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Reforms will take time to yield results, says Prayut


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A speech so note worthy if he was English he would have a peerage before the ink was dry .

Back in the real world arms for the army and arms full of bling for the elite is still the only priority. 

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The trouble is Thailand is growing fast at 5% But the wealth is not shared It is shared by the people who put this junta into power. I might be Blind but I see ordinary Thai people getting poorer and poorer. Look at the wage case. I can't remember what rise the workers got but it was pitiful and the fat cats in Bangkok cried like a baby like you took their milk bottle from them. When he says it will take time for these reforms to go through my question is What reforms?


How to buy watches reform?

how to launder money in your bank accounts?

How to go on overseas junkets and spend all the Thais people you want?

Buy mansions the easy way for yourself reform?

How to stop people holding meetings about reform?

How to stop people expressing their point of view reform

How to strangle the media reform?


How to stay in power and when not even elected reform?


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9 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

a war to fight for water"


So THAT'S why he bought those Subs!   Genius! 



So this will be one of Prayut's delay tactics re. an 'election'? Weather wars! 'We cannot hold an election now,' he will say. 'There is catastrophic shortage of water [despite it raining buckets as he speaks!] and your Government must protect you from this problem. When there is weather peace and no problems with rain and water - we will think about an election in accordance with Thai-niyom. But now - your Government must set to work to save lives of Thai people. Or do you want bad men to return to Thailand and make weather situation worse??'

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Reforms will take time to yield results, says Prayut

Well, Mr PM, if you don't start moving a lot quicker on reforms then it is going to be one hell of a long time before results are yielded!


You've had plenty of time to reform cronyism, endemic corruption, unacceptable road trauma, imprisonment of "rich" criminals, ad infinitum ad nauseam.


Stop with the excuses! :post-4641-1156693976:

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He also said Thailand needed to manage its water resourcescarefully and efficiently in order to prevent a future shortage of water.

and next week 

He also said Thailand needed to manage its water resourcescarefully and efficiently in order to prevent a flooding of water everywhere 

obviously he commands sun - drops his trousers (sorry lifts up his traditional outfit ) shines from his backside - wants rain goes for a pee asks a frog etc - he's dillusional 



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" ...... What will we do without rainfall?”  Answer ! Think proactively and spend some of that 91,200,000,000 baht on future planning of water resources instead of on unnecessary spy satellites.

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3 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

It will take shorter time under an elected government without you and your kind staging coups over and over again. Just admit that military men like you can’t govern as you out of depth. 

If only that were true Eric. Elected governments have done little to address poverty, address education, and also get caught repeatedly lying, breaking the law, cheating and lining their own pockets. And many politicians have no more knowledge or skill sets than the military men to do the job.


There is nothing to suggest that will change apart from the small chance that hopefully some of the new parties might be different. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't judge me on results until it is too late to make changes. If you want to talk about poverty lets talk about water! 


But in the end he is right, changes do take time....but will the changes be the ones expected and desired? Where they ever intended to be what the general public would hope for? Has four years been long enough to generate some of the expected results? Look at what is already accomplished, or not accomplished, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the person asking to become the next elected leader.

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I know I said it would work, and I know it hasn't worked. But let me have some more time




I know it will work if I just have some more time. Please elect me...


Tosser. It hasn't worked because you're useless, not for any other reason, you're hopeless. It couldn't work in an iron lung you oaf.



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