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Attacked With A Cleaver


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KerryK the Pattaya Bukowski.

He does write, but he's not a writer.

I didn't like Bukowski the first time around, and I don't like Pattaya sex tourists / sex pats.

But, keep it up Kerry, this drivel is indeed what the forum is for. Subjectively, it's on a par with the so called "intellectual thinkers forums" on this site.

Just out of curiosity, how much of my stuff have you read? Pattaya is a one of a kind place. Just my opinion of course but the difference between sex pats and ex pats is one is telling the truth. I have a love hate relationship with Pattaya but I can certainly understand why a normal person would not like it. Ginsberg and Burroughs and Joyce and many others of the same generation and leanings would have loved it.

I can also understand why you would not like anyone who lived in Pattaya. I post on another site that is job specific from the US. When I began posting some of my experiences from Thailand I was amazed at the animosity shown by people who have never lived here from other places in the world. There is almost a universal dislike of ex pats living in Thailand. The rest of the world assumes they are all sex pats and pedophiles.

Stereotyping is rampant. All bar girls aren't bad and all good girls aren't good. All sex pats are not immoral and people who never pay for it may not be moral at all.

True. But that doesn't make you OK, does it?


So you are the judge of who is OK and who is not?

Have you done any stoning lately?

Fair point too.

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I'd like to stone chuchok given half the chance. Are their any women here?

"No, No"

"No, No"

Just because I don't respect people that spend their time in Pattaya sex bars, pimp out the girlfriend and her daughter, then choose to write about it and broadcast it here, doesn't mean that I want to be the judge and jury.

(I can only speak to one of you at a time and I choose your alter-ego)

So what's your point?

Are we only allowed to read, agree with you and think what a great guy you are?

Edited by jasreeve17
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I bet they drop your name too. :o

Anyhow spice the story up a bit, turn the worm. :D

Gee, I hope not they are both dead.

Good point and also conveniant for you.

Anyhow you are not really a good writer, if the story is supposed to be a possible scenario it lacks reality, it has inconsistencies and the only draw is that it was put across as an appeal that fooled some good natured posters, it's mildly entertaining when you see it for what it is, but really it's no better than a practical joke.

I guess if you we're any good you wouldn't be putting your material on an internet forum.

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Little said

Gratification for one

Information non existent

Information none

Entertainment none[/size]

Stick to the priest and nun jokes Ivan

Great Reply & you have increased your "Post" count considerably,

Hope you have also resolved your personal conflicts?



Leave the sticky priest/nun alone

Edited by IvanLaw
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"Attacked With A Cleaver, Is it that easy to get put in jail in Pattaya"

This was the OP's topic but it has gone completely beserk and also completely :o ...not in the least by the OP himself...


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I do hate it though when people start on the stereotypical sexpat BS. :o

Yep, ditto.

As for kerryk, well i don't know whether it's made up bullsh1t or not but to be honest, i'm enjoying reading the thread. Cheaper than buying a book :D Keep it up kerry

As far as i am concerned, the world is made up of many a different type of person and just because someone doesn't fall into the "bubble" i was brought up in, doesn't mean his way of life is wrong. Barring anything illegal, it just means his way of life is different.

Edited by mrbojangles
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Read some of the Stickie submissions, makes me laugh, he sits around tourist bars in a major tourist town like Pattaya, but describes it like he's living on the very edge, almost a second Vietnam experience! :o

In one month in one bar on a street in Pattaya I have been charged by one crazy elephant, three motorcycles, 6 drunk Englishmen, one drunk Dane, witnessed three fight with machete wielding motorcycle drivers and one shooting. This is significantly more action than I saw in Vietnam in one month.

Oh kerryk It is no wonder that you get the ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZs because what you write is a load of rubbish and I fear that it comes from a person who has no grasp of reality, or pretends that he can fool the majority of the readers here.

Just take the above for example. Do you really think that any of us who have a long connection with Pattaya believe that this has happened to you?

Of course not it is pure fantasy and designed by you to create interest and aimed at the less experienced Pattaya visitors or expats and to satisfy your ego that you can write.

Your fiction may be interesting to those who have a poor knowledge of the subject being written about or who confuse fantasy with reality but if you feel that your childish ramblings fool people who know Pattaya well then I fear that it is your small brain that needs to be examined by a good shrink.

The art of a Good fiction writer is to hold the audience in awe and anticipation right to the end, not to show the readers that you are a baffoon in the first thread.

Edited by Pattaya_Fox
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Just take the above for example. Do you really think that any of us who have a long connection with Pattaya believe that this has happened to you?

Oh, I don't know if he witnessed them all or not foxxy. But i have personally seen the crazed elephant, drunken fights, countless motorbike crashes and although i haven't personally seen the machete fights and shootings, those type of incidents are in the paper's enough.

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Just take the above for example. Do you really think that any of us who have a long connection with Pattaya believe that this has happened to you?

Oh, I don't know if he witnessed them all or not foxxy. But i have personally seen the crazed elephant, drunken fights, countless motorbike crashes and although i haven't personally seen the machete fights and shootings, those type of incidents are in the paper's enough.

Unfortunately mrbo thats what kerryk does he takes press stories and sensational snippets and puts them together and makes out that it has all happened to him!

Pure fantasy trying to create silly stories for his own strange satisfaction :o

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Pity the elephant missed...

Missed who? Me or him :D

Just take the above for example. Do you really think that any of us who have a long connection with Pattaya believe that this has happened to you?

Oh, I don't know if he witnessed them all or not foxxy. But i have personally seen the crazed elephant, drunken fights, countless motorbike crashes and although i haven't personally seen the machete fights and shootings, those type of incidents are in the paper's enough.

Unfortunately mrbo thats what kerryk does he takes press stories and sensational snippets and puts them together and makes out that it has all happened to him!

Pure fantasy trying to create silly stories for his own strange satisfaction :o

Yeah, i think you probably right foxxy :D:D

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Jasreeve seemed to have got his knickers in a twist. :D

I do hate it though when people start on the stereotypical sexpat BS. :o

Maybe you do, but whilst greater Pattaya and the Eastern Seaboard is a nice place. Pattaya is the biggest sexpat area in the World, it's very sad and very pathetic. Whilst looking around the place myself recently (not Pattaya, but the first couple of shi##y beach roads) I noticed the most horrible forms of stereotypes. I'll tell you about one 30 minute trip:-

I walked out of my hotel and into a shop to have a look at the tee-shirts. Two scousers walked in (I was trying not to stereotype) with two very young looking Thai girls. The scousers were slipping their hands down the girls clothing in the middle of the shop while everybody else was trying not to look. They were both horribly drunk at 3pm. I won't continue the story, but you can imagine - very stereotypical. Then I jumped into the back of a baht bus, just to go around the route and have a look at the place. I had to get out more quickly than I wanted, as a London guy (like me) phucked up over the seats and kinda fell asleep on it - not 3:15pm yet. Then I went to sit down in the quietest bar that I could find. After less than 10 minutes 2 fat ugly old guys, who were speaking German, and must have been at least 60 years old each, strolled in with 2 tiny teenage Thai girl and proceeded to finger them at the bar, whilst smiling at me. I strolled back to my hotel. After that I chose to avoid the sexpat / sex tourist areas and Pattaya has some nice areas.

Now I don't want to stereotype, but, these stereotypes exist and are disgusting. I see you rant about airports, corruption, over pricing, rudeness, etc, and quite rightly so. But the stereotype sexpat is BS. Really.

There is a reason why 99% of the known World sneers at the sound of "Pattaya".

(slight exageration perhaps, but you get the idea)

As for my knickers in a twist. I think you're right. I've been reading this thread over the last week or two and I don't read all nine pages everytime. I must have missed a page today, sorry. You must admit that it is strange to start a thread then give snippets of a story and change them as the thread develops. Pretty dishonest and bound to make people look silly. Kinda pointless too.

There are a lot of liars in this forum, and others that deceive themselves. The combination of the two is particularly strange.

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Just take the above for example. Do you really think that any of us who have a long connection with Pattaya believe that this has happened to you?

Oh, I don't know if he witnessed them all or not foxxy. But i have personally seen the crazed elephant, drunken fights, countless motorbike crashes and although i haven't personally seen the machete fights and shootings, those type of incidents are in the paper's enough.

Unfortunately mrbo thats what kerryk does he takes press stories and sensational snippets and puts them together and makes out that it has all happened to him!

Pure fantasy trying to create silly stories for his own strange satisfaction :o

Ok, I am off of my defensive bit.

Some people like my writing and some don’t. Up to you.

When I was much younger I received some critical acclaim but it has been a while. I considered the responsibilities of having four daughters more important than my fledgling literary career and switched to a business that was sure to feed my family. I did that and the kids are all raised and employed or married and not my financial responsibility any more.

I wrote a couple of things that I thought were good. I thought my best piece was a short story titled “The Princess of Patpong.” My readers however chose another about a person that I thought was a male who turned out to be a female (only in Thailand).

I really have enjoyed the response to my (what I thought was a simple question) original post. The direction of the thread has taken a course that I had no idea it would take.

I have just returned from the club where my Gf, her daughter and our roommate work. It is one of the busiest Go Go’s in town but was slow tonight for a Saturday. Coincidentally they were all dancing on the stage at the same time. As I looked at them I burst out laughing. They are so modest at home the irony of them dancing with less clothes than it takes to make a Q tip seemed to me very humorous.

I really wish I could make up stuff. But I am not very good at that.

I just record the things that happen to me and tone them down a bit so I won’t offend the sensitive.

As far as anyone wanting to check the veracity of my posts, fine with me.

Put 5000 baht on the table and I will take you on a tour of Pattaya. Not only will we see everything I have written about but I will include a side of Pattaya that few Farangs ever see. You can see female farang sexpats and female Thai sex mongers and just about anything else you want to see.

So you doubters put your money where your mouth is.

I was thinking about my statements about the elephant (he really did almost trample me while I was relaxing having a Tiger beer) and the other altercations that have happened at that bar. So I moved to a new bar just opened by a friend of mine.

It is in a nice quiet area and mostly frequented by older English people. I will try and condense this, but girl drives up on motor bike. She is 23 and wearing a small red top and red mini shorts. She sees a 70 year old man in bar with another 20 something girl. She stops motor bike and attacks girl in bar. Who punches her in the mouth. Girl in red goes out of bar and gets on motor bike and runs over 70 year old man and his companion. She also hits two parked bikes and a couple of other blokes and she flips over handlebars and lands on her head which causes profuse bleeding (not kidding here she was bleeding like a stuck pig).

I try and help her stop the bleeding and the 70 year old guy takes a swing at me. He misses and falls down and cracks his head open. At this point I go back to the other bar because charging elephants are really not so bad.

I assume Pattaya Fox you actually live in Pattaya and are not a wanna be expat. Message me. I will take you anytime. The truth of what I have written is readily checkable. I know we are not going to like each other but heck give me a call I can put up with almost anyone for a few hours.

Yes Pattaya Fox this is a direct challenge. Kind of like pistols at dawn. I have slapped you in the face with my literary glove. Put up or shut up. Or send your seconds. I love a night out anyway. Looking forward to hear from you.

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Jasreeve seemed to have got his knickers in a twist. :D

I do hate it though when people start on the stereotypical sexpat BS. :o

Maybe you do, but whilst greater Pattaya and the Eastern Seaboard is a nice place. Pattaya is the biggest sexpat area in the World, it's very sad and very pathetic. Whilst looking around the place myself recently (not Pattaya, but the first couple of shi##y beach roads) I noticed the most horrible forms of stereotypes. I'll tell you about one 30 minute trip:-

I walked out of my hotel and into a shop to have a look at the tee-shirts. Two scousers walked in (I was trying not to stereotype) with two very young looking Thai girls. The scousers were slipping their hands down the girls clothing in the middle of the shop while everybody else was trying not to look. They were both horribly drunk at 3pm. I won't continue the story, but you can imagine - very stereotypical. Then I jumped into the back of a baht bus, just to go around the route and have a look at the place. I had to get out more quickly than I wanted, as a London guy (like me) phucked up over the seats and kinda fell asleep on it - not 3:15pm yet. Then I went to sit down in the quietest bar that I could find. After less than 10 minutes 2 fat ugly old guys, who were speaking German, and must have been at least 60 years old each, strolled in with 2 tiny teenage Thai girl and proceeded to finger them at the bar, whilst smiling at me. I strolled back to my hotel. After that I chose to avoid the sexpat / sex tourist areas and Pattaya has some nice areas.

Now I don't want to stereotype, but, these stereotypes exist and are disgusting. I see you rant about airports, corruption, over pricing, rudeness, etc, and quite rightly so. But the stereotype sexpat is BS. Really.

There is a reason why 99% of the known World sneers at the sound of "Pattaya".

(slight exageration perhaps, but you get the idea)

As for my knickers in a twist. I think you're right. I've been reading this thread over the last week or two and I don't read all nine pages everytime. I must have missed a page today, sorry. You must admit that it is strange to start a thread then give snippets of a story and change them as the thread develops. Pretty dishonest and bound to make people look silly. Kinda pointless too.

There are a lot of liars in this forum, and others that deceive themselves. The combination of the two is particularly strange.

You know what I think is disgusting?

Not that you care.

But what I think is disgusting was watching my father go to the gas station to get cash from his gas credit card so he could go out and have a drink because his wife would not give him any money. Dad went for gas every day.

Dad worked hard all of his life and mom worked hard to spend his money. She even worked hard at spending at a beauty shop that was later busted for male prostitution.

Kids know.

I lived in Florida the retirement capital of the world. People retire there from all over the world. I even managed a retirement center for millionaires for 8 years.

You know what was disgusting about that?

The men were forbidden to smoke on the premises. The men were forbidden to offer the nurses money for sex. Mr. Timoshenko (holder of 27 oil patents and escapee from a prison camp in WW II and holder of 12 earned and honorary degrees) offered a nurse 5 thousand dollars to take a shower with him and he almost got kicked out of the nursing home.

David Truman, advisor to Presidents, hero of WWII, President of two well known universities told me not to call a nurse when he was ill because he wanted to die. I asked why. He said I just can’t take my wife bitching at me another day.

Jasreeve, I think you have no idea what it is like to be an old man. It is awful in the West. It is painful it is demeaning. When you get there you will know.

I know a 65 year old man who is always accompanied by two 20 year old Thai women. He is a cripple. His legs are deformed and barely function. He can’t have sex. The girls are hired to help him with the daily functions of life. When he goes out he makes sexual gestures towards the women to make himself feel a little better about having lost his sexual function years ago. He is a male and has a male ego. When out with other males he feels equal by having such beautiful and loving companions even though he pays them. He is not bitter about his condition. Thailand has saved his life. He is supporting about 30 Thai people in Issan.

I am a friend of Ruth Beebe Hill. She is an author. She is not a very nice person. She has an American Indian companion whom I like very much. I asked him why he was pandering to her and letting her pervert so much American Indian history. He told me, “Walk a mile in my moccasins before you judge me.”

I would suggest the same to you.

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Kerry, Thanks for your answer I'll ponder it further.

But my initial thoughts are:-

1) With age comes responsibility, one of which is to not suck the life out of other people just because you have developed problems in your old age. It might be nice for an old man to fiddle around with a teenage girl. It might also be nice for an old tribal leader to kill a young baby, eat it's heart and thus prolong his own life (in their mind) - but it's not right.

(I like to exagerate my examples, but I feel in good company doing this!)

2) With money comes power, and with that power comes further responsibility. It's very easy to see the corrupting force of power living in this neck of the woods. It exists at governmental level and down to the smallest areas in society. The sex trade in Pattaya is based on using power over others, because you can. - I can too, but I choose not to. I'd rather empower.

Your words attempt to justify your actions without considering basic respect for and responsibility to others. It's easy to get support for your ideas on this forum, due to the people that are here and read it, but that doesn't make you right.

And actually I do care ,about you and others, equally (not wanting to sound like a bloody christian). You are the person that doesn't care, in my opinion.

It's very easy to read your threads and come to the conclusion that you have issues. Me too, we all have, but they're degrees of issues and saying that you've had a tough life doesn't justify your actions. Though it's clear that you are constantly looking for sympathy. I sympathize, but not too much, as you have the ability to control your actions, your life, and how you affect others.

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With age comes responsibility, one of which is to not suck the life out of other people just because you have developed problems in your old age. It might be nice for an old man to fiddle around with a teenage girl. It might also be nice for an old tribal leader to kill a young baby, eat it's heart and thus prolong his own life (in their mind) - but it's not right.

I guess that PCP really does destroy minds. :D

Guess what; there is absolutely no correlation between having consensual sex with another adult and killing someone except in your wet dreams. Puritanical porno! :o

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With age comes responsibility, one of which is to not suck the life out of other people just because you have developed problems in your old age. It might be nice for an old man to fiddle around with a teenage girl. It might also be nice for an old tribal leader to kill a young baby, eat it's heart and thus prolong his own life (in their mind) - but it's not right.

I guess that PCP really does destroy minds. :D

Guess what; there is absolutely no correlation between having consensual sex with another adult and killing someone except in your wet dreams. Puritanical porno! :o

UG - A high percentage of your mails are about going to bars and having sex. Usually laddish quips about how you'd "give her one". You do make it clear what camp you fall into. You even managed to get "wet dreams" into this reply. Well done, you're a hero.

You seem to be akin to people I left England to avoid. You know, the group at the pub drinking and shouting at the barmaid "come on luv, have a look at this sausage." When she tells you to Pi55 off, they turn to their mates and say "must me a farking lezzie!".

I notice you managed another such comment to a middle eastern lady, who was asking a question about perceptions. Your reply probably upset her quite a lot. What's your answer? Probably something like - "If she doesn't like it she shouldn't play with the big boys, ha ha."

It's very easy to bully people over the keyboard, but it shows very little self respect or self responsibility. As we'd say to Kermit - you're a muppet!

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jasreeeve the only thing you are proving here is your immaturity, your naievety and your predjudices, on all three counts you are in the minority here, the people you left Uk to get away from would probably constitute 99% of the population judging by your overinflated morals.

People come here for companionship in what ever form that may take, but it is not only prostitution and you are stereotyping Thai women by thinking so, good weather, low prices and believe it or not a sense of community that you don't get back home.

I would say you should reconsider your view of the majority of people here before you end up bitter and alienated.

The majority of prostitution, including child prostitution, is carried out behind closed doors in every Thai town for Thai men, and was prevelant in Thailand long before the modern wave of Foreigners got here.

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jasreeeve the only thing you are proving here is your immaturity, your naievety and your predjudices, on all three counts you are in the minority here, the people you left Uk to get away from would probably constitute 99% of the population judging by your overinflated morals.

People come here for companionship in what ever form that may take, but it is not only prostitution and you are stereotyping Thai women by thinking so, good weather, low prices and believe it or not a sense of community that you don't get back home.

I would say you should reconsider your view of the majority of people here before you end up bitter and alienated.

The majority of prostitution, including child prostitution, is carried out behind closed doors in every Thai town for Thai men, and was prevelant in Thailand long before the modern wave of Foreigners got here.


You have misunderstood my meaning, your presumption that I'm discussing most people here. I am not, I'm talking about a small amount of people that choose to spend their time in about half a dozen streets in Pattaya. KerryK makes it clear that this is his "domain", hence why it's being discussed in this forum. Again, it's up to those people and I don't wish to change them. However, when they try to justify it as normal, I simply cannot agree.

Yes, I may be stereotyping the Thai women that work in this specific area. The whole area itself holds true to a very ugly stereotype. If you cannot see this, or attempt to defend it, then I'm sorry but we just differ.

To say that 99% of people here are like Londonite, drunk sexist morons, is simply untrue.

Your last couple of sentences are looking like an attempt to justify something that is illegal. Why would you do that?

I understand that the ideals that we have and the reality of the World are very different - which I think is your point. I just think that we should try to uphold some ideals and morals, rather than accept all the bad things that we see.

Again you take the tack of calling someone naive, it's easy to do, but whilst I wouldn't call yourself or KerryK naive, I just disagree with your acceptance of society's problems.

True, I'm a bit sad and a bit embittered, but look around you, does the suffering of others not upset you a little?

There are alot of selfish people around, and I dislike them.

Edited by jasreeve17
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Jasreeve, I have answered your post by highlighting my my text within your post.

jasreeeve the only thing you are proving here is your immaturity, your naievety and your predjudices, on all three counts you are in the minority here, the people you left Uk to get away from would probably constitute 99% of the population judging by your overinflated morals.

People come here for companionship in what ever form that may take, but it is not only prostitution and you are stereotyping Thai women by thinking so, good weather, low prices and believe it or not a sense of community that you don't get back home.

I would say you should reconsider your view of the majority of people here before you end up bitter and alienated.

The majority of prostitution, including child prostitution, is carried out behind closed doors in every Thai town for Thai men, and was prevelant in Thailand long before the modern wave of Foreigners got here.


You have misunderstood my meaning, your presumption that I'm discussing most people here. I am not, I'm talking about a small amount of people that choose to spend their time in about half a dozen streets in Pattaya. KerryK makes it clear that this is his "domain", hence why it's being discussed in this forum. Again, it's up to those people and I don't wish to change them. However, when they try to justify it as normal, I simply cannot agree.

What's abnormal? The oldest profession in the world? Some guys, and now even ladies, need an outlet for their very human needs.

KerryK is an obvious wind up merchant who enjoys blurring the lines between true and false, right and wrong, not only in the fiction that he writes, but in his own life too.

Yes, I may be stereotyping the Thai women that work in this specific area. The whole area itself holds true to a very ugly stereotype. If you cannot see this, or attempt to defend it, then I'm sorry but we just differ.

Yes we differ, obviously. The world is not black and white though, but many shades of grey. I am not defending Pattaya as such, merely pointing out that you protest too much about something you are clearly unknowledgeble of.

To say that 99% of people here are like Londonite, drunk sexist morons, is simply untrue.

Plus your obviously very predjudiced, I'm from London, why would use that as a derogatory term? drunk?, sexist?, morons?

Do want some help digging that hole?

Your last couple of sentences are looking like an attempt to justify something that is illegal. Why would you do that?

Not justifying anything, certainly not child prostitution, I'm just trying to show that there is much more than meets the eye, and that your hatred of 'sexpats' is immature and misguided. You think everything outside of Pattaya is great and it is Pattaya that is a blot on Thailands lanscape, you are so far from the truth, there are much, much worse things going on, at least in Pattaya it is consentual.

I understand that the ideals that we have and the reality of the World are very different - which I think is your point. I just think that we should try to uphold some ideals and morals, rather than accept all the bad things that we see.

Don't mistake your predjudice for morals. There are many bad things in this world and many of them start with predjudice and hatred.

Again you take the tack of calling someone naive, it's easy to do, but whilst I wouldn't call yourself or KerryK naive, I just disagree with your acceptance of society's problems.

I don't accept societies problems, I just don't see Pattaya as a problem and I don't see the vast majority of expats and tourists here as a problem.

yes it can be viewed as immoral, but there aren't really a lot of illegal activites going on there, and there are far more moral problems going on in other countries including the UK. Would you shut down prostitution? Where would that lead men to release their sexual frustration?

In the north of Thailand there are brothels with underage girls smuggled in from Lao and Cambodia, because thats what some Thai men like, that is immoral, there is no consent, no life and no benefit for those girls.

True, I'm a bit sad and a bit embittered, but look around you, does the suffering of others not upset you a little?

There are alot of selfish people around, and I dislike them.

I think it easy to point out the obvious with regards to Pattaya, in a way it is easier than looking at some of the deeper causes.

The world is a very selfish place and greed can make Pattaya feel very hard edged, but we all have choice as to where we go and who we meet.

Personally most of the people I meet outside of my home country are some of the best peolple I've ever met. I'm just careful of where i choose to mix with them and as open minded as I can be to other peoples choices.

Edited by Robski
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Robski, again you make some good points.

KerryK is a wind up merchant and enjoys blurring the lines. I suspect that we probably both live in the grey area, and you've taken out of context my thoughts on beachside Pattaya, and disrespect for a person like Kerry's character.

To suggest that I have no knowledge of something, is just wrong. But most of your views are valid, so I'll pass that one by. I also don't think that it's wrong to protest. Quite the opposite, it's a basic requirement for the functioning of society. Though, that doesn't mean that I'm correct with my protest, and in the context of a society I don't have to be correct. It's right to question society and it's mechanisms.

Yes, there are greater problems in the World and in Thailand. To spend too much time worrying about this issue and ignoring more significant issues would be stupid and irresponsible, but I'm on this thread, talking about this thread ,solely.

Your last paragraph is correct, but this thred is solely about superficial KerryK type activities.

You're convinced about my prejudices. Perhaps I've come over in a way that I didn't mean too, whilst attempting to lambast KerryK's alter-ego's ideals. I'm so far from perfect, that whilst I have ideals that I try to adhere to, I don't actually pre-judge others. If that was done to me I'd have been locked up a long time ago... I simply told a true story about thirty minutes spent in the Pattaya sexpat zone - as per the key idea of this thread.

I suspect that in reality I have done things many times worse than KerryK's alter-ego, but with age and maturity, I've stopped doing those types of things and try to have a more positive effect on society.

Can I leave you with one last thought, please:-

I remember my grandfather. He worked for the local council all of his life, he was hardworking and honest. As he got older his life was not perfect, but he kept his ideals and had a positive influence on society. - I have a lot of respect for a man like that. I'd like to strive to be similar.

KerryK's alter-ego, by his description, has a negative influence on society. I have no respect for a man like that. I do not want to be like that.

That's all that I am trying to say.

Thank you for taking the time for you in depth reply.


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Thankyou for your reply Jasreeve,

I think we probably have more in common than not, and we should, like gentlemen, agree to

dis-agree on our differences, in fact I've seen many of your posts and find you quite articulate and amusing.

KerryK has acheived his goals in this thread and I'm sure it will rumble on for some time.

I guess I should learn to accept the image that many people have of Pattaya, I'm not so much a butterfly as a moth to the flame and have had some great times in Pattaya and met some great people there and through this forum.

See you out there.

Kind regards.

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Thankyou for your reply Jasreeve,

I think we probably have more in common than not, and we should, like gentlemen, agree to

dis-agree on our differences, in fact I've seen many of your posts and find you quite articulate and amusing.

KerryK has acheived his goals in this thread and I'm sure it will rumble on for some time.

I guess I should learn to accept the image that many people have of Pattaya, I'm not so much a butterfly as a moth to the flame and have had some great times in Pattaya and met some great people there and through this forum.

See you out there.

Kind regards.

Cheers Robski,

I'm very happy for my thought process to be challenged, and you've done that very well. One of the nice things about this forum, is the different people and how we can benefit from their experiences. Part of a never ending growing process. I'll take your comments on board.

Thanks, Jason

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