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Islamophobia prompts Muslims to engage in US democracy: report


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Islamophobia prompts Muslims to engage in US democracy: report

Anti-Muslim measures have backfired, causing the US Muslim population to protest and run for office in higher numbers.


Washington, DC - American Muslims reported a higher number of incidents of discrimination this past year than any other religious group, but growing Islamophobiahas pushed them to become more politically engaged, according to Muslim leaders, pollsters and activists.


The third annual poll published this week by the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU), a think-tank based in Washington, DC and Michigan, found that hate crimes against Muslims increased to an unprecedented level during Donald Trump'spresidential campaign and following his election in late 2016.


Measuring the level of anti-Muslim sentiment in the US through its first-ever national Islamophobia Index, the survey, titled Pride and Prejudice, showed that while Muslims only comprise one percent of the population, their community occupies an outsized role in the American popular psyche.


Full story: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/05/islamophobia-prompts-muslims-engage-democracy-report-180504053910672.html


-- AL JAZEERA 2018-05-04

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2 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

Take control by stealth. They aren't called the 'religion of permanent' offence for nothing. Crimes against Jews may be higher, but reporting of crimes against muslims, possibly imagined crimes, is higher I'd guess.

Freddie Royle, some of those things are already happening, halal food, which is really a religious tax on infidels, changing menus in school canteens, putting pressure on schools not to celebrate Christmas and Easter because they are offended, etc., and if WE resist, WE are racist and islamaphobic.

Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

You and the other nasty are posting your usual hateful misinformation.


The reality is most Muslim majority countries have not implemented full Sharia Law so how does this support your assertion for complete support by Muslims in Western countries. Western democracies have repeatedly made it very  clear Civil Sharia Law has not and will not be supported by pularality of law, nor is Beth Din. Claimed efforts by the Muslim community for not celebrating Xmas and so on have proven to be false or the result of zealous PC activists and so far as I'm aware always overruled. 


Other than assumption got any proof crimes against Muslims get a higher profile in reporting than criminal anti Jewish activity in the US?


Some anti Muslim adherents are still anti semitic; one of the traditional roots of their nationalist movements. 'Nationalists' or if you prefer 'patriots' - lol - are usually deemed national security risks and this is the reason they are often condemned.

Edited by simple1
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15 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

This is a truly disturbing article. Critics of creeping sharia have long known, and have frequently warned about the out of proportional effect even relatively small populations of muslims have on their host country. The argument goes along the lines that when the muslim population reaches a certain % of the population they start agitating for their special needs and requirements ie ban on alcohol, food must be halal, segregation of the sexes, ban on pork and pork products etc to be enacted in law, and even the formation of active sharia patrols on the street physically enforcing the muslim ideology.


 It is my belief the vast majority of these so called hate crimes are in fact false flags, done by muslims so they can play the victim card. Noted forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz notes fake muslim hate crimes are commonly done. 


 ""There is a large number of cases – certainly dozens or hundreds a year and have been for at least the past 30 years," he said."




 If muslims want to be better received in foreign nations, they must assimilate into the host culture, learn the language, work and become productive citizens, stop all this divisive politicking and above all stop doing all these horrific terror acts that put people so on edge.

The argument can go whatever it way it wants but facts are facts and can't. Provide some real world evidence that Sharia law is being imposed.

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18 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

 If muslims want to be better received in foreign nations, they must assimilate into the host culture, learn the language, work and become productive citizens, stop all this divisive politicking and above all stop doing all these horrific terror acts that put people so on edge.

Assimilating means essentially giving up their religion and lifestyle it dictates, which, in aggregate, muslims refuse to do, and so there will continue to be conflicts between the host population and muslims until things eventually come to a head.

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2 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


The fact that you have no idea what I assumed, is very telling...

I never said they were considering implementing it, I said they were reviewing it..

So you have proved absolutely nothing with your comment, therefore, I feel exactly as I felt 5 mins ago before reading it..

If you are from Bristol, that might explain things... How does that feel :passifier:

Democratic government by their very nature will review all manner of societal matters in order to come to an informed decision whether additional legislation is required or not. 


IMO your prior statement was uninformed fear mongering.

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1 hour ago, cornishcarlos said:


People are deemed racist if they voice their opinions about the situation, because you aren't allowed to offend !!!

I always find it somewhat amusing, if you live in Thailand, making such comment given the climate of active legally enforced censorship.


BTW which Western countries do not permit your free speech? 

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13 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

Indeed. So perhaps they should fear and hate less.

There is no “they”. 


Hate and fear fear is a human thing that is found in all creeds, nationalities and political views. 


It is to be countered at every point, as are the bigots who exploit it. 



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1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

There is no “they”. 


Hate and fear fear is a human thing that is found in all creeds, nationalities and political views. 


It is to be countered at every point, as are the bigots who exploit it. 



Agree in principle, though one group seems to have a far bigger issue. It's been a while since I've heard about Buddhists throwing gays off roofs, keeping their women uneducated and at home and beheading people for not converting. Maybe I'm not reading all the news.

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7 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

Agree in principle, though one group seems to have a far bigger issue. It's been a while since I've heard about Buddhists throwing gays off roofs, keeping their women uneducated and at home and beheading people for not converting. Maybe I'm not reading all the news.

Bigotry and violence comes in all forms. 


It is found in all faiths and philosophies. 


Those promoting it do not represent the majority of the faith or philosophy. 


Such bigots are to be condemned. 


Not the faith or philosophy. 


To condemn all because of a few is just another form of prejudice. 

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7 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


The fact that you have no idea what I assumed, is very telling...

I never said they were considering implementing it, I said they were reviewing it..

So you have proved absolutely nothing with your comment, therefore, I feel exactly as I felt 5 mins ago before reading it..

If you are from Bristol, that might explain things... How does that feel :passifier:

If you had actually read the piece you would know that they are reviewing in order to curb the influence of sharia councils. So how does that support your assertion that 

"The fact that they are willing to review it, should be alarm bells enough !!!" Actually, if you are against the influence of Islam in the UK, this would be good news. But in order for it to be good news,you actually have to read the article first.

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6 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

To divorce actions from their causes is disingenuous and illogical. If a religion promulgates a doctrine of hate against a particular group or groups, then it must take responsibility for the consequences, along with those who translate the hateful edicts into hateful action. 


For some inexplicable reason, the teachings of Mohammad and the phenomenon known as global jihad come to mind.


As you imply, it would be unjust to blame all Muslims for the actions of a fanatical few. However, a silent majority which elects to bury their heads in prayer mats to drown out the thud of infidel heads rolling leaves itself open to charges of complacency - and possibly even collusion.





I can’t agree with your views on collusion, complacency or silence. 


Many muslims and their religious leaders have condemned the actions of bigots. 


The bigots do not represent faith, only a warped version their hate has created. 

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11 hours ago, simple1 said:

You and the other nasty are posting your usual hateful misinformation.


The reality is most Muslim majority countries have not implemented full Sharia Law so how does this support your assertion for complete support by Muslims in Western countries. Western democracies have repeatedly made it very  clear Civil Sharia Law has not and will not be supported by pularality of law, nor is Beth Din. Claimed efforts by the Muslim community for not celebrating Xmas and so on have proven to be false or the result of zealous PC activists and so far as I'm aware always overruled. 


Other than assumption got any proof crimes against Muslims get a higher profile in reporting than criminal anti Jewish activity in the US?


Some anti Muslim adherents are still anti semitic; one of the traditional roots of their nationalist movements. 'Nationalists' or if you prefer 'patriots' - lol - are usually deemed national security risks and this is the reason they are often condemned.

He didn't mention Sharia Law.

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2 hours ago, dlodratsab said:

This is not permissible in the most of the educated country's of the world. Can I assume its ok in the US?

"Educated country's".... I presume you claim to be from one. Sorry, we all make typos. The timing and location of yours was entertaining. But yes, in the US, we have greater freedom of speech than in England and other countries. If you don't believe it, try voicing some of the attacks made on Trump on the Queen of England. But don't call me for bail or help with your defense fund.

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Muslims in America are much more educated than the average joe have higher incomes and are conservative ( a good thing). Mostly model citizens. The problem wherever they go is they expect  society to bend to their demands and they will NOT speak out against the extremists among them. (Out of fear, they know what jhadists are capable of.) 


They will regret voting America into a model of a corrupt Middle East theocratic dump they were not happy there were they? 

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51 minutes ago, dlodratsab said:

Unlike the US then, my daughter was refused entry by a tin pot immigration clerk for wearing a T shirt with the slogan

PMS= Putting up with Men's Shit across the front of it. What a terrible thing to do, when trying to enter such a wonderful country as the U>S>A  ..........Freedom of speech my ARSE

Was she really denied entry and sent back or asked to change? There are laws against public obscenity. Oblivious japanese tourists in Hawaii with vulgar t-shirt will be asked to cover or change by police , You can't even wear a San Francisco 49er's jersey (gang colors) to a mall in California these days.

Free speech has limitations, decided in many court cases.





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6 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

I can’t agree with your views on collusion, complacency or silence. 


Many muslims and their religious leaders have condemned the actions of bigots. 


The bigots do not represent faith, only a warped version their hate has created. 


Bigots? Even by the stratospheric heights of political correctness we have reached in the UK, that's a pretty disingenuous way to describe those Muslim extremists who have brought terror to our city streets, grooming gangs who have abused thousands of our children, and Muslim preachers spreading antipathy to Western values in British mosques and madrassas.


Curiously, our police, who have warned the British public of their determination to stamp out hate speech, appear to be deaf to such unwarranted defamation - possibly because it is usually delivered in a language they do not understand. 


Bigotry is built into the very foundations of the Islamic faith, which we are told by its leaders can never be changed as its tenets were dictated personally to Muhammad by Allah.


This stubborn adherence to a medieval belief system explains why, after decades of immigration from Islamic nations, around four of ten British Muslims still think women should have  fewer rights than their husbands; 40 percent want to see at least some elements of repressive Sharia Law enforced; and almost a quarter would recriminalize homosexuality.


Now that's what I call bigotry.








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14 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:


Bigots? Even by the stratospheric heights of political correctness we have reached in the UK, that's a pretty disingenuous way to describe those Muslim extremists who have brought terror to our city streets, grooming gangs who have abused thousands of our children, and Muslim preachers spreading antipathy to Western values in British mosques and madrassas.


Curiously, our police, who have warned the British public of their determination to stamp out hate speech, appear to be deaf to such unwarranted defamation - possibly because it is usually delivered in a language they do not understand. 


Bigotry is built into the very foundations of the Islamic faith, which we are told by its leaders can never be changed as its tenets were dictated personally to Muhammad by Allah.


This stubborn adherence to a medieval belief system explains why, after decades of immigration from Islamic nations, around four of ten British Muslims still think women should have  fewer rights than their husbands; 40 percent want to see at least some elements of repressive Sharia Law enforced; and almost a quarter would recriminalize homosexuality.


Now that's what I call bigotry.








A bigot is one who spreads hate, intolerance and prejudice. 


It is not consigned to one faith, philosophy or political stance. 

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11 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

A bigot is one who spreads hate, intolerance and prejudice. 


It is not consigned to one faith, philosophy or political stance. 

Please change the record. I'm getting earache.

Edited by Krataiboy
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