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Children must be trained on how to avoid danger: experts


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On 5/5/2018 at 11:54 AM, essox essox said:

teachers SHOULD NOT have to go to homes of pupils, it is the parents job to teach safety aspects of life IN THE HOME

And common sense. "With freedom comes great responsibility" is what my Dad said when I got my  driver's license and paid for my first car at 16 (from my own work and savings): I took his words to heart. And I am still alive. 

Really feel for these kids. They have been deprived of any semblance of a family life. 

When I read tragic stories of neglect like this, I feel so blessed for the wonderful parents I had (despite divorcing when I was in high school). Despite their differences, the kids ALWAYS came first.  

RIP to the deceased. And speedy recovery to his siblings. 

And yes. Everything starts in the home. It is where you learn important life lessons. Whether it is safety, morals, respect, leadership, responsibility, sacrifice etc. 

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23 hours ago, ravip said:

Most here at TV, prefer to ignore whats happening at home and keep bashing Thailand. After all they live in Thailand, and TV is about Thailand. So why bother whats happening back at home?


It's possible the reason they're here is precisely because of the situation back home.


With me, it's not choosing to ignore back 'ome, it's just that I live here now so what happens back 'ome isn't relevant.

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19 hours ago, KiwiKiwi said:

I expect when he comes off the bike at speed, and gets his head stoved in, then the idiot grin that identifies Thais will disappear.


Then of course the parents who allow him to do this will be off down the wat to pray for better luck.


Nothing whatever to do with luck. Everything to do with stupid.


. . . the idiot grin that identifies Thais. . . 


Not hard to see where you are coming from.

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42 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:


. . . the idiot grin that identifies Thais. . . 


Not hard to see where you are coming from.

Hmmm, maybe, though what you mean isn't clear. I've actually just come from the local town as we speak, so you must either be quite close or have very good eyesight if you can see it.


In any event, I truly don't understand why, in an attempt to appear as though they're always smiling (and therefore, presumably always happy, which is certainly not the case), Thais like to speak with their mouths stretched wide. It doeesn't look like a smile so much as a snarl or grimace. They appear to particularly like showing as much of their teeth (especially their lower teeth as possible, which is one of the major reasons thy cannot pronounce the letters R or L properly and why whatever the last letter of a Thai word, it is usually pronounced N.


The end result is the appearance of a ventriloquists' dummy, with upper and lower teeth exposed, the tongue flapping around in their mouth, and the upper and lower lips streched wide so they can't speak properly. It can be quite mesmerising once you notice it.


Most peculiar Mama...

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9 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:

Hmmm, maybe, though what you mean isn't clear. I've actually just come from the local town as we speak, so you must either be quite close or have very good eyesight if you can see it.


In any event, I truly don't understand why, in an attempt to appear as though they're always smiling (and therefore, presumably always happy, which is certainly not the case), Thais like to speak with their mouths stretched wide. It doeesn't look like a smile so much as a snarl or grimace. They appear to particularly like showing as much of their teeth (especially their lower teeth as possible, which is one of the major reasons thy cannot pronounce the letters R or L properly and why whatever the last letter of a Thai word, it is usually pronounced N.


The end result is the appearance of a ventriloquists' dummy, with upper and lower teeth exposed, the tongue flapping around in their mouth, and the upper and lower lips streched wide so they can't speak properly. It can be quite mesmerising once you notice it.


Most peculiar Mama...

Not really. Have you seen those white All Blacks trying to do the haka?

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7 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Not really. Have you seen those white All Blacks trying to do the haka?

The Haka is a war dance isn't it? Thais are trying (unsuccessfully in my opinion) to appear friendly and happy. Not really the same thing at all is it?

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9 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:

The Haka is a war dance isn't it? Thais are trying (unsuccessfully in my opinion) to appear friendly and happy. Not really the same thing at all is it?

Are you really a Kiwi? Or just any old racist?

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3 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:


Are you really a Kiwi? Or just a racist fruit?




Anyway, is it important or worth the attempt at a personal insult? If it's important I'm happy to answer, but not if you just want to be insulting - I have more important things to do.


It's off-topic anyway.

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On 5/5/2018 at 6:59 AM, YetAnother said:

12 year olds can survive , unsupervised, in a giant city like bangkok, without succumbing to all the negative possibilities there ? in what universe ?

 I was baby sitting at that age , I would also clean the house and get  a nice tip 

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2 hours ago, KiwiKiwi said:

It's possible the reason they're here is precisely because of the situation back home.


With me, it's not choosing to ignore back 'ome, it's just that I live here now so what happens back 'ome isn't relevant.

Not so true with Americans, sadly. 

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Just now, KiwiKiwi said:

Is it important or worth the attempt at a personal insult? If it's important I'm happy to answer, but not if you just want to be insulting.


It's off-topic anyway.

But it's OK to insult the residents of your host nation?  Just imagine I'm speaking for them, since they cannot speak for themselves.


After all I am married to a Thai lady, have four Thai stepchildren and many Thai friends - all of whom would find your unsolicited remarks about them deeply offensive and - yes - racist.




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5 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:




Anyway, is it important or worth the attempt at a personal insult? If it's important I'm happy to answer, but not if you just want to be insulting - I have more important things to do.


It's off-topic anyway.

You can run, but you can't hide.

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On 5/5/2018 at 7:19 AM, PatOngo said:

I would consider myself as fairly well travelled and nowhere, nowhere have I seen or heard of more balcony accidents/mishaps as in Thailand............. Anyone?


On average 5400 balcony falls per year in the US.

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