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The house behind ours their property backs on to ours with a 6 foot wall between properties.Builders are extending at the back of the house behind us how close to our house can they build a wall for what I think is a Thai kitchen or utility room they have built a wall which is less than 30cm from the wall between our 2 properties is this a legal building.I am unsure about this being legit.The owner of the property is not living in the property yet.


Legal or otherwise, building right up to the wall seems pretty common here.

I think you’ll likely start a sh*t-storm with a neighbor that you cannot win, even if they end up altering their plans.

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Yup ^^^.


Regulations, smegulations!


The one regulation you may be able to enforce is that the run-off from their roof must not land on your property.


It might be an idea to get the missus to have a chat with the builders and snatch a look at the plans (assuming there are plans of course).


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I believe technically half the wall belongs to you so they can only build to the middle of the wall. Most of the "posh" outdoor kitchens I have seen have gutter abutting the wall and the roof behind that. 

Likely they will do that to maximize their space. If they are not living their yet go and talk politely to the foreman of the builder doing the work. he will happily tell you what they are doing 


Nothing new

But I am amazed they left a 30 cm gap

I'm in a new Moo Baan (right in the middle of Korat ) behind the Mall


Neighbour on left - Extended to fence with window on my side & all the way around back

         "        behind - Ok, just awning in 1 corner

        "        on right -  Ok, as he went to his right & the rear

        "  across road - all came out to fence

& as mentioned the only criteria was that they controlled the run off


It still bewilders me as to why they don't buy a bigger property (that may still not help )

Most these people like living in their house & have minimal yard space. Just the front bit for the car & their washing (that's if they don't have to push their clothes hanger out onto the street )


From what I see, on the Moobahn I live, the norm is to build right up to halfway across the dividing wall or fence.
The house which backs onto mine did exactly this to create an outside kitchen . I don’t see any issues with this and we did the same thing.

Of course, guttering needs to be in place for water run off and if there isn’t and rainwater does land on your property you do have a case but I think the best course of action would be a polite word with the builder or owner.


what about the gap they left where they put their wall 30 cm from the adjoining 6ft high wall bordering our properties if this gets damp in it or rubbish maybe rodents or catches fire would this be a health hazard or safety issue.

29 minutes ago, Davejf2017 said:

what about the gap they left where they put their wall 30 cm from the adjoining 6ft high wall bordering our properties if this gets damp in it or rubbish maybe rodents or catches fire would this be a health hazard or safety issue.

Probably, for them.


Any nasties should stay on their side of the wall.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

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