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Next one to see John Wick.

I liked it quite a bit.

Excellent cast: Alfie Allen, Dean Winters, Willem Dafoe, Adrianne Palicki, John Leguizamo, Ian McShane, Lance Reddick, Clark Peters (these last two should be familiar to fans of The Wire)

Significant body count ~ 84, mostly head-shots. No Russians left in NYC.

Edited by lomatopo
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New series kicked off "Constantine", actually thought it was going to be some stupid spin off of one of those ridiculous vampire movies.. Thank - insert deity of choice - it isn't... A little more Sleepy Hollow than Vampire Diaries... But.. More Sherlock than Sleepy Hollow..

Been watching a few flicks over the last week... Sex Tape: pretty bloody funny.. Let's Be Cops: ridiculous funny.. Blended: typical "Happy Madison" production, but not bad, good amount of funny, funnier than that other 'blind date' movie they did (50 blind dates?)

Must say, this season's have stepped up a fair notch:

Sons of Anarchy: unfortunately is the last season. It's gone back to what made it shit hot. Hopefully we'll find out who the rat is.. Will it be an inside job? My money is it is ;)

Persons of Interest: I've long been a closet fan of this show, glued to the bay where the Pirates play to get the next episode.

Chicago Fire / Chicago PD: I'm liking the continual crossovers.. Both shows can stand on their own but the crossovers make them both worth watching...

Hawaii Five-0: I've watched this show on and off over the years - mostly on overseas flights back home because I've seen most of if not all of the inflight menu.. Grace Park: 'nuff said.. ;)

Blue Bloods: Tom Selleck... That's all that needs to be said...

The NCIS franchise has always had a soft spot and the latest addition 'Orleans' is no different..

Madam Secretary: REALLY liking this new one... Plenty of sass from the Secretary of State..

Blacklist: Loving the intensity of this season.. Reddington's increased aggression with his wit is fantastic watching.. Would be better if they kill off Keanne's husband once and for all...

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D: liking the new seasons, especially the Fitz and Simmons thing... The Hydra thing I can take or leave...

Gotham: I like it a lot.. But there's something that annoys me... I think it's Jim Gordon's fiancée or maybe Cat Woman (girl) I don't know... But aside from those two it's good watching...

My only issue is that all these shows need to be spread out over the week... There's plenty of days in the week that are shit when it comes to series watching...

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New series kicked off "Constantine", actually thought it was going to be some stupid spin off of one of those ridiculous vampire movies.. Thank - insert deity of choice - it isn't... A little more Sleepy Hollow than Vampire Diaries... But.. More Sherlock than Sleepy Hollow..

Been watching a few flicks over the last week... Sex Tape: pretty bloody funny.. Let's Be Cops: ridiculous funny.. Blended: typical "Happy Madison" production, but not bad, good amount of funny, funnier than that other 'blind date' movie they did (50 blind dates?)

Must say, this season's have stepped up a fair notch:

Sons of Anarchy: unfortunately is the last season. It's gone back to what made it shit hot. Hopefully we'll find out who the rat is.. Will it be an inside job? My money is it is wink.png

Persons of Interest: I've long been a closet fan of this show, glued to the bay where the Pirates play to get the next episode.

Chicago Fire / Chicago PD: I'm liking the continual crossovers.. Both shows can stand on their own but the crossovers make them both worth watching...

Hawaii Five-0: I've watched this show on and off over the years - mostly on overseas flights back home because I've seen most of if not all of the inflight menu.. Grace Park: 'nuff said.. wink.png

Blue Bloods: Tom Selleck... That's all that needs to be said...

The NCIS franchise has always had a soft spot and the latest addition 'Orleans' is no different..

Madam Secretary: REALLY liking this new one... Plenty of sass from the Secretary of State..

Blacklist: Loving the intensity of this season.. Reddington's increased aggression with his wit is fantastic watching.. Would be better if they kill off Keanne's husband once and for all...

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D: liking the new seasons, especially the Fitz and Simmons thing... The Hydra thing I can take or leave...

Gotham: I like it a lot.. But there's something that annoys me... I think it's Jim Gordon's fiancée or maybe Cat Woman (girl) I don't know... But aside from those two it's good watching...

My only issue is that all these shows need to be spread out over the week... There's plenty of days in the week that are shit when it comes to series watching...

I have to agree with IMDB's lowly rating of 5.1 for Sex Tape, I found it boring and certainly not funny in the slightest, and turned it off after 15 minutes. As far as series go, there's nothing better than Breaking Bad, Homeland, House of Cards or Ray Donovan. The first series of The Strain has ended, which was also very good, likewise Banshee.

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Excuse me Mr Wolf5370 for my wanting to drool over rather sexy men in Fireman Suits. I also watch Chicago Fire for the storyline.

I also watch Hawai Five O for the same reasons. No oggling at the actors. I shade my eyes when they show their torsos.

Last night i watched the most bestest first episode of Sir David Attenborough's new series called Life Story. You can find it on PB. It is available in HD, 3D etc- I watched it on my laptop and hardly took a breath for the whole hour. Amazing is all i can say.

Please watch it. I didn't realise that meercats were so tiny. And plummeting geese are so hardy. And his voice - that is a man who just loves his job. And has done for 60 years. I have a lot of respect for him, he has brought wildlife into our homes to teach us.

Watch it.

Edited by Patsycat
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Currently watching (or have just finished in some cases):

That's all I can think of for now smile.png

Great round up as always wolf.

Another 3 series there I hadn't seen I will check out.

P.S Regarding Bar Rescue. He has set up a website that tells you what has happened to each bar they have made over. Some people just can't be helped.


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Sons of Anarchy: unfortunately is the last season. It's gone back to what made it shit hot. Hopefully we'll find out who the rat is.. Will it be an inside job? My money is it is wink.png

agree 100% GS.

I went off the series when it got all touchy feely and refused to have characters be ruthless...like..errr...an outlaw motorcycle gang.

Season 7 though is all violence, dark, betrayal, shooting, and everything the series should have been throughout.

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Just watched a pretty decent new movie based on an Edgar Allen Poe story Stonehearst Asylum with some big name actors. It's no "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest" but it's interesting and entertaining enough to waste a Sunday afternoon.

Gets a 7.1 on IMDB. Good copy on PB - EVO uploader.

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Thanks for detectors will give it a go but Dr who is the worst series ever and I have loved it since I was young

Just started watching terrorists ,I like it very British ,no canned laughter or shouting

Is Terrorists the name of the show?

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Thanks for detectors will give it a go but Dr who is the worst series ever and I have loved it since I was young

Just started watching terrorists ,I like it very British ,no canned laughter or shouting

Is Terrorists the name of the show?

sorry it's the bloody auto correct I should have checked it didn't recognise detectorists that's the name of the show
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Thanks for detectors will give it a go but Dr who is the worst series ever and I have loved it since I was young

Just started watching terrorists ,I like it very British ,no canned laughter or shouting

Is Terrorists the name of the show?

sorry it's the bloody auto correct I should have checked it didn't recognise detectorists that's the name of the show

OK, I'll download a couple of episodes and give it a try. I just downloaded two very funny British series (fairly old), Nighty Night and Hunderby. No canned laughter either.

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Interesting article - some guy plotting the settings for all 84 Oscar winning movies and these are the results:

New York had the most looks like 18

London was second -7

Most set in the U.S.

All of Asia had only 5, including one in Thailand: Bridge over the River Kwai. + one in NZ



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First 2/3 of Gone Girl was very good, then it fell apart at the end.

Next one to see John Wick.

The book was exactly the same, it held my interest until the last quarter and then it just got stupid and unbelievable.

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Are we ready to discuss the ending of Boardwalk Empire? I was a big fan, watched every episode. Season 3, the one featuring Nucky's war with Gyp Rosetti, was the worst, in my opinion. It was painful watching that psycho every week. I was so glad when he finally got smoked.

Most annoying character: Gillian the Junky. First Runner-Up: Jimmy Darmody. Coolest character: Chalky White. Most intense character: Nelson Van Alden. Strangest character: Remus. Worst Perfomance: Stephen Graham as Capone. Best performance: Jack Huston as Richard Harrow. Most evil (real life) villain: Joseph P. Kennedy.

It had a good long run, and ended at just the right time.

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- Detectorists: British comedy (may be a bit too subtle or British for some!) - about a couple of metal detector enthusiast who get permission to detect on farm land that is thought to be (locally at least) an old Saxon king's last resting place - and possibly where the mad farmer buried his wife! Bigger, more affiliated, and quasi-evil competing detectorist club trying hard to nudge in on the hunt - with some underhandedness to boot. Some love triangles are in there too. Strange ide for a plot - but works well and is quite funny IMO.

- Chicago PD: Love this searies (although I don't watch Chicago Fire as I find it slushy, man-meat viewing, i.e. aimed at the fairer sex, and not my cup of Rosie). Episode 5 (ssn2) the best so far I think

That's all I can think of for now smile.png

Great review mate.

I agree about Chicago PD. Watched episode 5 last night and it was a cracker.

Also had a look at Detectorists and it's quite quirky. Will keep on going with this one.

Yourself and BookMan have given me the heads up on The Code which I'll be trying soon.

Nice workthumbsup.gif

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I'm having a nightly Mad Men Catchup Marathon. Now up to the beginning of year Six. Maybe I've grown too soft and sentimental with age, but the individual lives shown here really affect me in odd ways. The Number One Best Thing about this show for me is the depiction of constant drinking by the principal characters, and the subtle, un-remarked ways in which this leads to bad thinking and unwise choices. Any time of day, these guys are knocking back shots. Every exec office had a fully stocked bar, and they're always sending "the girl" out for fresh ice.

I've heard that old timers in the advertising world are split on whether this show paints an accurate picture of how it was to work in "the game" back then. Some say it's dead on, correct, while others say if they had drank and behaved that way back then they would have been fired in no time, with no way back in.

And then there's the smoking. Don D is always firing up an unfiltered Lucky Strike, even after LS has dumped his agency. (Maybe they had a few hundred free cartons stashed in the supply closet.) These guys even smoke in packed elevators. This is one area where a great deal of progress has been made in a short time. When I was growing up, I don't remember knowing any adults who did not smoke. Not that many years back, we all used to walk around in supermarkets puffing away, stubbing out the butt on the floor. And I know for sure that my mother never lightened up on smoking or drinking when she was carrying me and my siblings. This was typical. Secondhand smoke? HA! We went on long car trips in the family car, with all the windows up, both parents constantly smoking. We kids had "habits" before we ever started.

When this series ends, we will have seen 91 hours (well, 45 minute-hours) tracking this group all the way through the 1960's. This is really a remarkable project, that will be remembered as among the very best series that ever played. I find myself talking back at the show sometimes...("No! If you marry her, you will have eternal regret!") I guess that's rather unhealthy, but still...

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Thanks for detectors will give it a go but Dr who is the worst series ever and I have loved it since I was young

Just started watching terrorists ,I like it very British ,no canned laughter or shouting

Is Terrorists the name of the show?

sorry it's the bloody auto correct I should have checked it didn't recognise detectorists that's the name of the show

I'm enjoying Detectorists

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