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Day Trading Stocks In Thailand


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Anyone out there day trading stocks? I want to trade stocks in Thailand. I day trade on the internet and need fast DSL or cable internet. I was living in ChaingRai before but I am not too optimistic about being able to get internet that will work for me there. I have family in Pattaya and might go there.

If you are day trading in Thailand please let me know, how are your fills? Is the internet fast enough? Thanks for any advice. :o Dave

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Whatever your location, I would have a backup ready if connectivity is critical. Even a slow GPRS service is better than nothing. One advantage to a more populated area is that if your DSL goes out you can probably find a wireless hotspot close by.

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Daytrading should be no problem if you can get your hands on a DSL connection.

Speeds are fast enough for your real time data feeds, ping times to the US are around 300 msec so no problems there as well (this is however probably to slow for scalping though!)

I wouldn't risk it using the satellite connections, they are notoriously unreliable, plus they have a big lag. Ping times of over 2 seconds are normal there...

Get adsl, go for a business package (as opposed to the "home" packages, which are heavily shared) and always keep dial up standby to get you out of a position if your adsl packs up while things are going bad...

As a last resort, keep the phonenumber of your broker on a speed dial button just in case the whole Thai internet grinds to a halt...

Doesn't happen often, but friend Murphy will guarantee if it happens, it will be at the worst possible time :o

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Anyone out there day trading stocks? I want to trade stocks in Thailand. I day trade on the internet and need fast DSL or cable internet. I was living in ChaingRai before but I am not too optimistic about being able to get internet that will work for me there. I have family in Pattaya and might go there.

If you are day trading in Thailand please let me know, how are your fills? Is the internet fast enough? Thanks for any advice. :o Dave

Depends on your budget. there are very expensive / reliable connections out there, some were mentioned in this forum, 10,000+ baht/month.

If you are in an area with both Hutch 3G and ADSL you are probably fine. Pattaya has both AFAIK.

I don't personally day-trade but I write software for day traders. I get by with GPRS and DSL - I think having two independent connections is a minimum requirement.

Some day traders have extreme requirements for their connection - I would call it insane, but OK. We had this guy who was furious because, he claimed, our feeds have a 700 msec lag. So if you are one of those people who trade on fractions of seconds, Thailand is not for you :D

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Since when Hutch use 3G? I think Hutch use CDMA and the speed is limited to absolute max of 153 kbsp.

But anyway, even a "normal" dial up connection is fast enough for day tradings. A friend of mine use the dialup for day tradings in Germany and thats fast enough!

If someone needs a "stable" and "reliable" connection at all time, he need to go for an leased line. The cost for 512/512 kbps is ~ Baht 36,000 by TRUE! The SME Packages from TRUE are shared also and have a lot speed problems! The max for SME by TRUE is 2 Mbps down, 512 kbps up!

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Your friend in Germany is not trading like I am. I sort about 1000 stocks along with news stories and other things going on, and try to get in within the first 5 minutes of the market being open. Each of my stocks is moving fast and my software is a memory hog and a fast internet feed is pushed to the limit. I do not want to pay more than 2000 BT a month for my service in my home, nor should I right?

I want to live in Thailand! Even if I go back to teaching English. I could rent an office above a internet provider or rent an office from them, It might give me a fast enough feed, what do you think? Thanks again, Dave

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Your friend in Germany is not trading like I am. I sort about 1000 stocks along with news stories and other things going on, and try to get in within the first 5 minutes of the market being open. Each of my stocks is moving fast and my software is a memory hog and a fast internet feed is pushed to the limit. I do not want to pay more than 2000 BT a month for my service in my home, nor should I right?

I want to live in Thailand! Even if I go back to teaching English. I could rent an office above a internet provider or rent an office from them, It might give me a fast enough feed, what do you think? Thanks again, Dave

I tried intra day short term trading (1 min futures) in LOS but eventually gave up as the feed I had was crappy and the dropouts cost me a ton. I used gprs as a backup to get out of some trades when the system went down.

I spose it was for the best as I make far more eod than intraday - but the timezone was fantastic - here in OZ I don't start until midnight - sigh

As for the cost - depends upon how serious you are - if you are just dabbling no probs but if you are running your trading as a serious business then 2000 baht is on the low side ....

As far as the scanning you do - are you using a service to do the hard work or are you trying to do it all on your pc? easiest way is to use something like http://www.trade-ideas.com/

Hope that helps


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I use Maxnet as ISP and am pretty happy with them.

They currently offer 512/256 for 2000 Baht/month and 3400 Baht/month for 1024/512.

This is on what they call Premier level, one step up from the Indy level(home use).

I find them definitely reliable enough for daytrading, and I would say the 512 package should be sufficient speedwise.

If you need near perfect reliability and speed performance in Thailand you need to move up to the full biz packages which are notoriously expensive.

Maxnet biz 512/512 costs a whopping 9500 Baht/month!

Unfortunately very fast and reliable internet is still a dream in Thailand, although personally I'm convinced the 2000 Baht/month 512 package should be more then sufficient for normal daytrading needs.

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