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Mexico calls migrant children separation 'inhumane,' 'racist'


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26 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

what an obtuse ridiculous statement. Mexico is half the problem, they allow it and take bribes to allow it. the whole thing is being blown out of proportion for votes. A very easy fix to the laws and this goes away, except for the liberal media

Yes racist corrupt Mexicans. Do as well say gringos! Otherwise we call you racist.



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4 hours ago, Justfine said:

The parents are the bad ones. They use kids as bargaining chips.

If you consider Trump in this quote I agree. He definitely is using the kids as bargaining chips.

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16 minutes ago, BTB1977 said:

So why dosn't Mexico stop them from entering the united states. Care for them and give them free goverment housing and goverment money. Problem solved. 

First of all, Mexico does have enforcement in place to stop Central Americans from crossing their southern border.  

What percentage of illegal aliens does the American border patrol stop? Given that Mexico is a much poorer country with less resources, and that central americans look like many mexicans, why would you expect them to be able to stop all or even most?

And do you think possible, just maybe, there's an outside chance that Trump's constant trash talking about Mexicans and Mexico might have slightly diminished their zeal to assist ICE?

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9 hours ago, foxboy said:

I hear lots of anger and disgust at Trump's policy, but I still haven't heard a workable solution to the problem. 'Catch and release' is no deterrent, they will be back the next day. So how do you deter illegal immigrants from crossing borders? Can anybody tell me.. or do you just let them all in?

200 lashes with a horse whip

Old school

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7 hours ago, stevenl said:

If you consider Trump in this quote I agree. He definitely is using the kids as bargaining chips.

Boat people add kids to boats to do it. Happens the world over. A lot of Sri Lankans have been doing it.



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2 hours ago, Justfine said:

Boat people add kids to boats to do it. Happens the world over. A lot of Sri Lankans have been doing it.



So that justifies this, ok.


USA same level as Sri Lanka and people smugglers.

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12 hours ago, foxboy said:

I hear lots of anger and disgust at Trump's policy, but I still haven't heard a workable solution to the problem. 'Catch and release' is no deterrent, they will be back the next day. So how do you deter illegal immigrants from crossing borders? Can anybody tell me.. or do you just let them all in?

Sadly we need to remove the emotion from our collective rhetoric. "Solutions" are probably out there. Please watch the video I posted (Post 52).


I think many people want to help our fellow human beings, not sure President Trump is against helping. However, his political agenda will have political components which are anti-human.


China supports ALL dictatorships, torturers, Junta's, fascist governments, EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY THAT ENGAGES IN HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS IS SUPPORTED AND OFTEN FUNDED BY CHINA. China will veto ANY country attempting to stop any of those governments improving their human rights.  Much to the disgust of MANY (If not MOST) Chinese people. 


Mark my words, Just watch them manipulate North Korea, they CANNOT AND WILL NOT permit President Trump and his allies to succeed in bringing about peace & prosperity to the Korean Peninsular.  


Personally I think we need to support  "the free world" including the  POTUS. By all means, lobby for him/her to tweak their policies.  They are not omnipotent! 


Under it's present dictatorship, China cannot EVER assist, where human rights are concerned. Attacking the leaders of countries "calling out" China, be it on trade, human rights, etc.. etc.. is IMHO counterproductive.


We must too, separate the beautiful Chinese people, from the dictatorship that rules them and support them in their quest to transition to a more humanitarian style of Government. 


Ultimately there is no single answer, in the past we used WAR to change things - Let us use our intellect as a species, to find a different way..

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12 hours ago, attrayant said:


You're right, it's in the top SIX!




I hereby amend my statement to read "one of the richest".





2012 data??


This is very out of date.


USA is currently ranked #11. Next time, please check your facts, rather than finding archaic graphs just to support an incorrect statement.




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20 minutes ago, Monomial said:


2012 data??


This is very out of date.


USA is currently ranked #11. Next time, please check your facts, rather than finding archaic graphs just to support an incorrect statement.




Lots of tiny, special countries in that top ten. Looking at populated, large economies USA is #1.

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2 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Lots of tiny, special countries in that top ten. Looking at populated, large economies USA is #1. 


Maybe so, but I come from the poor half of the USA, and an awful lot of people in America don't feel "rich". There is huge disparity when talking averages, and in addition to being a large economy, the USA also has a very bad distribution of income.  That is a more important consideration than size.


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what an obtuse ridiculous statement. Mexico is half the problem, they allow it and take bribes to allow it. the whole thing is being blown out of proportion for votes. A very easy fix to the laws and this goes away, except for the liberal media
There is no 'law to fix. This is a Trump policy recently set of course without any thought to the outcome

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