wiping that CM superiority scowl off your face.

Face it.

KL bites. :D

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We realise you wilting CM flowers just can't stand the heat so why don't you go to Hanoi for your precious visa?

Don't tell me there are no scam artists in CM, the reason you can't see them is that they are filtered out by your rose tinted spectacles.

Yes, areas of KL are scruffy but so are areas of CM, BKK and many other parts of Thailand just take off those RTS's and you'll see it all. Or maybe you should lay off those big Bob Marley cigarettes for a while.

But it's all a bit expensive for you english teacher paupers isn't it? :o

well try wiping that CM superiority scowl off your face.

Face it.

KL bites. :D

I agree KL aint the greatest place on Earth but it aint the worst by a long way and yes it bites but I like a place with a bit of rough which is why I like Pattaya. OK, Pattaya may be stretching the "bit of rough" concept but you get my drift.

It just pisses me off people slagging any place off on the basis of a visa run. What do they see? Airport - hotel - Embassy - hotel - Embassy - airport with maybe a couple of restaurants thrown in.

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I like KL.

Like it a lot more than for example Penang. And as a city, I think I like it more than Bangkok too. Great food, great shopping, great value for money on 4-5 star accommodation (makes BKK seem really expensive by comparison), not too big and easy to get around. One day Bangkok may be as clean and convenient.

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Actually, I do like the Chinese, Indian and Malasian food. :D:D

No Duke's there though. Nor is it close to the San Francisco dining experience - one of the best food capitals of the world. :o

but i know you'll be ok. pick up a good book from Gecko's - something like "Dining in Malaysia"

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I like KL.

Like it a lot more than for example Penang. And as a city, I think I like it more than Bangkok too. Great food, great shopping, great value for money on 4-5 star accommodation (makes BKK seem really expensive by comparison), not too big and easy to get around. One day Bangkok may be as clean and convenient.

My favorite city in Malaysia has always been Penang. One of the most 'international' small cities I have ever been to. Also has many more interesting places, like the beach areas.

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Boy oh boy, some people really should stay on the porch......................

We all have our favourite places on Earth but some (most?) of us are open minded enough to accept that all places cannot, nor should ever be, the same. We also recognise the good, the bad and the ugly in all places including our own little corner of Eden. :o

I think that just about sums it up!

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I like KL.

Like it a lot more than for example Penang. And as a city, I think I like it more than Bangkok too. Great food, great shopping, great value for money on 4-5 star accommodation (makes BKK seem really expensive by comparison), not too big and easy to get around. One day Bangkok may be as clean and convenient.

My favorite city in Malaysia has always been Penang. One of the most 'international' small cities I have ever been to. Also has many more interesting places, like the beach areas.

totally agree ajarn , the nam keow guest house holds lots of fond memories for me . it was one of those old colonial buildings that they were pulling down all over the place so its probably not there anymore. :o

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Actually, I do like the Chinese, Indian and Malasian food. :D:D

No Duke's there though. Nor is it close to the San Francisco dining experience - one of the best food capitals of the world. :o

but i know you'll be ok. pick up a good book from Gecko's - something like "Dining in Malaysia"

Man, don't bring up eating in San Fran! It's one of the few things that make me homesick. I'm from the east coast, but my last job/home was in SF.

That being said, none of my home girlfriends could cook within a country mile of my Thai wife.

Just to relate to the topic, the Ozzie guy's post didn't seem over the top to me or discriminatory, just a bit of a strong opinion, and I'm pretty well-versed in the PC filtering, being a blue-stater.

Edited by calibanjr.
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i did my KL visa run a couple of weeks ago.

generally, after a previous trip, i hated malaysia and wanted to never return. but circumstances dictated otherwise, so...

this time, while i watched what i spent, i did not obsess over it. consequently i spent way more than i would otherwise.

end result?

if you are willing to spend the money, KL and malaysia are probably worth visiting, but they are not anywhere near comparable to thailand, vietnam, or cambodia in terms of cost vs service.

and i personally found the food to be the one part of the trip that was just not surmountable. noodles with brown sauce. no matter what i ordered, i always got noodles with brown sauce.

was i happy to get back to CM?


and next time, it will be laos.

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i did my KL visa run a couple of weeks ago.

generally, after a previous trip, i hated malaysia and wanted to never return. but circumstances dictated otherwise, so...

this time, while i watched what i spent, i did not obsess over it. consequently i spent way more than i would otherwise.

end result?

if you are willing to spend the money, KL and malaysia are probably worth visiting, but they are not anywhere near comparable to thailand, vietnam, or cambodia in terms of cost vs service.

and i personally found the food to be the one part of the trip that was just not surmountable. noodles with brown sauce. no matter what i ordered, i always got noodles with brown sauce.

was i happy to get back to CM?


and next time, it will be laos.

so enjoy some delightful baguettes and don't be too sad Vientiane is "under construction".Nevertheless I think you'll enjoy Vientiane as well as Chiang Mai.And the embassy is a dream,not to compare to KL.

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