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Just noticed this item on the U.S. Embassy www site.


Some AmCits I know have wives with TINs rather than SSNs, fine, if they file a Joint 1040 return.  However, some have incomes that don't come up to the level where a 1040 is required, thus, don't file one.  Oops, see below.



Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) Applications:
The IRS is implementing significant changes made to the ITIN program under the PATH Act of 2015. The new law means that any ITIN not used on a federal tax return at least once in the last three years will no longer be valid as of January 1, 2017 for use on a tax return unless the taxpayer renews the ITIN. In addition, all ITINs issued prior to 2013 will begin to expire this year and taxpayers will need to renew them.The first pre-2013 ITINs that will expire are those with middle digits of 78 and 79 (Example: 9XX-78-XXXX). The renewal period for these ITINs began October 1, 2016. The IRS began to mail letters to this group of taxpayers in August to inform them of the need to renew their ITINs in order to file a tax return, and explain the renewal steps. The IRS will announce the schedule for expiration and renewal of ITINs that do not have middle digits of 78 and 79 at a future date.If taxpayers have an expired ITIN, not renewed before filing a tax return next year, they might face a refund delay and be ineligible for certain tax credits, such as the Child Tax Credit and the American Opportunity Tax Credit, until they renew the ITIN. More information is available on the ITIN page at IRS.gov.

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9 hours ago, mogandave said:

Good news for anyone that does not file.

In any event, I think it a good idea to file regardless or your income.

I agree that it is in general a good idea to file, even if not required to.  It closes the books.  It documents the income or lack thereof.  My Mom in the USA only gets meager Social Security benefits and is not required to file.  I recommended always file anyways.  Some of my sisters over ruled my suggestion.  It wasn't long before she had to "prove" how low her income was, in order to qualify for several other programs and benefits.  Having a copy of ones 1040 on hand would have made things very simple instead of just trying to convince some agent on the phone that she makes no money.

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