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A Non-smoking Dancing Place With A Dance Floor

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I have lived in CM now for 2 seasons and have been disappointed with night clubs. If it is for Thais, there is not a dancing floor and the music/songs are in Thai. When there is a bit more of a dancing floor and English music, it is hip-hop and/or a club with no smoking restrictions (like Bubbles and Spicy). Riverside does not have much of a dance floor.

So, where can one dance like in the old country in CM?

Well! There is this little gem. It is located on the second floor in the Lotus Hotel (near Kad Suan Kaew, off Huay Kaew Road, behind the Chiang Mai Orchid). There is a 5 band member Philipino band singing and playing English classic English or Latin songs (if you request them). The floor is huge. The sound is not too loud. The lighting is not too bright or too dark. There are plenty places to sit. The place is huge and I would think smoking would be dissipated fast into the air. The buffet is not great, but some of the a la carte dishes are not bad. The drinks are the usual price for a night club (a bit less than Bubbles though). I think the band plays every night except one. Starting time is 10 pm. The singer is a good-looking woman with a good voice and a real presence. The guitarist is real good.

People,... support this place before it dies. There are not that many people going to it because the marketing sucks. Go there instead of Bubbles (which has DJs playing hip-hop all night long in a smoky atmosphere and drinks that are in the 100 Baths for beer and such). If you are so inclined go to Spicy after, but beware of the smoke and the withdrawal symptoms the day after.

PS: Smokers: Could you please do everyone a favour and smoke outside so that WE non-smoker do NOT get cancer, headaches, and do NOT have to wash our clothes the next day? Thanks for your cooperation.

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I have lived in CM now for 2 seasons and have been disappointed with night clubs. If it is for Thais, there is not a dancing floor and the music/songs are in Thai. When there is a bit more of a dancing floor and English music, it is hip-hop and/or a club with no smoking restrictions (like Bubbles and Spicy). Riverside does not have much of a dance floor.

So, where can one dance like in the old country in CM?

Well! There is this little gem. It is located on the second floor in the Lotus Hotel (near Kad Suan Kaew, off Huay Kaew Road, behind the Chiang Mai Orchid). There is a 5 band member Philipino band singing and playing English classic English or Latin songs (if you request them). The floor is huge. The sound is not too loud. The lighting is not too bright or too dark. There are plenty places to sit. The place is huge and I would think smoking would be dissipated fast into the air. The buffet is not great, but some of the a la carte dishes are not bad. The drinks are the usual price for a night club (a bit less than Bubbles though). I think the band plays every night except one. Starting time is 10 pm. The singer is a good-looking woman with a good voice and a real presence. The guitarist is real good.

People,... support this place before it dies. There are not that many people going to it because the marketing sucks. Go there instead of Bubbles (which has DJs playing hip-hop all night long in a smoky atmosphere and drinks that are in the 100 Baths for beer and such). If you are so inclined go to Spicy after, but beware of the smoke and the withdrawal symptoms the day after.

PS: Smokers: Could you please do everyone a favour and smoke outside so that WE non-smoker do NOT get cancer, headaches, and do NOT have to wash our clothes the next day? Thanks for your cooperation.

I generally wash my clothes the next day whether I have been to Bubbles (or Spicy) or not :o

PS: Smokers: Could you please do everyone a favour and smoke outside so that WE non-smoker do NOT get cancer, headaches, and do NOT have to wash our clothes the next day? Thanks for your cooperation
name='john b good' date='2007-01-29 09:02:30' post='1108410']

I generally wash my clothes the next day whether I have been to Bubbles (or Spicy) or not :D

Me too. Is that unusual? :o


You should open your own Pub or disco that play you Fav music .

I don't like disco with funny man dancing . but hey is a free place . you go at your own choice .

i think psycological scare from seeing funny man dancing is as bad as cancer from smoking .

The local ballet dance class sound like a Good choice . just bring your own beer ( juice ) and table .

large dance floor , non smoking .

Thailand is such a nice place for one simple reason . people don't complain as much

and most of the people are nice and is able to blend in and more accpectable about others habbit .

you can't expect a money making bussines to please one person .

who will go to bubble or spicy if there start playing your fav song .

everyone have different taste of music .

you are just looking at the wrong place or maybe wrong country

I generally wash my clothes the next day whether I have been to Bubbles (or Spicy) or not :o/quote]

whahahahhaha ..


The smoking debate revised?

I do not see a problem, just let the management know why you don't visit the place anymore and than stay away til the situation is changed.

Easy, I would say.

I have lived in CM now for 2 seasons ......................

PS: Smokers: Could you please do everyone a favour and smoke outside so that WE non-smoker do NOT get cancer, headaches, and do NOT have to wash our clothes the next day? Thanks for your cooperation.

Do you have to take a bath or shower at the end of the day as well? :o


One of my favorite pubs switched to non-smoking last April 1st.

Now very peaceful and all the previous regulars dis-appeared. Great, I can relax at the counter all by myself. :o

One of my favorite pubs switched to non-smoking last April 1st.

Now very peaceful and all the previous regulars dis-appeared. Great, I can relax at the counter all by myself. :o

I'm not a smoker apart from an occasional cigar, I kind of expect smoke in a bar/disco when I go there.

No smoking in thailand??? :D I can't see that ever happening mate, best leave and return to the saftey of the west. :o

I don't smoke, but I must agree.

I can see banning smoking in air-con restaurants with bad ventelation as the smell can ruin the food, but in bars, it should be live and let live. :D

I'm not a smoker apart from an occasional cigar, I kind of expect smoke in a bar/disco when I go there.

Yeah, I can feel with you, although v.v. I do not smoke cigars, but a good friend/customer likes his cigar after a 15-hours-trip. Told him already, 'can do' but not at the same place unless sitting outside, which might be too much for somebody coming from Northern Europe.


personally i don't smoke . but i don't make a fuss out of smoking area .

funny how this thread had become a topic about someone not washing their clothes or taking a shower the following days .

whahah a

so maybe if you shower more and change your clothes the smell would go away .

i think in asia people express their joy less in form of dancing around .

, i don't see people dancing at club or pub with jazz or rock or latin music . not here in chiangmai not in bangkok .

not in taiwan , not in hongkong , not in japan , not in singapore . malaysia , not in laos , not in vietnam not in korea .

so i guess you are in the wrong country .

Go there instead of Bubbles (which has DJs playing hip-hop all night long in a smoky atmosphere and drinks that are in the 100 Baths for beer and such).

Bubbles plays hip-hop? I wish, at least then you *could* have a dance. Went there about 2 weeks ago, and even during their stated "house" sessions they were playing trashy NY techo/rave/ambient crap. You'd have to be totally off your face on drugs to possibly enjoy that dive.


Whhaha , You got to pardon someone who don't go to such places , and least to say enjoy ..

so is hard for him to tell the different between Hip, hop , trance , drum and bass , techno ,

- i bet he can even tell you what the latiin singer fav Food is .



My, my, what a pissy bunch... :D

I would put in my two cents worth but I don't have a brain after accidently viewing a funny man dancing long ago. Gotta tell ya, gimme dat ole cancer anytime!



i think we just scared the thread starter .don't see him reply . please be nice . whahhahahahahahhahahaha

some years ago i went to Mandalay . everyone is enjoying .. and some farang jump up the stage and start dancing ..

ok ..i understand he is really enjoying himself .. but what he forget is all the rest of us .. trying to enjoy ourself without this silly action . .. he took his tee shirt off . and start running around the stage . -

4 guy jump up the stage and drag him out .. - and he ran back .. and jump on the stage again !!!!

everyone is watching ..

and finally when he is Drag off again .. everyone .. and i mean everyone in the disco CLAP >.


lucky that is only one rare case.


There is this little gem. It is located on the second floor in the Lotus Hotel (near Kad Suan Kaew, off Huay Kaew Road, behind the Chiang Mai Orchid). There is a 5 band member Philipino band singing and playing English classic English or Latin songs (if you request them). The floor is huge. The sound is not too loud. The lighting is not too bright or too dark. There are plenty places to sit. The place is huge and I would think smoking would be dissipated fast into the air. The buffet is not great, but some of the a la carte dishes are not bad. The drinks are the usual price for a night club (a bit less than Bubbles though). I think the band plays every night except one. Starting time is 10 pm. The singer is a good-looking woman with a good voice and a real presence. The guitarist is real good.

Sounds like a real nice pace and definately worth a visit...and NO Smoking...GREAT :o


I am glad to read that there are some people who appreciate a good dance floor, a good band, good songs that have a variety of rythms, and a non-smoking environment. It is too bad that most Asians don't seem eager to dance on a dance floor. However, is it a case of smart night club managers/owners to not offer a dance floor and playing the music so loud one cannot speak, forcing --in effect-- people to drink and spent? What's next? Salt on the floor? Sauna-like temperatures? Semi-naked women dancing the night away? :o


You make it sound like you are the only person who appreciate nice music and good sound .

please Don't talk as if you know asian . , cos you don't seem to know.

However, is it a case of smart night club managers/owners to not offer a dance floor and playing the music so loud one cannot speak, forcing --in effect-- people to drink and spent?

Your narrow minded comment is base on your dislike .

alot of Club and disco playing the loudess of music .. earn mroe money then those small band location that you had said .

well i don't expect you to ever understand .


Like i said .. YOU should go back to your country or just don't go to such place ..

you complain too much . what you need to do is Avoid those places .. i am sure there would not welcome you also .

cos funny dancing man may hurt their bussiness .


My first thoughts were along the lines of "Hey, you're in Thailand don't expect a Lyceum ballroom round every corner. If you want your favourite piece of farangville set in Thailand set it up yourself".

Then I thought that no, the guy doesn't like certain places, OK no worries mate, and has found one he likes. Problem is it has not sufficient custom to support it long term. So he's on TV drumming up some support, no problem in that.

But then his final paragraph indicates that he welcomes smokers only if they smoke outside. Is this his rule or that of the said establishment? Thailand does not prohibit smoking in all public places, it sensibly allows for personal choice unlike the pussy whipped europeans that feel government is there to impose restrictions on freedom.

Anyway this aint an smoking/non-smoking thread so I'll shut up except to say that is is the establishment owner/manager that should set the rules based on his/her knowledge of their customers. Maybe if they went for a tour of their competition they'd change the music style to hip-hop, techno etc and get some custom.


My first thoughts were along the lines of "Hey, you're in Thailand don't expect a Lyceum ballroom round every corner. If you want your favourite piece of farangville set in Thailand set it up yourself".

Then I thought that no, the guy doesn't like certain places, OK no worries mate, and has found one he likes. Problem is it has not sufficient custom to support it long term. So he's on TV drumming up some support, no problem in that.

>> Thank you for trying to understand my motives and my post. You are almost right! While I understand that Thais prefer the night-clubs where there are tables around which they can drink --or get drunk-- and dance, I also understand that there are many foreigners who are non-smokers who prefer to go to a night-club to dance like they are used to in their own country. I would think that there are many foreigners, many CUSTOMERS that do not like cigarette smoke, getting cancer, and dancing around a table/drinking around a table. In my country, smokers are a minority.

But then his final paragraph indicates that he welcomes smokers only if they smoke outside. Is this his rule or that of the said establishment? Thailand does not prohibit smoking in all public places, it sensibly allows for personal choice unlike the pussy whipped europeans that feel government is there to impose restrictions on freedom.
>> I am not too sure what you are complaining about. There are at least 2 places where smokers who enjoy dancing on a dance flloor can go to in Chiang Mai. 2. Us, non-smokers have none. ZERO. And I think I have found a place which has a dance floor and a place which has the potential for clean air, and you think it is alright for you smokers to come there too to kill us. I think this is very inconsiderate --and criminal, in fact-- to oblige others to breathe your smoke. I wonder how would you feel if I came with a stink ball in those places where smokers are happy to make the air unbreathable for others? In fact, I wonder how would you feel if I came in your neighbourhood with some radioactive plutonium in my pocket to talk things over coffee? Now, I understand that you are seeing the writing on the wall. Many countries in Europe AND a few countries in North-America are forbidding people to smoke in public places. PERIOD. As a non-smoker (as you might have guessed), I appreciate these laws, but I think there are too draconian. I think that establishments should/could advertise themselves as smoking or non-smoking and let customers go where they want. If some inconsiderate smokers would go to a non-smoking establishment and start smoking, then the police would come and fine them or remove them. Societies need to have rules so that people can find ways to deal with others' desires, preferences, or criminal behaviour in the fairest way possible for all. By the way, I am flabbergasted that anyone could equate smoking with being brave. While it is brave to die for a cause, I think smoking is a pretty pathetic cause to die for. I would think that there are many other worthy causes to die for. Even so, philosophically speaking, I think it is debatable whether or not even the notion of dying for a cause is a positive respond, as I think --at the end fo the day-- it usually exacerbates the situation.
Anyway this aint an smoking/non-smoking thread so I'll shut up except to say that is is the establishment owner/manager that should set the rules based on his/her knowledge of their customers. Maybe if they went for a tour of their competition they'd change the music style to hip-hop, techno etc and get some custom.


>> You mean ... customers, I think. Again, this is a matter of public health policy. No one would accept someone to go in a public place with a gun and start shooting people. This is what smoking is about. Smoking kills people. (I hope you know so.) And, by the way, I would hope that designated smoking establishments would choose employees who smoke to work there. It is true that these people have a choice to work there or not, though. But, I think that it would be the role of the government to help people know which establishment is non-smoking or smoking so that emplyees --and customers-- can make the best decision.


On a previous post, I wrote that I was sad that most Asians do not seem to like to dance on a dance floor. I apologize. I meant most Thais. I have seen many Chinese and many Philippinos, for instance, who seem to enjoy dancing on dance floors --outside of Thailand, that is.

By the way, I do not wish to change Thai culture, although I think ALL cultures --like people-- need to grow and evolve sometimes. I am not advocating here that Thai people would be better off if they were to dance like we do in the West, by the way). I was just describing my own feelings about what they like or dislike. I do not wish to transform all Thai night-clubs into Western-looking establisments. That would be silly and inconsiderate. I like Thailand because it is different from other places around the world. Do I like everything that Thailand has to offer? No. I do not like everything that my own country has to offer. However, I would think that most Thai people do NOT like barking dogs at 3 a.m. ! I also think that many foreigners do not like drunken bar customers killing other while driving here or in Thailand ! ALL cultures need to change to make certain aspects of their culture fair and liveable for most people. That is why we have laws and laws are arbitrary and change all the time.

My original post was written to inform people who enjoy a dance floor (and preferably non-smoking dance floors), music/songs with words that they can understand, that there is such a place. Considering that there are few places in Chiang Mai where one can dance on a dance floor to English music (period), I was hoping to bring people who are non-smokers to the Lotus, giving non-smokers a non-smoking alternative. If smokers want to go to the Lotus, fine. I cannot prevent this. Personally though, if smokers were to want to smoke there, it would clearly show those people's lack of respect for non-smokers. There are 2 places where smokers can go to. I have seen many somokers respect others and smoke outside. The weather is such that this is not such a bad experience. Is it too much to ask to have one place for non-smokers? I think this is reasonable considering that non-smokers are the majority. Sure, the law is such that anyone can do what they want. I wonder though if people would be more reasonable (like I feel I am) whether or not we would need draconian rules like the ones that are being legislated in many countries around the world.

I would appreciate if people would post their experience at the Lotus.

On a previous post, I wrote that I was sad that most Asians do not seem to like to dance on a dance floor. I apologize. I meant most Thais. I have seen many Chinese and many Philippinos, for instance, who seem to enjoy dancing on dance floors --outside of Thailand, that is.

By the way, I do not wish to change Thai culture, although I think ALL cultures --like people-- need to grow and evolve sometimes. I am not advocating here that Thai people would be better off if they were to dance like we do in the West, by the way). I was just describing my own feelings about what they like or dislike. I do not wish to transform all Thai night-clubs into Western-looking establisments. That would be silly and inconsiderate. I like Thailand because it is different from other places around the world. Do I like everything that Thailand has to offer? No. I do not like everything that my own country has to offer. However, I would think that most Thai people do NOT like barking dogs at 3 a.m. ! I also think that many foreigners do not like drunken bar customers killing other while driving here or in Thailand ! ALL cultures need to change to make certain aspects of their culture fair and liveable for most people. That is why we have laws and laws are arbitrary and change all the time.

My original post was written to inform people who enjoy a dance floor (and preferably non-smoking dance floors), music/songs with words that they can understand, that there is such a place. Considering that there are few places in Chiang Mai where one can dance on a dance floor to English music (period), I was hoping to bring people who are non-smokers to the Lotus, giving non-smokers a non-smoking alternative. If smokers want to go to the Lotus, fine. I cannot prevent this. Personally though, if smokers were to want to smoke there, it would clearly show those people's lack of respect for non-smokers. There are 2 places where smokers can go to. I have seen many somokers respect others and smoke outside. The weather is such that this is not such a bad experience. Is it too much to ask to have one place for non-smokers? I think this is reasonable considering that non-smokers are the majority. Sure, the law is such that anyone can do what they want. I wonder though if people would be more reasonable (like I feel I am) whether or not we would need draconian rules like the ones that are being legislated in many countries around the world.

I would appreciate if people would post their experience at the Lotus.

Where are the figures tosupport your statement that NON smokers are the majority. I assume youare talking about Chiang Mai. In my experience the majority of Thias smoke!


The point of the original poster is that a lot of people including myself prefer non smoking places. Most Thais that I know do not smoke and cannot go to these type of places as frequently as they would like to because of the heavy smoke. Especially girls do not like it on their hair or their clothes. I try to limit to only twice a month because of the heavy health hazard. I think the problem is not to ban smokers but to have a better air system so that the smoke is more efficiently removed. Went out to fashion house on saturday and my nose and lungs are still clogged from all the smoke. Imagine the health risk that people working there have to face. I feel sorry for them just like I feel sorry for police men directing traffic. Some things just need to change.

Where are the figures tosupport your statement that NON smokers are the majority. I assume youare talking about Chiang Mai. In my experience the majority of Thias smoke!

I have no figures, but since 6 years back, I generally eat at restaurants that have very few other farang customers, all over Chiang Mai. So rarely do I see or notice anyone light up a cigarette in these places, that I who was a heavy smoker for 16 years, completely forget about cigarettes when I am there.

But then his final paragraph indicates that he welcomes smokers only if they smoke outside.

As far as I am concerned I welcome dancers only if they dance outside. Actually I welcome them even more when they don't dance at all.

I would appreciate if people would post their experience at Lotus.

It is good to hear of a non-smoking place and I will try it out. Even tho I am an occasional smoker myself, I find the clouds of dense smoke in most clubs quite overwhelming and I stay away.

I never smoke in buildings or where my smoke may affect others. I have found that many Thai restaurants discourage smoking and the Thias seem respectful of that. Aroon (sp?) restaurant has no smoking signs in English posted and the only people I have ever seen light up are falangs and I don't mind pointing out the signs to them. IMHO, smoking in a restaurant where people are eating is simply rude but there is no lack of westerners who are arrogant enough not to care.

And, to the OP - no need to explain your intentions in your recommendation to those who will belittle just about anyone who posts just about anything. Thanks for thinking of us who prefer clean air and good music/dancing.

But then his final paragraph indicates that he welcomes smokers only if they smoke outside.

As far as I am concerned I welcome dancers only if they dance outside. Actually I welcome them even more when they don't dance at all.


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