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Miss Robertson had a brief and hilarious action scene in this weeks episode of "The Knick". Funniest scene since Nurse Lucy had to give Dr. Thackery his cocaine injection (although, that was also a bit disturbing bah.gif ) Well done, Miss Robertson!

Otherwise, another strong episode of a great show.

Edited by jope
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I used this dreadful time between midseason and fall to watch season 3 of „Rev.“.

Reverend Adam Smallbone is transferred from the countryside to London to become the new Vicar of St. Saviour, a church that is situated in a less fancy part of London with a parish less enthusiastic about church matters. The crowd showing up for Sunday services is manageable, so to speak, with regulars more distracting than contributing.

Furthermore he learns that he is now working in a strict hierarchical organization with a clear chain of command and a management that regards „spreading HIS word“ more or less as a given and expects a certain focus on effective administration, increasing the congregation and funding, i.e. pulling donations.

The whole thing is light entertainment with some ironic views onto nowadays church problems. Nothing too serious with a good cast (is there a British TV-show without Olivia Colman playing in it?) and enjoyable stories with sometimes hilarious moments. I was hooked from the beginning and would like to see a fourth season but the BBC stopped it for the time being with the option to return sometime in the future.

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Speaking of „in between“: one of „The Inbetweeners“ (Simon) plays in „Fresh Meat“, a British Comedy following six rather lopsided characters (three male, three female) who are students at Manchester University. They share a house and naturally their lives consist of studying, going out (partially with each other), parties, booze, social life.

It is like „The Inbetweeners“ on a higher level. Whoever liked that show will most probably like „Fresh Meat“, too. I certainly did. BTW, Channel 4 has given it 3 seasons so far.

Edited by jope
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Saw a lightweight but well done semi-comedy last night called Life of Crime. It's an Elmore Leonard story, making good use of dialog as only that revered master could write it. Plot is secondary, and fairly ridiculous, but still very enjoyable. It's the old story of the wife of a philandering devious millionaire getting kidnapped, only to find that the man doesn't really want his wife back.

Great cast of actors...John Hawke and Mos Def, reprising the roles of Ordell and Louis, who you might remember in the form of Samuel L. Jackson and Robert DeNiro in my favorite Tarantino film, Jackie Brown. This "prequel" is set in 1978, when the boys were small time wasters back in Detroit. Jennifer Anniston is the victim, and Tim Robins her rotten husband. Will Forte is the country club buddy who has the hots for Jen, ans stumbles badly into the abduction. Great cameo roles by Mark Boone Jr. as the neo-nazi housemate, and Isla Fisher as Melanie, who shows up later in the Jackie Brown film as the cute little stoner played by Bridget Fonda.

It didn't get much love from the critics, but I thought it was a very worthy effort.

8-1/2 / 10

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Great cast of actors...John Hawke and Mos Def, reprising the roles of Ordell and Louis, who you might remember in the form of Samuel L. Jackson and Robert DeNiro in my favorite Tarantino film, Jackie Brown.

Some people think that was the best adaptation of a Elmore Leonard novel ever.

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Miss Robertson had a brief and hilarious action scene in this weeks episode of "The Knick". Funniest scene since Nurse Lucy had to give Dr. Thackery his cocaine injection (although, that was also a bit disturbing bah.gif ) Well done, Miss Robertson!

Otherwise, another strong episode of a great show.

The quality of writing and acting on this show remains at a very high level. More attention is paid in episode six to major advances in surgery. Ever since TV came along, and radio before that, the medical shows have been a staple. This one really stands out. There hasn't been a wrong move yet.


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Most people probably seen it already but I really liked The Last Ship, some nice drama there

Good Wife started again last night. Recommened that show very highly

Watched UK drama Happy Valley, very good and currently UK's Line of Duty, which is even better

The French version of 'Returned', what the American 'Resurrection' was based on. Excellent but I do like the American version too (back next week, apparently)

I have seen the earlier talk of sit-coms and might check Manhattan Love Story and A to Z but nothing really tickles me. I am so sick of someone's parents moving in with them or them moving in with their parents or 'a bunch of people dating and hanging out in a coffee shop'

I liked Happy Endings actually, quirky but a lot of these sit-coms I think you need some feedback before deciding as they all sound exactly the same. Some may be ok but nothing jumps out. I only picked the 2 cause they seem the least objectionable. I have Welcome to Sweden to watch, which I have hopes fo and reviews appear positive!

I can't remember the last sit-com that I thought was good, maybe Happy Endings even in terms of 'new' and not returning

I also watched Leftovers ... jeez, it's hard work. Not sure the reward is worth it either. I stuck with it but can understand people switching off. I will watch the 2nd series but I prefer the show without the Guilty Remnant. It's not exactly clear what they are all about. Why the no speaking? I saw a sign in their 'offices' saying 'don't waste your breath' but it's not like they don't communicate ... they spend the whole show writing stuff down so you obviously DO want to speak and communicate, <deleted> .. just seems a pointless 'quirk' they added to the group .... like the smoking ... again ... what is the relevance of that to their 'movement'?

Hopefully they'll be gone at some point in the 2nd series but seeing as it's 3 years since the 'departure' and they appeared to be growing I fear they may not. Caused some chaos at the end.

The point of most shows is they go somewhere. They have had we won't get an explanation but to find out zero, absolute zero about the event is insane .. like the world's scientists and great minds would be all over this! It would be on the news all the time rather than this sombre acceptance of 'well, that's it then'

Odd but without much of a direction or promise of any hope or revelation I am not sure how long it can hold people's attention

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I'm just re-watching "The World's End", a film with a simple answer to "What's the worst that could happen on a night out..."

Good call! What a cast!

Silly story, though. For reasons unknown to me, I enjoyed it nevertheless.smile.png

That was the third part of The Cornetto Trilogy. Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz being the first two. Keep your eyes open and you will understand why its called the cornetto trilogy

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Most people probably seen it already but I really liked The Last Ship, some nice drama there

Was it i claudius that was such a big fan of this one? tongue.png

Yes i just couldnt get enough of it ,in fact i loved it so much when they all had a group hug in the second episode that i just could not watch any more as it was so well written and acted with such a wonderfull storyline that -----no nurse ,ime not playing with the computer again ,i promisecrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

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New cab off the rank... Madam Secretary... Looks the goods...

A review of Madam Secretary

It doesn't sound good to me, but my buddy watched it and was impressed. I like David Carradine a lot, so that is a draw. He is a very underrated actor IMO.

I watched the preview before acquiring the first episode, I was neither here nor there on it and felt like it was going to be like a Docu-series about Hilary Clinton. But it's quite well put together so far, I like the espionage type backstory shows Blacklist, Burn Notice, Crisis etc... But it's got a little bit of humour that Blacklist and Burn Notice have/had that makes it worth watching.

I'll keep it in the rotation for now.

Boardwalk Empire has taken an all to familiar turn down getthefuckout boulevarde...

Speaking of The Blacklist, back on baby!

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Other new shows to kick off today:

Gotham: lots of chatter about this, I'll take it for a spin and see how it goes.

Scorpion: No idea what this is really about other than a bunch of geeks trying to be heroes?

Big Bang Theory: back for another season, I'm determined to kick this off without playing catch up :P

Sleepy Hollow: back for its second season, we all need some nonsense fantasy shows to satisfy the curious mind.

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Boardwalk Empire Season Five So Far: Maybe a SPOILER or two below...

Can somebody watch the first three episodes of Boardwalk Empire and then tell me where the hell they are going with this big can of spare parts? There are some potentially interesting bits here, but the drain is clogged with threads that have no time to go anywhere. or so it seems.

The flashbacks to Nucky's Horatio Alger childhood add nothing to the series. Through the years, we have been told enough about that history to get the general drift.

Just when I thought we had disposed of Gillian, she's back, as is Nucky's estranged Irish mistress. Narcisse is back, and I was sure Chalky had put a hole in him. We've got Lucky Luciano (well played by Vincent Piazza) and the Two Stooges, Meyer Lansky and Ben "Bugsy" Siegel. Al Capone is still around, although I was sure that he was in prison by now. Jim True Frost makes the team, as Elliott Ness (Bob Stack turns in his grave!)

Nucky is courting a new partner, none other than Joseph P. Kennedy, notorious rogue, the man who shorted the market before the crash of '29, patriarch of America's most infamous family. You'll be SORRY, Nuck. Interesting touch, though. The actor really looks and sounds like old JPK, and we Americans, god knows, can never get enough of the Kennedys, past or present. The latest twist in that saga, some scandal rag hacked Robert Kennedy Jr's phone, found MANY (Coded) names of babes, and some sort of rating system Bobby has for their quality in the sack. He's the one whose last wife hung herself in the garage, and now just got married to that actress who plays Larry David's wife in Curb Your Enthusiasm.

The ghost of Arnold Rothstein has come forth, in the form of his pissed off, long suffering wife, who is determined to find out...WHERE'S THE DAMN MONEY!! And it looks like innocent little Irish Margaret might know something about that.

Chalky is on the run, with hell hounds on his trail. Hope he comes back to finish the job on "Doctor" Narcisse.

Nucky's nephew has scored a job as Assistant US Atty for NY. That could be a big help soon to Uncle Nuck. Brother Eli is now a hopelss drunk, doing strongarm jobs with Van Alden.

Too much going on, and too little time to deal with all of it.

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Most people probably seen it already but I really liked The Last Ship, some nice drama there

Was it i claudius that was such a big fan of this one? tongue.png

Yes i just couldnt get enough of it ,in fact i loved it so much when they all had a group hug in the second episode that i just could not watch any more as it was so well written and acted with such a wonderfull storyline that -----no nurse ,ime not playing with the computer again ,i promisecrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

Haha, it's not the Wire or Breaking Bad but it's got some twisty turny plots and story keeps moving along enough to entertain

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Big bang penny could still have me if she plays her cards right but oh that long hair. All gone. Plebs is back 3 guys in ancient Rome funny give it a whirl

Saw the first season and liked it quite the bit. Pleasantly surprised that they gave it a second season!

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As much of a mess as Boardwalk Empire has become, that goes double for Ray Donovan. We've got one (!) episode left, and it looks like Big Ray has what seem to be impossible forces arrayed against him, coming from several directions. However, discerning fans will see that our man is still holding some decent cards. There are some characters that are due serious payback, but since it's a series, some of them will have to wait until season 3.

Just one request: END the Bunchy and and the Evil Priest saga.

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Big bang penny could still have me if she plays her cards right but oh that long hair. All gone. Plebs is back 3 guys in ancient Rome funny give it a whirl

Yes not impressed with Penny's new haircut... Very Miley Cyrus... *shudder*

Well, what a night Wednesdays have become!

Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.D restarted as did NCIS, new spin off NCIS New Orleans kicked off as well. Person of Interest made it's start also. Forever continues (I guess you could say it kicks off given the first episode was the pilot) as does Sons of Anarchy.

A lot of TV to watch now :)

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