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Starbucks to close 8,000 U.S. stores for racial tolerance training


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Just now, sandrabbit said:

none of this political crap, just teach them to be humble and human ..............

In the U.S. the idea of being more humble and human is actually a political debate. You can't really escape political implications about almost anything. Why even try?

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

In the U.S. the idea of being more humble and human is actually a political debate. You can't really escape political implications about almost anything. Why even try?

is it really that bad there?

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44 minutes ago, nausea said:

Last century's problem. Most of us who have grown up with women, black guys, moslems, being in charge don't have a problem. Jesus, where are these guys coming from. And no, I wouldn't be too happy with some free-loaders

Nope. Current problems most definitely. 

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2 hours ago, nausea said:

Last century's problem. Most of us who have grown up with women, black guys, moslems, being in charge don't have a problem. Jesus, where are these guys coming from. And no, I wouldn't be too happy with some free-loaders

I agree but I think it’s more a generation thing not a last century thing. People born in the mid 1960’s and after were born into a world much different than the baby boomers.  We are ( mostly , not all ) more tolerant, open minded and forward thinking ( and I don’t mean more liberal at all, that is for people born in the 50’s especially) It shows a lot on this forum and in real life. I don’t think there are huge differences in generation X and Y in fact, compared to the huge differences between baby boomers and gen X. I don’t think the Starbucks employee called on “black “ customers. I think they called on JUST  customers. Everything gets quite over the top when this situation probably could have been resolved better and more quietly. It’s too bad. 

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Not over.

Everyday life.





Starbucks Arrests, Outrageous to Some, Are Everyday Life for Others

“I think the cops’ behavior was not only outrageous, but it was par for the course,” said Rashad Robinson, the director of Color of Change, a racial justice organization. “It’s what happens day in and day out in communities around the country.”





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Starbucks says it doesn't have a corporate policy that only paying customers can use their restrooms.  Clearly that wouldn't make sense everywhere.  


But this Starbucks did.  The restroom door(s) were kept locked.  Customers have to ask staff for access.  Why?   Anyone from a (US) city with a vagrant or homeless population knows why.  Anyone who's worked in an area like that knows why too. 


I've used a Starbucks as a neutral meeting place to conduct initial interviews with prospective employees.  The staff there knew me, I was a frequent customer, and I always asked them (as a courtesy) if I could do a quick meeting; and I typically had a coffee at the same time.   Maybe I'm just white, but that seems like the polite thing to do when using someone else's venue for your own business.


By the time the guy these two were meeting with showed up, they had dug their heels in hard.  Forget Starbucks.  This was contempt of cop.


We may never know if race and/or unconscious bias was a factor for the Manager, in full or in part, or maybe not at all.  Once BLM protestors and agitators show up with their megaphones and invoke the  race card, it's racial.  And the MSM is so far gone, they have no choice but to jump on board.



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19 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

People are focusing way too much on Starbucks or this one incident. The issue is nationwide in all aspects of public life. 

BLM will capitalize on events to advance the broader narrative.  I get it and that's good, but sometimes they get ahead of the facts. 


The nationwide issue being nationwide has no bearing on the whether or not the Starbucks manager is a racist, or acted with racial bias.

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Some people are TROLLING Starbucks with fake free coffee coupons! No good deed goes unpunished I suppose. The good deed being Starbuck's corporate effort to address racial bias in their stores.




Fake coupons are popping up promising free Starbucks coffee for African Americans







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18 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The issue at hand is not trespass. 


If you have difficulty understanding that, write to the CEO of Starbucks an ask him why he's taking the extraordinary steps he is.


Specifically ask him why his are staff being given Racial Training and not being trained in the laws of trespass?


It's pretty simple if you think about it. 



I'll bet the manager of the affected Starbucks wishes he could turn back the clock.    What an expensive mistake he made in not finding a better way to deal with  this non-customer matter.     

He can probably kiss goodbye any hopes he may have had  for a successful career with Starbucks.

For me this whole things  brings  up another important issue;    Toilet availability.

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Kevin Johnson's weakness in dealing with this situation will have serious consequences for Starbucks. The handling of this is an even worse disaster than when the ex CEO turned his back on unemployed armed forces vets and the middle class with his ridiculous pledge to hire 10,000 refugees(who neither knew nor cared anything about premium coffee retail). So now, any people of color can use any Starbucks as their own private lounge and restroom facility, meeting place, whatever, they can do whatever they want and spend nothing, and nobody will tell them to move along. 


 The correct procedure, when Starbucks employees were being bullied by 2 very scruffily dressed non-customers would have been to back up the employee that asked them to leave 100% and correctly say that their retail outlet is not a private living room, whether the loiterer is white/black/Asian whatever. This is an unmitigated PR disaster.


One thing I didn't see answered yet. The 2 loiterers claimed they were waiting for a friend. After their 9 hour stint in detention had the friend showed up by then? I can guess the answer to that!

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classic example of stupid and unnecesary nanny state thinking.


And now what for the company?  

An overpriced, very unexceptional product will cost the public even more due to that they must spread out these losses to franchises.


IMO there is no racial profiling or anything of the sort going on here.


maybe be more accurate to say...targeting of bums and freeloaders.


im sure if there was a couple of skanky looking white guys loitering and doing god knows what (selling drugs?) around the premises, they would have been given marching orders also.


what a disgrace to the directors or whoever made this decision. 


this make a person glad to be in Thailand where they allowed to call a spaid what it is

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23 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Kevin Johnson's weakness in dealing with this situation will have serious consequences for Starbucks. The handling of this is an even worse disaster than when the ex CEO turned his back on unemployed armed forces vets and the middle class with his ridiculous pledge to hire 10,000 refugees(who neither knew nor cared anything about premium coffee retail). So now, any people of color can use any Starbucks as their own private lounge and restroom facility, meeting place, whatever, they can do whatever they want and spend nothing, and nobody will tell them to move along. 


 The correct procedure, when Starbucks employees were being bullied by 2 very scruffily dressed non-customers would have been to back up the employee that asked them to leave 100% and correctly say that their retail outlet is not a private living room, whether the loiterer is white/black/Asian whatever. This is an unmitigated PR disaster.


One thing I didn't see answered yet. The 2 loiterers claimed they were waiting for a friend. After their 9 hour stint in detention had the friend showed up by then? I can guess the answer to that!

bravo sir exactly what i try to say but my English not so elegant!!

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To all who have posted arguing that the CEO has taken the "wrong" position regarding the incident: you do realize that in this corporation Johnson is ONLY responsible to his board and shareholders. His decision will be judged purely on the alter of capitalism. Is this not exactly the ideal outcome for the conservative/libratarian citizen?


I, for one, am very curious to see how it all shakes out for Starbucks over time.

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Yes, this CEO, Johnson will be judge on the shareprice and only that.


as always some groups will get mileage out of it but you must expect them to jump on $hite like this. it give them something to do.


So,  If share price dives they will say he is weak and so on.

Any head of company knows the number 1 rule:

is not say sorry until you absolutely forced to, as this is the admission of guilt and does open the door for lawsuits.


but if share price goes up the same guys will go on about how he is wise and a industry leader.


is the US so anything can happen.


a bit like last year..the CEO of the airline that dragged that doctor off his seat on his paid for flight.

took the CEO a few days to even say sorry  and i bet that cost em millions.


who knows, maybe this Johnson guy got it right

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13 minutes ago, tingtongtourist said:

Yes, this CEO, Johnson will be judge on the shareprice and only that.


as always some groups will get mileage out of it but you must expect them to jump on $hite like this. it give them something to do.


So,  If share price dives they will say he is weak and so on.

Any head of company knows the number 1 rule:

is not say sorry until you absolutely forced to, as this is the admission of guilt and does open the door for lawsuits.


but if share price goes up the same guys will go on about how he is wise and a industry leader.


is the US so anything can happen.


a bit like last year..the CEO of the airline that dragged that doctor off his seat on his paid for flight.

took the CEO a few days to even say sorry  and i bet that cost em millions.


who knows, maybe this Johnson guy got it right

Does not seem to be hurting them yet...


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3 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

The outrage should be about the quality of their expensive coffee.

Nobody is forced to buy it and in the U.S. there are cheaper options as well so it's hardly a monopoly. Nice try at changing the subject though. 

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