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Serial US pedophile jailed for 10 years for having sex with underage boys in Thailand


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Great some pedo who lived in Los before is now behind bars in the US. And? What do you want me to do? Clap? A round of applause? Oh I get it now. It's okay to talk about pedos as long as they're not Muslim pedos. Muslim peadophile chat is not politically correct and may offend the Islamic community.

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49 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Ah, ah, your bias is showing. You went right over the fact that the OP story is about an American and my statements of priests, teachers, and coaches, to attack the MSM. I believe many of these stories are out of MSM news spots. Does it really matter the race, religion, or nationality of a pedophile?

but your story was of widespread pedophilia in a 99% Muslim nation....my point was that while well known, the MSM never gives them proper credit for their crimes against humanity.

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31 minutes ago, moontang said:

but your story was of widespread pedophilia in a 99% Muslim nation....my point was that while well known, the MSM never gives them proper credit for their crimes against humanity.

Horse manure. My story also discussed the OP and told of priests, teachers, coaches--all in the mainstream media. And, I have read many stories of Muslim atrocities in the mainstream media; I even read about 9/11 there?  Do you only read Islamophobic media?

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7 minutes ago, rgraham said:

If they return him to California there will be a ticker tape parade for him, they will place him in a nice condo with servants, etc.

It has nothing to do with California since it is a federal crime.

Usually minimum of 15 years in prison at US federal prison but he got off easy with 10.

Edited by bkk6060
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9 hours ago, KhunFred said:

This kind of story just keeps on hitting the news. When I first moved here, I was convinced that the problem was overblown, now I don't know what to think. The fact that Thailand is becoming known as a "Pedo paradise" reflects badly on all expats.

Speak for yourself! I'm an expat in Thailand and I most certainly don't think that these cases " reflect badly on all expats". They reflect badly only on PAEDOPHILES! Both the expat and the homegrown ones. 

There's no need for the rest of us decent folk to feel any shame just because a guy of the same skin colour committed a crime. 

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9 hours ago, KhunFred said:

This kind of story just keeps on hitting the news. When I first moved here, I was convinced that the problem was overblown, now I don't know what to think. The fact that Thailand is becoming known as a "Pedo paradise" reflects badly on all expats.

Paedophilia is a worldwide epidemic, they are literally everywhere, of many age groups, of all walks of life, of all religions, in all races and nationalities, predominately male, but females are not excluded.


Now since the Internet, it`s never been easier for them to lure in their prey. It seems trying to eradicate paedophiles is like the war on drugs, fighting a losing battle. 


Maybe children should be warned of the dangers as part of their school curriculum. There should also be helplines setup where children can phone and report paedophiles. Whatever, children should be made more aware and how to spot the signs they are being groomed. Education and awareness is the key.

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14 hours ago, Tony Hanscomb said:

Why does he not fancy this lovely lady just as a normal bloke does?




tell me that isnt a photoshopped picture, please.


if it isnt i now know what andrew dice clay was referring to with the line "had to butter her hips to get her through the doorway"

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it takes 2 to tango. the other part of the problem in thailand is the procurers or facilitators that can be friends, friends of the family, or even family members that for money, will do just about anything. now these procurers know to prefer us citizen pedophiles as the payoff will be much greater thanks to usa law and courts.

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9 hours ago, djayz said:

Speak for yourself! I'm an expat in Thailand and I most certainly don't think that these cases " reflect badly on all expats". They reflect badly only on PAEDOPHILES! Both the expat and the homegrown ones. 

There's no need for the rest of us decent folk to feel any shame just because a guy of the same skin colour committed a crime. 

Your rejoinder illustrates the problem. "The rest of us decent folk" are assumed by the general public to be retired in a first world country where we could barely survive on pensions. I frequently encounter hostile posters from America and Britain on internet fora and elsewhere, who make accusatory statements, usually dealing with ladyboys or pedophilia. The simple truth that Thailand is a cost-effective retirement destination does not carry any weight with these bigots. It's far more common than you realize and these types would say the same thing about YOU, whether you feel any "shame" or not. The mere hint of such behaviour makes many people suspicious, especially if they never travel or have xenophobic tendencies. Glad that you are untouched by any accusatory blather from homegrown countrymen.

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On 6/6/2018 at 8:09 PM, ezzra said:

Sadly, there are huge number of men who belong to a vast networks of guys who's fetish is having sex with underage boys and girls, even sadder is the fact that this is very hard to control or regulate and it's here to stay no matter what the costs will be be for those men.....

Correct. And the reason is that these young boys are voluntarely giving their bodies to be used for money. And the money is not used to bring food on the table (in most cases)..... And before anyone gets exasperated, I can assure you that I'm not advocating sex with children.

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  • 5 months later...
On 6/6/2018 at 10:09 PM, ezzra said:

Sadly, there are huge number of men who belong to a vast networks of guys who's fetish is having sex with underage boys and girls, even sadder is the fact that this is very hard to control or regulate and it's here to stay no matter what the costs will be be for those men.....

Yes, the network we call Catholic Church

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Many pedos still in Thai prison , it would have been better to return them all to the US .  There they will get a longer sentence than anywhere else in the world.   


A Norwegian pedo would get psychiatric help and live inside a prison that looks like a hotel ,then he would be a free man after 7-8 years , because he behaved well. 




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