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Trump tries to defuse immigrant crisis, but policy hit by confusion


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Trump tries to defuse immigrant crisis, but policy hit by confusion

By Richard Cowan and Steve Holland



FILE PHOTO: Immigrant children walk in single file at the facility near the Mexican border in Tornillo, Texas, June 19, 2018. REUTERS/Mike Blake


WASHINGTON/MCALLEN, Texas (Reuters) - President Donald Trump ordered federal agencies on Thursday to begin reuniting immigrant families recently separated at the U.S.-Mexico border, but his efforts to roll back a policy that drew global condemnation were beset by confusion.


Despite Trump's order, it remained unclear how and when more than 2,300 children who have been separated from their parents in the past few weeks would be reunited with them, and where the families would be held while the parents face criminal charges.


It was also not clear if the government would keep prosecuting cases against people caught crossing the border illegally.


While prosecutors said they were not dismissing any cases, some hearings on Thursday did not proceed as scheduled. In McAllen, Texas, 17 immigrants were told by their public defenders that their cases were not proceeding for now.


Separately, the U.S. military was asked by the government to get ready to house up to 20,000 unaccompanied immigrant children at military bases, Pentagon spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Jamie Davis said.


Video footage of children who had been separated from parents sitting in cages and an audiotape of wailing children had sparked worldwide anger over Trump's "zero tolerance" immigration policies.


The fierce criticism forced Trump to backtrack and sign an executive order on Wednesday to keep families together in detention during immigration proceedings.


First lady Melania Trump on Thursday visited children displaced by the immigration crisis .


But the olive green jacket she wore as she boarded the plane for Texas - daubed with the words "I REALLY DON'T CARE, DO U?" on the back - appeared to undercut the message of compassion.


The White House responded to criticism by saying there was no hidden message. "It's a jacket," said Stephanie Grisham, Melania Trump's spokeswoman. "After today's important visit to Texas, I hope the media isn't going to choose to focus on her wardrobe."



In a filing in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, the Justice Department asked a judge to modify a 1997 settlement that has been interpreted as setting a 20-day limit on detaining children who entered the country illegally, regardless of whether they entered with a parent.


It also sought an exemption from state licensing requirements for federal facilities that house the children.


The Justice Department said the recent surge in the number of illegal border crossings by families had created a "destabilising migratory crisis" that put those families at risk and threatened public safety.


"Under current law and legal rulings," the Justice Department said, "it is not possible for the U.S. government to detain families together during the pendency of their immigration proceedings. It cannot be done."


During a Cabinet meeting at the White House, Trump said he did not want to separate children from their parents and had directed the departments of Justice, Homeland Security and Health and Human Services "to work together to keep illegal immigrant families together during the immigration process and to reunite these previously separated groups."


The executive order was an unusual retreat for Trump, who made cracking down on illegal immigration a key part of his presidential campaign.


It moves parents with children to the front of the line for immigration proceedings, but the Trump administration said it did not end the 10-week-old zero tolerance policy that calls for prosecution of immigrants crossing the border illegally under the country's criminal entry statute.


The U.S. Border Patrol will continue to refer for prosecution adults who are caught crossing the border illegally, a spokesman for the Customs and Border Protection said on Thursday.


"Family unity will be maintained for families apprehended crossing the border illegally, and they will be transferred together to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement," the spokesman said in a statement.


The administration also has sought a permanent legislative fix on the issue, but the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday rejected a bill favoured by conservatives that would have halted the practice of splitting up families and addressed a range of other immigration issues.


The House rejected the conservative bill on a 193-231 vote, with 41 Republicans joining the opposition. It also postponed until Friday a vote on a compromise bill in order to try to drum up more support.


Both House bills, backed by Trump but opposed by Democrats and immigration advocacy groups, would fund the wall Trump has proposed along the U.S. border with Mexico and reduce legal migration, in part by denying visas for some relatives of U.S. residents and citizens living abroad.


(Reporting by Richard Cowan and Steve Holland; Additional reporting by Tim Ahmann, Amanda Becker, James Oliphant and Yeganeh Torbati in Washington and Mitchell Ferman in McAllen, Texas; Writing by John Whitesides; Editing by Bill Trott and Peter Cooney)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-06-22
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To keep things in perspective here, far from the public going along with the media frenzy and excuse to abuse President Trump, the public blame the parents for the child immigrant crisis. 




 Still, this latest nonsense is refreshing seeing as they have finally stopped banging on about Russia. Small mercies.

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I still can't figure out why they haven't erected a gigantic gold and neon "TRUMP TENT CITY" sign yet?


One single person needs to be designated with the power and authority to sort this mess (separation of children and families) out. As it stands now you've all manner of buffoons talking and pointing.



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This is not about the children. This is about Trump. The left couldn’t give a rat’s anus about the kids. Trump committed the unforgivable sin. He won the election. And now, it has caused the left to completely lose their minds. When you defend MS-13, you have lost your mind.

The law that is causing so much turmoil is; Reno vs Flores,  It was enacted in 1992, challenged in 1993 and reaffirmed by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The 1997 settlement agreement in 

Flores v. Reno set national standards for the treatment and placement of minors in what was then Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) custody. INS obligations under the agreement are now the responsibility of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).  


The law was initially enacted to “deter and discourage” this type of illegal immigration. But, it failed. Parents continued to send children “unaccompanied” to enter the U.S.  Note “one 12 year old girl questioned by border patrol officers with a pocket full of birth control pills her mother sent her with knowing full well what would happen to her on her long journey to the U.S.” Another, just one day ago,  “POSTED: JUN 21 2018 10:51AM EDT, UPDATED: JUN 21 2018 12:39PM EDT, NEW YORK (FOX5NY) - A 6-year-old Costa Rican boy was rescued by U.S. Border Patrol agents after he was abandoned on a border road in Arizona on Tuesday evening. The agents discovered the boy just north of the border west of Lukeville in temperatures over 100 degrees.

The child claimed that he was dropped off by "his uncle" and that Border Patrol would pick him up.”


The left does not condemn these parents. They condemn Trump, because he beat their favorite.

Bush separated families. Obama separated families. And now, Trump separates families. But, that was Bush and Obama. This is Trump, the scum of the earth.

Now, Trump has signed an executive order allowing families to stay together. Problem solved, Not. They must keep this issue in the headlines because the Russian narrative is on its last breath. If you want proof that the left are not interested in the children, but only interested in bringing down Trump, all you have to do is wait a few days or a week or two and you will see some leftist activist or left activist group file a law suit again Trump something about, he has overstepped his authority or something to that effect. The left is really to be pitied.

Oh, and by the way, the little iconic "crying girl" on the cover on "TIME" magazine, in today's news, the father stated that the girl was never separated  from her mother. Check it out.

Have a great day.

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U.S. Prepares Housing Up to 20,000 Migrants on Military Bases


WASHINGTON — The United States is preparing to shelter as many as 20,000 migrant children on four American military bases, a Pentagon spokesman said on Thursday, as federal officials struggled to carry out President Trump’s order to keep immigrant families together after they are apprehended at the border.


The 20,000 beds at bases in Texas and Arkansas would house “unaccompanied alien children,” said a Pentagon spokesman, Lt. Col. Michael Andrews, although other federal agencies provided conflicting explanations about how the shelters would be used and who would be housed there. There were reports of widespread confusion on the border.


It was unclear whether the military housing would also house the parents of children in migrant families that have been detained, and officials at the White House, the Defense Department and the Department of Health and Human Services said on Thursday that they could not provide details.



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Trump administration asks court to alter decree to OK family detention


The Justice Department asked a federal judge on Thursday to alter a decades-old settlement in order to allow the Trump administration to implement a new policy for detaining families taken into immigration custody after crossing the border with Mexico.


The emergency motion, filed with U.S. District Court Judge Dolly Gee in Los Angeles, seeks to change provisions in the so-called Flores agreement that typically bar detention of minors for more than 20 days, as well as a requirement that children be held in facilities licensed as state-approved daycare centers.





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And what's with Melania's jacket? Thought she had a little common sense, but seems not. Of course marrying a total moron isn't sensible either except for his money. But doesn't that make her ultimately a prostitute? Hmmm...



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9 hours ago, jb61 said:

This is not about the children. This is about Trump. The left couldn’t give a rat’s anus about the kids. Trump committed the unforgivable sin. He won the election. And now, it has caused the left to completely lose their minds. When you defend MS-13, you have lost your mind.

The law that is causing so much turmoil is; Reno vs Flores,  It was enacted in 1992, challenged in 1993 and reaffirmed by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The 1997 settlement agreement in 

Flores v. Reno set national standards for the treatment and placement of minors in what was then Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) custody. INS obligations under the agreement are now the responsibility of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).  


The law was initially enacted to “deter and discourage” this type of illegal immigration. But, it failed. Parents continued to send children “unaccompanied” to enter the U.S.  Note “one 12 year old girl questioned by border patrol officers with a pocket full of birth control pills her mother sent her with knowing full well what would happen to her on her long journey to the U.S.” Another, just one day ago,  “POSTED: JUN 21 2018 10:51AM EDT, UPDATED: JUN 21 2018 12:39PM EDT, NEW YORK (FOX5NY) - A 6-year-old Costa Rican boy was rescued by U.S. Border Patrol agents after he was abandoned on a border road in Arizona on Tuesday evening. The agents discovered the boy just north of the border west of Lukeville in temperatures over 100 degrees.

The child claimed that he was dropped off by "his uncle" and that Border Patrol would pick him up.”


The left does not condemn these parents. They condemn Trump, because he beat their favorite.

Bush separated families. Obama separated families. And now, Trump separates families. But, that was Bush and Obama. This is Trump, the scum of the earth.

Now, Trump has signed an executive order allowing families to stay together. Problem solved, Not. They must keep this issue in the headlines because the Russian narrative is on its last breath. If you want proof that the left are not interested in the children, but only interested in bringing down Trump, all you have to do is wait a few days or a week or two and you will see some leftist activist or left activist group file a law suit again Trump something about, he has overstepped his authority or something to that effect. The left is really to be pitied.

Oh, and by the way, the little iconic "crying girl" on the cover on "TIME" magazine, in today's news, the father stated that the girl was never separated  from her mother. Check it out.

Have a great day.

Your post is full of falsehoods, it's hard to know where to begin.   First of all, this policy was condemned by many, many Trump supporters and many in the Republican party.   It had precious little support.   


People have been and most likely will continue to be detained crossing the border.   It happens with legal and illegal crossings.   Children not accompanied by a parent are held until an appropriate caretaker can be found.   Children found wandering in a mall may be detained until a parent/caretaker shows up for them.   Unaccompanied minors are a special category.   Both examples that you quote, without a source, are unaccompanied minors.   Do you think that those involved in smuggling take any interest in them once they get them across the border?   Do you think they get them an apartment, go buy food and get them all settled?   


Children crossing with their parents do not need to be separated as a routine matter, which this policy dictated.   


People crossing the border may be detained for all kinds of reason from being suspected of having a contagious illness to suspected criminal activity.   



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23 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

Not only that, because now it seems that many of these children have been forced to take sedatives and tranquilizers to keep them calm. Who would do a thing like that? It's just sickening.


21 hours ago, Becker said:

The Swamp King is again befouling the cover of Time. He must be so proud!!




Despite their own failure to properly alert readers to the shortcomings of Rosenberg’s article, WaPo had no issues dragging Time magazine. Aaron Blake wrote an article on Time’s “major mistake” and accused them of making a “big assumption” about the young child’s status.“The use of this photo damaged that entire effort — no matter how pristine the motives were.”


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21 hours ago, Becker said:

The Swamp King is again befouling the cover of Time. He must be so proud!!




Time has scored a huge own goal here. Dishonest media trying to peddle lies? Well it seems:-


1)The mother and daughter were never separated - at any point.


2)The mother kidnapped the daughter from the father - who in in employment back home and not fearful for his life.


3)The mother was deported from the US back in 2013


4)They were not escaping violence.


5)The mother payed a people smuggler up to $6,000 for the trip.


Oh dear!



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12 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Time has scored a huge own goal here. Dishonest media trying to peddle lies? Well it seems:-


1)The mother and daughter were never separated - at any point.


2)The mother kidnapped the daughter from the father - who in in employment back home and not fearful for his life.


3)The mother was deported from the US back in 2013


4)They were not escaping violence.


5)The mother payed a people smuggler up to $6,000 for the trip.


Oh dear!



What I learned today is the  deranged left are refusing to recognize Permanent Separation. Sick ,I think  the Independent voters can see through the total melt down of these Bigoted sub human's that refuse to denounce these criminals coming in to America, illegally . 

Edited by riclag
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35 minutes ago, riclag said:

What I learned today is the  deranged left are refusing to recognize Permanent Separation. Sick ,I think  the Independent voters can see through the total melt down of these Bigoted sub human's that refuse to denounce these criminals coming in to America, illegally .


Those "bigoted sub-humans" being a big big majority of Americans:


Polls: Trump’s family separation policy is very unpopular — except among Republicans

"Two new polls find that the US government policy of separating children from their parents at the Mexican border is very unpopular with the general public, but retains majority support among Republicans.

Sixty-six percent of voters — including 91 percent of Democrats and 68 percent of independents — told Quinnipiac they opposed the policy. Whites with college degrees were likelier than non-college whites to oppose the policy, and young people of all races were likelier to oppose it than old people."



Why do you hate Americans so much?

Edited by bristolboy
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1 hour ago, riclag said:

What I learned today is the  deranged left are refusing to recognize Permanent Separation. Sick ,I think  the Independent voters can see through the total melt down of these Bigoted sub human's that refuse to denounce these criminals coming in to America, illegally . 

Are you calling me a sub-human? If so then I guess the mods are giving you barely literate knuckle draggers a lot of latitude.

Oh, and just to be clear since you're obviously not a stable genius I must point out that what I have a problem with is the Swap Kings' handling of the immigration issue (and many other things) not the policy of stopping illegal immigration.

Got it now?

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