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Bosch, bosch, bosch and bosch. What a good excuse to lie around in me jammies and watch a good <deleted> well made crime drama thingy.

I am on tenterhooks for series 2.

Indian Summers - the new channel 4 ten part series. Lovely.

Is the pilot episode from 12 months back episode 1?

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TV series - Il Capo Dei Capi AKA Corleone

If you like mafia shows, you will really like this one.
A 12 part series with Eng subtitles.

I thought it was fantastic.

IMDB: Based on the life of Salvatore Riina ('Totò u Curtu'), a mafioso boss from Corleone, Sicily



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ALL IS LOST (2014)

Deep into a solo voyage in the Indian Ocean, an unnamed man (Robert Redford) wakes to find his 39-foot yacht taking on water after a collision with a shipping container left floating on the high seas. With his navigation equipment and radio disabled, the man sails unknowingly into the path of a violent storm.

Review here: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/all_is_lost_2013/

jeez o"s,,,,,, i' m half way through the film and telling us about the storm thats called 'spoilers' mate. and generally it aint done ,try not to give the story away b4 we've seen it!!Generally you seem to watch good movies so be good to hear what you think of the films you like it or it was carp!!

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Bosch, bosch, bosch and bosch. What a good excuse to lie around in me jammies and watch a good <deleted> well made crime drama thingy.

I am on tenterhooks for series 2.

Indian Summers - the new channel 4 ten part series. Lovely.

Is the pilot episode from 12 months back episode 1?

Yes the Pilot is episode 1. A bit unusual but understandable as it is the start of the whole story. Most series when i was growing up were one story per episode.

I imagined Bosch looking alot different but Titus does a really good job.

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Watching a 'Doctor Who' (season 8) episode and scratching my head a bit over the convoluted plot. Good visual effects and acting do compensate somewhat, but you'd think the long-suffering Daleks would have thrown in the towel by now. Born losers with no credibility left. They've been done to death. There are much better villains, the Weeping Angels for a start. An occasional bit of light humour wouldn't hurt, either. "The Girl in the Fireplace" and "Blink" are two of my favourite episodes.

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Watched walking dead,5x10,one question,why is it never freakin winter time ,it has been on for 5 seasons,i reckon even in the shows time line,they must have had winter,yet it seems to be an eternal summer? like the show but after 5 years it is getting hard to come up with new ideas and it shows.

It's summer,

So they all have to run around in t-shirts and shorts.

If it were winter,

Leather jackets, heavy coats, jeans and gloves then no more bitey problems so no drama.

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ALL IS LOST (2014)

Deep into a solo voyage in the Indian Ocean, an unnamed man (Robert Redford) wakes to find his 39-foot yacht taking on water after a collision with a shipping container left floating on the high seas. With his navigation equipment and radio disabled, the man sails unknowingly into the path of a violent storm.

Review here: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/all_is_lost_2013/

jeez o"s,,,,,, i' m half way through the film and telling us about the storm thats called 'spoilers' mate. and generally it aint done ,try not to give the story away b4 we've seen it!!Generally you seem to watch good movies so be good to hear what you think of the films you like it or it was carp!!

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You can read what a film is about on any website, in any newspaper review. There is nothing in the above that is considered a 'spoiler' unless you live in a bubble. Even if you go to movies, the trailers give you far more than the above and anyway if you're half way through the film maybe you should put your computer away until the movie is finished instead of coming on here for some gawd knows reason.

i suppose the 'bubble ' i live in as you so elegantly put it has the i q to question and comment but not to pre empt the story . ie rotten toms and the guardian between thenm they comment but tend not to spoil but baring that an empathetic thoughtful response, wai2.gif

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Have now watched the first four episodes of Bosch. As I expected, Titus Welliver IS dead-on perfect as Harry Bosch, and Jamie Hector does a fine job as Jerry Edgar, his partner. Now Jamie doesn't have to worry about getting trapped forever in his Marlo Stansfield (The Wire, of course) persona, as he was recently on Person of Interest. This show makes the City of L.A. a major character, with some outstandingly good location shooting, particularly the aerial views.

Michael Connelly's great series of novels has finally made it to the screen, with a first class production. Well done!

NINE, with a drink at Musso & Franks.

started to watch the pilot and thought the script was terrible, just corny and frankly at times cringable,did you find that early doors and it got better ?

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Have now watched the first four episodes of Bosch. As I expected, Titus Welliver IS dead-on perfect as Harry Bosch, and Jamie Hector does a fine job as Jerry Edgar, his partner. Now Jamie doesn't have to worry about getting trapped forever in his Marlo Stansfield (The Wire, of course) persona, as he was recently on Person of Interest. This show makes the City of L.A. a major character, with some outstandingly good location shooting, particularly the aerial views.

Michael Connelly's great series of novels has finally made it to the screen, with a first class production. Well done!

NINE, with a drink at Musso & Franks.

started to watch the pilot and thought the script was terrible, just corny and frankly at times cringable,did you find that early doors and it got better ?

If I may offer my opinion: I saw the pilot last year and found it rather conventional and I doubted that the show would make it into a series. But I watched it anyway and was surprised to see a rather enjoyable show. I watched all 10 episodes back to back. By episode three the original case becomes more complex and interesting. The police investigation is "real" and followes evidence and logic without impossible conclusions based on "a feeling" or a sudden inspiration (at least I did not notice any logical mistakes). All in all I would agree with Frank and Patsycat. Maybe not a 9 for me (too many awkward Harry Bosch private life scenes), but a solid crime show and good enough for a second season I'd say.

Edited by jope
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Bosch, bosch, bosch and bosch. What a good excuse to lie around in me jammies and watch a good <deleted> well made crime drama thingy.

I am on tenterhooks for series 2.

Indian Summers - the new channel 4 ten part series. Lovely.

Is the pilot episode from 12 months back episode 1?

Yes the Pilot is episode 1. A bit unusual but understandable as it is the start of the whole story. Most series when i was growing up were one story per episode.

I imagined Bosch looking alot different but Titus does a really good job.

BTW: That (the pilot being episode 1) was not the case with "Babylon", as far as I remember. The pilot was episode "0" (so to say). I was very confused, when Episode 1 started with the summary of a previous episode.

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Have now watched the first four episodes of Bosch. As I expected, Titus Welliver IS dead-on perfect as Harry Bosch, and Jamie Hector does a fine job as Jerry Edgar, his partner. Now Jamie doesn't have to worry about getting trapped forever in his Marlo Stansfield (The Wire, of course) persona, as he was recently on Person of Interest. This show makes the City of L.A. a major character, with some outstandingly good location shooting, particularly the aerial views.

Michael Connelly's great series of novels has finally made it to the screen, with a first class production. Well done!

NINE, with a drink at Musso & Franks.

started to watch the pilot and thought the script was terrible, just corny and frankly at times cringable,did you find that early doors and it got better ?

If I may offer my opinion: I saw the pilot last year and found it rather conventional and I doubted that the show would make it into a series. But I watched it anyway and was surprised to see a rather enjoyable show. I watched all 10 episodes back to back. By episode three the original case becomes more complex and interesting. The police investigation is "real" and followes evidence and logic without impossible conclusions based on "a feeling" or a sudden inspiration (at least I did not notice any logical mistakes). All in all I would agree with Frank and Patsycat. Maybe not a 9 for me (too many awkward Harry Bosch private life scenes), but a solid crime show and good enough for a second season I'd say.

fair enuf, i'll give it a second shot.

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Talking of seasons end ,just watched the last but one episode of Broadchurch ,and to be honest i like it but am getting sick of the BBC pushing PC left wing dogma down our throats ,if its not Doctor Who and interacial Retlationships and lesbians ,its Midsomer Murders with every little village in the middle of England having interacial black and white marriages,well i have an interacial marriage ,i have a gay cousin ,and a gay niece ,well bisexual anyway ,but now on Broadchurch there are two women barristers ,one white one black and a Black female judge and we all know how many of those there are in Britain ,but now the Female white Barrister has just come out as a lesbian ,believe me i am easy going ,God i lived my young life in London in the 60s and 70s but come on do we have to have equality ,gay love and all that PC stuff shoved down out throats all the time ?

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I hate this trend of movies showing the end at the start, seems like half the new ones do this now, don't know why just spoils the movie for me

Latest one was Buddy Hutchins, good movie, but your waiting all the time for when he is in the kitchen covered in blood with a gun to his head, which is at the end. That's not giving anything away as its the start,lol

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Broadchurch Season Two SPOILER ALERT You have been notified...

Just saw the first episode of what was an enjoyable show the first season. We're still dealing with the murder of the young boy, and the effect this has on the small, tight knit seaside community. It's time for the trial of Mr. Miller, confessed killer. He double crosses his lawyer and pleads Not Guilty at the preliminary hearing.

My question to those familiar with the UK justice system: The family of the murdered boy seek out a famous barrister (the still lovely Charlotte Rampling) to be the prosecutor in the case. In the US, the prosecutor is selected by the State, and does not personally represent any party but the State. So I was confused by this, the family soliciting someone to be the prosecutor. Is this the usual way things are done in the UK system?

This show is OK, but nowhere near the level of The Fall. The background music is never absent, which I find distracting. Good acting, except for the guy who plays the murdered kid's dad. He was terrible in The Honourable Woman and he's worse here.

I'll stay with it.

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