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Video: Round the bend in more ways than one - driver in lucky escape!


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7 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

The truck driver needs shooting... this is attempted murder !... 


OK.. thats somewhat of an exaggeration...  But there is no way this truck driver is unaware that the end result of this stupid blind overtake is that he could end up killing an innocent person or family. 


These actions really do need punishing to the most severe extent of the law. 

This is not simply dangerous driving, its attempted manslaughter. 

Law and thailand: oxymoron

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Nothing new here, truck drivers may tick one or more of the following excuses:

1: In a hurry to get to temple.

2: Drunk or on Yabba

3: Tired and overworked

4: No brakes/brake failure

5: Generally angry

6: Important social networking duties

7: Already in the runner position

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I have been in situations like this one several times, but normally it was a bus instead of a truck who forced me off the road. But in over 20 years/500,000 km on Thai roads I have just been collecting memories. (Knock on wood)

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Normal occurrence for me on my bike on rural roads especially in the mountains. I have often wondered why the majority of drivers here find it impossible to stay on the correct side of the road going round bends, even the gentle ones.

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10 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


I reckon he/she was awesome... Didn't flinch, no touch on the brakes, no dramatic over compensation..

Smooth as you like ?

..like an every day happening.

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1 hour ago, LGMV said:

it seems the licence plate of this murderer-to-be was pixelled out? 

Welcome to Thailand: Home to the protection of the guilty and the prosecution of those who out them. 

Edited by connda
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1 hour ago, ianwheldale said:

Normal occurrence for me on my bike on rural roads especially in the mountains. I have often wondered why the majority of drivers here find it impossible to stay on the correct side of the road going round bends, even the gentle ones.

I've come to the conclusion that the lines are either totally invisible to the average Thai - or - they consider them to simply be 'road decorations' and MoT public art.  Probably the latter.  The blood stains and police paint markings on the road?  More road art.  Thai taxes at work for the amusement of the unconscious Thai driving public! 

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6 hours ago, Borzandy said:

Nobody is dead, so the police do nothing

Absolutely correct. Nothing in it for them. 

To collect insurance, police need to sign off. For a fee. 

Lost 2 friends in road accidents the last year and a friend's mother-in-law (killed while riding her bicycle down a country lane by a 14 yr old on a motorcycle).

In all cases, police demanded a "cut"  up front to complete the police report or no insurance payout. As well, acted as "broker" to reach a settlement between both parties. Also for a "fee."

Fender benders - the cops dont bother. Nothing in it for them. 


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12 hours ago, bannork said:

Notice also how the hard shoulder peters out just in front of the car driver after he took evasive action. If he had been a few seconds earlier he might have had nowhere to go but the bushes.

I can't make out the licence plate on that truck, but if the police can they should take that potential murderer to court and strip him of his licence for 10 years.

Hmm,...he would continue to drive without a licence...TIT, This Is Thailand !! Remember !?!?

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22 hours ago, YetAnother said:

and notice in the clip what the idiot truck driver was attempting; passing Two large trucks at once, the dash cam footage showed his attempted pass was Nowhere near complete at the time of the near crash

No foreigner involved here there will be no action taken guaranteed 

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9 hours ago, Thian said:

Well done filming this, now it's time the police arrests the driver and punish him hard.

Yes well done, Now that we have dash-cam footage of the incident and although the number plate is blurred I'm sure an expert would be able to reveal the plate and then we could prosecute the owner and hence the driver of the vehicle.  Whoops!! sorry vehicle not registered driver not licenced how silly of me to think up these bright ideas so early in the day

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10 hours ago, a977 said:

Yes well done, Now that we have dash-cam footage of the incident and although the number plate is blurred I'm sure an expert would be able to reveal the plate and then we could prosecute the owner and hence the driver of the vehicle.  Whoops!! sorry vehicle not registered driver not licenced how silly of me to think up these bright ideas so early in the day

In BKK i see a motobike without licenseplate every 2 minutes and a car without them every 8 minutes.


That's fine for the Thai though, they even don't see it i bet.

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It's a problem in Thailand that trucks and buses tailgate each other so that an overtaking vehicle often does not know prior to beginning an overtake, thsat there might be 2 or 3 double-trailer vehicles to be overtaken at the same time. Complicated by the fact that many Thai drivers habituall overtake on hill brows or blind curves where the oncoming traffic just can't be seen, this creates a very dangerous situation, which I see literally every day while driving in Thailand..


A truck tailgating another truck ought to be a license-losing offence (yes, I know, 60 % of Thai licenses are either fraudulent or don't exist but I'm not sure about truck -riving licences).


Add that to the number of times you can follow a bus or truck up a hill with them in the middle of the lane and doing 20kph or 30kph speaks to the lack of training drivers get, and that's another government matter that Prayuth feels free to completely ignore.


Are there laybies where slow-moving trucks can pull over and let following traffic overtake? I've never seen one. That's a road design (government) issue as well, always assuming that the ministers are less incompetent than most people in Thailand seem to be.


In Thailand, it really does seem that every aspect of what ought to be a civilised and sophisticated country is completely bolloxed up, and Thais in general  don't even realise it because they're rarely taught about anything outside of Thailand ( by design), where many times things are done less incompetently..It's a tragedy really what the wealthy people in Thailand do to Thais just to look after their own interests.

Edited by KiwiKiwi
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