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Another Dumb Farang Question


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I think you are right Simbo. It is the same person. The girl in Kanchanaburi says the baby is due soon and has not heard from him since he returned to the UK. All I can say is get your arse back here, forget the women in the UK and do the right thing by the girl over here. By the way Your landlord is asking if you are still coming in April and needs you to send him a deposit for the room

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I think you are right Simbo. It is the same person. The girl in Kanchanaburi says the baby is due soon and has not heard from him since he returned to the UK. All I can say is get your arse back here, forget the women in the UK and do the right thing by the girl over here. By the way Your landlord is asking if you are still coming in April and needs you to send him a deposit for the room

Don't keep us in suspense then, do tell

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I think you are right Simbo. It is the same person. The girl in Kanchanaburi says the baby is due soon and has not heard from him since he returned to the UK. All I can say is get your arse back here, forget the women in the UK and do the right thing by the girl over here. By the way Your landlord is asking if you are still coming in April and needs you to send him a deposit for the room

I know the guy in question and you are a mile of the truth, but very 10 out of 10 for effort on your post.

Please no rude comments on my freind as he his a great guy!!!

Sorry changhighlily for any offence coz theres none intended.

Chris. :o

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Tiesto I can sort of relate to you, I met a cracking girl on my first trip to Thailand last summer, spent a wicked 3 weeks with her then when I returned home to UK she told me she was off to Aussie for 4 months to visit her sister (I'd already guessed 'sister' translated to sponsor). She phoned me every day from Aussie, and still does every other day from Thailand and I've been back out and spent 2 weeks with her got back last week and was told she's engaged but doesnt want to marry. Theres 6k baht a month in it for her which isnt a lot but covers her room and food etc. IMO she is a cracking girl but I doubt very much things would ever work out unless we were together in LOS, she moaned constantly about Australia and I'd guess she'd be the same about England.

I've decided to keep girls in LOS as girls in LOS and try not to make big plans for the future with them and its working so far, was so much easier saying goodbye this time and I know I'll be seeing her in June again. If Junes the last time I see her then so be it, we'll hopefully stay in touch but like other have said Thailand is full of beautiful girls

Just be careful mate

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Tiesto I can sort of relate to you, I met a cracking girl on my first trip to Thailand last summer, spent a wicked 3 weeks with her then when I returned home to UK she told me she was off to Aussie for 4 months to visit her sister (I'd already guessed 'sister' translated to sponsor). She phoned me every day from Aussie, and still does every other day from Thailand and I've been back out and spent 2 weeks with her got back last week and was told she's engaged but doesnt want to marry. Theres 6k baht a month in it for her which isnt a lot but covers her room and food etc. IMO she is a cracking girl but I doubt very much things would ever work out unless we were together in LOS, she moaned constantly about Australia and I'd guess she'd be the same about England.

I've decided to keep girls in LOS as girls in LOS and try not to make big plans for the future with them and its working so far, was so much easier saying goodbye this time and I know I'll be seeing her in June again. If Junes the last time I see her then so be it, we'll hopefully stay in touch but like other have said Thailand is full of beautiful girls

Just be careful mate

I agree to keep them in thier home country if possible, unless they have good education and adaptive skills (not usually the case with these ladies). My comments have not been well recieved by certain ignoramuses on this forum, who have adopted the local custom of irrational thought process coupled with a high dose blind trust.

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Nice one qwertz. I think that I read before that you're from Germany. If that's that case that's an especially good pun.

Brit expat, BK, I called it Fornication Street way back when. Used to think it was crap until I saw the German soaps. Is it still running?

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Nice one qwertz. I think that I read before that you're from Germany. If that's that case that's an especially good pun.

Brit expat, BK, I called it Fornication Street way back when. Used to think it was crap until I saw the German soaps. Is it still running?

Hi i've read some of your post's and can see that you now your stuff!!! but please this is no soap! If your post about your German girlfreind was a joke then ok best you start writing for television drama! maybe you have found a new tallent that you never knew you had!

No disrespect, Chris. :o

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Nice one qwertz. I think that I read before that you're from Germany. If that's that case that's an especially good pun.

Brit expat, BK, I called it Fornication Street way back when. Used to think it was crap until I saw the German soaps. Is it still running?

Hi i've read some of your post's and can see that you now your stuff!!! but please this is no soap! If your post about your German girlfreind was a joke then ok best you start writing for television drama! maybe you have found a new tallent that you never knew you had!

No disrespect, Chris. :D

It may not be a soap, Chris, but it's all finished (according to OP). On post number 56, he updates everyone, telling us that the relationship is over. Really cannot understand why members are still offering advice or going on about the validity of this. Does no-one read anything apart from the initial post & the last one? :o

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I think you are right Simbo. It is the same person. The girl in Kanchanaburi says the baby is due soon and has not heard from him since he returned to the UK. All I can say is get your arse back here, forget the women in the UK and do the right thing by the girl over here. By the way Your landlord is asking if you are still coming in April and needs you to send him a deposit for the room

I know the guy in question and you are a mile of the truth, but very 10 out of 10 for effort on your post.

Please no rude comments on my freind as he his a great guy!!!

Sorry changhighlily for any offence coz theres none intended.

Chris. :o

No Problem Chris

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I've met and fallen in love with a girl that had got married. I'm not telling the whole story as i'll get people telling me shes a bad girl leave her etc. But I just need to know some answers. I'm living in Thailand and shes recently moved to the uk with her new husband. She calls me all the time and tells me she needs to sort her self out. Shes got a 2 year visa, which I suppose once shes been with this guy she'll have a Brititsh passport after the 2 years! She tells me she cant just leave him and come abck as this will runin her chance of ever coming back to the uk with me. I'm not sure how true this is, as surely in all marriages if they dont work out, they dont work out. Simple. If she did come back before her 2 years were up in the uk, has this runined her chance of marrying me and coming back with me, shes told me shes made a big mistake.

Were would she stand if she did come back to Thailand? I know she'd have to get a divorce but has this runied her chance of coming back with me in the future? How easy can she get a divorce and how easy would it be for her to marry and do the same thing again? If she did come back before the 2 years surely this would prove shes not doing it for a passport but just like in alot of cases the marriage hasn't worked out? I'm just lost when she tells me she needs to sort herself out.

Thanks for any replys!


No offense man but you are being played. Good luck and enjoy the ride... :o

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I've met and fallen in love with a girl that had got married. I'm not telling the whole story as i'll get people telling me shes a bad girl leave her etc. But I just need to know some answers. I'm living in Thailand and shes recently moved to the uk with her new husband. She calls me all the time and tells me she needs to sort her self out. Shes got a 2 year visa, which I suppose once shes been with this guy she'll have a Brititsh passport after the 2 years! She tells me she cant just leave him and come abck as this will runin her chance of ever coming back to the uk with me. I'm not sure how true this is, as surely in all marriages if they dont work out, they dont work out. Simple. If she did come back before her 2 years were up in the uk, has this runined her chance of marrying me and coming back with me, shes told me shes made a big mistake.

Were would she stand if she did come back to Thailand? I know she'd have to get a divorce but has this runied her chance of coming back with me in the future? How easy can she get a divorce and how easy would it be for her to marry and do the same thing again? If she did come back before the 2 years surely this would prove shes not doing it for a passport but just like in alot of cases the marriage hasn't worked out? I'm just lost when she tells me she needs to sort herself out.

Thanks for any replys!

I haven't read the whole thread so sorry if I am repeating what’s already been said but, a, what makes you so different from the guy she is with right now, and b, any woman that throws the towel in after such a short time is surely more stupid than the local village idiot, and if you follow with her then well........ need I say more?

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Nice one qwertz. I think that I read before that you're from Germany. If that's that case that's an especially good pun.

Brit expat, BK, I called it Fornication Street way back when. Used to think it was crap until I saw the German soaps. Is it still running?

Hi i've read some of your post's and can see that you now your stuff!!! but please this is no soap! If your post about your German girlfreind was a joke then ok best you start writing for television drama! maybe you have found a new tallent that you never knew you had!

No disrespect, Chris. :D

It may not be a soap, Chris, but it's all finished (according to OP). On post number 56, he updates everyone, telling us that the relationship is over. Really cannot understand why members are still offering advice or going on about the validity of this. Does no-one read anything apart from the initial post & the last one? :o

Sorry NR, some of us refuse to read hours of ramblings for nothing :D

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Nice one qwertz. I think that I read before that you're from Germany. If that's that case that's an especially good pun.

Brit expat, BK, I called it Fornication Street way back when. Used to think it was crap until I saw the German soaps. Is it still running?

Hi i've read some of your post's and can see that you now your stuff!!! but please this is no soap! If your post about your German girlfreind was a joke then ok best you start writing for television drama! maybe you have found a new tallent that you never knew you had!

No disrespect, Chris. :D

It may not be a soap, Chris, but it's all finished (according to OP). On post number 56, he updates everyone, telling us that the relationship is over. Really cannot understand why members are still offering advice or going on about the validity of this. Does no-one read anything apart from the initial post & the last one? :o

Sorry Chris and NR, no offense taken. Of course my little anecdote (all true but admittedly with all the makings of a teledrama) had nothing to do with the OP's dilemma. I was just drawing a comparison from one of my own epic failed romantic forays and was aware that his affaire de coeur was already history. I was merely thinking aloud and stating that these relationships usually start by thinking with the wrong part of the anatomy and almost always end in tears.

Edited by qwertz
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millions of single thai woman about and you want another mans wife LOL

she tells you what you want to hear- i dont love my husband etc

when she leaves him for you maybe in a years time she will leave you for someone

rule number 1 - dont play with married woman because you would not like it done to you

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