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American Expat Murdered In Chiang Rai


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Odds are (as it was Chiang Rai) that it'll be blamed on migrant Burmese, wandering hill tribes, or Drug traffickers who crossed the border looking for a safe house.

But also let's not forget that armed burglary involving farang residences are very rare in Thailand, and that armed burglaries involving casualties at farang residences are almost non-existant - most Thais recognise the extra effort that will go into finding the culprits (to protect currency exchange and tourism)

The guy was a computer programmer ..... hmmm ...... bit like the US Met officers who sit on border hill tops but don't know the difference between Cumulus and Columbus? Could be a lot more behind this and group 3 above may have a closer ring of truth.

On the other hand it could be simple opportunism - high salaried types do often flash too much cash, and (sorry but true) Americans do seem to be the worst at demonstrating their wealth in the face of the poor - that can get up peoples noses enough for them to strike back with a bit of self-assistance.

I'd not rule out family involvement but with such scant facts, I'd not rule out any other options either. Most notably in the report it doesn't say what type of weapon was used - that's often a major clue to perpatrator's origins (weapon value / availability / ammunition rarity etc)

..... waiting for more info

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Why is the US Embassy involved?

If I got robbed and killed, I do not believe that the US Embassy would urge the local police to find the killers.

And if I was married, I do not believe that the Embassy would ask for protection for my wife.

But, in both cases, this is what the Embassy has asked. - urge the police to find the killers quickly and protect the wife.

Apparently the death of this man is important to the US.


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The reason most likely the US Embassy getting involved is coming from the wife who happens to also be a USA citizen. She most likely hollered like a hen, and believe me when a female squawks, males jump!!!!!!!

As of the cash, no problem they most likely split the spoils, and put it in their own little safes at home. As of the Computer maybe one of them wanted such and took it as part of the spoils.

The reason he was shot, yep he surprised them to say the least, and that is a no no to a burglar unless your armed with your Uzi!!!!!!!! Also the burglars probably don't want someone identifying them later on. They most likely thought about the Hilton for sure.

Just putting my two cents in folks.

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Heads in sand!!!

I know a man who was married to his Thai wife for 10 years. Had a business together. Went home to attend a family death, came back 2 weeks later, couldn't reach her on the phone, went to the business premises, empty of all stock (motorbikes and over 20 of them) and the locks had been changed, went to the house found a security gaurd at the gate and wouldn't let him in. Caught up with a friend who explained his wife had got a new boyfriend (Thai) and he was no longer needed. He lost 10 million Baht to the bitch. 10 years of marriage and 2 kids. She told friends she was just waiting for the right time and opportunity to do this and it was always in her mind. NEVER TRUST THEM.

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Heads in sand!!!

I know a man who was married to his Thai wife for 10 years. Had a business together. Went home to attend a family death, came back 2 weeks later, couldn't reach her on the phone, went to the business premises, empty of all stock (motorbikes and over 20 of them) and the locks had been changed, went to the house found a security gaurd at the gate and wouldn't let him in. Caught up with a friend who explained his wife had got a new boyfriend (Thai) and he was no longer needed. He lost 10 million Baht to the bitch. 10 years of marriage and 2 kids. She told friends she was just waiting for the right time and opportunity to do this and it was always in her mind. NEVER TRUST THEM.

Or make sure all your accounts and business interests are fully protected.

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We certainly have a nice load of conclusion jumpers and wife bashers.

WHY does someone wish to reach a conclusion regarding this persons wife?

WHY are people expressing opinions in regards to the circumstances surrounding this incident without full knowledge of the facts.

Please note, I am not talking about the incident itself, but unwarranted assumptions and conclusions, being expressed to be derisive, derogatory, and or defamatory.

What possible purpose does this serve? What benefit to the individual or anyone else?

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Agree with Aussifella

1st: money

2nd: family




99th: farang husband.

So farang with thai wifes, you know what this means.

Don't lay back and relax, have your eyes open, day and night!!

Yes, that is a good one! 1st money, 2nd family and 99th farang husband.

99 Is the best number under hundred because it contains two nines. It is connected to luck.

But maybe our Aussiefella just intends to suggest that farang husbands are not respected by their wives. And he wants to create a scale to indicate the loyalties of Thai women.

Here in Chiangrai two extremely fat Australians live (I guess with overweights of 40 and 30 kilo's). They drink (and smell) beer and cigarettes, the only words they get over their lips in an understandable way are f-words.

Lets say that they are extremely fat, ugly and rude.

Yet they found their women in Thailand.

In the day-time they sit and drink beer in the neighbourhood of the Rajabhat Institute and comment on the young female students.

They are lucky (many 9's). Their women accept their carma, their fate to survive together with these men.

But back to Aussiefella's scale. How to position your partner on that scale?

I would suggest you stand in front of a mirror.

For every kilo of your overweight you add 1 point on Aussiefella's scale.

For every year that you are older than your partner, you add halve a point.

For every point you score below hundred on a IQ-test you add two points.

For every thousand Baht you give her to fullfill her duty towards her family you can substract 1 point.

Please stop making offensive remarks about Thai women.

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Heads in sand!!!

I know a man who was married to his Thai wife for 10 years. Had a business together. Went home to attend a family death, came back 2 weeks later, couldn't reach her on the phone, went to the business premises, empty of all stock (motorbikes and over 20 of them) and the locks had been changed, went to the house found a security gaurd at the gate and wouldn't let him in. Caught up with a friend who explained his wife had got a new boyfriend (Thai) and he was no longer needed. He lost 10 million Baht to the bitch. 10 years of marriage and 2 kids. She told friends she was just waiting for the right time and opportunity to do this and it was always in her mind. NEVER TRUST THEM.

Is this autobiographical? That would explain your attitude.

What about the tens of thousands of farangs who have been married to Thai women for 10, 20, 30 years and more and who are still breathing despite not looking over their shoulder all those years to see if their wife is holding a knife.

You're usinig a pretty broad brush there.

Snark was right about the:

unwarranted assumptions and conclusions, being expressed to be derisive, derogatory, and or defamatory.

Lighten up.


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Reality check needed by so many here. One day my friends you will also become statistics if you don't wise up and protect yourselves.

And as for quoting fat Australians, what about the fat stinky Yanks, French Germans and Irish/Brits who also live out here?

Nothing wrong with beer drinking either.

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Err limbo, I got a -3. Can I bash my wife? Oop, cancel that. She's a sino-Tibetan expatriate, only Thai on paper. With that being the case, does this improve or reduce the probability of her laying me out around our 10th year of marriage? And then of course, because I am, admittedly, a real shitte to live with, such an act would be fully justified. We need to work these additional factors into the formula. Also, the showers per week factor, otherwise known as the gag reflex triggering potential.

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Maybe the reason so many people don't trust Thai women-wives is because they know that they are in a miss-match relationship from the start. Let's be honest.

Still, so what. I have a beautiful loving wife and we have our own kids, but think I'm gonna spend all my money to buy a house in her name alone? Fat chance.

What's needed to protect ones' self is a bit of common sense..the same type of common sense you should have if you were a rich old guy marrying a young trophy wife in America or Europe. DON'T put the house in her name. DON'T put her name on the business, DON'T register the cars in her name.

Regarding the whodunit - since they were married with kids for ten years, I think on balance here the suspicion should lie (as someone else said) with the American man..in Chiang Rai, computer stolen, working for a big US company. Spells S-P-Y to me, or something shady..but maybe not..maybe he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Whatever..sorry for him and his family.

Regarding the cynics..The Farang-Husband-What-Bought-It story I remember most is one a year or two ago. It was an 80+ year old German guy out on a boat in lake in his Thai wife's home province with her and about three or four of her brothers. Boat capsizes..he's the only one who drowns. Police say it's an accident. Hmm.

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What's needed to protect ones' self is a bit of common sense..the same type of common sense you should have if you were a rich old guy marrying a young trophy wife in America or Europe. DON'T put the house in her name. DON'T put her name on the business, DON'T register the cars in her name.

Well said.

Let's not start Thai-bashing over one or two incidents. It probably does happen, but that does not make all Thai women bad, nor are they the only ones who participate in that type of behavior.


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Wow, this topic has really given people the opportunity to vent some spleen, huh? Cynical Thai woman blah, blah, gullible farang man, blah, blah. Hardly earth shattering stuff. To my mind the only banker is that in a month or so, the police will come out in the papers with some witless youths who have apparently admitted to a) the murder and :o they needed the money to buy drugs. The police usually manage to saps like this.

Feel sorry for the wife, guys. She's just had her husband blown away ferchrisesakes!

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why tar everybody with the same brush?

where does the feeling that every thai wife is gonna shaft the husband for his cash come from?

some cases i've heard of about the wife pissing was because they were treated like servants and sex slaves and the husband was shagging every little bird he came across. would the wives in our own countries put up with this? no.

som nam na in my opinion.

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Surely if you are married and want a normal relationship, there comes a point where you have to trust your other half.

What kind of message are you giving your wife if after x amount of years she only owns the clothes she stands in.

If you don't trust her then don't marry her.

That is a rule for any nationality, not just Thai's.

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It is funny that the wife was not hurt but her husband killed. Could she have something to do with this? Maybe not? Just getting everybody to think. It could have been just a robbery which happens in thailand to Thai people if any of you watch the mosted wanted criminal reports. This crime does happen to Thais alot. Also , Youshouldl also mention she is an American Citizen ,but he does not have any Thai citizenship, Which is wrong and racist.

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I have been robbed numerous times in Thailand. I have also been robbed in China. Farangs are considered rich by most locals in Asia. When the average yearly salary is between 50,000-80,000 Baht, it is easy to understand why it is a temptation.

In total I was robbed of $600 in China.

I have had more than that stolen in Thailand.

I admit that partially it is my fault for not being more careful. One instance was a break-in though. They robbed a total of probably 60,000 Baht on that occasion including cameras and other equipment that they found. I was with a couple other friends so it was not all mine.

The less you trust people though the less happy you are. I had a 18,000 Baht phone stolen last month. I still have my health though. Property can be replaced.

I suggest if you find a burglar in your home, unless someone you love is there as well, leave and call the police.

Also, the USA is certainly safer than Thailand. Not sure why someone would think otherwise. Unless you are living in Oakland, Washington DC, or Compton possibly. Hmmm. OK maybe I do understand.

My guess is the wife is blameless. Blame the neighbors. Look at the Thai males 16-22 years of age within a quarter mile. You will probably find your killers.

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Agree with Aussifella

1st: money

2nd: family




99th: farang husband.

So farang with thai wifes, you know what this means.

Don't lay back and relax, have your eyes open, day and night!!

I just wonder what type of your wife is, when she rank you at 99.

I think the best for for you is to get rid of your wife, or maybe is your wife who should kick you out of Thailand, because you have to be a f#### bad husband

when ranking at 99.

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And as for quoting fat Australians, what about the fat stinky Yanks, French Germans and Irish/Brits who also live out here?

Nothing wrong with beer drinking either.

Wonder what is meant by "Nothing wrong with beer drinking either."

Does he mean beer drinking is healthy?

Does he mean beer drinking is a strong moral influence on society?

Does he mean that no one dies from alcohol abuse?

Does he mean that his beer drinking is his own business and other people should not interfere with that right, whether or not it is healthy for him and those around him?

I am guessing he means the last.

Wonder if the murderers were "beer drinking" together the night before the murder.

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Oh well, after all the speculation and name calling I've decided to continue to love and respect my young wife and adorable daughter.

I could not put a price on the happiness they bring me.

Lets hope the unfortunate window does end up with some kind of financial support following her sad loss.

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Good point loony lumar, well...

I believe the answer goes hand in hand with the old chinese belief that you must not trust your friendly bank and perhaps stash your loot in der house, right? I for one do not trust my bank, I shall not comment on names, but it must be an issue of trust don't you think?

Thaimee. :o

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Nothing wrong with keeping some cash in the house for emergencies and for those times when the bank is closed.

The trick is, don't advertise it. On the other hand, a farang in LOS is a walking advertisement in a way. Perhaps this guy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I, too, feel sorry for his wife and family and wish them well.


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Why does farangs have so much cash at home? The bank no good?

Banks in the UK are bad enough, and there is an independent system of redress there. Imagine what banks in Thailand must be like of something goes wrong?

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Victim is American "programmer" (let's assume that's all there is to it) he has a note-book PC, which whilst convenient on the move, are not the most comfortable items to use as a workstation - especially if you're a power user or gamer (I've yet to meet a programmer who didn't like the odd PC game or two).

So poor guy draws a large lump of cash out to buy a desktop / tower / whatever plus printer plus scanner etc etc. (maybe it was for a car or bike - again, whatever)

Then he remembers a game of golf previously booked and stashes the cash in the house.

Wife knows it's there and gives him an earfull about not leaving it in the bank and goes off to market with her mates, hubby goes off to golf and dosh stays in house.

Wife mouths off to her mate at the market about what a pillock hubby is for leaving so much dosh in the house.

Dodgy characters overhear and follow her home knowing hubby will be 4 - 5 hours at the golf course, then wait for wife to go off to hairdressers or wherever. She takes a while but goes and they enter house but are suprised by hubby returning.

Simple conjunctions of wrong times, wrong places.

It's plausible and could be something like that is all there is to it.

BTW - all the best lasting relationships I've witnessed are with either Thai's from the deep south or Ayutthaya / Lopburi area, or with hill tribe women (all ex farm and never worked in the bar). There seems to be something about middle class women from commercial families that kill relationships (usually starting with parental pressure that the farang isn't keeping up with the father and brothers salary-wise).

Just what I've witnessed and not tarring everyone with the same brush.


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"is that they seek security before anything else first..t

But then again, don't all women?"

Maybe some women OOO but this one in particular says "stick it where the sun don't shine, sweetie!!!", in response to that lovely comment of yours. Take care and blessed be.

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