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YouTuber who posted about taxi driver goes to police after receiving "extortion" email


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9 hours ago, mommysboy said:

Looks like a fake.  But regardless....I posted my concerns about being in a vulnerable position and basically not many agreed with me.  I was right!


8 hours ago, Justfine said:

Pay for what?


8 hours ago, Justfine said:

Pay for what?


8 hours ago, KittenKong said:

That would be the Thai way and I see nothing good about it as it just encourages more scams.

Full marks to Mr MacKee for wanting to expose all these fraudsters and scammers rather than just keep quiet and pretend that it doesnt happen. He will have plenty of them to go for.


8 hours ago, stud858 said:

So, offer 100,000 and if that's accepted pay,  learn from the experience and move on. 

Peace to all.


Jeez I nearly choked when I read your comment... why da <deleted> would he do that... 

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3 minutes ago, Rob5lax said:

Interesting to watch if the power of social can get justice.  His next stop can be social that impacts the tourism industry - new tools to be played.


The email lacks any kind of sophistication can likely be traced to source.


and BTC is not private ... a little investigation can find the holder.  Not easy but doable.  

Once it goes to Russia or Eastern Europe , good luck.... 

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Just came back from 10 days in Myanmar. So nice to be able to use Grab there. No muss, no fuss. Don't have to worry about language issues or being scammed by a long route or pressured to tip, etc. Tipped one Grab (taxi) driver when he had to detour to avoid water festival festivities. But that was voluntary. Thailand taxi mafia obviously too strong to permit this... 

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1 hour ago, evilebxxx said:

His Thai language skills are really great I must say, speaks clearly

Yeah, makes me want to practice. Then, I think he probably grew up here. Anyway, should practice every day and can get closer to this. 

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2 hours ago, terryofcrete said:





Jeez I nearly choked when I read your comment... why da <deleted> would he do that... 

Let some time pass and the answer may become self explanatory. Of course the best result for the foreigner is zero payment with zero retribution. Wait and see what transpires.

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Hmmm, this Danny should of just fobbed this chancers email but instead goes to  the police while the press happen to be there ....hmmm. So Danny has a half baked half popular facebook page and now that original video has made him a net idol overnight with millions more views ...now this.

IMO he's milking it and trying to be the next mymatenate (remember that dude?). Sorry i am not going to side with this dude over what was originally a storm in a teacup. Hey hey hey, carry on milking  it Danny and btw  his thai vocab is basic  and not 'excellent' as was reported by the nation last week. As you were.

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Has Pandoras box been opened..???



Thailand has, no doubt, set itself up for just this type of scandal. This just might be the ticket that Thailand needs to come to terms with its plague of 'massive internal corruption problems'. Let it be said that things have to get worse before they get better. A corrupt society from head to toe. Personally I think that corruption here is too imbedded and

this issue will just fizzle out. Too bad.  


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7 minutes ago, YouYouYou said:

Hmmm, this Danny should of just fobbed this chancers email but instead goes to  the police while the press happen to be there ....hmmm. So Danny has a half baked half popular facebook page and now that original video has made him a net idol overnight with millions more views ...now this.

IMO he's milking it and trying to be the next mymatenate (remember that dude?). Sorry i am not going to side with this dude over what was originally a storm in a teacup. Hey hey hey, carry on milking  it Danny and btw  his thai vocab is basic  and not 'excellent' as was reported by the nation last week. As you were.

Agreed, on both points.

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Well, it's not likely a Thai person who wrote the email. An astute reader familiar with Thai English diction would immediately notice that 9.5 Thais out of 10 don't speak/write English that way. From the least capable to the most, they all tend to make the same sorts of mistakes such as leaving out indefinite and definate articles. 


I suspect a foreigner drafted that email. 

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The most important thing for Thai's is Face. They really hate Farang who causes them to lose Face no matter if they were breaking the law or employing the double standard that is used by some Taxi driver's trying to overcharge Farang. This Taxi driver would never attempt to do this to a Thai Man that far above his pay grade, but they have the idea Farang has no power in Thailand (Which they Don't) & can do and say anything to the less than Thai "Farang", & have a sanctioned pass on deceit, extortion & scamming Farang like a National Sport.


The mistake they always make is deluding themselves they are more intelligent than the Farang with the travel budget, & they then assume they can help themselves to the travel budget, because hey "This is Thailand and you are a Rich fish out of Water with no recourse"  Mistake! They are relying on Farang being ignorant to local laws & rules. 


What the taxi driver was doing is ILLEGAL to begin with. This email is 100% fake as (1) Why would the Taxi Driver possess high level contacts at DSI who would then break the law themselves "extorting" a Farang with such a high level of visibility in Thailand, on Social Media, all over the Internet & currently the buzz talk of the country, because he caused their "Pillar of the Society" friend (The Taxi Driver) to lose face, so then they decide to try to secretly extort money from him on the grounds he's working without a work permit & keep it on the down low ~ You couldn't write this **** (unless of course are a 3rd Grade educated Taxi Driver)


As soon as the case becomes public record why would the guys at DSI get involved with this peasant Taxi Driver's obvious stupidity. Does this Taxi Driver have the socio economic clout to DSI-Up his friends at the Thai FBI to want to themselves commit social & professional suicide on his behalf by "extorting" the Farang. Just the way the email is written you can see there is a third grade education behind the keyboard. If this guy really had "friends" at DSI, they would get him on "work permit" violations (because he doesn't even need to be making remuneration from his online English language Blog, as he is creating an asset in the process which technically is a violation equal to making money from the English Language Blog, so he could be deported on that technicality alone) but the authors are not that educated, smart or knowledgeable about Thai law, to know how to go about it. This Farang's mistake is he is a "Look at Me" Farang doing all this stuff on line for what reason. A better question for the Taxi driver to ask would be what is the source of his funds from outside Thailand he uses to be an eternal tourist blogging in Thailand Free.


His own Narcissism may be his eventual downfall, as we all know the Taxi Drivers do this stuff, but you should realize why they do it. I'm not condoning the practice but some days after the rental fee and gas for the Taxi they don't make money or any profit, so they are hustling to make a buck to eat. Their attitude is wrong & they are breaking the law but is all this worth it for 100-200 Baht. When I come in contact with Taxi drivers doing this ****, I just say "No I can't agree to not using the meter, as that would be illegal and I could not aide & abet or be party to a crime, as I don't break the law", which sends the message you know at the end of any scenario, you know the Taxi Driver is committing an offense or Traffic Infraction which means they will be the ones paying the fines. That usually works, and if not just get another taxi, but why escalate it to this level here. We all know this scenario, & it will exist as long as there is Taxi Driver's so just get over it & find a Taxi who will use the Meter. The Airport is set up to curb this ****, so if it happens at the airport, just get out and report the guy right there and he may think twice about doing it again. Anywhere else just walk away and get another taxi. Is it worth getting into some altercation over this, NO it is not. Just get out if you want to waste more time report it.


Learning the Language is the main thing you need if you are going to Live in Thailand or come here often on Holidays. It allows you to see everything, & the people like these Taxi drivers who want to play games, soon realize this is "Farang Loo Mak" (Foreigner knows Everything) so they instantly realize they have little or no chance to run their scam. This instantly separates the Men from the Boys. There is also no hiding behind the language pretending you "misunderstood" because of the language barrier, which this Taxi driver tried to plead as usual, because that is the go to act to try to save face that they delude themselves they have in the first place, due to the massive big ego epidemic in Thailand stemming from chronic under achievement &, lack of talent/ability syndromes rampant in the society, usually self treated with the Selfie Photo Mental Illness remedy. This Farang seems to crave the same "Look at Me" addiction, constantly posting on his Tinglish Blog Spot, with a massive Mapao following! Get it, Farang loves Mapao. A perfect match, No?


The guy who wrote this email made a big arrogant, egotistical bad call committing a crime in that of "extortion" or attempted extortion, signing it with a bank account lead as a signature to the crime. What a Buffalo of a Criminal. What is the penalty for extortion? 


He also again is operating on the idea the Farang is stupid, easily intimidated & will not do exactly what he just did, by reporting this to the authorities complete with bank account !


Bitcoin was an anonymous stroke, but I couldn't believe he signed the extortion note with a Name, Bank Account Information, everything but a signature. Nice One Genius Criminal.


Remember you are a guest here, so even if you come across some <deleted> just be Thai, smile and keep walking. What I want to see is why this Tattoo laden foreigner who speaks Thai like a seasoned veteran, claims to have been here only (2) years, thinks he knows all about Thailand like the back of his hand, has a Blog with a big enough following it could be monetized for some serious Baht, drives a Mercedes Benz, frequents Silom (Soi 4 ?), and continues to grow his face on his Face Book English Blog Spot, all free for Thailand. Where does he source the money to do that as he's certainly not retirement pension age yet is he now?


Just questions that cross my mind when I see Farang Entreprenuerial types like this guy. 

Edited by Manny
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This isn't about the kids haircut or how he can afford to live in Thailand.

This isn't about if he makes money on YouTube or if he is after fame.


This is about the very common issue of law breaking taxi drivers in Thailand.  Some of you claim that poor taxi drivers can hardly make a living.   I don't believe this but it's not relavant.   The real issue is this taxi scam or a refusal to pick up happens so often for Thai and non Thai. .  This happens so often it affects almost every tourist who takes more than 4 taxi rides on vacation.   Luckily law enforcement or TAT have realized how bad this reflects on Thailand.   It can be said that taxi drivers are the ambassadors of a country.   Now is the time for change.  It has to start somewhere.  Whether it's over 20 baht or 200 baht is not the point.    All you people who have put up with this for years are guilty of growing this problem.   

I suggest we all approach taxis with our phones on video and report each taxi who refuses service or doesn't want to use the meter.   


I know this will piss many off but if more Americans had been visiting thailand the last 20 years this problem would not be so bad.   We don't put up with BS like this.  

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Well, how a person keeps himself is their personal choice.  But if one is going to try and stay or live or possibly work in a foreign country, I would think one would do better if they present themselves better.  This young kid is living on the fringe

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5 minutes ago, Elkski said:

This isn't about the kids haircut or how he can afford to live in Thailand.

This isn't about if he makes money on YouTube or if he is after fame.


This is about the very common issue of law breaking taxi drivers in Thailand.  Some of you claim that poor taxi drivers can hardly make a living.   I don't believe this but it's not relavant.   The real issue is this taxi scam or a refusal to pick up happens so often for Thai and non Thai. .  This happens so often it affects almost every tourist who takes more than 4 taxi rides on vacation.   Luckily law enforcement or TAT have realized how bad this reflects on Thailand.   It can be said that taxi drivers are the ambassadors of a country.   Now is the time for change.  It has to start somewhere.  Whether it's over 20 baht or 200 baht is not the point.    All you people who have put up with this for years are guilty of growing this problem.   

I suggest we all approach taxis with our phones on video and report each taxi who refuses service or doesn't want to use the meter.   

I'm not very often in Bkk, but in 20 years, i happened just once to have problems with a taxi driver.

For 1 bad guy, there are thousands who are doing a fine job. And they are not expensive, even for Thai standards.

I suggest that Thai taxi drivers are not such a major problem as you seem to think.

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I remember when this report about the taxi driver being on TVF and seem to remember one member saying that this publicity is not great for the blogger/vlogger and could land him in a lot of trouble just for 'outing' a taxi driver when we all know the score (unless one is not au fait with the Thai ways).

75 baht and now he feels his life is in danger . . . foolish at best. 

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11 minutes ago, Elkski said:

This isn't about the kids haircut or how he can afford to live in Thailand.

This isn't about if he makes money on YouTube or if he is after fame.


This is about the very common issue of law breaking taxi drivers in Thailand.  Some of you claim that poor taxi drivers can hardly make a living.   I don't believe this but it's not relavant.   The real issue is this taxi scam or a refusal to pick up happens so often for Thai and non Thai. .  This happens so often it affects almost every tourist who takes more than 4 taxi rides on vacation.   Luckily law enforcement or TAT have realized how bad this reflects on Thailand.   It can be said that taxi drivers are the ambassadors of a country.   Now is the time for change.  It has to start somewhere.  Whether it's over 20 baht or 200 baht is not the point.    All you people who have put up with this for years are guilty of growing this problem.   

I suggest we all approach taxis with our phones on video and report each taxi who refuses service or doesn't want to use the meter.   


I know this will piss many off but if more Americans had been visiting thailand the last 20 years this problem would not be so bad.   We don't put up with BS like this.  

In all the years I've lived in BKK I can count on one hand how many drivers asked for a set fair rather than use the meter. That's a pretty good ratio given that I take taxis every day. Once I agreed because it was evening rush hour and I was going to airport and the traffic was hell. And what he was asking was not unreasonable for a journey like that. Not even a fraction of what you'd pay in North America, UK, Oz etc. The other few times it happened I just got a different taxi, simple. Some posters here have been making sweeping statements about drivers that simply don't apply to all... not even close. This particular guy tried it on and got outed but I'm not sure it was the right way to go about it. Personally, I would have handled it differently. But I'm not seeking internet fame. As far as refusing a fair, I think that's up to the driver. I personally wouldn't want to drive from Sathon to Sukhumvit between 5 and 7 pm on a weekday. It's not worth the money or the hassle. And finally, regardless of what nationality someone is, American or otherwise, if I refused a fair and that person told me, as a taxi driver, I should go pick rice instead, or something to that effect (as been mentioned in this thread), I'd tell them to go and fist themselves. My taxi, my decision.

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2 hours ago, Elkski said:

First off Mack's haircut is a popular style.   What kind of jerk brings this up.   Secondly it's all you old farts who have out up and overpaid taxis these last decades that have made this taxi scam issue so common.   Thank goodness for the younger generation!!! There is hope in this world.    I do worry about this guy's health.   

The RTP have stepped up the pressure on taxi's.  The Thai people are tired of taxi scams too.   I think the time is ripe for a change. Thai people get no pick ups from taxi's too.    

Some of you old guys need to take your old ideas back to the bar or grave. 

Why wouldn't every farang and Thai far and wide be cheering this guy on?   


PS.  The Rooster said Mr Mack's language skills were quite good including a comment about using the 4-5 tonal sounds correctly.  How many have had the Rooster say that about them?   

How do you know how old people are?  Rather presumptuous . And as a Thai speaker, Mr Mac isn't particularly impressive. He's not bad. If you can't use tones correctly, you don't speak Thai. It's fundamental to the language.

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Some posters in the different threads on this topic have been keen to point out that "Danny Mac" 's YouTube channel is "not monetized". Possibly that's because his channel hasn't generated enough interest for YouTube to permit ads to be displayed there... yet?


(Note the ways in which YouTube policy changed recently and why: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/youtube-google-logan-paul-extremism-ads-preferred-partner-program-ad-money-a8164001.html)


YouTube (and Facebook) remain important ingredients in the formula for building an online presence and "fan base". However, an ambitious digital nomad does not earn a living through YouTube alone.


Postings on social media/TripAdvisor/travel blogs/review sites (for instance, which highlight the pros and cons of the available means of travelling from the airport in Bangkok -- to take a hot topic in the news as an example --- What does the Grab buyout of Uber mean for you?
https://asiancorrespondent.com/2018/03/what-does-the-grab-buyout-of-uber-mean-for-you/#yWHPEi5KV33p76Dw.97 ) are another potentially lucrative income stream.  :sleep:



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