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You mean, you don't know who Trink is?

Unfortunately I do and good ridance to his drivel every Friday but would like some clarification as to what the original question is about.


I remember him too, and while he went down hill these last few years a decade or more ago he was entertaining.

I understand a decade before that he was a must read.

What ever you think about him, he was unique, he was not a puppet to Political Correctness and his carreer spanned and commentated on some of the most interesting times in perhaps the most interesting city on the planet.


I think Eric1000 is not saying his NiteOwl colum is gone, but forum might be gone.

To tell you the truth it never even really amounted to anything because he never added anything to it. He just let posters slag each other for awhile and then people

just stopped posting altogether.

I understand a decade before that he was a must read.

In that case we should offer our thanks to the Bangkok Post for putting us out of our misery every Friday then if he is still writing this drivel.

In that case we should offer our thanks to the Bangkok Post for putting us out of our misery every Friday

Well perhaps you are right, but he remains one of the charecters in Bangkok's nightlife and indeed Bangkok's journalism.

I enjoyed his column, I understand why others might not have, especially if they came to it in its final few years.

What I would agree to without question is many tried to copy his style and all failed myserably.

He created a whole genre of his own.

That is never going to suite everyones taistes but it was a remarkable acheivement.

I liked him until be became too heavily censored and did what many of us do to stay in Thailand. Prostituted himself for that paycheck! :o

is that prostituted thing only common to Thailand Georgie ?


Most of us come here hoping to partake in what the term "Thai'=free seems to offer. A few years down the road the superior species homo dollaris, which is commonly called 'farang', may discover that it is not only Isaan farmer's daughters who need to accept work they'd rather not do and state with a charming smile that they enjoy doing it.

Trink had to learn to write within a given set of rules, maybe Georgie-Porgie will as well.


I said it b4, originally interesting. Later I just shook my head, but still checked every Friday, what he had to say. Nothing really anymore.

Still, without him, I would never have learned anything about demimondaines, and certainly never would have learned that Villa now is carrying family sized undies of the middle prized type, or something like that.

Up to you, I do my rounds.


Towards the end very little was original, perhaps 20%.

The rest was just other peoples thoughts and ramblings.


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