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27 minutes ago, Hummin said:

I even judge religious people based on how they practice their beliefs and political stands. It just bullshit we can not adress peoples religion or political views as bullshit. Respect my ass

Why?  What has your ass done to deserve respect?

  • Haha 1
5 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

Why?  What has your ass done to deserve respect?

That is a good question indeed. Treating people with respect, but adress fairytales, and beliefs that is not rooted in common sense, which have an tendency to hurt poeple, and the only reason to do so, is to collect people and manipulate them for their own good. 


It is a stupid world we live in, with to many stupid people. What do you think? 


If I was born in a christian country, it would only be one god, if I was born in a muslim country , It would be only one god, If I was born i Thailand, I have ot give money to many different companies wearing orange, and pay them respect. 


Bullshit from one end to the other. Money and power is the only drive for some, and for the rest, it is just to put your ass in the air, and let them do what they do! 


How can you find selfrespect in such a system? 

8 hours ago, seancbk said:


Define?  Easy.  If you judge anyone on the colour of their skin, where they from or their religion then you are a racist.


That is not what is the issue here.  If you had bothered to read what I posted earlier you would understand that Robinson does not fit even your inaccurate definition of a racist - one of the labels now being used to clamp down on free speech and dissent in an increasingly politically-correct UK.


What we have been witnessing and still are is a classic case of shoot the messenger, orchestrated by the Establishment and its mass media supporters.


Have any idea what Robinson really stands for? If so, you will know he has no beef against Muslims as individuals or a sector of society. His concern is radical Islam and its increasingly worrying effects on our nation and its security (terror attacks, grooming gangs, sharia law courts, hate preachers in mosques and madrassas, etc ).


Robinson's in-your-face style is clearly not to everyone's taste, but there is undeniably substance to what he says. The fact that an estimated ten thousand people marched with him recently in a peaceful London protest against extremist violence shows he is no longer a voice in the wilderness.


Do some research and discover the man behind the media-created myth. If you need sources, message me.


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14 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

mmm let's see EDL, hangs out with know neo-nazis, pushes fascist politics, want me to continue? Got nothing to do with the BBC or 'mass media' I follow or watch neither - i know a fascist when I see one


Do you always shoot wildly from the hip without first checking whether or not you're firing blanks?


Anybody with a passing knowledge of the man knows Robinson left the EDL precisely because it had been infiltrated by neo-Nazis and other extremists.


Presumably, you can back up your allegation that he "pushes fascist politics".  Without it, you could have the Old Bill on your back for pushing hate speech!


Your myopic views clearly have everything to do with "the BBC or 'mass media' I follow or watch". Do some independent research of your own - and meanwhile work up an appetite for eating words.

On 5/4/2018 at 11:33 PM, The manic said:

Expats are not a homogeneous group. They are all different just as gays are different. There is an idea that gays are united LGBQT nonsense but they are not. It's an artificial construct.  There is an idea that gay men are socialist but 99 % I know are deeply conservative and apart from boy lovers anti muslim. Expats are expats because they hate what their country has become..or they are working abroad. Ex military expats, TEFL teachers, businessmen, women expats etc all have different views. Here in Thailand we have the provincial Australians as ignorant as I'll informed American, Evangelicals and nutty feminists....all expats but with nothing in common.

Do not take swipes at others, unless you declare who you are first; so provincial Australians and ill informed Americans can take a shot at you. 

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