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Why the Grass always seems to be Greener

By Dan Cheeseman




It would have been all to easy for me to simply blog on travel in and around Thailand. More so as I know from a survey I carried out last month that this is what most readers want to know about. It was with good fortune however that debate on Thailand matters came second, you see this is where my passion rests. I think a lot, too much in fact and I use this site fundamentally to share my feelings and opinions on my experience of living in Thailand.


What do readers of Dan about Thailand want to read


Just for your interest, I had just over 50 replies to the poll – so fairly small – but useful nonetheless. Here is the top 10, in order, things people say they want to read about on Thailand from my site. I was some what surprised to see ‘working in Thailand’ as having the least interest as I get many messages from readers asking for advice on just that subject.




Is the Grass always Greener?


This blog is in follow up to a couple of things. Firstly, my last vlog that discussed my reason for leaving the UK to come and live in Thailand and then secondly a comment I received regarding this. The vlog turned out to be one of my strongest posts in a couple of months and did particularly well on my social networks where it got well over 100 likes and 25 shares. It hit a chord of making the most of your short time on this world and having the confidence to make big decisions on your life and where it is heading, even if it turns out to be the wrong decision.


Full story: https://danaboutthailand.com/2018/06/16/why-the-grass-always-seems-to-be-greener/


-- DAN ABOUT THAILAND 2018-06-18


I have always been told the Grass is always greener on the other side because you "f'ed it up on your side"???  Post of the year.  Ho Hum.???

  • Haha 1

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