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Comments and advice required on HOW I COULD RETIRE IN THAILAND, :-)

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Hi everybody,


... I’m looking for constructive comments, information and advice.


I’m a 60-year-old frenchman considering TO RETIRE in Thailand in the next few years. I would like to make out all the requirements.


I’m alone, and visited Thailand 3 times in the past.


I think it would be ok for me to move in Asia. I have no family, no really much social network nor friends in France. I don’t feel any positive prospect in my home country. I’m in good health. I can speak a very good English ... and will enjoy to explore a new country, in a relaxed way, with a better standard of living.


I believe also that I could POSSIBLY enjoy better opportunities of good social life (perhaps).

Acknowledging the hardships that MARRIAGE between Westerners and Thai women can bring about, I don’t consider marrying though.


My point is :

1 - How can I move to Thailand ... get a retirement visa ... or a right to residence ? IS IT POSSIBLE ?

2 - There are so many confusing stories ... I don’t manage to MAKE OUT how it works ...

3 - What are the different steps ? How much money would I have to show up ?


Would any of you have some good information which could help me to start bringing the pieces together ?


Thanks to everyone ...





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Hello JVS,

... thank you for your comments.

Yes, I understand what you mean.

About getting first a tourist visa, I don’t know. I already spent about 3 months on a whole in Thailand over the last few years. It’s not much ... but I think this country would be ok for me though the heat is a bit over the top at times. But it’s ok ... :-)

I think I would enjoy some nightlife ... but not too intense either. To be honest ... I’ve got to know Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Sukhotai, Ayuthaya, Kanchanaburi, BKK, ... Not that much.

I haven’t seen any beach !!! ... SO I DON’T KNOW MUCH ABOUT LIFE in those places (except through reading on Internet).

I DON’T THINK I’D LIKE SOMETHING TOO TURISTY but there maybe lots of places I’d like ...

I THOUGHT I COULD JUST GO AND LIVE THERE ... and benefit from my first two years to explore ... living a short while in different places !? (But already on a retirement visa),

I THOUGHT PERHAPS I could get advice on this forum about agreable places on the coast ... not very far from towns. I THOUGHT I COULD GO THERE DIRECTLY because I don’t see much the point of keeping a link with my home country.

I thought I could use some money first for short term rent (1 month, 2 months ...) in different places.

Is it as easy to work out your way to a retirement visa ... if you’re already living in Thailand on a tourist visa ???




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4 minutes ago, Franck60 said:

I think I would enjoy some nightlife ... but not too intense either. To be honest ... I’ve got to know Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Sukhotai, Ayuthaya, Kanchanaburi, BKK, ... Not that much.

I haven’t seen any beach !!! ..

Book your ticket to Suvarnabhumi airport & take taxi to Pattaya City. After that, happiness will chase you.

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Well ...

... Why not get to know Pattaya city BUT I am not sure that’s a good plan to live a farang. It’s important not to lose oneself either.

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... the cost of life on those islands is much higher !
... I’ll tell you as well that for me the prospect of “changing language” is really interesting. Speaking English everyday ... and even learn a few sentences in Thai is INTERESTING to me.

What is a “1 YEAR NON O visa” ?
Do you think I could meet the requirements to get one ?

Thank you,


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3 hours ago, Franck60 said:

I’m a 60-year-old frenchman considering TO RETIRE in Thailand in the next few years. I would like to make out all the requirements.

Why next few years? You're already 60 and in a good health. You should do it right now.


Here are my suggestions

1. Get a Non O-A visa from France. You have to show 800000 Thai baht in a bank account in your home country. (there are pension options also)

2. Come to Bangkok and get an apartment. Open a bank account and get a sim card.

3. After few moths move to another place in Thailand and live there for few months.

4. Continue to live for a few months in one place and then move to another.

5. Before 90-day from your date of entering Thailand, leave the country (you don't have to) for a neighboring country to explore the new place and also to avoid 90-day reporting.

6. Check this website everyday, post your experience, and ask questions, and spend a hour (just like reading your morning newspaper) in this website. It has a wealth of information about living in Thailand.

After one year, you can make up your mind what you really want to do and if Thailand is the place for you and you will learn how to stay here forever.


Edited by onera1961
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I would stick to what you know.

From your posts I don't think you would be capable of moving to a foreign country and starting a new life. Such a major event in anyone's life requires a certain degree of independence, confidence and ability to research, plan and organize.

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3 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

I would stick to what you know.

From your posts I don't think you would be capable of moving to a foreign country and starting a new life. Such a major event in anyone's life requires a certain degree of independence, confidence and ability to research, plan and organize.

the first time i booked an air ticket was when i ordered the flight to thailand,

it was also my last flight.

the one thing i did to prepare myself was go to the bank and get extended support,

so i could at any time any where call my bank and order a new visa card in a hurry

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1 hour ago, Franck60 said:

... the cost of life on those islands is much higher !
... I’ll tell you as well that for me the prospect of “changing language” is really interesting. Speaking English everyday ... and even learn a few sentences in Thai is INTERESTING to me.

What is a “1 YEAR NON O visa” ?
Do you think I could meet the requirements to get one ?

Thank you,


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the requirement is being 50 years or more and have 800k baht pension income

or 800k in thai bank account, or a combination of the two, for example

400k pension 400k in bank.

the thai embassy will give you the appropriate visa,

and after one year, if you are uncertain how to get extended another year,

ask here again how to do it or use a visa agency to do it for a fee.

i like pattaya myself for the additional international food options, the nightlife, and that its at the sea so temperature is more even than for example a land locked city like bkk.

but you might also like a more beautiful beach,

which pattaya dont have, like living in koh chang koh samet or a crapload of other nice scenery.

still, i would value no visa hassle a hole lot,

and i could get that on a nice cosy french caribbean

island if it wasnt so painful for me to move

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21 minutes ago, tingtongtourist said:

.and remember about house: if you buy, they soon say GOOD-buy!

If you can afford to gamble a few millions baht in Las Vegas and don't mind losing, you can buy a house for a beautiful girl 40 years younger than you. The girl will take care of you, entertain you, and make your life beautiful. Why not? Life is all about exploring new frontiers :)

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8 minutes ago, tingtongtourist said:

Your idea can work, but must know and live with that girl AT LEAST 5 year.

But one could enjoy her for five years at the age of 60. Isn't that beautiful? :) One should never marry. It is like handing over your privacy.

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14 minutes ago, onera1961 said:

But one could enjoy her for five years at the age of 60. Isn't that beautiful? :) One should never marry. It is like handing over your privacy.

Hats off to you Sir.

but really, if 5 years and you never been stabbed or threatened with knife, she never steal off you, and your not completely broke..then you must marry very quick before someone else get her!!

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1 hour ago, tingtongtourist said:

but really, if 5 years and you never been stabbed or threatened with knife, she never steal off you, and your not completely broke..then you must marry very quick before someone else get her!!

Agreed. :smile:

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You call the Thai embassy or a Thai consulate in France and ask them which documents exactly they require for your "retirement visa". Then you send (or go there by yourself) them these documents with your passport and get the Visa.

Then you just go to Thailand with light luggage and start traveling around, there is really no reason to plan anything ahead, you can just decide it on the spot.

Don't forget to get a health insurance for Thailand.

If after a year you are happy in Thailand and plan to stay you get rid of your stuff in your home country and from then on stay in Thailand.

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11 hours ago, jvs said:

Yes you can retire to Thailand like many people have done before you.

There are many options but my first step would be (and was)to get a tourist visa and just travel around for awhile.

Do you like the beach?A lot of choices.Like the nightlife or not?again a lot of choices.

Just come over and have a nother look around and find out about the things you really like.I was living in France before i came here and that was a few years ago and i would not go back there.

You may get a lot of tips from other expats here but in the end it is al up to you.To me it was worth it and i like where i am now.

Very very sound advice

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11 hours ago, Franck60 said:

Hello JVS,

... thank you for your comments.

Yes, I understand what you mean.

About getting first a tourist visa, I don’t know. I already spent about 3 months on a whole in Thailand over the last few years. It’s not much ... but I think this country would be ok for me though the heat is a bit over the top at times. But it’s ok ... :-)

I think I would enjoy some nightlife ... but not too intense either. To be honest ... I’ve got to know Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Sukhotai, Ayuthaya, Kanchanaburi, BKK, ... Not that much.

I haven’t seen any beach !!! ... SO I DON’T KNOW MUCH ABOUT LIFE in those places (except through reading on Internet).

I DON’T THINK I’D LIKE SOMETHING TOO TURISTY but there maybe lots of places I’d like ...

I THOUGHT I COULD JUST GO AND LIVE THERE ... and benefit from my first two years to explore ... living a short while in different places !? (But already on a retirement visa),

I THOUGHT PERHAPS I could get advice on this forum about agreable places on the coast ... not very far from towns. I THOUGHT I COULD GO THERE DIRECTLY because I don’t see much the point of keeping a link with my home country.

I thought I could use some money first for short term rent (1 month, 2 months ...) in different places.

Is it as easy to work out your way to a retirement visa ... if you’re already living in Thailand on a tourist visa ???




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One word of advise don't completely cut ties with your home country

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OP, if you can i would suggest trying to get short term, say 3 month rentals, in different places to see where you might like to eventually settle. As I assume you don't have connections here you might find life easier in places with an already established expat community whether in BKK, Hua Hin or Chiang Mai wherever really.

To get an idea of property prices in different areas check out things like gumtree or dd https://www.ddproperty.com/en

Most rentals will say 1 year minimum but lots will do short term lets rather than leave them empty, if you eventually think you might buy you can see sales prices on there also but you'll be best sticking to condos as officially you can't own land and i'd be very wary of the long term lease options on offer.

You have been here and decided it's probably a relatively easy place to settle down and i would agree with you on that.

Good luck

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