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Thai Police aim to visit 3,900 members of ‘organic marijuana’ Facebook page


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I am totally against the illegalization of marijuana (and in fact all other drugs). But Sanemax's point is quite clear. It's a criticism of policing technique - the cops make a big song and dance aboout what they're going to do and surprise, surprise, by the time they do it, the wrongdoers have absconded. This is standard operating procedure in Thailand.. 

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38 minutes ago, PBarnfeather said:

Marijuana leads ignorant people to other drugs


Then we have two obvious choices:


1. Keep the people ignorant and weave a complex web of restrictive laws around them 'for their own ignorant good'.

2. Educate the people and give them the freedom to run their lives as they see fit.

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8 hours ago, JimmyJ said:


Sanemax loves all forms of government oppression.

"Might makes right" does not equal "sane".


I do feel that the Government is there to uphold the law .

You may disagree with laws or feel that having to comply with laws is "oppression" , but without laws are the upholding of laws , we would live in a madmax world , where the strongest and most violent survive

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Two things come to mind. First, I think all arrests that pertain to either the consumption, the growing or the selling or ganga are ridiculous. An incredible waste of time. Alcohol is far more damaging to society, and one's health. Of course, when it comes to the toy police here, it is rarely about law enforcement, and usually about revenue. Alot of money to be made on these arrests. Sorry, I do not need a lecture about the law. Some laws beg to be broken.


Second, why does anyone post anything the slightest bit sensitive on facebook, under their real names? What are they thinking? Do they not understand what an open book it is, and how much government uses that platform to investigate and prosecute people? 



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2 hours ago, PBarnfeather said:

Marijuana leads ignorant people to other drugs -- Canada is wrong.


It does, but the reason it does is because those people are exposed to other drugs through buying marijuana from illegal sources that also sell other drugs.  In Holland, where marijuana has been available for a long time, they have seen a reduction in drug use, despite having the drug easily and legally available in every town, consumption by young people is now the lowest in Western Europe and continuing to fall, as has other drug use.  Compare that to their neighbouring countries where marijuana is illegal and use is increasing along with other drug use and it is clear that legalisation can actually reduce use over time.  The same was true of alcohol prohibition in the US, consumption reached an all time high, people are drawn to the illicit, particularly young people, but make it legal and they just see it as another sad thing that some sad people do and lose interest.

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22 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Of course, when it comes to the toy police here, it is rarely about law enforcement, and usually about revenue. Alot of money to be made on these arrests.



Agree. I would say this is one of the 4 main reasons for the criminalizing of drugs or in this case marijuana:


1) Not only Thailand but worldwide prisons and "Law Enforcement" is a major industry.

These are easy arrests which keep the jails full which keeps LEOs being hired.


2) It is protectionism for the legal drugs of alcohol and tobacco, which are very dangerous to health.

As oppressive as many Muslim regimes are, they are not hypocrites in this area - if they ban drugs, they include alcohol.


3) It is an easy talking point to calm people upset about the horrors of modern "civilization" - IF ONLY we didn't have those horrible drugs, it would solve problems X, Y, Z, etc., etc.

Solutions for simpletons.


4) The money flowing in from the sale of illegal drugs (which keeps the prices high) flows out to many in many professions.

It is in their interest to keep these illegal.

The mob in the USA made a fortune during alcohol Prohibition.

Edited by JimmyJ
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4 minutes ago, JimmyJ said:

Agree. I would say this is one of the 4 main reasons for the criminalizing of drugs or in this case marijuana:


1) Not only Thailand but worldwide prisons and "Law Enforcement" is a major industry.

These are easy arrests which keep the jails full which keeps LEOs being hired.


2) It is protectionism for the legal drugs of alcohol and tobacco, which are very dangerous to health.

As oppressive as many Muslim regimes are, they are not hypocrits in this area - if they ban drugs, they include alcohol.


3) It is an easy talking point to calm people upset about the horrors of modern "civilization" - IF ONLY we didn't have those horrible drugs, it would solve problems X, Y, Z, etc., etc.

Solutions for simpletons.


4) The money flowing in from the sale of illegal drugs (which keeps the prices high) flows out to many in many professions.

It is in their interest to keep these illegal.

The mob in the USA made a fortune during alcohol Prohibition.



As oppressive as many Muslim regimes are, they are not hypocrits in this area - if they ban drugs, they include alcohol.

Except several Muslim countries banned alcohol a long time before cannabis, and only banned cannabis after pressure from the US.

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9 hours ago, JimmyJ said:


Sanemax loves all forms of government oppression.

"Might makes right" does not equal "sane".


I believe you have misinterpreted his comment.However,

I did see an important  documentary on this marijuana stuff and it sure gave me the willies. We're lucky the BiB can find time to attack this craze!!!




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5 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Afghan, Iran, Lebanon, for example.

Ahhh, no wonder those countries are always having people go kaboom or violence.

It's that dope.


Lucky, I saw this ad and it helped me understand the crisis..




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7 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Marijuana was banned in Iran in 1524 , before USA existed


They had but by the 1900's they were traders and on joining the UN and signing the Single Convention banning all drugs, they claimed an exemption that later was withdrawn, but again they are fighting to get that exemption made, they have continued to tolerate use throughout the period and they are one of just a handful of countries challenging the UN for the right to legalise cannabis.

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bought the seeds from england eh. probably originally from holland. there was and maybe still is a massive grow shop on an industrial estate in fulham, went there years ago with a friend. can buy 20 ft long grow trays all the lights and chemicals which were all industrial sized containers. seeds, growing guides, ventilation systems the lot. when we were there these chinese guys or maybe vietnamese were filling up the back of a transit with shit loads of stuff and i wondered if the police ever watched the place because those guy's weren't doing a little crop indoors for personal use that's for sure. i don't think the police are too bothered about that in the uk, i think the main worry with these grow home set ups is they are often put together by people who don't know what they are doing and can pose fire risks

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first time I have seen hash expressed in cubic centimeters.  Be careful what you wish for.  You can't grow within 25 miles of a dispensary in Arizona and Nevada.  Talk about  mob  control....Meanwhile your local

S inaloa  Cartel distributor is charging 1.50 per gram...no tax.  I wonder how the Sheriff got the money for the 40,000 dollar horses and the Customs Agent got the new motorhome...

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On 6/9/2018 at 11:44 AM, Kieran00001 said:


They had but by the 1900's they were traders and on joining the UN and signing the Single Convention banning all drugs, they claimed an exemption that later was withdrawn, but again they are fighting to get that exemption made, they have continued to tolerate use throughout the period and they are one of just a handful of countries challenging the UN for the right to legalise cannabis.

When I was there in the 70s the government issued opium to addicts just as in the UK in the 60s when we had less than a hundred addicts doctors could issue prescriptions for H. Prohibition never works and encourages, crime, police corruption, narco terrorism and is a failed policy. The war on drugs is a war on the people. A stupid waste of time, money and resources. 

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