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Yes build it yourself. You have no experience or training in construction and know even less about managing Thai workers. What could possibly go wrong?

So many come here and do things they would never do back home then blame the results on Thais.

Sent from my iPod touch using Thaivisa Connect

When I go home I think I will ask a carpenter to build me a motorcycle I mean how different can it be as long as I supervise him I am sure everything will be ok [emoji23][emoji23]

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  • Haha 1
15 hours ago, boonrawdcnx said:

Unless you are rich and money doesn’t matter - don’t use a construction company.
If you have the time, a pick up truck and the nerve hire labor and do it yourself.

You can save a lot of money and do not depend on a contract that is designed to make as much money of you as possible. Just check out the detailed price breakdown and all the little details in the contract - most prices are totally unrealistic.

I have built both ways here in Chiang Mai.
Hiring labor and buy all materials and I am currently in the final phase building a house with a supposed to be “reputable” large construction company - and would never do it again!
We thought it would be less of a headache building like this - but it just turned out to be more expensive.
I have hired a fantastic Thai project manager - who is there all the time to watch them and he pays himself by preventing short cuts or stopping them from trying to use substandard, cheap materials.
You are welcome to visit my construction site if you wish to do so and I can give you feedback from my experience building here.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Come on then post some pics and a floor plan...I have 40 years experience in building...would love to see what you have built

 I am far from rich and I used a construction company because I saw what the alternatives were in Thailand.
I spent over a year looking at options.
Your comment “If you have the time, a pick up truck and the nerve hire labor and do it yourself”
Sums it all up really and you can add a death wish to that list too.
It’s hilarious that you say your supervisor makes a wage from stopping the builders taking shortcuts and using shit materials [emoji848]
Does anyone else see an issue with that statement? [emoji1787]
Also Why would you need nerve to hire day laborers unless you realize that they are going to be shit [emoji1787]
Bottom line is I have seen many day labour houses and many company houses and they don’t compare for quality or safety.
Yes day labour farmer built houses will be cheaper if I wanted a leaky crooked walled faulty foundation 5 year lasting death trap with cracks and bad electrics.
You get what you pay for. You wouldn’t hire a farmer to build your home back in the west so why risk it here.
I guess the cheap Charlie mentality is spreading from food to everything else here these days.
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Well I must be the exception then - the builder we hired for labor had 30 years experience and we lived in a 600 m2 mansion for 8 years now and the only thing that ever needed attention was changing a few light bulbs - and we know exactly what materials have been used in our house - only the best - because we bought them!

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

To be honest I cringe at what I see that people call houses and how they built them cheaply. Huts built with breeze blocks undersized precast columns add a tin roof a few windows concrete kitchen and cheap Thai tiles, sit it on top of a hand mixed concrete slab, bit of render slap some cheap paint on the outside take a picture before the rising damp sets in and boast about how cheap you built it.


I got news for you..you're a bigger cowboy than any Thai builder


That said there are some huge rip offs in Thailand


One of the biggest companies in Thailand are selling 300sqm houses for 15m Baht up and that's the starting price:shock1: . The compound is Located 30-35km from central BKK


When I studied the floor plan I could not believe some of the flaws obviously deliberate to cut their costs and increase profits. They are 4 Bedroom 3 toilets one of which was a tiny guest toilet


The balconies only 1.8m wide


The kitchen kept to a minimum and the maids room so small a single bed a wardrobe no space for a small table and the laundry outside with only a canopy covering it.


So I copied the floor plan and changed it increasing the size by 55sqm made all bedrooms en-suite increased kitchen size and balconies hid every column in the place by forming cavity walls size etc.


The company would probably be looking for 18m baht plus for that size yet to the same spec you can build for 20k per sqm 7.1 million


The land size is 540sqm in a complex but within 2 miles in either direction 1 rai is available for 2.5 to 4 million baht.


Considering there's over 120 houses in the compound I would imagine they bought the land even cheaper.


Granted they have to advertise which is expensive but not to the tune of around 8 million per house.


First one you find on Google in Thailand are 22,500 baht psm and those are prefabricated houses. Nice on the outside but again cut corners and the internal finish is rubbish for what you are paying.


So I agree with my Irish friend........a small company with a foreign influence or manager if possible is your best bet,


I have seen some disasters in 20 years in Thailand up country especially. Lots of farm workers have been building for years but they are not engineers


Lots still build as if they were still using light materials for roofs like concrete or tin sheets and wooden rafters.


I posted a typical house build a while back where the back of the house had split from the front. Saw it again recently and it's gotten worse


Problem was a slab build 150 x 150 columns and a steel and tiled roof......a mix for disaster if ever there was one.


All said and done if you only have 1 million you cant build a 3 million baht house but better a 1 million baht house than spending 1 million a year renting a studio in sunny Sukhumvit.



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  • 5 months later...
10 minutes ago, Ron jeremy said:

Why would anyone build a home in a place where you can't breathe the air for several months a year?

Can't understand why anyone over 60 would build or buy anything here. Cheaper and easier to just rent. Move where you like when you like, keep the capital and no stress/hassle.

Most would be dead before they pay build cost out in rent. 

  • Thanks 1


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i was paying rent 20k per month 

i built a house 10yrs ago/ now only pay water and elect

expect to die in house maybe another 10 to 20years

so in 20 years  would have payed some parasite over 2mil in rent ?

  • Like 1

Interesting resurrected topic.


Why no pictures of said houses? Surely that is the point of this post. Pictures.


I'd actually be interested in seeing what people build at various price points.


Full disclosure, I couldn't build a dog house.


Extra disclosure, I couldn't interior design that dog house either...


My dog lives inside as a result.

  • Like 1
12 hours ago, opalred said:

i was paying rent 20k per month 

i built a house 10yrs ago/ now only pay water and elect

expect to die in house maybe another 10 to 20years

so in 20 years  would have payed some parasite over 2mil in rent ?


I'm just interested in why a Home Owner who rents out his home is a parasite?


Just because someone has been successful and accumulated some assets and now wants to realize some returns on the assets, why is he a parasite?


Just asking?

12 hours ago, opalred said:

i was paying rent 20k per month 

i built a house 10yrs ago/ now only pay water and elect

expect to die in house maybe another 10 to 20years

so in 20 years  would have payed some parasite over 2mil in rent ?

Because when <deleted> hits the fan, like it is now, you can get up and leave, and the interest you would make on the initial cost more than makes up for the cost of renting.

and you keep YOUR money in YOUR country in YOUR bank account. 

Not thaid up in some place that may not become appealing some time down the road. I have several friends that have made this mistake, now they can't give their property away, and they want out.

any other questions?

11 hours ago, Ron jeremy said:

Because when <deleted> hits the fan, like it is now, you can get up and leave, and the interest you would make on the initial cost more than makes up for the cost of renting.

and you keep YOUR money in YOUR country in YOUR bank account. 

Not thaid up in some place that may not become appealing some time down the road. I have several friends that have made this mistake, now they can't give their property away, and they want out.

any other questions?

I have no idea what question you are answering.


The poster argue it was better to build and own than rent (from a parasite) and save money on rent...you are contradicting him buy saying its better to rent than buy and save money on interest.


All I asked was why he used the term parasite for someone he is renting a house from, and not a lecture on renting vs buying.


But thanks anyway...


12 hours ago, DLock said:

Interesting resurrected topic.


Why no pictures of said houses? Surely that is the point of this post. Pictures.


I'd actually be interested in seeing what people build at various price points.


Full disclosure, I couldn't build a dog house.


Extra disclosure, I couldn't interior design that dog house either...


My dog lives inside as a result.

240 sq mtrs floor area, 4 beds 3 baths, BIG kitchen, lounge, office for me....to build in 2012 Bht 2.4M plus 1M for fixtures, a/c & fitting. Built via a Thai company in Phitsanulok, land belongs to gf, house to ME!

135 Moo4.jpeg

08 Green wall.jpg

  • Like 2

i has build in thailand my house, i know many and i has before life own country house builder. if thai build house, about etc 3 room,2 bathroom,two level, euro style rooms,toilet,elektric,pump,shower,water tanks,aluminium windows, floor concrete flap big, normal thai made floor wery thin, this cost 500 000 B metal roof. if thai and farang, etc, me build same house, little better guality come, big flap, floor, euro safety elektronic, all euro guality, cost 7-800 000B if thai grynder build you house, same all, cost 1200 000 B, if farang grynder build this house cost 2 million, if buy this house farang property seller shop, cost 3.4 million. if buy this thai property shop cost 1,5 million. this is why foreign have wery expensive houses, same all guality and parts and all. only if thai build lonely have guality wery poor. if farang have eweryday foreman and say what do and looking how do and help come lot lot better guality. if farang build diy house come best guality. all same parts, i has build some hundred house, now pension, i has house builder, brick houses not wood ,stupid build wood. and im certificed elektrician,can plan and build factory and house elektric. i know how must do all good. thais big problem have, base structure has too lightweiht, no longtime wall crack and corners have open and flap crack. and windows/door not open good. must made lot stronges basement. thai not use insulation ,must made douple wall sun side house, no cost more lot, bricks and work have cheap, one men work 3 month under 10 000B, 200-300B/day normal. roof not has insulation and used metal sheet roof, lot better have tile roof. cost little more, no wood windows, not newer have good, aluminium need be and men build in house handmade ewery windows, no cost more than ready windows, ofcourse whit mosguito net slider door too. normal foreign men can do all woodwork diy in home, buy only tools, no cost lot. same than own country, all normal men have in home garage own all tools can build anythink at wood and little metalwork too. its normal men standard.same can do in thailand. i has build all my furnitures,doors,selfs,cabins, lot cheapen than buy all, and metal work all gates,covers,furniture frames,etc. many tools. etc. easy simple cheap build and go time good funny working diy in home somethink. same house i has build all elektric,wall, floor help whit thai. paint,etc,wery easy little work. and i no has made corporation,if i die wife can keep house. simple and realistic. i not live lonely, i have wife and son too, i think wife first and then son. if i die wife keep all and son have easy life own house too. i have time build son own house too. no cost lot, under 2000 $ can build little house were thai can live good. only idiot pay foreign grynder him build you house, if you can looking and know what guality you want you can build whit thais 70% cheapen same house, idiot buy ready house and wery stupid pay foreign build you house. waste only lot lot money have idiot.

58 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

240 sq mtrs floor area, 4 beds 3 baths, BIG kitchen, lounge, office for me....to build in 2012 Bht 2.4M plus 1M for fixtures, a/c & fitting. Built via a Thai company in Phitsanulok, land belongs to gf, house to ME!

135 Moo4.jpeg

08 Green wall.jpg

Thats big, and not expensive at all.


Congratulations, that's awesome and I'm sure you are really happy and make a lot of people jealous in your area.


Thanks for posting.


don't buy in a gated community  estate 

so many hidden costs per month and extra costs put on for water and elect

10yrs ago i built on wife land /now in both names/ cost 1.5mil with a small swimming pool 

if i had left in bank interest about 80k in 10yrs

i only pay water and elect 1800 mth  so can save 240000b per yr to go on holidays when i want every year

instead of the parasite going on holidays on my money

in 10yrs 2.5mil to go holidays when i want /next 10 to 20yrs more holidays no worry's cheers

1 hour ago, opalred said:

don't buy in a gated community  estate 

so many hidden costs per month and extra costs put on for water and elect

10yrs ago i built on wife land /now in both names/ cost 1.5mil with a small swimming pool 

if i had left in bank interest about 80k in 10yrs

i only pay water and elect 1800 mth  so can save 240000b per yr to go on holidays when i want every year

instead of the parasite going on holidays on my money

in 10yrs 2.5mil to go holidays when i want /next 10 to 20yrs more holidays no worry's cheers


Cool...how about some pictures.

On 8/19/2019 at 9:41 PM, Ron jeremy said:

Because when <deleted> hits the fan, like it is now, you can get up and leave, and the interest you would make on the initial cost more than makes up for the cost of renting.

and you keep YOUR money in YOUR country in YOUR bank account. 

Not thaid up in some place that may not become appealing some time down the road. I have several friends that have made this mistake, now they can't give their property away, and they want out.

any other questions?

Yes, here are some questions for you. Have you factored in the money you would have lost due to exchange rate movements over the last ten years and the fact that even without those movements, inflation would have obliterated the small amount of interest you made on your money? Have you considered the increase in land prices over the last ten years? Let’s say instead of spending 5 million on a house ten years ago (just as an example), I’d kept the money in MY country in MY bank account, as you put it. The £90,000 I’d have left back in the UK would now be worth ฿3.3M instead of ฿5M so that’s some great financial advice you’re giving out.


If you want to ignore inflation and include interest, I’d now have £108,000 in my UK bank account, which is roughly ฿4M so your financial advice would only have cost me 20% of my money, plus the 10 years rent I’d have had to pay of course.


And sure, I could be American and not British, in which case I’d only have lost around 13% of my capital due to exchange rate movements.

  • Like 1
23 minutes ago, Mark1066 said:

Yes, here are some questions for you. Have you factored in the money you would have lost due to exchange rate movements over the last ten years and the fact that even without those movements, inflation would have obliterated the small amount of interest you made on your money? Have you considered the increase in land prices over the last ten years? Let’s say instead of spending 5 million on a house ten years ago (just as an example), I’d kept the money in MY country in MY bank account, as you put it. The £90,000 I’d have left back in the UK would now be worth ฿3.3M instead of ฿5M so that’s some great financial advice you’re giving out.


If you want to ignore inflation and include interest, I’d now have £108,000 in my UK bank account, which is roughly ฿4M so your financial advice would only have cost me 20% of my money, plus the 10 years rent I’d have had to pay of course.


And sure, I could be American and not British, in which case I’d only have lost around 13% of my capital due to exchange rate movements.

The interest I get on my money in my bank pays for the rentals .

and I keep my money in my bank, simple.

i live for free from my interest and keep my money. And I can simply leave or move when I want. No issues. 

No mney tied up in a foreign country, this is where I would rather have my money, not THAIED up.

those that live full time are in a different boat than those that rent. 

Ans when the next meltdown happens I'm not stuck with some low end building that it is a headache to get rid of. 

I simply move on. 

This is much better for me, look at all the people leaving now. I have friends that bought , the places are now falling apart, delapadated buildings, basically worth very little.

and when I die, my family is not put into a situation on trying to get my assets back to my country.

27 minutes ago, Ron jeremy said:

The interest I get on my money in my bank pays for the rentals .

and I keep my money in my bank, simple.

i live for free from my interest and keep my money. And I can simply leave or move when I want. No issues. 

No mney tied up in a foreign country, this is where I would rather have my money, not THAIED up.

those that live full time are in a different boat than those that rent. 

Ans when the next meltdown happens I'm not stuck with some low end building that it is a headache to get rid of. 

I simply move on. 

This is much better for me, look at all the people leaving now. I have friends that bought , the places are now falling apart, delapadated buildings, basically worth very little.

and when I die, my family is not put into a situation on trying to get my assets back to my country.

Unless your bank is paying you over 5% tax-free interest, which I’m absolutely sure it isn’t, your calculations make no sense. If you have a lot more money than the cost of a house, you might be able to pay your rental with the interest, but that’s completely irrelevant. If you take the money you would have spent on a house here and leave it in the bank instead, you’re not going to have anywhere near enough to rent a similar house instead.


For me personally, the only family I have left are my wife and daughter so there’s no issue with getting my money back to another country - it’s easier if it’s here. House isn’t falling down or dilapidated and I don’t expect it to fall down in the near future either.

2 minutes ago, vinniekintana said:

I would add..

It will be flimsy and low quality and in constant need of repairs (if you go the cheap route)

The roof will be leaking from day one unless it has proper (Med style) tiles

Few builders have the training to put these on.

Still there will be the odd leak


Asbestos materials will be used extensively through out

Unreliable/lazy workers


Last but not least....don't pay anything up-front

Pay for initial purchase of some materials and in small increments thereof

Better if you do the purchasing yourself

They can pocket the money and run if you don't.

Remember...thais have no shame when it comes to money.

Even if they are your mrs relatives or neighbours they will stiff you if they can.


Have a nice day.????




I think you should edit that to say the Thais you know have no shame when it comes to money. Otherwise it’s just an ignorant and inaccurate generalisation.

  • Like 2

I just wanted to see house pictures...


I prefer to buy property instead of rent and despite the negative comments, you can make very good returns in Thailand if you buy right. My experience has been ignore anything sub 5million as an investment. My sweet spot has been 8m - 15m. Anything more and it's a mental fight between acceptable rental % return and capital gain, so I spread that risk.


Over the last 15 years, it has been hard not to make good money on rent and selling in Thailand. But you have to buy smart and in the right location. You make your money when you buy. The demographics of the market continually change, and local and global uncertainties are axiomatic, but cyclic.


I never leave money in the bank. Ever. That is probably the worst "investment" advice. As peace of mind and liquid assets, money in the bank is nice, but as an investment, it's one of the lowest performing assets you can have...and with current fluctuations, often a losing asset. Having said that, I have exposed myself more than once to cashflow problems...and that's not fun.


Disclaimer - I am not a financial expert. I just do what works for me within my risk/reward limits. 


15m Condo? In BKK in the best building that will get you 60,000 baht per month a gross 4.8% yield. The first one I googled have some for rent at 70k which is 5.6 yield but there are so many for rent, Plus you are dealing with the farang market when there are millions of Thais out their you could be selling to 



If you have the brains and the courage a much better investment is do what my wife's family are doing.


Do your homework and you will easily fin a nice 120sqm 3 bedroom house for sale on the outskirts of BKK for 5 million to 6 million baht.

Or the Korat bypass for example :0)

They look great on the outside but are no more than a basic build with nice toilets some have no kitchen others have a Thai base with a sink and that is that.


Including infrastructure you can build the same house for 1. 7million baht (How dare you copy their idea) the land in a good spot just outside town 1.5 Rai 2 million baht

You are allowed 7 houses and a road if needed so your outlay is 14 million tops


Your selling price on 60 wah plus is 3.4 million net.  building time 18 to 24 months. That is the going rate in most Issan city outskirts for a new 3 bedroom house


The demand in Issan is rapidly changing and Thai are no longer happy with a house on sticks or the old Thai style.

Young people want modern housing.


Obviously if you sell off plan you will never spend your 14million investment and your return 23.8 million


Not as easy as it sounds and a lot of headaches and time but a far better investment than buying a condo in sunny Bangkok.












On 8/20/2019 at 9:39 AM, wgdanson said:

240 sq mtrs floor area, 4 beds 3 baths, BIG kitchen, lounge, office for me....to build in 2012 Bht 2.4M plus 1M for fixtures, a/c & fitting. Built via a Thai company in Phitsanulok, land belongs to gf, house to ME!

135 Moo4.jpeg

08 Green wall.jpg

I visited a site with my father in law just north of the bypass on a spying trip LOL. I am sure you know it there about 150 house or more being built on what was a rice field before. Nice enough houses 151sqm for 3.6 million which is nearer 130sq living space in reality built with red brick and painted the same colour as your house. Terrific art work on their brochure 2 cars in a garage that have been reduced in Photoshop to make out they actually can fit 2 cars in, Beds doctored in bedrooms reduced in size for the same reason.........hence I don't want to name the site. Your house leaves them for dead and has got to be worth 6 million plus around 10,000 baht per wah over 60 wah. Fantastic job well done!!


Thank you forr the complement. The lower left hand room was supposed to be a double car port, but now it is my office/Man City shrine !

2 hours ago, wgdanson said:

Thank you forr the complement. The lower left hand room was supposed to be a double car port, but now it is my office/Man City shrine !

Good for you. Every man needs that man cave where we can enjoy our privacy surrounded by all the things we like. The inner sanctum.


Enjoy your lovely house.

5 hours ago, Tanlic said:

15m Condo? In BKK in the best building that will get you 60,000 baht per month a gross 4.8% yield. The first one I googled have some for rent at 70k which is 5.6 yield but there are so many for rent, Plus you are dealing with the farang market when there are millions of Thais out their you could be selling to 



If you have the brains and the courage a much better investment is do what my wife's family are doing.


Do your homework and you will easily fin a nice 120sqm 3 bedroom house for sale on the outskirts of BKK for 5 million to 6 million baht.

Or the Korat bypass for example :0)

They look great on the outside but are no more than a basic build with nice toilets some have no kitchen others have a Thai base with a sink and that is that.


Including infrastructure you can build the same house for 1. 7million baht (How dare you copy their idea) the land in a good spot just outside town 1.5 Rai 2 million baht

You are allowed 7 houses and a road if needed so your outlay is 14 million tops


Your selling price on 60 wah plus is 3.4 million net.  building time 18 to 24 months. That is the going rate in most Issan city outskirts for a new 3 bedroom house


The demand in Issan is rapidly changing and Thai are no longer happy with a house on sticks or the old Thai style.

Young people want modern housing.


Obviously if you sell off plan you will never spend your 14million investment and your return 23.8 million


Not as easy as it sounds and a lot of headaches and time but a far better investment than buying a condo in sunny Bangkok.


I do not deal with the Thai market and buy in places foreigners prefer to be. Issan does not figure in my plans.


I also don't build or buy off plan very often. It's not my area of skill or vision (or interest). 


I usually buy new and complete, and often buy the actual show villa/condo fully furnished. Do I pay more than I could if I was "smart or courageous"? Yes. But I don't have the time or interest in building or interior design. In that 18 - 24 months, I have probably sold it and made a few million baht, or it just adds to passive income.


Everyone has different investment plans and I hope whatever you do it works for you. 


Right now I have an 8 rai plot with a 4-bed/5 bath 450sqm house and pool with stunning views in Chiang Mai for sale. 

25 minutes ago, DLock said:

Good for you. Every man needs that man cave where we can enjoy our privacy surrounded by all the things we like. The inner sanctum.


Enjoy your lovely house.

The Man (City ) Cave !

Etihad office (2).jpg

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