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What movies or TV shows are you watching now?


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Suits, again...

Would you rather:

  • Go to the ballet with Louis.
  • Go to a Knicks game with Jeff Malone.
  • Go to a Concours d'Elegance car show with Harvey.
  • Have a hot dog lunch on the street with Donna.
  • Watch a classic film with Jessica.
  • Go to a Daft Punk concert with Rachel and Mike.
  • Have a drink with Mike's secretary at Sidwell.
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So gangsters, what are your new faves?

Well, tastes are so subjective. Only series on at the moment I find of interest are Ray Donovan, Suits, Halt And Catch Fire, and Extant. 1st episode of Married didn't do much for me but Satisfaction may have potential.

Forgot to mention Rectify.

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I guess if we're talking about current episodes of Rectify, I need to post a MAJOR SPOILER ALERT: YOU HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED.

Lezly-with-a-Z is one cooled out old cat all right. He's played by Leon Rippy, who was the owner of Number 10 Saloon in Deadwood, where Wild Bill Hickok met his sad fate. (Aces over Eights, and a bullet in the back of the head.) This is turning into a Deadwood cast reunion. A few episodes back we had a trippy diversion featuring W. Earl Brown, Al Swearingen's right hand man Dan. I'd like to see him show up again. He also appeared in one of the best episodes of Justified, which stars Tim Olyphant (former Sheriff Seth Bullock), and which had several episodes starring Jim Beaver, the mining expert who did a good deed by marrying Seth's girlfriend.

Meanwhile, back to Rectify, another Deadwood guy is Sean Bridgers, who was Al's bartender/factotum, (Johnny) and is now the guy the show has been pointing at as the real killer. Just had a face-off between him and Daniel at the gas station. And of course, the show's creator is Ray McKinnon, the crazy preacher from Deadwood.

I really feel for young Teddy. He is about one more personal bummer short of a major freakout. He stupidly told the sheriff about the weirdness with Daniel and the coffee grounds, and now the sheriff has betrayed his confidence by ratting him out to that vile worm of an ex-prosecutor. And things are very shaky between him and his wife, and now she's Pregnant. And he's put their house up as collateral for that rim rental stupidity. Tawney better get busy praying. Daniel has just had casual sex with the same waitress that the senator hooks up with. Maybe I'm wrong, but it sure does look like her. I'm surprised he didn't go back to see the nice lady at the beauty parlor who gave him a free haircut and a nice mercy f--.

I really like this show. The writing, and of course the brilliant work by the cast, sets it apart from anything else on tv right now.

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Expendables 3 scr already on the wire, 3 weeks ahead of release.

A who's who of action men


Just finished watching this one..

<deleted> me, if this isn't the biggest line up of has beens (save for Statham) ever in a motion picture - I haven't seen it! Is there going to be a new Oscar category that we don't know about yet?

Even the wife - who's no film critic - commented on it.

The best line in the film comes from Wesley Snipes ;)

Stupid action film but watchable for Saturday night viewing...


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Couple of new shows:

Finding Carter - nothing to do with "Get Carter" films! Just watched the first two episodes back to back pilot. Its a bout a girl that is returned to her real family at 16 after being abducted at 3 - her "mother" (the kidnapper) was a great mother to her (in her opinion) and is now on the run - her real mother is a cop and damaged by years of thinking her daughter was dead and hunting for the killer. Actually much better than it sounds - give it a try smile.png

Matador: Just watching the pilot right now - let you know. Write up: “Matador” – is centered on Antonio “Matador” Bravo, a popular soccer star and playboy whose sports stardom is a cover for his other life as a covert operative executing missions for a little known branch of the CIA. He uses his notoriety as a way of getting access to powerful and villainous types, but is forced to confront questions of his true identity in balancing his dual roles. (bit like I Spy with the Tennis Player spy cover)

I just forced myself to watch episode 2 of „Matador“. After the first episode I thought that this show is utter crap (no offense to anybody who likes it, just my individual and very humble opinion!) but I thought that of „New Girl“ and „The Mindy Project“, too, and then they developed rather nicely to become two of my favorite regulars. So, I gave „Matador“ another shot and I was heavily disappointed.

The whole setting reminds me of a Benny Hill sketch („Cheapo Productions“). Couldn’t they have booked at least a 4-star instead of a 3-star hotel for the opening scene?. The acting (if you can call it that) is right out terrible. The football scenes (soccer) are insufferable (picture European actors pretending to be professional Baseball players, then you have it). I find the whole setup very 80s, better: cheap 80s. The storyline would not work in reality but this is TV so why not. If only there was something that could be perceived as suspense. Three things I liked: the villain in the openings scene had a German accent (nothing beats a villain with a German accent, not even a Russian accent :-) ) and he made the best (and only) joke so far. And the female agent is good looking (but cannot walk in heels properly. Bummer!). That’s about it!

I cannot recommend the show. I’m out!

Edited by jope
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I just got After Earth on DVD, after seeing the shorts at the cinema prior to it's release I was expecting an action packed edge of your seat movie, it does have some action in it, but its mostly about father and son bonding under extreme circumstances. It is good to see a father and son working together as father and son in a movie, which seems to work well for the whole inner journey thing that underscores the movie, for me I will score it 7/10, I was expecting more, but at the same time I'm not too disappointed with what the movie delivered.

I thought that was a horrific film. I gave it a 2/10. It was a vanity project for his son, who cannot act, to save his life. A complete waste of time. Will Smith is a good actor. Shame when he wastes his time on drivel like this. Please, please do not see this film.


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I really like this show. The writing, and of course the brilliant work by the cast, sets it apart from anything else on tv right now.

Your theory about who really committed the murder is interesting. I was wondering what that whole confrontation was about. I have recently been starting to wonder if Daniel actually did it. The show is so unusual, that would not be impossible.

I really like the flashbacks to prison, so you never forget how much sh*t he has been through. It is usually easy to overlook in shows and films about someone who got out of (unjust?) incarceration after many years

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Another Rectify SPOILER (not really, just conjecture):

UG, you've got me second guessing now. We know that three young guys (that we know of) are possibles in the 20 year old murder, and one of them is in the river, bound to come floating up at any time, if the catfish haven't finished off his putrid remains. Trey, the guy the writers keep spotlighting as the probable "real killer" keeps going down to the river, poking around with a pole. (Asking for trouble, picking at a scab.) The dead guy, that the sheriff pretends to be looking for, committed suicide with a pistol, near the spot where the girl died. He lay there for a couple of days undetected, rotting away, before Trey came back to find him, and threw his corpse in the river. Are they messing with our minds, or what? (Yes.) Strange that nobody else came along, to what seems a popular local spot. Amantha and her lawyer lover went there, after dead guy was put in the river. If they only knew!

Now you've got Daniel hanging out with societal fringe elements, snorting coke, having meaningless sex, and eating magic mushrooms. Remember, he was high on those, we were told, when the girl was found dead. Now you've got me thinking...could it be that he did it, after all? And does it really even matter? If this were proven, in a new trial, would putting him back on Death Row and executing him be considered cruel and unusual, since he was given limited freedom and then hauled back inside?

I'm pretty sure the dead guy will come bobbing up in the stream before long. I thought that might happen while Daniel is out there tripping on "shrooms," but that would be a jarring, artificial touch.

Meanwhile, the sheriff and the evil, chinless senator are about to come at Teddy, to try to make him go public on his secret shame, the coffee grounds affair. That's bound to push him into doing something outrageous and regrettable. Kiss the rim rental business goodbye, along with their mortgaged home.

The guy who organized the beatdown of Daniel may come back into the picture, even as a possible ally, since he now feels guilty about what he did. It blew his mind that Saintly Dan didn't press charges, even denying the guy was there.

There is a case happening right now in Mississippi, in which a woman on Death Row was taken off the Row and will get a new trial. However, she was NOT released, but is now in a county lockup, awaiting retrial. Daniel is out tripping around, unsupervised, daily violating the terms of his release. TV Land!

Can't wait!

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I just got After Earth on DVD, after seeing the shorts at the cinema prior to it's release I was expecting an action packed edge of your seat movie, it does have some action in it, but its mostly about father and son bonding under extreme circumstances. It is good to see a father and son working together as father and son in a movie, which seems to work well for the whole inner journey thing that underscores the movie, for me I will score it 7/10, I was expecting more, but at the same time I'm not too disappointed with what the movie delivered.

I thought that was a horrific film. I gave it a 2/10. It was a vanity project for his son, who cannot act, to save his life. A complete waste of time. Will Smith is a good actor. Shame when he wastes his time on drivel like this. Please, please do not see this film.


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Wow i cannot believe you gave that film 2/10 , that seems a very high rating to me. i would say minus 10/10 it was crap of the first order ,not that i watched it all the way ,i just watched a film called only lovers left alive ,with john hurt , it was well acted ,beutifully shot very artistic and so fookin slow i fell asleep ,its about vampires and if you like arty films i recomend it ,i just couldnt wade through it ,pity .

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I like a good prison movie so looking forward to Starred Up:

Also has Aussie Ben Mendelsohn in it.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2567712/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1

A troubled and explosively violent teenager is transferred to adult prison where he

finally meets his match - a man who also happens to be his father.

Would appreciate it if anyone finds out where I can find itwhistling.gif

Watched this one the other night Trend Setters.

It was quite brutal and the 2 leads Jack O'Connell and our

boy Ben Mendelsohn are both fantastic.

If you like prison movies, this one fits the bill.

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"Divergent" When it started I thought I was not going to like it, but in the end I loved it, sequel filming already

I'm downloading it now. It kind of looks like Hunger Games. If I don't like it, it is easy to move on to the next one.

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Power, gents... Get on it...

That is all wink.png

I enjoy "Power". The bad black guy seems to be more of hero, but the bad white guy is looking more and more like a mental case.

I still like "The Last Ship," if there is nothing else to watch. I may be the only one though.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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In an earlier post, I wrote that Amantha and John Stern went to the murder site and made love (in John's car) after the body of ex-key witness suicide victim George was dumped by Tricky Trey into the stream. This is incorrect. They parked on the other side of the water, while George's corpse still lay rotting and undiscovered in the bush.

I watched every episode again in a Sunday marathon session. Caught many key points that I hadn't properly assessed before.

Paulie, Georgia, USA. A town without pity.

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Nice call on The Divide fella's.

Watched episodes 1 to 3 on the weekend and really enjoyed it.

Well, more than the footy anyway.

To be fair, that wasn't exactly hard, I was watching the shopping channel and that was more riveting than the footy :P

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Watched the first episode and it looks pretty slick.

Have downloaded the rest for later on this week.

BTW, it has some quality poon in it, which is never a bad thingbiggrin.png

Yeah it's a slick production, probably more so to do with the owner of production company playing a key character ;)The theme song is damn catchy as well (funnily enough also by the owner of the production company)

It's just missing a smoking hot asian actress for it to be totally complete.

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Power, gents... Get on it...

That is all wink.png

I enjoy "Power". The bad black guy seems to be more of hero, but the bad white guy is looking more and more like a mental case.

I still like "The Last Ship," if there is nothing else to watch. I may be the only one though.

"Tommy" is very Eminem'esque, white guy trying to be all gangsta, but I enjoy his role in the show. Ghost's wife is pretty bad ass for a wife as well. Next week's episode is going to open the show right up. You could kind of say "oh yeah that was obvious". Which is a bit annoying.

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Watched the first episode and it looks pretty slick.

Have downloaded the rest for later on this week.

BTW, it has some quality poon in it, which is never a bad thingbiggrin.png

Yeah it's a slick production, probably more so to do with the owner of production company playing a key character ;)The theme song is damn catchy as well (funnily enough also by the owner of the production company)

It's just missing a smoking hot asian actress for it to be totally complete.


But the wife "getting angry" with it in the limo wasn't the worst thing I've ever seentongue.png

Once you go Asian, you don't go Caucasian.

Not that she's Caucasianbiggrin.png

Edited by Will27
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Power, gents... Get on it...

That is all wink.png

I enjoy "Power". The bad black guy seems to be more of hero, but the bad white guy is looking more and more like a mental case.

I still like "The Last Ship," if there is nothing else to watch. I may be the only one though.

No, Sir, you are not! :-)

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