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Border officials confirmed yesterday that the number of Cambodian workers coming back from Thailand this week has increased sharply since the Cambodian and Thai governments agreed to facilitate their return for Khmer New Year. The Labour Ministry announced late last month that the two countries agreed to let Cambodian workers in Thailand return home during the New Year without having to reapply for a visa.


The announcement came during a press conference by the ministry in regards to Cambodian workers in Thailand eager to spend the holiday at home. Sim Sam Ath, immigration chief at the Poipet border checkpoint in Banteay Meanchey province, said between 400 and 500 Cambodians working in Thailand returned through the international border gate on Sunday and Monday, and more than 1,000 came back on Tuesday.


“Normally, more than 100 come back per day, but this year a lot more are returning due to the government’s effort to facilitate them crossing the border,” he said, adding that even more were expected in the days before the New Year. Mr Sam Ath said the immigration police force at the Poipet border checkpoint made every effort to protect the safety of the people.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50302059/migrants-return-from-thailand-for-new-year/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 12/04

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