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Video: Truck driver flies through the air to his death


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6 hours ago, shady86 said:

Accord driver really luck because no car at the next lane during evasion. Else more lives could be lost. These trucks should be banned from motorways.

Trucks are not the problem. It takes a driver to make a truck dangerous

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8 minutes ago, FitnessHealthTravel said:


I knew there are a lot of Adverts done about seatbelts, so this triggered me to go youtube for 'driver ejected from car' 



there's a lot of real life de ja vues on this...

tho' I recall last a year a Volkswagon? advert eerily similar... one of those (blink and you miss it), ones...

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8 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

1st photo looks like the opening scenes from DeadPool !!





And so say all of us?......Deepest condolences for the family, friends and loved ones of the deceased.

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I read another report that stated that the driver fell asleep at the wheel. This would explain his uncontrolled course into the central reservation. Thank goodness no one else was killed. RIP

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No seat belts , probably alcohol or drugs in his blood , what could possibly go wrong ? 

At least this time only only one victim . The innocent ones survived. 


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7 hours ago, robblok said:

I drive a lot around the Bangkok area and the majority of drivers are not a problem at all. There is just a part that is like you describe dangerous but the average driver not really a problem. Maybe its different in other parts of the country. In BKK there is a lot of one way traffic so its hard to be real stupid there.

I do agree with what you say but on the whole Thai drivers are ignorant  meaning they have not had the proper road craft taught them .

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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Not sure anyone would have survived that crash, but how on earth do you get on a highway in Thailand, much less anywhere else, and NOT put on your seat belt, if you value your own life, and that of others?

The deceased was probably a faithful Buddhist ,they are protected by amulets and stuff like that . No need for a seat belt, helmets or anything like that . 




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2 hours ago, HAKAPALITA said:

What caused it, hope not a retired old ferang coot, pulling out, that would realy ruin a good Thai Bash. Has there been a report yet,?.

AFAIK, they don't do traffic forensics in LOS but I am with those that reckon the deceased truckie was from the local school of road muppetry.

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9 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

if his truck had smashed into your family

what would you say now , its ok, his was only doing his job  ?

dont forget its ok as he was  "poor"

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screaming about crazy truck drivers??? maiby the car have a malfunction?

What i do know is when the STOPIT 'lady' who drive the accord, drove on the LEFT side of the road, like she /he in thailand have to do if there no traffic in front of you he would be alive!!!!!

So ratcatcher  ( I was relieved to see the young lady driver of the Accord is uninjured.) , your young lady was at fault there.....

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Not sure anyone would have survived that crash, but how on earth do you get on a highway in Thailand, much less anywhere else, and NOT put on your seat belt, if you value your own life, and that of others?


Being Thai helps, but then you knew that.


All sympathies to the family of the driver, because it's them who will ultimately bear the burden of the consequences of his stupidity.


No need for seat-belts, Thais know best. Had he been wearing a belt, perhaps he might have survived. Will any Thais learn from that? I doubt it, they already know best.

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10 hours ago, essox essox said:

does it matter where the truck is from??

makes NO difference where driver/truck comes from they are ALL bad drivers ..!!

Objection you cant say that, after all there could well be one competent truck driver out there even though he only works part - time

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10 hours ago, HAKAPALITA said:

Whatever, but i see a poor working Thai flying through the air about to die and some self righteous perfect Ferangs stating the obvious.Shame on You.

There would be no need to state the obvious if the poor working Thai had just a little awareness of self preservation

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11 hours ago, sweatalot said:

no seatbelt. I guess no check for alcohol and drugs.

I guess   those Thai "drivers" don't even need alcohol or drugs to achieve their outstanding driving performance.

In photo it Looks like he had no shoes on as well

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9 minutes ago, metisdead said:

Some callous troll posts and the replies have been removed. 


Off topic posts and replies about driving in Australia have been removed. 


Inflammatory posts and the replies have been removed. 

Thanks it gives me a lot less to wad through

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