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Last night out of a sense of deep midsummer ennui, (a dearth of interesting new shows to watch) I finally got around to watching the 90's blockbuster hit (a Jerry Bruckheimer blow everything to shit extravaganza) "Con Air", featuring Nic Cage, blathering away in the WORST Southern US accent ever filmed anywhere. Insultingly bad. When he played the anti-hero in David Lynch's Wild at Heart, he was fairly believable as a likeable Rebel Cracker. Maybe Lynch expected and demanded more of his actors. Laura Dern owned that movie.

They should have cast an Australian. They make the best American rednecks.

Here we have a whole cast of really fine actors prostituting themselves in this ridiculous spectacle...John Malkovich, Ving Rhames, Steve Buscemi, John Cusack, Colm Meany. Still, I have to admit, it was so stupid I ...liked it!

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I have just finished a marathon of all 16 series of Midsomer Murders. Taken me a couple of months. But if you want a taste of how beautiful England can be and throw in some spectacular murders and the usual nonsense that sunday evening uk tv throws up, this series is a winner.

Misfits series 5 was excellent. All 5 seasons were excellent

Now on ep 2 of true detective and liking it.

Talking of old series ,i am on the second "A touch of frost" from the ist series , love it ,no 3 tomorrow. the wife loved it in the UK now she is re watching with me .

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I still haven't started on Breaking Bad, but reading and hearing all the hype about it. You may not hear from me for a week or two. ( I hear breaths of relief)

Julian McMahon is another Ozzie who did good in Nip Tuck with an american accent.

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Colm Meany etc. are Irish people who do good American accents. And rather great Irish accents as well, to be sure.

Are there any actual American actors who do good American accents. Nah, they are all off trying to be English etc.

Edited by Patsycat
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Someone liked it. 6.8 on IMDb.


Oh, for sure it was a monster hit. But 6.8 is a mediocre score, (based on what, who knows), as it was back in good old USA public school. In some subjects a score of 68 was a "C-minus", or "barely passing, needs much improvement." 65 or below, you flunked.

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On the other hand, I am really enjoying Halt and Catch Fire, about a group of believable characters at a small Texas company in the early 80's, struggling to build an IBM clone of advanced design and performance. Good scripts, good acting, diminished somewhat (IMHO, of course) by gratuitous scenes of random heavy sex, X/Y, X/X, X/?

Thanks for this very good series. You're right, very well written, tight scripts and good actors. Lead actor (Julliard-trained) Lee Pace reminds me of a young John Cusack.

This series is very entertaining if you have been in high tech silicon valley type companies, even though set in Texas, or even known anyone who was. it may be "too period" (set in the 80s) and I think they will have to back off the technical stuff a bit for most audiences, but i suspect they will correct this. Overall, very good and highly recommended so far 5 episodes.

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Just finished off 'Calvary' and suffice to say English actors (or at least the ones selected for these roles) couldn't pull off an Irish accent to save themselves..

Overall quite a good movie and had all the hallmarks of being excellent, just the accents brought the whole thing down..


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I put Calvary on the other night, and fell asleep, so repeated it again the next night and fell asleep.

So, tomorrow i shall endeavour to watch it again. I have been told it's good. But just have to work out my siesta times to be able to watch!!

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Just finished off 'Calvary' and suffice to say English actors (or at least the ones selected for these roles) couldn't pull off an Irish accent to save themselves..

Overall quite a good movie and had all the hallmarks of being excellent, just the accents brought the whole thing down..


Thanks for the tip.

I'm a fan of Brendan Gleeson. I thought he was tremendous in

The General.


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Another series that's been going on for a while that I've not been bothered to endulge (but I probably should have): Rookie Blue... Yes it's another cop drama, but seems to have something that brings me back to watch another, I havent downloaded the current 5 and a half seasons, I'm starting at Season 5 and going from there ;)

Black Box (lead actress is also a supporting actress in Calvary with her natural accent - for those playing at home) continues to impress, quite enjoying the whole quirky/serious side...

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Just watched "the leftovers" poor choice of name! not to bad ,dont know where its going ,but will give it a go .

Just watched the first episode. Slow pace, but I am really curious how all these characters develop. Could be a good show. And: will we ever learn what happened on that specific day (although the actual reason seems to be of no relevance for the development of the show)? I will definitely continue watching.

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I dont know how many of you watch penny dreadfull, i have now watched 3 episodes ,i think thats it ,even though Billy Piper (who if she played her cards right could have me) is in it , just cant get interested in the charecters ,even though the acting and sets are not bad , thats it for me . pity

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Just downloading Noah, dunno what it's all about.

Another blockbuster so poor, I tried really hard to like it as Crowe is a great actor, well make your own mind up.

Funny how we are all different isnt it ,Crowe is a really really bad actorthumbsup.gif vive le differance

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I am really impressed with the writing and acting on "Rectify", which is now in its second season on US TV (Sundance Channel). I guess you could call it "Extreme Family Drama." Guy gets let out of prison after almost 20 years on Death Row, temporarily exonerated by DNA. The original prosecutor, now a state senator about to run for governore, is leaning hard on the new prosecutor to bring the case back to trial. The hero's mother has remarried, to her dead husband's partner in a tire business.

Every actor in this series is top notch, and the scripts give everyone a chance to shine. Completely different from anything else I've seen lately. For many viewers it would be too slow, but I'm hooked. Not a lot of laughs, though.

Coming up on the 8th and last episode of the great Australian show, Old School. Hope they do another season. It's really fun watching Bryan Brown and Sam Neill go at it it.

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I am really impressed with the writing and acting on "Rectify", which is now in its second season on US TV (Sundance Channel). I guess you could call it "Extreme Family Drama." Guy gets let out of prison after almost 20 years on Death Row, temporarily exonerated by DNA. The original prosecutor, now a state senator about to run for governore, is leaning hard on the new prosecutor to bring the case back to trial. The hero's mother has remarried, to her dead husband's partner in a tire business.

Every actor in this series is top notch, and the scripts give everyone a chance to shine. Completely different from anything else I've seen lately. For many viewers it would be too slow, but I'm hooked. Not a lot of laughs, though.

Coming up on the 8th and last episode of the great Australian show, Old School. Hope they do another season. It's really fun watching Bryan Brown and Sam Neill go at it it.

I saw the first episode of "Rectify". Did not like it that much. But I might give it another shot now.

Absolutely agreed on "Old school". Although it is rather conventional and, lets say, "harmless" (almost family tv entertainment) I think it is good fun to watch (reminds me a bit of the British "New Tricks"). Would not be surprised, if they did a second series of "Old School" with a different case. But so far no word from abc (at least I could not find anything).

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I am really impressed with the writing and acting on "Rectify", which is now in its second season on US TV (Sundance Channel). I guess you could call it "Extreme Family Drama." Guy gets let out of prison after almost 20 years on Death Row, temporarily exonerated by DNA. The original prosecutor, now a state senator about to run for governore, is leaning hard on the new prosecutor to bring the case back to trial. The hero's mother has remarried, to her dead husband's partner in a tire business.

Every actor in this series is top notch, and the scripts give everyone a chance to shine. Completely different from anything else I've seen lately. For many viewers it would be too slow, but I'm hooked. Not a lot of laughs, though.

Surprised you didn't mention Australian actress Adelaide Clemens' astonishingly perfect Southern accent. What a piece of work.

Adelaide Clemens (Tawney Talbot): It took a lot of research. With RECTIFY, we really try to steer clear of stereotypes. That’s really not what the show’s about, so I wanted to create a Southern accent that ties into the background of Tawney’s upbringing…. You know, it’s not a Texan accent. She’s from Georgia. I really wanted to pay attention to that and make sure that I was honoring that.


Abigail Spencer shows her versatility playing a very different role than she did in Suits.

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I am really impressed with the writing and acting on "Rectify", which is now in its second season on US TV (Sundance Channel). I guess you could call it "Extreme Family Drama." Guy gets let out of prison after almost 20 years on Death Row, temporarily exonerated by DNA. The original prosecutor, now a state senator about to run for governore, is leaning hard on the new prosecutor to bring the case back to trial. The hero's mother has remarried, to her dead husband's partner in a tire business.

Every actor in this series is top notch, and the scripts give everyone a chance to shine. Completely different from anything else I've seen lately. For many viewers it would be too slow, but I'm hooked. Not a lot of laughs, though.

Surprised you didn't mention Australian actress Adelaide Clemens' astonishingly perfect Southern accent. What a piece of work.

Adelaide Clemens (Tawney Talbot): It took a lot of research. With RECTIFY, we really try to steer clear of stereotypes. That’s really not what the show’s about, so I wanted to create a Southern accent that ties into the background of Tawney’s upbringing…. You know, it’s not a Texan accent. She’s from Georgia. I really wanted to pay attention to that and make sure that I was honoring that.


Abigail Spencer shows her versatility playing a very different role than she did in Suits.

Abigail Clemens is shockingly great in her role. She's so sweet and vulnerable, one fears she stands to get hurt very badly. The tension that gets generated in her scenes with her husband (Clayne Crawford) is almost unbearable. Crawford is excellent in his thankless role as Ted Jr. He's really not a bad guy, but he has a lot of "issues". You know he's going to "go off" pretty soon, and somebody's bound to fall.

Abigail Spencer. "Suits!" Thank you! I was wracking my brain, trying to think where I've seen her before. I keep thinking she's doing her (released from Death Row a walking basket case) brother a lot more harm than good, but, we shall see.

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Just downloading Noah, dunno what it's all about.

Another blockbuster so poor, I tried really hard to like it as Crowe is a great actor, well make your own mind up.

Funny how we are all different isnt it ,Crowe is a really really bad actorthumbsup.gif vive le differance

I don't know about Crowe. He gets cast in a lot of crap pictures. Needs money like we all do, I guess. But he has "screen presence". I thought he was excellent in 3:10 to Yuma, maybe because he felt he had to bring up his game, since he was playing against the great Christian Bale. Someday there will be a film that brings out his best, and a lot of us will be pleasantly surprised. Maybe a crime epic, with Crowe, Ray Winstone, Ian McShane, John Hurt, and Michael Caine. Oh, almost forgot, Ben Kingsley!

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Just downloading Noah, dunno what it's all about.

Another blockbuster so poor, I tried really hard to like it as Crowe is a great actor, well make your own mind up.

Funny how we are all different isnt it ,Crowe is a really really bad actorthumbsup.gif vive le differance

I don't know about Crowe. He gets cast in a lot of crap pictures. Needs money like we all do, I guess. But he has "screen presence". I thought he was excellent in 3:10 to Yuma, maybe because he felt he had to bring up his game, since he was playing against the great Christian Bale. Someday there will be a film that brings out his best, and a lot of us will be pleasantly surprised. Maybe a crime epic, with Crowe, Ray Winstone, Ian McShane, John Hurt, and Michael Caine. Oh, almost forgot, Ben Kingsley!

All those guys yes ,but just cant like crowe much ,just dont know what it is .

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Just finished off 'Calvary' and suffice to say English actors (or at least the ones selected for these roles) couldn't pull off an Irish accent to save themselves..

Overall quite a good movie and had all the hallmarks of being excellent, just the accents brought the whole thing down..


Thanks for the tip.

I'm a fan of Brendan Gleeson. I thought he was tremendous in

The General.


Brendan Gleeson! Now you're talking. What a tremendous actor. "The Guard", in which he plays a very twisted Irish cop, working an Odd Couple routine with a very straight Don Cheadle as an FBI agent, is one of the funniest films I've seen. Same high level with Colin Farrell "In Bruges." Now I'm off to my favorite site to see if I can't get a copy of The General. With John Boorman directing, and Jon Voight in the cast, it's got to be good.

Speaking of Jon Voight, he steals scenes from Liev Schreiber consistently in "Ray Donovan", which I hope will start again soon.

Anybody else watch "The Borgias"? Jeremy Irons was fiendishly good as the most corrupt Pope of all time. The overall effect was diminished greatly by giving too much screen time to the miscast, excessively foppish Francois Arnaud, who played the oldest son, dallying incestuously with little sister Lucretia. Showtime must have spent BIG coin on that production. Lavish sets and costumes. A Renaissance gangster film.

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Just finished off 'Calvary' and suffice to say English actors (or at least the ones selected for these roles) couldn't pull off an Irish accent to save themselves..

Overall quite a good movie and had all the hallmarks of being excellent, just the accents brought the whole thing down..


Can't wait to see Calvary. Just looked up the cast and synopsis elsewhere (the usual, Wiki and IMDB) and see that only three of the actors are not native Irish: Kelly Reilly, Isaach de Bankole, and Marie-Josee Croze.

It looks very promising. Same writer/director.lead actor as "The Guard."

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