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VIDEO: American attacks Thai at Bangkok airport "because his flight was cancelled"

Jonathan Fairfield

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17 hours ago, saakura said:

Complete idiot, the farang. Lucky he did not crack the skull of the Thai. The Thai should be compensated AND the idiot should be locked up for a few weeks.

A 500.000 bath compensation to the victim and a year treatment in mental institution with anger management therapy.  

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16 hours ago, d2b2 said:

They do it, seemingly every day

I dont think hes a Nut Job, pretty mild altercation in my opinion, didnt see any fists Boots flying in the Air, no Blood,the Guys just having a bad day, Grinding his Head into the Concrete, thats Bolox ,Broken Arm my Arse, these people will Milk this for every Dollar they can get,this will be a Cash Cow for the Thai, i am not condoning the Yanks actions he needs to learn self control, make no mistake if this Yank had of been a Thai it would not be going to Court, a couple of Wais and a few Thousand Baht and that would of been the end of it.  

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17 hours ago, tolsti said:

It sounds like the airport needs some safe zone/comfort rooms for offended and stressed people. Maybe equipped with cuddly toys and anger management dolls.


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17 hours ago, manarak said:

hmm. I was tempted to comment that the american was a nutcase, but in the video you see the Thai put his fist on the american's chest, looks like he is trying to teach the guy a lesson.

difficult to say if this attack was provoked or not.

Huh...more like he tapped him on the shoulder to get him to turn and talk. Hardly assault..

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17 hours ago, Manny said:

Never let a crisis go to waste. The Thai was touching him in the chest which is technically an assault so I would argue self defense which this Farang is NOT doing. Stupid ****, No ? The Thai can negotiate the highest restitution payout at this point of proceedings, Sure ... !


If the Thai chap touched him on the chest first, and it is a big if, the American was right to hit back, but also stupid doing a thing like that in Thailand.

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16 hours ago, tropo said:

Why wouldn't he do this in his own country? In most countries, if a person does what the Surasak did here (push a stranger in the chest), they risk a beating. If it was me I might have just pushed him aside, but if you do that to the wrong person you could cop a beating, anywhere.




If a Thai guy touched be in the chest, I would just get away quickly, and there is also the Thai police, a Thai jail, and a visit to an ATM.

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14 hours ago, MadDog2020 said:

I think the headline of the Article is quite "off-mark",  The American didn't attack the Thai "because his flight was cancelled".  The American was assaulted by the Thai guy who refused to let him pass so it resulted in a self defense take down.  Let's get the news right and hope the Judge can see through the fake news reporting.

Yes, if what you are saying is true, the video does not show enough.

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Where, now, is the team that screams 'Thainess!' and 'typical Thai man-child behaviour!' when something like this occurs ?


Is this 'Americanness' ? I don't know, but one thing for sure, this guy is one of the many Yanks who seem intent on adding to the reputation of their country as a bully. But then when you look at who's running that country at the moment, it doesn't really come as a surprise. Perhaps he's just feeling 'great again'.

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6 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

We have all heard the expression, the Ugly American. It has nothing to do about

looks, but about their attitude. There are a lot of the me, me crowd, and this guy

was pissed that his flight was cancelled. He takes out his frustration on the Thai

fellow, then tries to buy his way out of trouble, That is suspicious, which makes me

believe he is not mental, except in immaturity. Jerk deserves what ever he is going

to get in the court.


What I have read so far, I am beginning to lean towards the American, but nothing is yet certain.

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4 hours ago, scorecard said:


"The Thai was touching him in the chest which is technically an assault ...."


Is that factually / legally true or just your convenient opinion?




In the UK, legally true, and if any stranger touched me in the chest I would deck him.

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1 hour ago, Ridler said:

Before everyone gets all righteous, look at the film and he Thai man was assaulting him and the American used force as self defense 

After reading the headlines of this story, then reading through the posts, I am never going to take any news headlines from a Thai serious again.

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1 hour ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:

Those long flights with bad connections are rough on people. Funny no one remembers this!


Still, if this guy was medicated, ... guess what happens when you have big pharma ruling the FDA and medicating everyone for nothing + neo-capitalism? Wait for your 2 min. ads now, with a beautiful woman selling you ...


Maybe it is time for some to start eating better food (pizzas with faux-cheese anyone), drink less, work less to pay for the 2 mansions and 3 wives, sleep more (with one wife),... Maybe it is time for governments to stop opening the brown envelope. Maybe it is time for women and men to start voting better people in (not the most charismatic or the most handsome/beautiful).


Anyway, next week, we will get someone from France, Russia,... or Thailand doing the same. Connect the dots. 

Recent figures quoted that in the US about 50 % of people were medicated last week...I think it's called ICE or similar.

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Only thing for certain here, if indeed the Thai has any sense what so ever, is that the mouthy Thai might just think twice before poking strangers and running his mouth next time.  Especially when not surrounded by his road boys. Having said that the gringo would have been served well seeking out a more diplomatic resolution and just gone on his way. 

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2 minutes ago, ebonykap said:

It's a sad indictment on society when a hand on the chest can be considered assault. I would calmly remove the said hand and ask what he wants.

I consider the American guy, in view of his violent actions, to be 100% in the wrong and should be severely dealt with accordingly.

You and I don't know the whole story but I would agree the gringo shares the majority of the blame from what saw on CC.

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