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Anger in France, Britain over Trump's gun law speech


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7 minutes ago, Grouse said:



BTW the Angles and Saxons were German tribes who came much later but before the Normans and the start of French rule. Me? I'm a complete celt ?

I don't wish to be accused of being a member of the spelling police Grousy so...


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3 minutes ago, underlordcthulhu said:

There are still some decent people in England and France but the rest are cowards. There's a high price to pay for cowardice. 

Yes, and some Mexicans are good people too.

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he just says what ever his audience want to here where ever that may be at the time IMO. yeah sure, arming everyone with guns will make a difference to the knife crime epidemic. don't you think the UK hospitals have enough on their hands Trump.

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Serious question, does the USA allow licensed gun holders to openly or conceal carry at sporting events, concerts, political rallies? How do you tell a good guy from a bad one at security screening?


I think Trump should practice what he preaches and allow licensed holders of weapons to turn up at all of his appearances if weapons make him feel that safe, interesting thought no?



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47 minutes ago, sukhumvitneon said:

Truth hurts.


You don't see the cowardly mass shooters attacking police stations or military bases.  Why? Because they know people there will fight back and kill them very quickly.  They'd rather hit the soft targets instead.  "Gun free zones" never stopped a spree shooter, ever.

Gun free zones are safe spaces for murderers.

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59 minutes ago, sungod said:

Serious question, does the USA allow licensed gun holders to openly or conceal carry at sporting events, concerts, political rallies? How do you tell a good guy from a bad one at security screening?


It depends on the state.  Some states have laws against carry into sports stadiums, concerts, or public meetings, and others don't.  In practice, many of these places will have metal detectors/wanding to detect weapons, and if you are discovered to have one you will usually be asked to return to your car to secure your firearm.  If asked to leave, you must leave, otherwise you are liable to arrested for trespassing. A "good guy" will have a permit to carry or a badge.  "Bad guys" will almost never attempt to take a weapon past posted security.


If you think the Secret Service will allow civilians to carry into a presidential rally or public appearance, you are delusional.  

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18 minutes ago, sukhumvitneon said:

It depends on the state.  Some states have laws against carry into sports stadiums, concerts, or public meetings, and others don't.  In practice, many of these places will have metal detectors/wanding to detect weapons, and if you are discovered to have one you will usually be asked to return to your car to secure your firearm.  If asked to leave, you must leave, otherwise you are liable to arrested for trespassing. A "good guy" will have a permit to carry or a badge.  "Bad guys" will almost never attempt to take a weapon past posted security.


If you think the Secret Service will allow civilians to carry into a presidential rally or public appearance, you are delusional.  

Why, don't good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns, if we have lots of good guys with guns at Trump appearances should he not feel safer using his and the NRA's logic? 


I think it would be better for Trump to change US law allowing all badge holders into all US events with weapons before telling the French what they did wrong.

Edited by sungod
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From Wikipedia
The English are a nation and an ethnic group native to England who speak the English language. The English identity is of early medieval origin, when they were known in Old English as the Angelcynn ("family of the Angles"). 
 I have no idea why it is not a hate crime to deny the Brits their history and culture. It is very hateful, but yes I know these days every race and culture are allowed to be proud of their country and heritage except for white people. Trump, I imagine will change this despicable hate of whiteness during his 2 terms. 
Thank you for your honest comments. This gives a little hope.

Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

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7 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

As a Brit, I would like to say a big thank you to Trump for speaking up about the knife crime and violence that made London essentially feel like a third world dump. He might not be PC but he is correct on all counts. The spike in violent crime has been downplayed by authorities which is a disgrace, and bobbies on the beat are now virtually non existent. Traditional Brits are terrified to leave their homes after dark, and even one guy last year blew up a crisp packet and popped it on a tube station which caused a stampede -ie everyone is on edge, everyone is scared. It is a proper mess, and needs to be cleared up. Send in the army, arm the proper Bits, this was our country now it's a hole.

 The country you describe bears absolutely no relation to the one I live in.


But then I live South West of London just outside the M25 in an area with a higher than average immigrant population and make regular and frequent trips into London, Birmingham, Manchester etc., so what do I know?


The only time I have any concerns about being out after dark is on a Friday and Saturday night due to the drunken, often violent activities of white, British people. But I somehow doubt it was them you were referring to!

Edited by 7by7
Correct typo
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20 minutes ago, Tilacme said:

There are of course the usual leftists here who get off on name calling and "being offended", but what Trump has done at G7 is shown that he is not going to be bowed by Marcon or Mercel any time soon.  Trump showing who is boss.

No, what he has done is be his usual insensitive, ignorant, arrogant, buffoonish self.

Edited by Bluespunk
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2 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

No, what he has done is be his usual insensitive, ignorant, arrogant, buffoonish self.

Again name calling with no substance, this is typical of the left who want to preserve the European union.

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7 hours ago, BuaBS said:

As usual Trump is right.

We are defenseless against the crimes/terror of the muslim invaders.

Buying guns should be as easy in europe as it is in the US and apparently here in Thailand.

Trump 2020.

The ignorant prejudice of yet another ant immigration immigrant is obvious.


The recent deplorable rise in violent crime in the UK has nothing to do with Muslims. Those responsible are gang members and are mainly from third or fourth generation descendants of immigrants from black, West Indian, Christian backgrounds.


As for being defenceless against Islamist terrorism. One recent example of the security forces success: Isis supporter jailed for life for trying to build child army in London.


Here's another: Man denies terror attack plot to kill Theresa May.


As the IRA chillingly proved, the security services can never stop every single terrorist attack; remember their chilling remark after they failed to kill Thatcher in the Brighton bombing: “Today we were unlucky, but remember we only have to be lucky once – you will have to be lucky always.”


But with intelligence led operations, these days they can stop most. BTW, where do you think that intelligence comes from? It's not people like Stephen Lennon and those of his ilk, it's from within the British Muslim community!


As for the ease of buying guns in the USA, it hasn't helped in the fight against terrorism there. Fact; in the USA this century more people have been killed in mass shooting incidents perpetrated by white Americans  than have been killed in Islamist terrorist attacks; and that includes 9/11!


We haven't had a mass shooting incident here in the UK since our gun laws were overhauled following the Dunblane massacre in 1997.




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7 minutes ago, Tilacme said:




What is about my post that is fake?


That the victims and perpetrators of the recent wave of knife and gun crimes in London are not Muslim?


That the UK security services have had many successes in locating, arresting and prosecuting Islamist terrorists?


That we haven't had a mass shooting incident in the UK since the Dunblane massacre in 1997?


Or maybe you think the IRA failing to kill Thatcher in the Brighton bombing is fake news!:shock1:



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35 minutes ago, Tilacme said:

Again name calling with no substance, this is typical of the left who want to preserve the European union.

Not calling names.


Using apt adjectives.


Based on his actions.


Again, not linked to any political persuasion.


Adjectives are freely available to all.

Edited by Bluespunk
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11 minutes ago, 7by7 said:



What is about my post that is fake?


That the victims and perpetrators of the recent wave of knife and gun crimes in London are not Muslim?


That the UK security services have had many successes in locating, arresting and prosecuting Islamist terrorists?


That we haven't had a mass shooting incident in the UK since the Dunblane massacre in 1997?


Or maybe you think the IRA failing to kill Thatcher in the Brighton bombing is fake news!:shock1:



Crikie 7, even god was allowed on rest on the 7th day.

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